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HTFS 2004 User Guide

Copyright Version Number: 2004 Copyright  1981 - 2004 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Aspen ACOL™, Aspen ACX™, Aspen APLE™, Aspen Adsim™, Aspen Aerotran™, Aspen CatRef®, Aspen Chromatography®, Aspen Custom Modeler®, Aspen Decision Analyzer™, Aspen Dynamics®, Aspen Enterprise Engineering™, Aspen FCC®, Aspen Hetran™, Aspen Hydrocracker®, Aspen Hydrotreater™, Aspen Icarus Process Evaluator™, Aspen Icarus Project Manager™, Aspen Kbase™, Aspen Plus®, Aspen Plus® HTRI®, Aspen OLI™, Aspen OnLine®, Aspen PEP Process Library™, Aspen Plus BatchFrac™, Aspen Plus Optimizer™, Aspen Plus RateFrac™, Aspen Plus SPYRO®, Aspen Plus TSWEET®, Aspen Split™, Aspen WebModels™, Aspen Pinch®, Aspen Properties™, Aspen SEM™, Aspen Teams™, Aspen Utilities™, Aspen Water™, Aspen Zyqad™, COMThermo®, COMThermo TRC Database™, Aspen DISTIL™, Aspen DISTIL Complex Columns Module™, Aspen FIHR™, Aspen FLARENET™, Aspen FRAN™, Aspen HX-Net®, Aspen HX-Net Assisted Design Module™, Aspen Hyprotech Server™, Aspen HYSYS®, Aspen HYSYS Optimizer™, ACM Model Export™, Aspen HYSYS Amines™, Aspen HYSYS Crude Module™, Aspen HYSYS Data Rec™, Aspen HYSYS DMC+ Link™, Aspen HYSYS Dynamics™, Aspen HYSYS Electrolytes™, Aspen HYSYS Lumper™, Aspen HYSYS Neural Net™, Aspen HYSYS Olga Transient™, Aspen HYSYS OLGAS 3-Phase™, Aspen HYSYS OLGAS™, Aspen HYSYS PIPESIM Link™, Aspen HYSYS Pipesim Net™, Aspen HYSYS PIPESYS™, Aspen HYSYS RTO™, Aspen HYSYS Sizing™, Aspen HYSYS Synetix Reactor Models™, Aspen HYSYS Tacite™, Aspen HYSYS Upstream™, Aspen HYSYS for Ammonia Plants™, Aspen MUSE™, Aspen PIPE™, Aspen Polymers ®, Aspen Process Manuals™, Aspen BatchSEP™, Aspen Process Tools™, Aspen ProFES 2P Tran™, Aspen ProFES 2P Wax™, Aspen ProFES 3P Tran™, Aspen ProFES Tranflo™, Aspen STX™, Aspen TASC-Thermal™, Aspen TASC-Mechanical™, the aspen leaf logo and Enterprise Optimization are trademarks or registered trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc., Cambridge, MA. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. This document is intended as a guide to using AspenTech's software. This documentation contains AspenTech proprietary and confidential information and may not be disclosed, used, or copied without the prior consent of AspenTech or as set forth in the applicable license agreement. Users are solely responsible for the proper use of the software and the application of the results obtained. Although AspenTech has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, the sole warranty for the software may be found in the applicable license agreement between AspenTech and the user. ASPENTECH MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENTATION, ITS QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


Corporate Aspen Technology, Inc. Ten Canal Park Cambridge, MA 02141-2201 USA Phone: (1) (617) 949-1000 Toll Free: (1) (888) 996-7001 Fax: (1) (617) 949-1030 URL:

Related Documentation In addition to online help systems available via the product applications, a number of printable documents are provided to help users learn and use the HTFS family of products: Title


HTFS Installation Guide.pdf

Describes the installation routine

HTFS User Guide.pdf

Provides an overview of the HTFS family of products

ACOL Reference Guide.pdf

User instructions for the ACOL product

ACOL Getting Started Guide.pdf APLE Reference Guide.pdf

User instructions for the APLE product

APLE Getting Started Guide.pdf MUSE Reference Guide.pdf MUSE Getting Started Guide.pdf FIHR Reference Guide.pdf

User instructions for the MUSE product User instructions for the FIHR product

FIHR Getting Started Guide.pdf FRAN Reference Guide.pdf

User instructions for the FRAN product

FRAN Getting Started Guide.pdf PIPE Reference Guide.pdf

User instructions for the PIPE product

PIPE Getting Started Guide.pdf TASC Thermal Reference Guide.pdf TASC Thermal Getting Started Guide.pdf TASC Mechanical Reference Guide.pdf TASC Mechanical Getting Started Guide.pdf

User instructions for the TASC Thermal product User instructions for the TASC Mechanical product


Introducing HTFS


1 Introducing HTFS 1.1 The HTFS Family of Products.........................................................3 1.2 HTFS Programs................................................................................4 1.2.1 The Main HTFS Programs .......................................................4 1.2.2 Functionality .............................................................................4 1.2.3 Physical Properties...................................................................5 1.3 TASC Thermal ..................................................................................6 1.4 TASC Mechanical .............................................................................8 1.5 ACOL...............................................................................................10 1.6 MUSE ..............................................................................................12 1.7 FIHR ................................................................................................14 1.8 APLE ...............................................................................................16 1.9 PIPE.................................................................................................18 1.10 FRAN.............................................................................................20 1.11 Back-up for HTFS Programs.......................................................22 1.11.1 Documentation .....................................................................22 1.11.2 Research ..............................................................................22





Introducing HTFS


1.1 The HTFS Family of Products At AspenTech, our business is helping the process industries improve their productivity and profitability through process understanding. In heat exchanger thermal design, this means HTFS, an unparalleled suite of research-validated software. The quality of HTFS is recognised by leading companies worldwide who rely on the methods developed and supported by a unique team of heat transfer experts. HTFS software is based on over 30 years of industrially-led in-house research aimed at reducing the cost of design, manufacture and operation of heat transfer equipment. Application of these accurate, proven solutions, equipment can be confidently designed with less heat transfer area and better pressure drop performance, bringing reductions in material and manufacturing costs, as well as savings in plant operation and production. For those users who need to quality assure calculation methods and validation, HTFS provides access to underlying methods through membership of the HTFS Research Network. HTFS is committed to providing easy-to-use products that unlock the full potential of heat transfer specialist, process engineer in design or operational environments. HTFS software comes complete with extensive screen based help, on-line program manuals and global support, so you are assured of an immediate, trouble-free HTFS solution. HTFS software is developed to ISO9001 (BS5750 Part 1) and ISO9000-3 (BS5750 Part 13 - TickIT). Getting the best return from your investments in process engineering software requires long term compatibility between all the tools used by your company’s design teams. HTFS software is PC-based, operating under Windows (2000 or XP) and is network compatible. It can be run in conjunction with the HYSYS process simulation software from Hyprotech and also has interfaces to third party property databanks, software from Aspen Technology Inc., and Simulation Sciences Inc., Autodesk’s AutoCAD and the Icarus Process Evaluator System (IPM). In addition users can benefit by “cut & paste” data exchange with most Windows business applications.



HTFS Programs

1.2 HTFS Programs 1.2.1 The Main HTFS Programs HTFS has seven main programs, each for a different type of equipment. TASC:

Shell and tube heat exchangers


Air coolers and other crossflow exchangers


Furnaces and fired heaters


Plate-fin heat exchangers


Plate heat exchangers


Boiler feedwater heaters


Unbranched pipework

1.2.2 Functionality The main HTFS programs all offer some or all of the following basic functionality: • • • •


DESIGN - for cost or area optimised thermal design to your specified process conditions and geometrical constraints. CHECKING - to check whether a given exchanger will achieve the required duty for your specified inlet and outlet conditions, giving the ratio of the actual to required surface area. SIMULATION - to calculate the outlet conditions and performance of a given exchanger from your specified inlet conditions. THERMOSYPHON - to calculate the performance of a vertical or horizontal thermosyphon reboiler, the circulation rate, and the pipework pressure drops.

Introducing HTFS


1.2.3 Physical Properties HTFS programs contain the COMThermo properties databank, with 1000+ components, and a choice of methods for vapour-liquid equilibrium and fluid properties calculations. Properties data can be set up and reviewed prior to the main flow and heat exchange calculations. Subsidiary properties facilities available include the 40-component NEL40 databank, which can be used in conjunction with any component for which you provide data, and options to store and recover stream properties in your own databank. HTFS programs can import process and properties data from all the main process simulators. You can also set up a facility whereby you can access and generate data from your company’s own properties data software, while running an HTFS program.



TASC Thermal

1.3 TASC Thermal Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers The TASC program gives you powerful capabilities for a wide range of exchanger applications, including condensers, condensers with desuperheating and cooling, multi-component partial condensers, reboilers, falling film evaporators and multi-shell, multi-phase feedeffluent trains. Figure 1.1TASC Thermal


Introducing HTFS


Functionality The basic TASC Thermal calculations are • • • • •


The Simulation option in TASC is of extended form permitting either inlet conditions, or outlet conditions or flowrate to be calculated (for either stream) given the other two parameters.

Technical Summary • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Multi-shell capability with up to 12 shells in series and any number in parallel. TEMA, E, F, G, H, J, K and X shells. Double pipe and multi-tube hairpin exchangers. Tube Layout optimisation. Graphical input to customise Tube Layout. Plain or low fin tubes, longitudinally finned tubes. Low fin tube database. Single and double segmental baffles, no tubes in window, rod baffles and unbaffled units. Vibration analysis; flow stability checks for thermosyphons. Input in SI, metric or US customary (British) units. Versatile interface between TASC and the HYSYS process simulator. Import from HYSIM, ASPEN PLUS or other process simulators. Setting Plan and TEMA sheet output; optional TEMA style input. Budget costing package - customise to your own labour and materials costs. Specify f and j factors for enhanced tubeside or shellside surfaces.



TASC Mechanical

1.4 TASC Mechanical Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers TASC Mechanical (formerly MECHX) is a fully integrated extension to TASC, for mechanical design of shell and tube heat exchangers. Figure 1.2TASC Mechanical

Functionality • •


DESIGN - for calculation of new equipment CHECKING - for re-rating of existing equipment

Introducing HTFS


Technical Summary • • • • • • • •

TASC Mechanical is designed to manage the interaction of the thermal and mechanical design activities through a comprehensive data review facility. Easy data transfer Thermal to Mechanical and Mechanical to Thermal for a consistent solution. ASME VIII Division 1 (2001 Edition & 1st July 2002 Addenda) Internal and external pressure. ASME II Part D (2001 Edition & 1st July 2002 Addenda) - On-line materials database. PD5500 (2003 Edition) Internal Pressure BS-Online Materials database WRC-107 (1979 Revision) - Local Stresses in spherical and cylindrical shells due to external Loadings. TEMA (Eighth Edition) - Tubesheets, bolted cover deflection.

Output • • • •

Calculation Report - Including front and index sheet. Bill of Materials - User defined item numbers, materials, comprehensive list of parts and finished dimensions. Setting Plan - Scaled drawing showing all major dimensions. Assembly Drawings - Scaled drawings of the major assemblies of the shell and tube heat exchanger.




1.5 ACOL Air-cooled Heat Exchangers (and other Crossflow Exchangers) You can use ACOL to model a wide range of equipment in which air or gas flows over tube bundles; including heat recovery tube banks, economisers, air-conditioning units, wet air dehumidification, refrigeration coils and intercoolers. Figure 1.3ACOL

Functionality • • •


Simulation is an extended form, for outlet conditions or flowrate, as well as special options for ‘fans-off’ and evaluating tubeside fouling. Design is an integrated graphical process aimed at establishing the overall size and configuration of process air-cooled heat exchangers. The checking option calculates a heat transfer area ratio (actual/required) to indicate whether a given exchanger will meet a required duty.


Introducing HTFS


Technical Summary • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Tube/Types - Plain, high fin, low fin, serrated fin, studs, and tubein-plate. Up to 4 different types in each bundle. High-fin Tubes - Integral, G, L, extruded or bi-metallic, shoulder grooved. Stud Types - Circular, rectangular, elliptical, lenticular, and chamfered. Header Types - Box, plug, cover plate, D-header, manifold, and U-tube. Up to 50 passes in simple and complex arrangements. Graphical interface to specify complex pass arrangements. 2 to 100 rows with multiple bundles per bay and multiple bays per unit. Forced draught, induced draught, and no fans. Single-phase heating or cooling; boiling or condensing on the process side. Tube-side Enhancements - Specified on a pass basis; twisted tapes; enhancement factors; j and f input. X-side can be dry air, wet air (dehumidifying) or multi-component gas mixture. Inlet distributions of X-side temperature and velocity can be specified. Performance of proprietary surfaces can be used and stored in a databank. Radiation heat transfer can be taken into account. Special interfaces to CF-P20 fan selection software of Ventilatoren Sirocco Howden BV (VSH). Standard fouling resistance or: tubeside fouling as a function of velocity; temperature; quality; phase or length. X-side fouling as a function of row. A and V-frame air cooled condensers. Non-circular tubes (oval, flat). Fan inlet types. X-side enhancements. Input in SI, metric or US customary (British) units.




1.6 MUSE Plate-fin Heat Exchangers The MUSE suite of programs is for the design and performance simulation of brazed aluminium plate-fin heat exchangers of the type used in cryogenic air separation plant, natural gas processing, liquefied natural gas and petrochemical production. Exchangers can be modelled with up to 15 process streams in co- or counter-current flow and any complexity of exchanger inlet and outlet geometry. Single units and multiple blocks in series or parallel with vertical or horizontal orientations, can be modelled. Thermosyphon reboiler calculations can be performed for either internal or external types. The programs can also be used for plate-fin heat exchangers in stainless steel or titanium. Extensive pressure drop calculations are available for common layouts of inlet and outlet distributors and checks are made for possible flow distribution problems. Figure 1.4MUSE


Introducing HTFS


Functionality • • • •


Simulation can be on a stream by stream or layer by layer basis.

Technical Summary • • • • • • • • • • •

‘Basic’ input option for new users. Exchanger diagram to aid input review. Up to 15 process streams in co-current, counter-current or crossflow with any complexity of exchanger inlet and outlet geometry. Single phase, boiling and condensing (any combination). Vertical or horizontal units. Specify/evaluate stacking pattern. Exchanger, distributor, header and nozzle pressure drop calculations. Multiple exchangers in parallel. Longitudinal thermal conduction effects evaluated. Fin performance correlations included. Accepts SI, metric and US customary (British) units.




1.7 FIHR Fired Heaters The FIHR program is for the simulation of oil and gas fired heaters of the type used in process industry applications such as hot oil heaters, refinery and reactor charge heaters, steam reformers and heat recovery duties. Figure 1.5FIHR

Functionality • •


SIMULATION FUEL FLOWRATE (for a specified duty)

Introducing HTFS


Technical Summary • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Extensive help and firebox and tube bank diagrams to aid input. Firebox radiation modelling by well-stirred method or onedimensional zone method (long furnace model). Up to ten process streams which may pass through different parts of the heater. Process fluid flow co- or counter to the combustion product gases. Single phase and boiling process streams. Multiple paths and passes in firebox and convection section. Gas or oil fired burners. Multiple fuels and multiple oxidants. Cylindrical fireboxes containing vertical hairpin tubes or a refractory backed helical coil. Cabin fireboxes with vertical or horizontal tubes which may be wall mounted or centrally mounted (in single or double rows) with firing on both sides. Single or twin cabin fireboxes. Multi-celled fireboxes. Up to nine convection section tube banks containing plain tubes or extended surfaces (fins or studs). Radiative heat transfer in the tube banks. ’Open’ or ’complex’ flue systems of constant or tapered cross section, or contain two sections of different diameter. Option to specify partial draw-off of flue gases, for example to an air pre-heater. The firebox or convection section can be modelled alone. Accepts SI, metric and US customary (British) units for data input and output. *.PSF file link to process simulators.




1.8 APLE Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers The APLE program is a single solution for the design, checking (rating) and performance simulation of plate heat exchangers, either gasketed plate and frame or brazed plate, of the type used for general heating and cooling duties, including vaporisation and condensation. Figure 1.6APLE

Functionality • • •


Design can either use a specified plate geometry and type, or select from a range of ’typical’ plates.


Introducing HTFS


Technical Summary APLE can deal with the following geometries: • •

• •

• •

Single or multi-pass exchangers (up to 5 passes) with either coor counter-current flow. Having one stream single pass and the other multi-pass is also permitted. DESIGN calculations use a mean coefficient and temperature difference approach, within an iteration to select the number of passes and channels per pass, to meet the constraints on heat load, pressure drop, flow velocity and port pressure loss. DESIGN calculations select from a set of 120 plate sizes, which are not specific to any particular manufacturer, but are ’typical’ of what may be available. Plate geometry can be specified for other calculation types. Iteration takes place over four different chevron angles, and if appropriate over a range of plate sizes to establish possible designs. Chevron angles can range from 30 to 65 degrees (angle to horizontal). EXTEND calculations are a special form of DESIGN, in which you specify the plate to be used and the required number of plates is determined. In SIMULATION and CHECKING modes, there can be a different number of channels in each pass. Calculations are performed on a more detailed basis, with each pass in the exchanger being modelled separately, with 25 calculation points per pass. Full allowance can thus be made for non-linear temperature profiles, and for variation in heat transfer coefficients and pressure gradients. The effects of any flow maldistribution among the plates are also handled. Streams may be single phase, or boiling or condensing. NonNewtonian fluids are also handled. Accepts SI, metric and US customary (British) units for data input and output.




1.9 PIPE For Unbranched Pipelines PIPE is for simulation of pipelines. Allowance is made for bends, fittings and changes of section, single or two-phase flow, and single or multiple chokes. Figure 1.7PIPE

Functionality •


The program relates the inlet pressure, outlet pressure and flowrate in a pipeline. Given any two of these parameters the program calculates the third.


Introducing HTFS


Technical Summary PIPE can determine: • • • • • •

The pressure drop for given mass flowrate and pipeline geometry. The mass flowrate corresponding to a supplied pressure drop and pipeline geometry. The diameter factor to size a pipeline for a given pressure drop and mass flowrate. The critical mass flowrate for a given pressure drop and pipeline geometry for high velocity flow. Perform a ’multiple choke’ calculation (for example, safety valves and relief systems). Accepts SI, metric and US customary (British) units for data input and output.




1.10 FRAN Feedwater Heaters FRAN is a specialist program for power plant feedwater heaters, making allowance for the particular shell and tube geometry used for desuperheating and condensing the steam heat source. Figure 1.8FRAN

Functionality • •



Introducing HTFS


Technical Summary • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • •

Handles one-, two- and three-zone heaters of the shell and tube type. Drain cooling section can be of either the full-pass or split-pass type. Horizontal or vertical orientation. 1 or 2 tube passes. Rear head - U-tube and channel. Counter-current or split flow desuperheating section. Plain tube type. Triangular, rotated triangular, square and rotated square tube layouts. Single or double segmental plate type baffles. For other baffle types details of heat transfer and pressure drop correlations must be supplied. Condensing zone - baffles are considered to be full circle, such that the predominant flow direction is crossflow. FRAN accommodates flash stream and/or drains supplied separately to the heater shell, in addition to the extraction steam from the turbine. Steam and water properties are calculated internally. The effect of special baffle types on heat transfer and pressure drop can be specified by user correlations. Flow induced vibration check. Checks made for wet-wall conditions occurring in the desuperheating zone and for flashing of condensate in the draincooling zone. Condensate re-heat calculation: allowance can be made for heat transfer through the drain-cooler shroud from the steam in the condensing zone to the condensate in the drain-cooler.



Back-up for HTFS Programs

1.11 Back-up for HTFS Programs 1.11.1 Documentation This HTFS User Guide provides basic information on HTFS programs and how to install them. More complete information is available on the HTFS product CD and in the Help Text within each program. On the HTFS product CD you will find: • • • •

HTFS User Guide Installation Guide Getting Started for each program Reference Guide for each program, including a set of worked examples

The version of this HTFS User Guide on the HTFS product CD may be more up to date than the printed version. If there are significant differences, they will be reported in the Read Me. You can access this from the HTFS Program Selection view, when you use the HTFS product CD.

1.11.2 Research HTFS has been undertaking world-leading industrial research in heat transfer over thirty years. HTFS scientists and engineers regularly contribute to international conferences, though most HTFS research results remain proprietary. In conjunction with extensive reviews of open literature methods they provide HTFS software with a unique technical base. Many companies require access to underlying heat transfer and pressure drop models used in the software. HTFS provides the Research Network information service. This offers the HTFS archive of research reports, HTFS Design Reports and the HTFS Handbook with many documents available to subscribing members over the World Wide Web.
