Asia Innovation Forum
Speakers Asialnnovation Forum2009
As1a Innovation Forum
iaEn tqs
EE4 Ctr
Teisuzo[ed) Matsumoto 30
MasamuneM mura
Aekse V Mozhn
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IBE trR 5
Saiosh Nagata
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Hrosh Shihizu
Venkataraman Srram
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Asialnnovation Forum2OO9
Asra Innovation Forum
;bE* / Speakers
FIER 3S ta.r cn:ul #n+|l:24 t-v-)t ittFtff&tlF
HitoshiAbe Presdent& CEO LghtBajco., Lld
'r r 96r + 8 E 30 E+**1. F,*4H9" R,+.t+r+*Riflfir+i]^+ffite+EJ " JR*EA (H ffiE) t 17+EH#. jp) ttB+. i v )r >LG+)-1 l' l,- ) #E+#at^Wa-ELffi*,ffi*|.'tt+"za'&,i)EEliEOffiiit -#)Ff&fFt . iiBl'i*Er.B€t6I vr )Li -t >u ffrntu1ry.t-'1t." 4fi" 1s*rjfiEffiEt#9.
Bornon 30thAugust,1961in Tokyo.Graduated fromGraduate Schooof Engineering, Department of Urban Engineerng, the University of Tokyo.Workedw th JB Eastin 17yearsanddeat withbusiness and R&Din manyfieds ,! of raiMay.FoundedLightRailCo. Ltd.(\,\,1/1 witha mission to so ve probemsof transpodation. Currenty to manage dea ng wth consulting and R&Dfortranspodation andra waysystem.Givng rnanyectures.Anticipating railwavtransoortaiion n thefuture.
AsiaInnovation Forum2009 *,E*
Innovation Forum
/ Speakers
FFFFF-HF @>faqz"\\r\az ))
1*N=?tEA*46Ifi4Ffi ESG" 'E>'-F
EiichiroAdachi Headof ESGResearch Center TheJapanResearch nstitlrte, Limited
1986+ ffi;i'+iEX+CB+*"le8e+*rffi*+?1:*ffiAifi4Ffgj#.8*;EAttc=" I9894itEieiiiie&[l-A ,;andrt/:l*il*ltEA#$AffinFfia*nEztrr. tR6. Fl&ir$ifiAF"cSRoffiAn.6oA*# AEEEL, it&tE;iffi6, 1EETlzvFv+rt> l-. if!- #tq€{=;i+EtldEi.lFffiZFl*.; oi575.€,ft' 6ffi€eruti CSRI-Hta#AtrntqrtUiar rr t < + rr -Zt*ttta"ttl€=lx. t',/->\' )r . 7 7 4 r>7-=-t)t t\a+ f.4 TCSRiEEt tSRtlt?d!Fi{&€1F!r (2006 (^t€ {-+nrFotF+B[@rts+t] 4. 5i,dr,\). SRL(+*2004+. AAdr,\). tBf& G#ot b0l€FrdeEr (*€ 2002+, **ffiX*5+et). tqGf4; efr++4trtr7Bq 2003+.Et4iEfi*,fF:1t). €lR€ 2:G*iEEr ( ^ra* 2002 + , R*ffi,Xffffiii ). Valuesto ValueA Globa Dialogueon SustainableFinance' (** 2003. GreenleafPublishing) ( ^la= and Ethicalecologicalnvestment:TowardsGlobalSustainable Development" 2001l, ko-Verlagfur interkulturellekommunikation).z t1f <. tlEi*,^.tCXFIE+lt+A!AftftElg€*e+2 +>2 .
U)r- .j t> /\-,F=Eb6j€ ftsFji.H?6 cSR16ts[fi4*r4Fr-fi1+.200e+4 E *. rSo/SRffiiEILIE+-EI+]A@It z/\- F"
Mr.Adachireceved hisbacheor's degreen economcs fromH totsubashUn versiy in Japann 1986 Heworkedfor M tsubshi Research InstiutedLrring 1986-T989 as an industrial analyst Heis a research chef at TheJapanResearch InsttuteL mited,wh ch wasfoundedn 1989andsponsored by companies in the Sumitomogroup Mr.Adachiis now engagedn CSRscreenng of istedJapanese companes for Sumitonro Trustand BankingCo.,Ltd,SIB AssetManagernent Co.,Ltd and DawaAssetManagement prolecl Co.Ltd.He s aLsoa managerof research worksregarding environmental linanceandCSRthatseveram nistriesentrusied. Heis the authorof "SociaFinance(2006,K nza)andthe co authorof severabookssuchas Corporate SociaResponsib ltv Management andSocaly Responsible Investment(2AA4, Knzai),'cuideio Sociay Fesponsblenvestment'(2003 Nihon KeizaShlmbun),Thelllustraton of Envronrnental Problems lor BusnessEnterprise' l2OO2IOYO KEIZAINC), TheJolma of "Vauesto Vale A G oba the Societyfor Envronmental Econornics andPolcyStudes Vo. 7" (2002,TOYOKEZAILNC), Diaogueon SustanabeFinance(2003,GreenealPublshing)andEthcal ecoog calInvesimeni: Towarcls G obalSustanabe (2001, ko Verag fur nierkuturele kommunkaton) Development Hewas a workng groupmemberof the Commtteefor Promotion (Japan of CSFN4anagement by KEIZAIDOYUKAI Associaion ol Corporate Execulives), a memberof the CSRsiudygroupby the M n stryof HealthLabourandWeiare,andone oi the nationalexpeftsanrongJapanese (13C)26000) delegation io ISO/SociaRespons b Ity Standards Workng Groupunli AprI 200s.
Asia Innovation Forum
AsiaInnovation Forum2OO9 ;EE* / speakerc
f,ttU }t+
(6ar\i' hr\z)
Group-20 l\Iember
^71> t>+J)t, a >rJ )t-J /\-Fi &?+ )>7 7l rtt-
ReikoAkiike Paitner& Managing Director BostonConsulting Group
t: h>/\=-, f*rt*ilE*Et&lF?+ -)>r= I t2t t -z#7.8+t+,it rEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*, -rE+.4 , t-47>Ff+E*t94S&61F,*. Hf-ft8.
+EE+E+lllt-t6" &F**F5ffi1f"
Sinceloinng BCG,Reikohasworkedextensvely withcompal]l es in manufactuing, hightechandinfrastructure areas. groMh Herexperience includes strategydeveopment, strategyimptementation, changemanagement, and post-merger ntegration.Shehasalsoservedon a varetyof governrnent comrnttees. BeforejoinlngBCG,Reikoworkedfor the IndustralRevitalizat on Corporation of Japan(RCJ)as a Managing Di.ector.Beforejoiningthe IRCJ,sheworkedfor N/lcKinsey & Company, and KirinBrewery. Reikoholdsan L4.E.and B.E.fromWasedaUnversty,andan N/.S.fromihe SloanSchooof l/anaqement, Massachusetts Institute ol Technoogy.
Asia Innovation Forum
AsiaInnovation Forum2009 ;E,E* / Speakers
FEC Ei'lF (ad < 6 r*.6l'a)
ttfr?tlE+€*11*E coo et*ryi6iE
HaruyasuAsakura Chei Operating Officer nnovation NetworkCorporation ofJapan(NCJ)
mi,s 2009
2001 200s
r 999 - 2001 r 984 - 1999
+#ryifi & coo
I?€friliMfrffiIE h . 1 ) t , f ) r - 7 ( E r F )7 a - ) > i T a rrt PEEfr-ffi ffi.a7.4 ^- t' r:t 1r 1t9fi21to94iC* i.4Er /\47i t-E{npFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF r, Ct )*t,E{f r . 4 1. r . ) / \ F J . / ( 8 4 ) / { - - I Et'ftErFtnl.t5$3aJ.4 ^- | . rr l7l lFHAtrtOE6;CHI.4@ =*ffi./*rt++t 1EffiE*7./r-71.$r\
+tr t99446E t984+3E Experience 2009 -
2001 2009
r 999- 2007 1984 1999
Educalion JLrne 1994 March1984
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Ere*S;,i+r+flr€hr+il ++
Innovalion NetworkCorporaton oJJapan(INCJ), Chef Operating Offcer Fomed and eadlngihe operation of INCJ,privateequltyinvesting companycreaiedby pub c-prvatepartnership TheCaryleGroup(Japan), Managing Direcior Formedandledthe Japanese operaton of Caryleas the headoJJapanGroMhCapita team(20062009)aswel as Managing DrectorofJapanBuyoutgroup(20012005). ApaxPartners(Japan), Partner Formedand ledthe JapaneseoperaUon of ApaxPartners. M tsubishCorporation Manager,nforrnation (SS)Group SystemsandServices Ledand managedvariousrnarketng operatons,busnessdevelopments, and nvestment projecis n TNITsector tvlBA- HaNardUniversty BSEE Keiollnversty
Asra Innovatron Forum
Forum2OO9 AsiaInnovation ;AE* / Speakers
ffiIE ,E
WataruAso Governor
dU . I l h t 9 3 9q l L ' L r d F
I;i+tr1 r96344 E r978458 r98r +5E 198346E ]985468 I986+6E te8746E I98846E re89+7E teeo+6E
l < r o lE F 8 [ t + ) ? g n a Y
iE6Et€^€ '\.#€d4EE^E^1E€C4CE(dtr> Fr) i&dlE+€tiEE#Effi+atF t-l)86&FE)Krlli#,=#F F]E+&fi,EETF€*F*trFfi)E'fEEE IEAtrBEAE=F taitrcEffig-#F EiEdRfi,BEHf4,EgSF )6*E6E+EF )B6E+€)E6nfiE)iF
r99r 46E 1992+68 1994+7E ]99544 E r999448 2OO3+4E 2005+2E 2007+48 2007+5E 200e45E
Fl6#fii6*;tE t+E'TliFE n Et*,\+4\A*S6tr4196ffiF;3 ?EERfl+ tEFiE(:H9tr) EF'X (:4E) AEfrg++F iEER*IFEE (EStr) €E*lSaaFF E (:SE) F]EE (=Str)
(Februarv 2005 presentl ASSOCIATION GOVEFNORS' Presidenl, NATIONAL (Aprl1995 presenl) PFEFECTUBE GovernoroiFUKUOKA TRADEANDINDUSTBY OF NTEBNAT]ONAL M]NISTFY JapanPatentOtfce ouly 1992- June1994) Commjssioner, Deputy D recior Genera ior Comnrerceafd DistrbLrlionPo icv (Jun€1991 June 1992) TradePolcvBureau(June1990 [/av 1991) DeputyDirectorGeneral,niemational D rcctor'Genera, K nki arreau of InternailonalTracleancl ndustry(Juv I 989 - Mav 1990) Econornic AffansDepl nternalional DnectotrGeneral, TraclePoicy Blreau (June1988 June1989) ntemational (June1987- Mav1988) nationDv., Minsters Secretarial Direcior,GeneralCoord Dnector,Po cy Pannng Ofice, Minster'sSecrelaral(June1986- Mav 1987) D rector,Industral FnanceDiv.,and Ofice iorthe Promolonol Private Particpal on ln Plbl c Prolecls,ndust al Po cv Bureau(JuneI 985 - \4avI 980) TradePolcv Burea!(June1983 Mav 1985) AmericasOceana Div. Internalional Director, D recior Papern{lustryDiv. CustomerGoods rclustiesBureau(June1981 Mav 1983) I/INISTBYOF FOFEGN AFFAIRS Colnclor,JapaneseEmbassyin the UnleclKngdom(\4av1978 Mav 1981) (Apr 1963- April1977) TBADEANDINDUSTFY MINSTRYOF INTEFNATONAL
Forum2009 AsiaInnovation
lnnovatron Forum
6EZ / Speakers
Y"> . Et>
I\lember Group-20
;/>rff-lrEni+;U€+e[ fi]F
Sea-JinChang BusnessAdmnisiraion Professor, National Unverstyoi Singapore
yrlt i^+&ffix+ a++&.'\> t )r,\=7'\+tIl- vi{?Etss06L4Etf+*4trtFr!. iEE+tst€ry€" o)6*tF3. ]994 + ->i+Ei+EHEg+i]+ttqL L(. iEES[EtntoitE#G*ffio) r,4BA - j,=-2^+zt Provost /l'Eii+ffiEi+ 2ao6+F^+t L^ ' 7t7) ME#L#' 2oas +h'6>:l)ifr EHi+&ffiEi?#t*. 6F8fiffi" 6" Eti6<9# l,tt5bQrr& et.ET t7x+Ett'<. n .> l : > ' 1 ) ? ' 7 7 t - J ' ' Fv i { . l N s E A D Lh*tt 79>7^-F.Yt+-^ 7t-)r' 4>t)r^=7^+t^-E-l'+bE.c#r':f{FtEE. 2oO7 +l-+tfr}FFMg{.} D. ,^.X+t=l'*il,aE*G+{'FeE3rxL"
hisBAan.lN,4AineconomcsfromseouNationaLUnversty,andPhDinstrategicmanagementllomtheWharlonSc at thesternschoo of Busnessof the New vana, wherehewasa Dean'sFelow.Heusedto be a proiessor un versiv of Pennsv schoo.Hitotsubaslri LondonBusiness school,NSEAD, york un versity.Hea so rradvsiungapponlmentsat stanlordBusiness Changis ln KoreaandJapanProfessor cationcompanies Unlvers tv andWhaironSchool.Heusedto woft for argeie ecommun ihe process focuseson understanding llrms. llls currentresearch prmarlynterested of dversfiedmlttinationa in ihe management
ofcrealingoperalingsynergesamongdiversifiedinesolbusinessandbU|dngastrongoca|olganzationafierfore foreigndirect andacqusitions, earnng,corpofaiegroMhthroughlo ni ventures otherresearchnterestsncludeorganzationaL
investmenl.andcomparativemanagementstudiesofJapan,KoreaandchjnaHsresearchhasbeenpubishednjo venturinq'Jaurnal as strategicManagenentJournal,Academyof ManagementJaumaLArganzationScience,Jaumalaf Business
ofManagementStudies'RevierafEcanombsandstatistics,a|dJaurnataftndustrialEcanamjcsHesanEdltorofJourna/of journaiin nternational busnessandsiison theeditoiaboardsof severalother a prem€racadenric Buslness Studies, tnternatianat eadngjournalssuchasstrategicl,lanagementJaumalHisrecentbook,so'yvssamsung:7lei'sldeStoryofthegectranics'
GjantsBatt]efo|G|abalsupremacyw|ey,2oo8)comparesandcontraslstheset\rvoirms'gobalSirategy'Hsothe Apri 2003) andFauof Chaebojs:FinanciajCrisisandTransfarnatianaf Korcan BusinessGroups(CamlrridgeUniversityPress' ther Koreanbusnessgroupshavepursuedexamnesvarousaspectsot theirstructuresandassesses ihe strategies explores H s ediiedvo LrmeEushessGroupsrh EastAs/arCrsls, Resiruciurhgand NewGraMh (O*atd Unverstv Press, Deriormance.
2006)examnetheoosl.crissreslructuringactVitiesof|argebusnessgroups]neightEaslAsancouniiesAnatVeK music,andtheyhavetwo daughlersMeodyancl ol modernclassical a composer Professor Chang,is mafiiedto KyLlngmee,
AsiaInnovation Forum2009 *E*
t1sla Innovation Forum
/ Speake's
7=t . l:r -7>
v t )r@n +&.ftE+#*#.
Dong-SungCho Admnistraion ProfessorBusiness National Unverslty SeouL
1976+/\-/\-F . 1t+^7' -)'<16+e-EWE&,Ji)t7i4 )ril AE)')t-7l-yr#. 197e+v t )r@n + tt.j'1# Fthtba" Eln:+i+HoEHJUHT'1eE+E{F. EE+*]]F+ttri+" /\-./{- F cv+zzr-)r. INSEAD. .\)t> > +, 7t - )t. i ) . :r:)) a t 7, R,F.t+, -ffi i:+, i tr>,f nt+. 7 a -, x+. ltHi++TEF# tFE#b4 " et1|le t+zFis6. EHcv+z&rjireEr+" 'TiqerTechnoLogy' 'The GeneralTradingCompany( '7t'/a)( t -1, 7i7l-klJ4+4t68 #dA6lt ). "From Adam Smith to MichaelPorter:Evolutionof CompetitivenessTheory' (7 Y 1^' Z - 7.h'6< I t )t ' *4)eF ). jf t \ #,+h|s;frtDgE ) iea=til 57 ffii.-L6" ' .tr1*?t.. r 5 4)t@#c*l'ifi*l*B€oBt. 71>-> | A -sffiffi*+t#F> 4. In]F, .\*ii+'&ei)|+'BfrEl+ 6AA+ 620 o)*EPro+Uiiffi*of*RH6?Aa#E+tfiffi+ieAEBF, L L $ {-#r$< \\ 4, HF!4F*o^lrE#Ft++EHffi F, ,\/l\A+r":4)t+t-a!1##B€lft r+zo)ltttEet
of Strategy, the30 yearservce of DongSungChoas Proiessor Seou NationaUniversity ceebratedastSeptember Desgn. He receveda doctoradegreefromHarvardBusnessSchoolin 1976,and International BusnessandManagement at HBS,INSEAD, HesnkiSchoolof workedai Guf Oi's P annng Groupbeforelo n ng SNU n 1978.Hewasa vst ng professor University of Michigan, Duke,Pekng,Zhejangand Nankai Economics, the Univers ly olTokyo,Hitolsubashi Unlversiiy, Schoolof BusinessAmongthe 57 bookshe at ChelrigKongGradLraie Unversty. S nce2006,he ls Jointy AppointedProfessor pubishedareTheGeneraTfadng Companyby Lexington Books(1S86)TigerTechnoogy:the Fiseolihe Semconductor ty Press{1999),and FromAdam9nith to M chaelPorter:Evoutionof Compettiveness ndustryn As a by Cambrdge Univers DoctoralDegreein PhlosophyfromInleUnversty. Theoryby WorldSc entifc (2000).In 2007,he recevedthe Honorary Schooof lnternationa Administration, SNU,20012003,andDeanofthe Graduaie Hewas Deanofthe Colegeof Business at I5 mut nationacornpanes andresearcrl andAreaStudes,SNu, 19992001.Hehasbeenon the Boardof Directors Fnlandn KoreaHewasPresident of KoreanAcademcSocetyof Busness organzations, He s Honorary ConsulGeneralof Adminisirai in Korearepresenting 87 functonalyorientedacademc socetiesin business on,wh ch is the fagshp organization whichisthe umbrelaorganization of 651acad€mic administraton. He alsochairedKoreanAssoclatonof AcademlcSocieties, humaniies,socialsc ences,naturascrences, engine€rng, andolhers.Hewas Char of the Commltee societes thatencompass CoopentonbetlveenBigandSmd Corporatons for Governrnent Lnnovation N,4anagement, andlhe Commtteeior Synergstic jo ntlyw th Prme t\,4inister of Korea. al Councifor NatonalCompetitiveness of Korea.Since2008,he hasbeen n the President
AsiaInnovation Forum2009
Asia Innovation Forum
#)F* / Speakerc
(Thr: t,2t )
;E7,teaeft n?&fr ibi+xF,[
AtsushiDenda DepulyDirector Shimizu InsttuteofTechnology, ShrmizrConoraton
t s 5 0+ 1974
EE]RF:dfi4f lx e 6,=r+n.+t^I+f:]++li. tE7j<e;SE .l'tt. r1!T+rdit,ffi r+.'r+-gfdffi L<. i8 . ffi,)frifi to:*{.ltt. 2001- 2008 B*.Ja) at t-7F:zalt > )\1 f t- t-6.,lF,1LlAX c arltffiAfrtJ,fr\fr11l-ff)+ i- E t 6 F!:+F EA &Bba" .<1 t a 7 r', F#-ffirfi*+Flt** L L <, .14 t a i t-)v I: fiiJ'frlf.:fr 2001ffrttl.'tL*, 2006NEDo^E)t#E t 7't^+E,E.1t*ift ieX=Eitfi 1,tEH+E-aIBrl+.+offi 4fr 8& t: L < d* " 2AO7t;e9+{.ti!\<. +Etftr€fii,€?ir+l!i+i.#ir\
N/lrDendawasbornrnN/ojCty Fukuoka Prefecture ln 1950 He gradLrated frornthe Department of Cvil Engneering, NagoyalnsttuteofTechnoogyn j974 andloinedShmzu OorporaUon. He hasbeenman y invoved n R&Dof thef e d of underground useandenergystoragesystern. From200Tto 2008,hewasa R&Deaderof the groundstratumdeformaUon anayststechnology of the nationa 'Research project Consorlium for llethaneHydrateReso!rcesn Japan fe hasbeeneadng the in-houseR&Dprojecton .lrcrogrdcontrolsysiemsince2001.Also,he hasbeena eader prolectlnternat of the NEDOnternationa onalCooperat ve Demonstrat on Prolectfor Stab zedanctAdvanced Grd connecton PVSysternsn Hangzhou. Zhelang,Chnasince2006.ln thisprolectaunquemcrogrdnwhchpV s a maf poweris nowai work. He s now n chargeof evovingcofcreteprolectson m crogrd conirolsystem.
Forum2009 Asialnnovation
Innovation Forum
;6EA / Speakers
(,r.< r\?a ttL)
=+€r*tr*;i*tl r+]r+ . q€5*ffit69j0g5XF
YasushiFukuizumi DeputyGeneraManager Sustainable Energy& Envronment Straiegc Plannng Department N/ltsubshi Heavyndustries, Lid.
. qfEi€t+t. za*F 2aoa+4 Et., =*4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 +**[oEiFErztf16taff.h\iEndrLL" +ffi&wh'6+@utHEE4Z, ,\itif, I98244.ft*-EL1+t:1t1.2006+l.,FA#+*ASo$ffin=B$rl*#LAD. 7.alqE-r\ llx COZW*ttAAtfzEHJ z > f'H l:rl(.. E4?or+lr+4)*E'r"&;iif **************************************************************************oq;inra at l,\a4EttE4" ?'&+'. .o &ab^tr4@W1ut €ei€i. t fftiEF!A*=t t-<'i < +ft . *,tf,Effi
thatpursuefederated controlof a VlHlenergyand wasorganized in N/lHheadquarter, In Apr 2008,newdepartment Thepresenter Energy& Fnvironmenta StrategyPlannng Dept.:E&EPD) environmental busnesses.(Sustainable padicipated and hasbeenworkngfor the corporate in theformation of thisneworganzationfromthe beginning functon t I now GasTurbne hasstartedto workfor MHIbackin 1982.Sincethen,he hasbeenn PowerGeneration Thepresenter Businesses. n 2006,he wasparually enttLedas a memberof strategydeveopmentteamin PowerSystem Headouarters divson in 2008. andthenrnovedto coroorate busnessesandtry to createnewvaluesandto provdethe Newdepartment is to accessallenergy& environmenta government for thecountry'slongtermenergypolicy. to theJapanese market,whllernakingthe recommendalion s therecept of preJeasbllitystudyby Australian companyfor wodd Mostrecenttopicrelatedwiththisdepartrnent which firstcommerca GCC(lntegrated Gasifcaton CombnedCyce) PowerPlantw th CarbonCaptureequipment, insideMHl.E&EPD wil E&EPDcoordinate the combination of powersystemsandchemcalengneeringtechnology nextgeneraUon energyinfrastructure f! rthertry to particpate n thiskindoi largenternatonalproject,whileproposlng tnJaoan Thepresenter is currenuy busywithtalkngto variouspeopleboihlnsdeandoutsidethecompanyandls enjoyng theexctngjob.
AsiaInnovation Forum2009 *,E*
Asia Innovation Forum
/ Speakers
Efrt ffi-Fll 03,
Soichiro Fukutake Represeniative Direcior, ChalmanandCEOof Benesse Corporation Representative of Benesse ArtSle Naoshima Presdentof Naoshima Fukutake ArrMuseumFoundaton
I945+E!.rRHq" r 969+FitEEi+4r+B[+t" (q,+ttt*ll,\+ y 1zr -frt -ia>) I973+i*ie&€fi=,E ^1+. r 986+lEt11.R*ryfifie&F/r 8 tffi(. 20A74&.DrF"W" tsAr+tDEEJa,Lttdffita.6) R 0 ) E C t . E i t l T - F7 ; E t r l L la r y . , f f i a l t = E " f ftr r 998+ r trEHHr FH.2000+ r 3 EE9TFLFRH:FF.200a 4"r +..r+?.7 Ft4 tEEt rb+*ffiffii J>, '.xlzliHr ( 20064444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444ECTof*fF!h7 F)EqrE*JL FH.lE4E )tlRylLthf*t4,2oa8 +=1f)gXqHA AFH.
Fukutakewasborn n Okayamaprefectu re n 1945 andgraduated fromthe Facultyof ScenceandEngineer ng at WasedaUnverstyin1969.In 1973,he beganworkat Fukutake Publshing Co.,Ltd.(currentyBenesse CorporaUon). He wasappontedpresdent n 1986andhasservedas CharmanandCEOs nce2007. n 1987,the Naoshma projectn Kagawaprefecture y mixingnatureanctad. was ntated, dynamica Fukutake hasrecevednumerousprizesandawards. nc udngthe N/ecenat lnternatronat Pnze(1998),I 3th twaktr ShotaroPrize(2000),flecenatGrandPrze(2006),KagawaPrefecture AwarciforDistinguished Services to Cuture (2006),Ny'inister of Educaton, CultureSpods,ScenceandTechnoogyAwardforArt (2008).
Asia Inr-rovation Forum
Forum2009 Asialnnovation #iFA / speakers
Sttttt -E
(*t a) h'tr.h')
y 7 t t\,t Et\4)r**.+11 .7-r-I >i^AB A\*Z{F
KazutakaHasumi DepuiyDvsionHead,MarketngDepartment SofibankMoble Corp.
r988+ 3E 1988e 4E 2002+ 10E 2A$ + 4F 2 0 0 3 +l l E 200a+ 9F 200s+ 5E
-ffit+11++E[ +* i*tt+iltrC+EE.\ll *l*ie+&tl- C#E ta- t-t 0 L a M t t )DAE7t-t E +&frEZ;-)=Y 7D7r-t +JO;^F 771 +f'44t=> fEan'' lE 6tE t7 t /\>tT/\4 )r&A*$:^4t 719t t- 1'-r7^S EIIAEBF -dE 1B&{-E6 './7 l-/\> t'Et\4 )L1*A,aitv-r7 4 > r^#' A!16*l1F
Dateof BirthJuy 22,1965 Career
Aprl 1988
Summary October2002
Jo nedTVAsah Corporauon. Producer of " ry tackle"at ry AsahiCorporation.
Producer of "Houdoustaton"at ry Asah Corporaton. on. Producer 2OO3 General of ZenkokuisseilQ test"Testthe nation"at TVAsah Corporat November [,4OB|LE Corp.DeputyDivsionHeadProduct& ServceDv 2008 JolnedSOFTBANK September
Dv. ng Unit,Marketing DeputyDivsonHeadN/arket
Asialnnovation Forum20Og ;6EA / Speakers
Innovation Forum
m,ll *E- (i\6n'b r,r,E) EAE,;*iB1tt€+11i14rfi \Ffi i1+ffixe
Kaichilchikawa Senor Flesearch Fe ow Besearchnsttuieof Industry andRegona Economy, Nikkeitnc.
re60 +i6ER4*1.r. 84 ++iEEt+&Aijl+"i[i1*f]+fl+, EAiE##f€lt,\?1. RHAftffiF,E#Xffi;iEB;d*,1U f*R;e* (E).^€, E-S€. IBEIE+), Effie+frFifff;Eft146lT4F. rEffij@dtE*fir EtffiFF. itt*llxFrr u t,E(. 2ao7+h,dtFW" Ai6fifi*#AFHH+Fia atffii+, *Hji+r+*R#iir+ij+. E-ffi+HHi+ffiq€iil+{fif ftrr 871FH9,#F,f,6:#b a, €n(ditrfiriE;h. *5?'< D. E6rf oflfiAEtEt-# Ur\. *=E r.i6*EJ< row{t ffirF!h,^+AEEUELfifiE+$-lnal (TheAgeof ntegrated TownandTransport /d8. trnprovernent)
Born n 1960 n SatamaPrefecture. cradLtatectfrom Schooof Soca Science, WasedaUnverstVanciio ned n Njkkei Shmbun(JapanEcononr c Journal) in T984 Servedas correspondeni of divison of commeftaryfor economics in TokyoheadqLlailers andthatof loca affars (inchargeof Minrstry of Homeaifairs,Ministry of Land,nfrastructure and Transport and Metropotan Government), Chef Analystn the NikkeResearch Insttuteof Inctustry andConsumotion. "Nikke DeputyEdtor for LocalInformation" and DeputyD rectorof Loca newsclvision.Becamesenor research fe ow Research Institute of Industry andRegonalEconomy, s nce2007.He a so servedas Ad-hocrnemberof the commtteeforTransportat on policyandadjunctinstructor at thefacultyof environmental sc encein Graduate School oi Tokyo,Ivetropotan Unversty.Hismajors theoryof Lrrban transportaton andtowndevelopment andweliversedin ,'The urbanlranspoTtaton systemsat homeandoverseas. Pubjshed Ageof IntegrateclTown andTransport lmprovernent : Creatonof Atiractve TransitSysternanclUrbanRegeneration Strategies .
Asla Innovation Forum
AsiaInnovation Forum2009 #E# / Speakers
(r\?r\ o^r@3)
ti>5L\)-Jtia+tt ft*ry;i6&
Nobuyukildei Founder Direcior & CEO,Represenlative OuaniumLeapsCorporation
CEOZiEITa&,2006+ I F(.t,t>t L )-A*fi+llt*n. E*otEit.iLri 20a5+ 6 Frv,-+F*.i)t-J (Baidu), 7, BvF/d84) ba#q,tF-ffit 717, trE #E#.#Xti7aflJfrt*Elat J< De6tEiEe#o.itttt4Da. 60 +FfigEi++*&. v-?1. 4-r-(nF+B{F. fi#4ryffia. .U|\*t A rTtt*^HjFaE(,89 +ryfffi&.944H#.95+ltF*COO 1.trts&,^F*' )r-J CEOte:t10+t bf.D re1E. =-7 N/\-l+Jr./-fi-F#F" 1937+Rtrt*h. 2oo51h,62oo7+&7&F ffi73.F'',/
consultancy companyhe Nobuyuki ldeiis founderandCEOof Ouantun]LeapsCorporaton, a management in the21si centuryby 2006. QuantumLeapsaimsto enhance Japan'scompetitiveness establshedn Septernber venturecompanies. supporting corporate transformation andnurturing technology-driven Formorethana decade,ldeiwasa memberof top deiis alsochairman oftheAdvsoryBoardofSonyCorporation. managemenl at presldent andrepresentative dlrectorfrorn1995to 1999,presdentandCEOfrom1999to advsorfrorn2005to 2007. 2000,andcharmanandGroupCEOfrom2000to 2005. Hewaschiefcorporate (sinceFebruary 2006),Badu(snceJune2007)and FreebitCo.,Ltd. ldeicurrently servesas directorof Accenture (slnceJune2007). lde graduated fromWasedaUniversity witha politicascienceandeconomcs andenteredSonyCorporation io hewentto Franceto estabishSonyFrance.Uponreturning n 1960.Aftertwo overseas stintsin Switzerland, of the Home Japan,deiservedas deputysenlorgeneralmanager of theVideoGroupandseniorgeneralrnanager VideoGroupbeforehewasappontedd rectorin 1989and managlng d rectorin 1994.
Asia Innovation Forum
AsiaInnovation Forum2009 ffijF€ / speakers
o'<* oru)
1*n++lE*66tr4F/l +kfi&e. €;!tt$W)t>t--rfiF
Hitoshilkuma Drector,CenierforiheStrategy of Emergence TheJapanResearch nsliluteLtd.
r 9 8 r+ r 983+ r 983+ r 989+ I 9 9 04 1 9 9 5+ 1997+ r 999+ 20004 2AAl+ 2AA2+. 20034 2AA3+ 20064 2006+
e{EEt+Er+S#i4r+t++* F{rEEi+:^+ffiEr+H4f{16f :*€r+&da?l,^'tt EtiEtt t+n*?tE*ffd6tr4Ft,r.+t tfrA+1t74 t ^) I . yi",,\)/-EEi L tdF{.F}lryifr&EitE (*#) -z Frz r;qtrL EHlilElllvi)i ,+it*?::f7z t 'EliE(#t*) u t ? t r r r t j a . - 1 1 \ .- + t r i i d { + , t _ **,*+t:74t ^ J1 .:/r,/\rH;if;1E EAlAifiE*€!4t rt -tlF BAhifii!+*ffitz ),, F,fF FiiEE:t+i+ftrFH€D-#Cm 4 - + 1- e'v t ++n+itryffi&'.,fi if t+n+&E*#dAifiRFtfi1r1?F )fr +11:74t:7J-1 ti"/\)/mF3
r981 1S83
GraduatedFacLrlty of Scienceand Engineerng, W_aseda University
1989 1990 1995 r997 1999 2000 2AA2 2AA3 2AA3 2006 2006
Lelt Mitsubsh HeaW ndustriesLimited.
Graduatecl GraduateSchoolofScienceand Engineering, WasedaLJniversity andjoned MitsublshiHeaWndustriesLmited. JoinedJapanResearchInstitute FoundedISVJapanand assumedDirector(current) FoundedFastEscoand assumedas Manager(current) Assurnedrepreseniat ve executve ISVJapan AssumedDirectorof SV Japan AssumedDirectorof Centerof Strategy,JapanResearchInstitute(current) AdlunctInstructor, GradLrateSchool of WasedaUnversty (current) AssumedDireclorof E cubc Corporation AssumedDirectorofJapan ResearchInstitute(cufienl) AssumedAdvsorto SV Japan(current)
Group-20 ll,lember
Forum2009 AsiaInnovation
Asla Innovation Forum
d (r\@)i t,'J6)
=*jrF,t*fi+ft fifi+E**? E!l=F
ShigeruInoue tvlanager,C ty Plannng ProjectOflice DeputyGeneral EstaleCo.,Ltd. l\,4ilsubish
E+. =*!!F/t*ie *lt-\li" *# ffi*c/roGEtu:+trr:' ffiEGE*RF5l. re87 4€fr,=i+)i+trxl++f+4*. Ff,Eie.r999 +eDEfrffihffrXWF (oEcD).tg,El.tlts. jUHF':#&fi#F50)rI-l:zl"LLt9#1,L. 2003 6J< DtEg. 2oo7+L#/rc )t lo PAEtaa >v !u 7 ) €*f1!!toff+S4* +& Dqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq&i.*j fitr64€^ra44*6 EebLtE J( D#€ffi*r a+if-EF-r.-frft.trl,rVrtTr €F:;qu, EZ/*_ztjEE?6 t) ->ffi,\iH&6H. > a>^HXFTHtFHt /c. ffiF-) : 1 -j B"o)€.EH"\a&ffih\,
in Apri 2003 Manager of CityPannng POectOfiicesncethe appointment, N/r.Inouehasbeenthe DeputyGeneral EstateCo,Ltd.isthe argestrealesiatecompanyn Mr. lnoueionedMitsubishEstateCo, Ltd n 1988.Mitsubishi of variouskinds leasingmanagement, salesandarchtecturaldeslgn& engineering s actve in development, of realestatesLrchas offce,resdental,retailandhotelpropertes. l/arunouchi, Yurakucho frendlyinitiatvesin Otemachi, environmentaly Mr. Inouecurrently dealswithpromoling onal districts,locatedaroundtheTokyoCentralStation.Thisplaceis wel knownto the pubic as a malorinternat prolectsarenowgolngon. centern Japan,whereseveraredevelopment business from1999to 2003. to theOECDin Parsas a secretariat Inouewasseconded Priorto the oresentDost on, I\,4r. wth B.Ain lawsin 1988. Mr. lnouegraduated fromNagoyaLlniversiiy
AsiaInnovation Forum2009
Innovation Forum
;EE* / Speakers
Afit (u,ut "r*,
Group-20 Member
7 r-ry F*;l+ll ft*niffe&F * CEo
Atsuki lshida CEO,lv4ernber oi theBoard FreeBilCo , Ltd.
1972+ &HR+tNr" 98 +3 E 8,ffi*S,!+i6A&fi+*]1+. E++ii. €.pF+li,.j.E y l. rttri. Utr &t.trf{. E +r0E:*€&***************************************************************************ii*+1*Dtspizt):tJaf\f&F,J. _A .t,v1>.4>r_1-, f;eetl N, F (DTD*jIi.aE. r 99944 E r. iJTEHIRE+iffiFE*r..ff'E r&€ffEE r,, No.r7Dl(-r t] {.€
7ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttfaiF#?6 z A ?. > 4
j( v
lA s A|TWorks2.0 http://atsuki.nett-a E{ O)EgJi5 Cy: >tEA"
Born n saga,Japanin 1972andgraduated frornFaculty of policyManagement, Keo unversityin i 9g8. Hefounded Reseico., Ltd.wh le at unversty andbecamea boaTdmerfber.ln T99g,heestablshed DreamTrainInternetInc. (DTl)in response to requestfromMitsubrsh E ectriccorp. and becamecso in T99g. He rnaoeine companya ,,No.1 " lsP n customersatisfaction n 2000,heestabshedFreeBt co., Ltd.andgotisted on rokyostockExchange Vlothers in 2007. Heand hiscompanyareatmng to developthe nternetsocietyby provolngpatented next gere'aiot ubtqL,toLs sen cpsto , tslomer" lA'sBTWorks2.0 forlshida s daivactivtesandthouqhts.
Asie Innovaton Forum
Forum2009 Asialnnovation i6E* I speat<ers
ER ,F:.{t (r\u(a n.u&)
+'r 14 ? i )t J1**.+1+ 1ttryffifaliF * cEo
Fuiiyo lshiguro & CEO President Netyear GroupCorporation
I9944. *E,l.l f )//{ r--c)\4 -2++l.a1/t )t7 a > ra#:&E+- A*l1a-t / ttt-f'2 >77 v -Fl? fr A 84*t. I999 4i.+ v F-r i-i )t-7t+i\^t1:t 4@).4+ Yahoo.Netscape.Sony,Panasonic t*i-1i!+. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF*1. Pc l,(+llofr,F&*iza' +tts4P-r)b-JIt' wML.l-'i 1>rretaogF:if t+r'l,lEl}10'ft*ryffi1q&FL Yy Xl.ttEl,' I >ri.F.G#.. 2008+ 3 E {.FtraT#ryElF,f lcfl\1)rat aaz+&{-Fz/.f$a69hY-tt amE" ElltlEi+G+t +,1'l- I5o+11-XtoEFAtF?"ad,=X+BF*ffi1'EXE*€E+HjEB#+1E#rlijle*Fh l-a zaog4 EU y-#714-ln. *=1. f=1rhL'it.ilt6/J !r t*i\. #,+tt a#t .?>a, -.< >iJil *.>+r - +t Utlri.,At\lEft1+r. LA*a79 F7 v J+ > t -1> /\l'l,|:EBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBE"*W"
aEE,t+ffi,*+*[+. *E^t >) n F:^i+MBA.
companyfocusedon a wellknownN/larketing & CEOof Netyear GroupCorporation, FLrllyo lshguro s the President companles, nternetServces.Netyearhadmorethan150 actve c entsln 2008 9070of ther clentsareTsE-listed a so hasseveral Rea Estate,and NEC Netyear ne Nichido,MitsLll KDDI,TokyoN,4ar Foftune500 equvalent,including its IPO n Marchof 2008onTsvMothers Netyear cornpleted corporatonsas its customers. USand European firrf. Sheprovided of a US basedconsulting l\,4s. lshigurowasPresident Priortotakngthe reignsat Netyear, as we strategic adviceabouttechnoogytransferand M&A10SiliconValleystartups,suchas Yahooand Netscape, NTT,Toshiba,andToyotaN/s shigurohasbeena Sony,NEC,Panasonic, clientsincluding as to largeJapanese 'Don'ttrythework bothin the USandJapan.Herrecentpublicaiion, advertising conferences, speakerat numerous for severary prograrns anda rnemllerot thatyouwereto d,' waspLrblshedlastyear.She s the commentator Trade,and lndustry. of Economy, severalcommtteeswithn the Ministry frornNagoyaUniversity Shewasa visiting Sherecevedan MBAfromStanfordUnverstv anda BSin Economics professor in 2002. at NagoyaUnversity
Asia Innovation Forum
AsiaInnovation Forum2009 #)E* / Speakers
Jbll idE
(trEa ,rt;u4)
&n1-[l;i,\EHffir&E F . +47y7S €[F
NaohiroKITANO,Ph.D. D rectorGeneral EastandCenval6ia andtheCaucasus Departmenl Japanniernaionalcooperaton Agency
(J|CA)F.++7y7*l]EIF (+EE.+8.i:/f]t .h+f)7t>.+)t+^.,7,s+^,>. ,gu66666rE)*,r.EHffi,1*E . . 7t)1,/\1t1, > . ,)Di7 . 7)rt_Vt *tt6 oDA*#Eg) t )+7t> l)rt t_^t> I983 +FiEEx+Er+#a^r+fl++ (81- s2 4)E+x+:t^5HrHr+ft#tr), 97 +tr-+Jr,t+;t+ffit$t -#EET (ph.D.(flfirtH+E)). 83 +EtiffiFffin4et*H, lrHE}€E. ffiB*tja*, Effiffirffill&:+efttr4F,f i E0l4F. ,u-fii+t+1Hffi,*?ifi*flBrfiF. tdffi1jF!:*fi2 *R*llF/ratffi(HHi. t/l€.rct.. rzkq€&fto4UEAt #igl *fi* . EEf! . rtr^a.ffi* r+Eoq€rtfri H$Ji++trfrHtr&= 2008e/.a.
Dr' Kianois currenlly Direclor GeneralofEasi andCentralAs a andtheCaucasus Department, JapanInternai onatCooperation Agencv(JlcA) Graduated iromCivl Engneerng Depanment of WasedaUnvefsityin 1983 hejoinedformeroverseasEconomc cooperaton Fund(oECF), Japanin 1983. Heservedas a representative in Beiling officefrom19921o96.Heatsosewedas Direcior, Development PolicyResearch Dvision,Research Instiutefor DeveopmentandFnance,formerJaoanBankfor International cooperation(JBc) from9g io o1, Assocaie ProfessorGradualeschootof Economics,Kyotoun verstivfrom 2oo3io 05, andDirector cenerar,Deveropment AssslanceDepaftment, .rBrc rn2008. Hestudiedn Department. oi civ I and Envronmenta Engineerng, Tsnghuauniversity, Bejngfromr981to 82,andobtanedph.D.(cityandRegionapranning)from comellljniversjtyn 1997. Htspubtcation tncudes"Japanese contrbuton in supporting ch na'sReforms: A studyBasedon oDA Loans." ChnaReport Vo.40No.4. 2004.
Asia Innovation Forum
Innovation Forum2009 #E*
/ Speakers
a-. r> . ^7 >>Jl cEo
, t 4 >t -r,
= )'lt t >fiit.-*1t
Ko Kheng Hwa cEo SngBddgeInlernationa Singapore PteLtd.
,>rjii-)ta&ts**&A1A*, r, ^)t . :1-tr\r-t 3 )zrr#*U/. rffiffifi!+ELtiEts)izSF:r o*HEBEfAE 2008+ I E r E{-ff11,EjrE*?Em{;<. +E@]f]},fi15^Pfi?CfrmB4o)i$fit#+t.Ea . :t71) 4*affieE#t#tbt " Elit*, EtEJfiE r+)r+ a+tlHE)E,4zk@Bil,q15sffifiEmE'tl >7 7#ffitrEzffiafrl.wD xNrr.$iFJ< Dxi6Drijf-)r**W1 -pfiL80)tE*A*T. +1*ft!t*ll€ 1. i2 > i7lAE. 4 t2 tESi*.TtiEE€i+/aE.1qF34 tE r+tEEgL, 20084Or&dH 78F*Flr.
r+E Fr>Jl , tx+l r+*r!+t (l[+?{n) (M11) ^t)->. 7t x"tt:-tyyadn+
x,'\-/f-F. ()+7. 7t-), vl:/\r^t-. -+)l>t 7Er2LEf l+id€E >:/ riif - )tftfrf*1XfrIEDB)<:t-r>r.7ivtt iErfr,S@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@cD*f#ri€+HiJ 6 EDBAr>t\- ? Lt <. tu >r+.)r+-pn€e ,+zrla#L,r\diiri9offifrEgett " >>)jtr-)r&fr, t)-:/ . t:i)- . )Ett !I?g#:EF-,)\y71''t 1>t-+y t-^8. JrC f -fir,-y: >tEffEgEfE (CEO). . rrttT (EFSn€*). @*1>aa-ttrr-7 ffifiR:#E(EDB)dJ<+-)>t.7a trti j .i7 i t-te.
SingBridge leverages on S ngapores trackrecordandexperencen economc andurbandeveloapment to deveop sustainable citiesandinfrastruciure lni€mationa ly,panicularly in China.We usean ntegrated andho|stKapproach io master-p an and deveop citreswhich can sustan economc grcv},ih,an ecologicalenvironmentand a vibraniand harmoniouscommunty. Thestafi ol SingBrdgehavebeeninvolved in thedeveopm€ntof ihe Guangdong Knowledge City,Ianlin EcocityandSuzhouIndusiria Parkn Chinawhicharemajorprojeclssupported governments. byth€ respective SingBrdgeis wholy ownedby Temasek Holdngs,a key nvestment companyof theGovemmsnt of Singapore. Mr Ko hadheldprevious appontmenls of Chef Executve Offcef, SLrstanabe Development & LivingBusinessDiv,KeppelCorporationLtd, Singapore t\,4anaging Dlrector, Singapore Economc Development Board Executve Director, CeanEnergyProgramme Ofiice,Singapore Government Chei Executve Offcer, JTCCorporaion Chef Execut ve,Nalona ComDuter Board Paclfc nternetLtd Chairman. Mr Ko'sacaclem includes: c background Advanced Management Programme, Harvard Business Schoo Mastersn Management, SoanSchool,MIT Bachelor of Airs(Honours), CivlL Engineering, CambdgeUnve€ ty
Asiainnovation Forum20Og
Innovation Forrrm
iFE* / Speakers
VE'y j: . ,?-)l' '(>t:. t, t )rJ-7r 1'1, Fi#++Bt5zj^E
AmodKumar AS, Specal SecretaryBevenue Governmeni of UltarPradesh, India
7L't f , , v - )tft,B, 4 > Fa* p U71ir\E<, 4 > t:tl+^En >J- )t&tDWFir+tZfE . +Mr+trXE Z€W1+, E^oV r7#frMfFfrf€r#.72 - )Lt kr\-a ^+ffi87 frEtR1+" EE,*. A^raffiErlqi{*j u.6-t > F#E ,\tAoF+,r.qH*******************************************************************************c6 L1 E a +7i ^6826^t&Et 4t., t )rJ-i.> !itrrfaiiME L L< t21&aEft t+,).7, ^_ Ft.*jr\(td, 1ka€+&frJJ) at t rrsgt,\g7tryrr l-.LLt t NL,a-)rt>.7-l a>H, 4 /\+> 7.+ 1,>ci >.V t ^ _ f:lJ.tyrkoq€,Fzr+6, Eigfi&rU,(Fr) 2oo8+tr r LE}:& g *!-.8! L /:.
ivlr'AmodKumaris an lndianAdn]lnstrativeServces(/AS)officer withN,4.Tech and B.Tecntromthe IndanInsttuteof post Technology, Kanpurand Graduate DiplomarnDevelopmenta StudiesfromIDEAS,Japan.He s the youngest recipieniof PrimeM n stefs Awardfor exceencein pubricadmnistrauon. He hasoverr2 yearsof experience in the pradesh, admnistraiion ofthe Government of uttar whrchhasa popuration of over180mrrron. He hascontributed signficantlyn theareaoi e-Governance, Hearth and Famivwerfare,havingarsoreceived a spec. mentionior his projectat the stockholmchallenge e governance award.He wasrankedsth in Indain the lAs ofiicersselection exam He hasalsorecerved theGordenrconawardandthe e-Governance champronAwardbesdesotherawards. Oneof hrsinltatveswasalsothefinalists in the UnitedNatonspubiicServiceAwards,2008. Achievements: Youngest recipient of primeMinistelsaward Specalrnention for htsprolectat theStockholm Chalengeaward Oneof the pioneers in e-Governance tn Inqta Expedin Healthand FamivWelfare n-deplhknowledge of ndianurbana|d rura constrantsandrequirements Finalist in the UnitedNatonspLtbrcService Awards,2OOB
Asia Innovation Fomm
AsiaInnovation Forum2009 AE* / Speakers
dt#lll t$i BME€!€ E'
(:"ritrr /:r\3rJ)
DaisukeKotegawa ExecuiiveDirector Fund(lMD lnternational Monetary
AAREiFfiH9 l97s 19754,.ffi€^.€.
1 9 7 9 + 6E 7 t > 7 ^ - F t ? M B A 1EA^tF,6frG8. ffiA=El)lX, =;tEtA Economist,IDA I984 4E#ffiljH16 (SeniorFinancial
(rl# . t4#ffi,]1*Eg) (oDA+$HC. * 3 xii+818ff). En E€+H I *#Effift(Rtr{*mq€;tElfiE. E)Ki*Efr#). iE#=F*EI;'F. AEffiffiffiS!] EH6Fq,Effi##EH#*EE(!\TO dE{fi-#, E*€18]fi#). tii,EEH{Etri*E (OECD . )i4 t:=< >),at#Bfi#+t4#F ( rv 7/(>. =*-aT# lr-A#ffiftr€8, m+Er6ffi)tEE. v7'l I999 +lEl,ftEE+4EQ I998 +Ss*****************************************************************************Hg,f t.=drl,. *EStgf1E-#F(Ff' E1Ef A!84. fXEl). (fifiri*tr. +M fis!]its6+,^.g).2001 7't 7tLj},a*tL,},Y2K)z#bt 1t,zaoo+t Ea}iffi€{-F,, i#,Effi#*F +rlE. MA^tr882+E(rtffi*ffi, l=,frHE).2002+PrE:FE*F E#lE#te€,iF(,4*Eti*n)E#b,2003 (EH,E7 t7E!),2005 +EttEH.Etl*E ,tif. 7 )7W#E!). f#ExtEEE=#E f#A^tEE******************************************************************************.&E(&f*ff, (41&lEffiH€iEo;[#'lt.Jtffrof4tHia tEE. F (ft'ffiF&d-aT#A?toHg, E€E1E€E).P+qt#€4qtE,RF 2A07+7 F{l. fr,EE=a"
of Finance, Japan.He enteredintolMinlstry Aftergraduating fromUniversity of Tokyo(BA)in 1975,N/r.Kotegawa StanfordUnverstyin 1979. acquiredMBAat Graduate SchoolofManagement, Economjst in 1984,he servedas DeputyBudgetExarniner, Afterbeingsecondedto WorldBankas SeniorFinancial Bureau,Director, lnt'lFinance Bureau(1993), FirstInvestment Divison,Finance BudgetBureau,DeputyDirector, Divison,SecurtiesBureau TaxBureau(1994)and Drector,Securities Business Int' TaxAffairsDlvision, Director, (1996). assumedDirector, Coordnaton Dvision, Afterrnovingto Financal SupervsoryAgencyin 1998,N/r.Kotegawa (19981999). Supervisory Department Supervisory Department andCounselor, Deputy Secretariat, In 2001,comingbackto the Ministry of Fnance,heservedas Counseor,lvlnisteas ofJapan(2002),Deputy Revitalzation Corporauon Director-Genera, ProectTeamto establshlndustrial (2003),and Deputy (2003),DeputyDirectorceneral, Int' BLlreau Minister's Secretariat DkectorGeneral, Bureau(2006). Direcior-General, Finance Fund(current). DrectorforJapan,Internatonal Monetary Since2007,he hasassumedExecutive
..1.sla Ionovation Forum
AsiaInnovation Forum2009
7 t7PflXfrfift,#.
HaruhikoKuroda l€ an Deveiopment Bank
I+]EI (1967+) HHi+tf+!i[+* 4 t ? ^7 ^ t:x+#;A+Xt+ 0971+) IMF) )967 + 1975-7A+ I987- 8a 4 t9a8-a94 t 992- 93 + I993- 94 + 1994- 95 +
EKJE€€C ( MF) AHEEHffREEffi&E#F E iHitraSc E EAffi;9€ (EH+EH*Ftra) (ElrffXC) E ^FCE+*C E EfirfAffiE{fEF ]A EHAEfE*;TE
r994- 954 tAEH+E{rE*.#C r995"'964 E EH+ ,B, E ree6-' 97+ E M&+*trqBtF r997- 99+ E EHAtuEF ('E**dtSTEHEF) r 9 9 9 ' ' 2 0 0 3 +E # E 2 0 0 3 + 3 E ' 0 5 +r E h H C E + 5 2OO3+7E-45+ t E E:t"i+ffi16,*+Iff4i+*F 2OO5+?E (2006+ EEjts) 7 t77E,;2ffi1-ft.#.
Mr Haruhiko Klrodais thePresidenl ol theAsianDevelopmenr Bank(ADB) andlhe Chanperson oi ADBs Boardoi Direclors. Hewasetected President by ADBs Boardoi covernoBin November 2OO4 andwasreetecred n November 2006ior a newive vearerm BeforeioininqADB,Mr' Klrodawasspe. alAdvsorto thecabinetoi Japa.eseprmeM.isierJunchro Koizumanda proressor arlhe cradlate school of Economcs at Hlotslbashi UnveEity n Tokyo. n a careerspanningneary folr decades,Mr KurodahasrepresentedJapans M . stryol Financeal a nlmber ol nlernationalmonetaryconierencesas vlce Minsler of Financetor nternalona Aiiairs.Durng n s termsas rJr€ror c€nera of the ntemational Burea!andasVce N1nsteroi F.ancebetween 1997and2oo3 Mr.Ku.odahepedd€sgnandmp ernentrheus$io b on -.lapan yazawa M nltative s response 1oAsia.economes hl bythe i997 l99g nnancat.rssUnderhisteadershio JaDanheDedAsiannations estabshlhe ChangMailnI atve,a nelworkoicutrency swapagreemenrs desgnedto averta.olhercnss. Bomon 25 October1944,Mr Klrodahods a BA n Lawfromlhe University ot Tokyoa.d a Masrer of phitosophv in Eco.omrcs iromihe U.verstvoi oiiord HeloinedtheM.s1ryot Fnancein 1967 Elghlyea.slaterhewasseconded to the nternalonaMonetarv F!nd.After relurninq to theMfs1ry lvr. Klrodaasslmedanumb$otseniorpostsnlheMnsrrysinter.aro.ainanceandtdal on bu.ealsWh e DeDlrv DtectorGe.eraolthe nternalo.aFrnarce Burea!hewasrespo.sib e lor Japa.s oliica deleopmeftasssranceaswel asretarions wlh m!l aleraldeveopmenlinancia nslt!1o.s .c udingADB. Mr Klrodasetoedas Presdentof theMinisiry's researctr arm,the nsttlte ot Fscal andMo.€taryPo cv,foroneyearbeiorerelurnngto lhe InlernalionalBureau as DrecrorGeneraTwoyea6 ater,hewaspro.noted to Vice Minister oi Finance forhie.nationar AifaiE,respons brerorporicypa...g inremal ona coordnarion, a.d enernareo.esemar on Afterrelrng iron lhe M n stry .2003 Mr.Klrodawasappo.tedSpeciaAd! sor10thecab nerot pnmeM n slerKorzum ro actvsetheoremier on nternalo.amonelaryssues Herrasaltho.eds€verabookson monelary poicy,excha.gerate intenalo.a l.ance po cy coordnauon,i.rer.alonatdal on,and neoolations.
,.\sla Innovaflon Forum
Forum2009 AsiaInnovation #E* / speakers
Rlll E &fiffi4i+ffii+ nr'tHsE!tr83
Member Group-20
KiyoshiKurokawa Insuiute for PocyStudies ProfessorNatonalGraduate io ihe Cabinet FormerSpecal Advisor
t&tu:tE?AE* PholobyTetsuosaklma
(2005)' +SElFEiLl;*l EAESDtfi&t# (2006-). *Hr!+AEtlF. wHo r:v)3t&fitrf,i+ffit++tF '&eE#b4" 1ttlEgg (2005 ). SeniorScienustof the EarthInstituteof ColumbiaUniversity(2006-).'l Eaae' zcD"A' ^ rii+. EfhFlIfl6LIfnE'dt1" re62 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444FH^+E+*R€ H,Hi+E+ifni]i+8. H-ff+. rel="nofollow">t)rt\ 7^+, frhrt ^ )1' 7^+, UCLAE+ES6Ei+ttg(1979-84)h8 l5 4E:€71 Ur?i@r3 " ,F81a. (t 989 96). *tEx+tr1*E+#F 0996-2002)' RH,i+E+E[H-Ai]*iF (2003-06). Memberof lnterAcademv aTetF E *+ifr*;**F *FlHitElf. *.t t
for Institute of NalionalGraduate Dr.Kurokawa, Professor EmeriiLrs of the Llnverstyof Tokyo,hasbeenProfessor for SocialDetermnantsof Health(2005-);Founding ol WHOCornmission PolicySiudies(2006); Commissioner (2006-). of the EarthInsttuteof Co urnbiaUniverslty Japan(2005), SeniorScientist Charman,HealthPoLcyInstitute, School frornthe Llniversity of Tokyo.Spent15yearsin USA;fromUnverstyoi Pennsylvania Received a IvlDclegree of andprofessor of medicne,Department of Southern Calfornia, UCLASchoolofN/edcine, Unrversjty of Medicine, of rnedicneof the Unversty of TolgoFacultyof lvledcine ne(197984).Professor l,4edcine,UCLASchoolof N,4edic (198996);DeanandProfessor of TokaiUnverstySchoolof l/edicneandDirectorof the Insttuteof Medicne the CenterforAdvanced ScienceandTechnology, the Research Scences(1996-2002), andAdiunctProfessor, ty of Tokyo(2003-06). Univers and ts Lcensedto practce medcinebothin Japanand n theSiaieof Ca fornia,boardcertfiedin internalmedicine Collegeof Medicne,andMasterol theAmerican of nephrology by theAmercanBoardof Internal subspeclalty professonalsocietiesncludng ScienceCouncilof Japan Physcians.An electedmemberof manyprestigious -06),andInterAcademy Council(2001 06).Specia (Presldent, Pane(200T 2003-06),Memberof InterAcademy oi the N/n striesandCabjnetOffce of Japan, servedandservesin manycommittees Advsorto the Cabinet(2006-08), and of Educaion,Sciences eg,Commtteefor ScienceandTechnoogyPolicyandas ScenceAdvsorforthe Ministry Culture.
AsiaInnovationForum20Og ;6EA / Speakers
13 t
Asia Innovation Forum
Group-20 Member
6i+i+rH EHA+*Min4A)StItE
KenKusunoki HioisubashUniversily Graduate Schoolof Iniemational Corporate Siraregy
-E,t+;,i+ffi8HA+Ss&Inf i;l (tcs: nternationat corporate strategy))E+ftg,gIl{*#+viFz4 ,/ a ,a rel="nofollow">, I ,/ ^->. > a?n^E,h\a A+nr#+fgfitE*! A;-ft;et? r\(if 4 t, r r\ 6. _ffit+i+lH6 +nfrn E1#.gtr7 0992)" -ffi^+6+S€E-#4fi (1992).lEit+E+*fie)+dH 0996) tffi<. 2o0o4r.6Effii. 1997+r\62oOO +*?-ffi +4 ) 4-i, =>ffi*,t> t -fr.&l*A*E. 1994-t995+L2OO2+.fivr-_i+f+E^+Eqtt.)7. --,/ ) Ae#.#t#E. ffcffi+*:+#F.
KENKUSUNoKI is Assocate Professor at craduateschoo ol nternatonalcorporatestrategy,H totsubashi university.Hewaseducatedat theGraduate schoolof commerce,HrtotsLrbashi un versity.HewasAssistant professor Professor from1992to 1996,andwasAssociate lrom 1996to 2000at Facultyof commerce,Hitotsubashi un versiiy.He wasa so withthe Institute of Innovation Research, Hrtotsubashl un v. during1g93 2o0i . Hehasioned Graduate schoo ol nternationa corporatestrategy(lcs)since2000. He speciaizes in competitive strategyand rnnovation. HiscurrentTesearch interests focuson strategies andorganizat onalcapabitities for compettive differentiation throughinnovaiion.
Forum2009 Asialnnovation
Asla Innovation Forum
#E* / Speakers
9=/.7-tU> 7 t:iJffiS,*1+ ftEryffil?+tF
John Lagerling \4cePresidenl andGeneral Manager, Japan
try€U, *tri+ffi,F+S(€/\-1)tt schoolof Economics ? MBA(v-r71>2&Effift+Z) Stockholm et{j4 >t-?'v t- l:ai-> F--r7 a >laifrntfta" NTT F rEo) Cy+zh:t6t-a c. i t- Fo)iErlEFi:&Lr$fffiffiFUy+zl.ES46*#1.frt L /.0)€, Goosle ,.(, E66ti"rLlrTyTt+FJrgdo)E/r-trLr.H?'aG+t: aFffi+#&6J Ett I'ww6]fft6t-. FrELo&FlE#t, 'E/t-1/r.7> l:a< FX)?-2, N4ixi LaTl\4 )rffi.)>->'vFrljT f E>7 + GREE KDDILo)&Fl€ffi,YouTube (AdMob Inc.VicePresident andGeneral Manager, Japan) a1EffirstttEg, lEts7 Ft 7*n*&'lttryffi&ftF r u(. E*s08. iEE. L'v+7.iittffi1*"
for thecompany'sstrategy, of JapanforAdMob,Johnis responsible As VicePresdenlandGeneralManager and prodLrct for Japan operations, andexpansionn Japan.Priorto joinlngAdnrob,Johnwasheadof mobilebusiness for forgingkeypartnershlps wth the majorcarriersandhandset at Google,wherehewasresponsible andAsia-Pacific leadthe aroundsearch,ads,YouTube andAndroid.Johnaso successfuly manufacturers, drivingnumerousnitiatives ps wth the leadlngmobile advertsngpartnersh establishment of Googe'smobilead networkn Japan,including publishers initallyas a andSNSstes GreeandMixi.Prorto Google,Johnspentfiveyearsworkingat NTTDoCoN,4o, andlateras executive advsorfocusng on business development around manager for regionasalesand rnarketing, Johnearneda Masterof SciencedegreefromStockhom Schoolof Economics imode andthe walleiphonebusiness. Business whileaso conductng hispost-graduate research at Unversty of in Economics, Marketing & Internauonal Tokvo'sFacultvof Economics.
AsiaInnovation Forum2009 ;6EE / Speakers
Innovation Forum
4 . 7alb7 1 +?EAE€4 1t +F * CEO
Lee Chol-Hwi Chairman & CEO KoreaAssetf.4anagement Corporat on
1953 + 1944+ 1 9 7 6+ I 9 7 8+ r989+ r9924 r993+ 'r995 + 1997+ 2 A O+1 20424 2003+ 2AO4+ 2007+ 2008+
E @ . 1) t l6 > + = > )+ * n y t )t^+HB+ ++ -ffi ;\ +jt+1Ht'6,*?*[(sfl + ert) H r 7 E 1 5 & # m6 i 6 EBEIIFf.)ltE,fE#E fu#EB*IEE q4#*r3#F E EAH€f.[TEEqIfNFfAfX+F E69ifi ft$aiff*Ftf EFilT44F itfi i€A=E M&i3*il.=3 tr&E tffi iFiu€€ i+xid€€ *i^16,8F EIEAA]f9Effi8e (,EF) F'&XE,EC[ FEIfil,f E t4rtiEF*R,ti*eE Rd&iEXSEF,EF / '7$:*fRfi (ADB)E+ FrIkffi,**[fi ,N*i]n EffdE+sELl?6.1f, c #E€E€EA+i 1lF (qE)
A tormerseniorgovernment officialservng for morethan30 yearsw ih extensive experencein Internat ona Fnance,Domestc Bankng SysiemandTreasury of KoreaGovemmeni. Renowned of Japanese economic specatstwtrr broacten networkof senior government ollicias andlinancalexecuivesin Japan.Predctedrecenlg oballnancaliurnrol, itsmassve impactlo theworld economy preemptve actions. andsuggesied charmanof KAMCo,soiegovernmentar resolurion agerry,wnosem ssronsare managing ihe NonPerfoming AsseiFund(Pubic Funcr), resovingihe d stressed assetsacqlrired frorf Dankngsectorand deveop ng thedornesilc f nanciaindustry & naUonal economv
Forum2OO9 AsiaInnovation
Asia Imovation Forum
#,E* / Speakers
aa. v79-7 t4L#,
Coco Masters correspondent andacing bureauchiefn Tokyo llme magazine's
&iet4,*f':E.I'{LF t> ft}l:Eh/\-"2o41 412EEA "^t-/F,lJt 41\atA4q,EEtl,<, E6ae)+^ ED)*. < 7t -7RttE4@;t+{-rjiJ.6*HetF. TX4o*,1q8:EEr'55HorAFLI,rI /cEZ=t, t 4 L#.(7 tVffi. . E,E{. 3 +F€9lt4U.m #i.*i,+.rFffiHijt*.t-l l\41a=1-1-t *Effi),-lA;6STd) Style& Design t7 w.a Aillt+{g"Y^t-aEnrFi6*gt'L7 ^vt?-G*. tiWL)r\< t t,/ a)-PERE*+&4 4*444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444, (t4 L#.h\E+L 0 6tf ,/\-zF .J-({*. *#HiA+tB!t.€*offif,LTEtry Dt{JL' Y 7t 7fttt." Aroz" -taqa, 7 - :2t:v + ) t > l' ##i. 3 +rdtrF. aa> x7 ^+ffi,, p -t ) lAtr+. /\t)r^+l-<7 )7tfina+Eng6F HL. 7' -?vEf;O&+AEry€.
andactingbureauchiefin Tokyo,whereshecoversJapans s 7lmeraagazne'scorrespondent COCON,4ASTERS has n December 2007,I\,4asters bLrsnessandeconomc issues,po tcs, andculturatrends.S nceherappointment reformin Japanese universities and probemsfacinglaborin the recession, wrttenon ssuesrangingiromeclucatonal partyfor boththeAsiananddomestcedilionsof the magazine' to the growingstrengthof Japan'smainopposition workedn tme's NewYorkofficefor threeyears,writingon N/lasters Tme.comand l/me'sSo/eI Deslgr.Previously, health. technoogy,and physcalandconsumer startup companies, a varietvof ssuesnc udingthea rlne nclustry, the natonal andexpectat ons_before Herrecentcoverstory n theAsiaedton lookedat Japan'syoLrthther concerns "A "The to coverstores on topcs ranglngfrom to Z" (Iime'sannLral Yearin election.Mastershascontrbutedregularly andthe bombingof Hiroshma60 years to Hurricane Katrna'saftermath Americabv the Nurnbers, Medicine")and later. n Japan marketng andbrandmanagernent workedforthreeyearsln prodLlct BeforejoiningTime,I\,4asters fromPomonaCo ege, andgraduated Graduate SchooofJournalism fromCo umbiaUniversity's Sheearnedan I\,4.S. prizeanda postgraduate fe owshipfromthe Freernan whereshewasawardedtheAsianStlldes departmental Foundaton,
AsiaInnovation Forum2009
Asia Innovation Forum
;€,E* / Speakers
t'it+ +&
(*:r.r 2tr',3.7r;
TakafumiMatsui Drector Planetary Explorat on Besearch Center,Chba Insttuteof Technotogy
1946++*NL" EitEFH9,HHt+E+*R+*. td'o+ffi147. F,u.i+tr.+ffi*,fiFrdF!,frr++il'nf+fl,g(*+S#r{*E) zE<. IFG. HF^+A€*1F, +Fr+i+*E#6tTf;+z> t _-FfrF.. HHEEiffiBlt,FtrfrF,eF:lt*E+ZE+ . 771'n/\44ui-. 1986+ rNaturer #t-+t L Lrtlr*oir;F LE.|L{.,r\( o_)Foifit E+En+E,E+tEr.t" ;\nlEort!;Fr.B€t6*feiftoFrE{.tjU. I 988e. fi*+*n,8ffi n€HH. EAo&,FeE€#+i*r,, EHA!/d++. *F*l://\-t L($)EEL. [email protected]+oiFl{i.ffD trb ) tt6zd)=E J. H,.6Jin,Biitrdht)ra,g,Err(rryi). r#H&J&r*E.tb;fir (#R=tr) tbte"
PresentstatusrD rectorof Planetary Exporation Research centerat chibaInsttuteofrechnotogy, professor erneritus ofthe University of Tokyoand distinguishecl fellowof theTokvoFoundation. Bornin shizlokaprefecture in T946.Graduatecr Facurty of scienceat the university of roKyoIn 1970.comoreted Graduaieschoorof scienceat the univ.of rokyo in r976 (Doctorof scence).workedfor Facu iv of science. Graduate schoo of sc enceandGracluate schoolof Fronter sc encesat the Univ.of Tokyosinceihen(professor of Con'rparative Panetology). Retiredthe Unv.of Tokyon N/larch published of 2009. manysc en ic papersand booksHonoredby HoriuchlPrizefromthe rneteorologica societyof Japan,worked for varousacaoemrc socretres and government comrattees. " ,,orgin Research f elds:"physcs anclchemstryof mpactprocess, ,, andevolution of the Earthandthe solarsystem, 'studyon K/Tianpaci ,,evolutron eventanclts mplicaton for K,/Tmassextrnctron,,, ,,,,cosm of theeannsystem, c view of cvilizaton,'and so on. ,R