Ashringa: 9 Appendix =a Death Valley Bestiary

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ASHRINGA Werehorses for White Wolf’s Werewolf: the Apocalypse  By Laura M. Henson © 2005

Chapter Nine APPENDIX: A DEATH VALLEY BESTIARY There were plants and birds and rocks and things There was sand and hills and rings - America, “Horse with No Name”. In this bestiary will be listed the most common large animals in Death Valley, animals that can be friends or foes. Three species that are now extinct in Death Valley, the grizzly bear, jaguar, and wolf will be listed as well. These species will be included because they would make fierce antagonists and the Government is currently planning to reintroduce native species that have been exterminated to the national parks. In addition statistics will be given for those spirits most likely to be encountered in the area. These statistics will not include those already given in the Antagonists chapter but will include many native faerie races and monsters.

Animals “Wildlife includes several raptors, such as the golden eagle and the prairie falcon, as well as bighorn sheep.” - California Wilderness Areas Volume 2: The Deserts by National Geographic. All animals, no matter their species, will have the following traits: Mental 1, Social 1, Survival (foraging hunting, and tracking) 4, a Gnosis score equal to Willpower and a Rage score (used to make extra actions only, animals do not frenzy) equal to the Brawl score and they can also split their dice pool to do extra attacks per turn. Thanks to The Bygone Bestiary by White Wolf games for some of the statistics given below. Changes can be made to these statistics to create monsters simply by changing their size, appearance, and making their attacks do aggravated damage. When changing a creature’s size add or subtract the Attribute modifier given below to the creature’s Strength, Stamina and Health level rolls and remember to change the Difficulty modifier to reflect the new size. The difficulty modifier is added or subtracted to all rolls to detect the creature or to strike the creature. Size Fine Diminutive Tiny Small Medium Large Huge Giant Colossal

Example insects rat cat dog man sized horse rhino elephant whale

Attribute Modifier -4 -3 -2 -1 0 0 +1 +2 +3

Difficulty Modifier +3 +2 +1 0 0 0 -1 -2 -3


For example, a mountain lion mutated to the size of a rhinoceros by radioactive waste would add +1 to strength, stamina, and life points but would be easer to see coming and would make a larger target.

Bats The bats of Death Valley are all small, harmless insect eaters. The only real danger from them is having them swarm about you in a precarious situation, thus distracting you, or from being bitten by the rare rabid animal. The most interesting desert species are the Mexican free tailed bats that inhabit some local caves in the thousands and the pallid bat which eats mainly scorpions and thus is immune to their venom. Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level: Armor Rating: Attacks: Size: Move: Powers:

Strength 1 Dexterity 4 Stamina 1 Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 1, Dodge 3 1 Ok,-1,-2,-5, Incapacitated. 0 Bite for 1 die. Diminutive (+2) 1, fly 10 Darksight, Resist Toxin (pallid bat only), Scent of Sight, Tree Climber.

Bear (Black/Grizzly) There are two bears native to Death Valley: the common black bear and the extinct grizzly bear. Both are omnivorous beasts with bad tempers that may try to attack anyone who seems wounded or who gets between a female and her cubs. Black bears average six feet tall on their hind legs and can weigh up to 300 pounds. Grizzlies can be up to 8 feet tall and can weigh half a ton! Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level: Armor Rating: Attacks: Size: Move: Powers:

Strength 5/6 Dexterity 2 Stamina 5/6 Alertness 3, Brawl 3, Intimidation 2, Stealth 1 4 Ok (x 3), -1 (x 3), -3, -5, Incapacitated. 1 Bite for strength, Claw for strength +2. Medium/Large (0) 5/20 Heightened senses (smell), Hibernation, Resist Pain.

Bird (Crows and other small avians) Both the common crow and the raven are found in Death Valley. These statistics may also be used for jays, mockingbirds, woodpeckers, roadrunners and large aggressive songbirds. Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level: Armor Rating: Attacks: Size: Move: Powers:

Strength 2 Dexterity 3 Stamina 2 Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Dodge 2 3 Ok,-1 (x2),-2,-5, Dead. 0 Peck for 1 die, Claw for 2 dice. Diminutive (+2) 1, fly 20 Balance, Mimic, Speed of the Impala (roadrunner only) Tree Climber.


Bird (ducks and other waterfowl) The statistics for waterfowl may be used for ducks, geese, swans and herons. Many are fairly large birds (the common Great Blue heron can be 3 feet tall) with nasty bites and bony spurs on the wings that can break a man’s leg with one blow. Luckily these birds are harmless unless cornered or their young are endangered. These birds are migratory and usually enter the park during the winter months. Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level:

Strength 1 (duck/goose)/2 (swan/heron) Dexterity 2 Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 1 2 Duck or Goose: Ok,-1, -5, Incapacitated. Swan or Heron: Ok, -1 (x2), -2 (x2),-5, Incapacitated. Armor Rating: 0 Attacks: Peck for strength, Wing buffet strength + 1 dice. Size: Tiny or Small (+1/0) Move: 2 fly 20 Powers: Camouflage, Sneak Attack.

Stamina 3

Bird: Owl The owls of Death Valley range from the tiny elf owl to the eagle sized Great horned owl. They are nocturnal birds of prey with feathers that make no sound when the wings flap. Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level: Armor Rating: Attacks: Size: Move: Powers:

Strength 2 Dexterity 3 Stamina 2 Alertness 4, Brawl 1, Dodge 2. 3 Ok,-1(x2),-5, Incapacitated. 0 Bite for strength 1 die, claw for 2 dice. Tiny to small (+1/0) 1/ 2, fly 20 Darksight, Heightened Senses (hearing), Silent Stalking (only when in the air).

Bird: Raptor


Raptors include falcons, hawks, vultures, and eagles. Wingspans in raptors range from 12 inches in the Sparrow hawk to 8 feet in the Golden eagle. All have spectacular vision, wicked beaks and razor sharp talons. Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level: Armor Rating: Attacks: Size: Move: Powers:

Strength 2 (3 in eagles) Dexterity 3 Stamina 2 Perception 5 Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Dodge 2, Intimidation 2 (3 in eagles) 3 Ok,-1 (x2),-2,-5, Incapacitated. 0 Bite for strength -1 die, claw for strength +1 dice. Small (0) 1/ 2 fly 25 Eyes of the Raptor, Heightened Senses (smell, vultures only).

Bobcat The only small cat in Death Valley is a small desert lynx called the bobcat. This American wildcat is up to three feet long and can weigh up to 25 pounds. It will attack animals many times its own size but is wary of man.


Attributes: Abilities:

Strength 1 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3 Alertness 3, Athletics 2 (climbing +1), Brawl 2, Dodge 3, Intimidation 2, Stealth 4 Willpower: 3 Health Level: Ok,-1,-2,-5, Incapacitated. Armor Rating: 0 Attacks: Bite or Claw for 1 die. If both forepaws hit in the same turn then the hind claws may rake for 2 dice. Size: Small (0) Move: 5/20 Powers: Cat Feet, Darksight, Heightened senses (hearing), Tree Climber.

Coyote The coyote is a wild dog similar to a jackal. It is larger than a fox but smaller than a wolf and is the most common wolf-like animal in America. Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level: Armor Rating: Attacks: Size: Move: Powers:

Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 2 Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Stealth 2 3 Ok,-1,-2,-3,-5, Incapacitated. 0 Bite for strength +1 die, claw for strength. Small (0) 7/28 Darksight, Heightened Senses (smell), Trip.

Deer (Doe/Buck) The only deer native to Death Valley is the desert mule deer. One of the largest deer, a mule deer buck can have up to 22 tines on its antlers and weigh over 300 pounds. As in most deer only the males have antlers. Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level: Armor Rating: Attacks: Size: Move: Powers:

Strength 2/3 Dexterity 3 Stamina 2/3 Alertness 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Empathy 2, Stealth 2 3 Ok (x2),-1 (x2),-2,-5, Incapacitated. 0 Hooves for Strength +1, Antlers (buck only) 5 dice. Medium (0) 7/30 Darksight, Camouflage (fawn only), Heightened Senses (hearing), Leap of the Kangaroo.

Fox (Kit/Gray) There are two species of fox native to Death Valley, the kit fox and the gray fox. The kit fox is one of the smallest foxes in the world and inhabits arid deserts. The gray fox in contrast is a forest dweller that often climbs trees, boulders, and even telephone poles. Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level: Armor Rating:

Strength 1 Dexterity 3 Stamina 2 Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 4, Stealth 3 3 Ok,-1,-2,-5, Incapacitated. 0


Attacks: Bite for strength +1 die. Size: Tiny (+1) Move: 7/25 Powers: Camouflage (Kit fox only), Darksight, Heightened Senses (hearing), Scent of Running Water, Tree Climber (Gray fox only).

Frogs, Toads, and Lizards There are several harmless reptile and amphibian species in Death Valley. They are included here because some fool may attempt to eat a poisonous toad or to make mutant monsters for antagonists. Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level: Armor Rating: Attacks: Size: Move: Powers: Scales

Strength 1 Dexterity 2 Stamina 1 Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Dodge 3, Stealth 3 2 Ok,-1, Incapacitated. 0 Bite for strength. Diminutive (+2) 7/28 Darksight, Leap of the Kangaroo (Frog only), Water Breathing (Amphibians only), (+1 to armor, lizards only), Venom (Toad only: Respiratory Poison at Difficulty 4).

Jaguar The jaguar is the largest of all American cats. This leopard like animal weighs up to 300 pounds and was once believed to have been exterminated from the United States until a few animals were photographed in the Arizona desert. While not now located in Death Valley it is possible that the cat will eventually occupy the area. Attributes:

Strength 3 Dexterity 4 Stamina 2 Perception 2 Abilities: Athletics 4, Brawl 4, Dodge 2, Intimidation 2, Stealth 2 Willpower: 5 Health Level: Ok (x2),-1 (x3),-2 (x2),-5, Incapacitated. Armor Rating: 0 Attacks: Bite for strength +2 die, claw for strength +2. Size: Large (0) Move: 10/30 Powers: Balance, Cat Feet, Darksight, Heightened Senses (hearing).

Horse/Burro Here is something every Ashringa needs, the average statistics for his animal kinfolk. Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level: Armor Rating: Attacks: Size: Move: Powers: Thought.

Strength 5/4 Dexterity 2 Stamina 4 Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 1, Dodge 1. 3 Ok (x4),-1,-3 (x2),-5 (x2), Incapacitated. 0 Hooves for strength +1 die bite for strength -2. Large (0) 10/35 Darksight, Heightened Senses (hearing), Speed of


Puma The puma (also known as a cougar, panther or mountain lion) is the second largest cat in the Americas at 8 feet long and 200 pounds in weight. In appearance it resembles a small maneless lion and it is found from desert heat to arctic snows. Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level: Armor Rating: Attacks: Size: Move: Powers:

Strength 2 Dexterity 4 Stamina 2 Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 3, Dodge 1, Intimidation 2, Stealth 3 5 Ok,-1,-2,-3,-5, Incapacitated. 0 Bite for strength +1 die, claw for strength +2. Medium (0) 10/30 Balance, Cat Feet, Darksight, Heightened Senses (hearing), Trip.

Sheep The only wild sheep in Death Valley is the desert bighorn. The ram is a large sheep and can be up to 6 feet long, 3 feet tall and weigh as much as 225 pounds. Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level: Armor Rating: Attacks: Size: Move: Powers:

Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 3 Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 2 3 Ok (x2),-1 (x2),-5, Incapacitated. 0 Horns for strength +2. Medium (0) 8/15 Balance, Heightened Senses (smell).

Small Mammal Small mammals include all the smaller animals that do not fit into any of the other categories. This group contains opossums, moles, shrews, raccoons, ringtails, weasels, skunks, badgers, ground and tree squirrels, gophers, voles, lagomorphs, porcupines and rats and mice. Attributes: Strength 1 Dexterity 3 Stamina 1 Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 1, Dodge 2, Stealth 1 Willpower: 2 Health Level: Ok,-1, -3,-5, Incapacitated. Armor Rating: 0 Attacks: Bite for strength. Size: Tiny (+1) Move: 5/20 Fly 25 (flying squirrel only). Powers: Balance (squirrels only), Burrow, Darksight, Camouflage, Gift of the Porcupine (porcupine only), Gnaw (rodents and lagomorphs only), Heightened Senses (usually smell but hearing in rabbits and touch in raccoons), Leap of the Kangaroo (rabbits and hares only), Odious Aroma (skunks only), Resist Pain (badger only) Sneak Attack (weasels only), Wood land Stride.


Snake Several serpents inhabit Death Valley including the rosy boa and two rattlesnakes. Most (including the boa) are only a few feet long but the Western Diamondback can be over 7 feet in length. The only other poisonous snake is the sidewinder whose deadly venom is only mollified due to its small size. Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level:

Strength 1-2 Dexterity 3 Stamina 1-2 Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 1. 2 Ok,-1, Incapacitated (most snakes) Ok,-1, -2,-3, Incapacitated (Diamondbacks) Armor Rating: 1 Attacks: Bite for strength, constrict for strength +2. Size: Small-Medium (0) Move: 2/5 (small) or 5/10 (diamondback). Powers: Darksight, Heightened Senses (smell), Paralyzing Stare. Poisonous vipers have a muscle poison at the following difficulties to resist: Western Diamondback 8 Sidewinder 6

Wolf The wolf is currently extinct in the southern U.S.A. but it is being planed to reintroduce the species to many of the national parks in California including Death Valley. Attributes: Abilities: Willpower: Health Level: Armor Rating: Attacks: Size: Move: Powers:

Strength 3 Dexterity 2 Stamina 3 Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Dodge 1, Stealth 2 3 Ok,-1 (x2),-3,-5, Incapacitated. 0 Bite for strength +1 die, claw for strength. Medium (0) 7/28 Darksight, Heightened Senses (smell), Trip.

SPIRITS In the land of the pigmies there was a strange sight, from mountain to mountain a bowstring was stretched and a line of dust rose where they danced -Traditional Shoshone Indian chant. All the spirits given below are from the myths of the American Indians of the Southwestern deserts. They are all typical adult individuals of their kind and physical statistics may vary with age or even the whim of the spirit. These spirits rarely materialize in this day and age and when they are reported the witnesses are usually labeled kooks by the media.

Dragon (Couatl) The couatl is the Amphiptere of America. The couatl appears as a winged, poisonous, serpent covered with brilliant green body feathers and with bird-like wings and a feathered crest in a rainbow of


hues. These majestic dragons are the sacred spirits of rain who bring life giving moisture to the parched desert sands. This role means that they were worshiped much like the dragons of China throughout the southwest, indeed Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec God of Life, was depicted as one of these dragons. Willpower: 9 Rage: 5 Gnosis: 7 Power: 40 Size: Huge (-1) Charms: Airt Sense, Armor, Healing (touch), Materialize (Power Cost 33, Strength 4, Dexterity 7, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3, Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Intimidation 3, Linguistics 1, Survival 2, Armor Rating 3, Health levels [ok (x4) ,-1 (x3), -3 (x2), -5, Incapacitated] Bite for 6 dice of aggravated damage), Open Moon Bridge, Shapeshift, Venom (as the Garou Gift).

Dragon (Piasa) The Piasa is the guivre of America. It appears as a huge scaly jaguar with the claws of a bear, the antlers of a deer, the face of a man, and the tail of a fish. The wings are those of a bat but they are covered in feathers like a bird. Piasas vary from helpful guardians of the umbra to vicious man eaters in Indian mythology and thus are much like the dragons of European myth. Willpower: 8 Rage: 5 Gnosis: 10 Power: 50 Size: Giant (-2) Charms: Airt Sense, Armor, Blast Flame (Breath) or Frozen Breath, Healing (lick), Materialize (Power Cost 33, Strength 5, Dexterity 6, Stamina 3, Charisma 4, Manipulation 6, Appearance 4, Perception 5, Intelligence 9, Wits 6, Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Enigmas 4, Intimidation 4, Linguistics 1, Stealth 2, Survival 3, Health levels [ok (x3) ,-1 (x3), -3 (x2), -5, Incapacitated] Bite for 7 dice and claw for 6 dice of aggravated damage), Open Moon Bridge, Paralyzing Stare (as the Garou Gift), Shapeshift.

Dragon (Wakinyan) The Wakinyan is the American Wyvern. Like its British cousin it resembles a serpent with a crocodilian head, two legs and bat’s wings. Unlike its cousin, however this spirit lacks armored scales and a poisonous sting. Instead the wakinyan is covered in smooth silvery white metallic skin and can breathe bolts of lightning. These gigantic dragons were believed to have warred with the horned serpents sometime in the past and still feel anger towards Unktena’s brood. Today reports of these creatures are usually dismissed as UFO reports even by the terrified airplane pilots who are occasionally chased out of the desert by one of these spirits. After all which are your superiors more likely to believe, that you were attacked by a UFO or by a 90 foot long flying crocodile? Willpower: 10 Rage: 9 Gnosis: 7 Power: 60 Size: Colossal (-3) Charms: Airt Sense, Armor, Control Electrical Systems, Materialize (Power Cost 44, Strength 9, Dexterity 9, Stamina 6, Charisma 3 Manipulation 2, Appearance 5, Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4, Alertness 2, Athletics 5, Brawl 5, Intimidation 5, Survival 3, Health levels [ok (x5) ,-1 (x5), -3 (x3), -5 (x3), Incapacitated] Bite for 12 dice and claw for 10 dice of aggravated damage), Open Moon Bridge, Paralyzing Stare (as the Garou Gift).

Dzoo-no-qua The Dzoo-no-qua are troll like earth spirits made of living stone. They are ponderous 12 foot giants that carry whole uprooted tree trunks as clubs. Unseelie Dzoo-noqua are man eating horrors responsible for the disappearance of many hikers and campers in the badlands. Seelie members of this troll tribe in contrast may move heavy objects or otherwise help others but will remain hidden if at all possible.


Willpower: 9 Rage: 9 Gnosis: 7 Power: 40 Size: Large (-1) Charms: Airt Sense, Armor, Avalanche (as the Garou Gift), Materialize (Power Cost 27, Strength 7, Dexterity 2, Stamina 6, Social 2, Mental 2, Brawl 2, Intimidation 4, Survival 2, Health levels [ok (x3) ,-1 (x3), -3 (x3), -5, Incapacitated] Bite for 9 dice and claw for 8 dice of aggravated damage), Regenerate (1 level per turn but takes aggravated damage from fire).

Eye Killer The eye killer is a vile cockatrice like monster with the head and legs of an owl, the wings of a bat and the tail of a serpent. This cat sized beast differs from its relative in having two huge eyes that shoot beams of electricity at its victims instead of a gaze that turns its victim to stone. An eye killer’s gaze can merely shock a victim or cause fatal burns depending upon the intensity of the beams. Willpower: 7 Rage: 7 Gnosis: 7 Power: 30 Size: Tiny (+1) Charms: Armor, Lightning Bolts, Materialize (Power Cost 20, Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Social 1, Mental 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Expression 2, Intimidation 3, Stealth 3, Survival 4, Health levels [ok ,-1, 2,-3,-5, Incapacitated] Bite for 4 dice and claw for 5 dice of aggravated damage), Tracking.

Hohoq Hohoqs (pronounced “Hoh-hoks”) are banes that from a distance appear to be winged men. Up close they more closely resemble a cross between a pterodactyl and an owl with dark brown to gray leathery skin, blazing red eyes in a gorilla like face and a toothed beak. Legend says that they are the spirits of witches wronged by a faithless husband. Like UFOS these creatures can cause automobiles to stall and often appear as omens of disaster. Willpower: 6 Rage: 7 Gnosis: 5 Power: 20 Size: Medium (0) Charms: Airt Sense, Materialize (Power Cost 12, Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2, Social 3, Mental 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Health levels [ok (x2) ,-1,-1 (x2), -2 (x2), -5, Incapacitated] Claws for 4 dice aggravated damage, Paralyzing Stare (as the Garou Gift), Short Out.

Kai-nu-suvs The Kai-nu-suvs are the elves of Death Valley. These spirits take the form of small men with skin as pale as sunset clouds and hair as white as snow. Some say their king wears a crown of antlers. The Kai-nu-suvs ride bighorn sheep and use coyotes to herd the valley’s deer. In the old days any Indian who killed a deer or bighorn was supposed to leave some of the meat to the elves in payment. Those Indians who failed to leave the Kai-nu-suvs their tribute would be elf-shot for stealing from the faerie herds. These elves are associated with the spirit Wee-sa-kee-jac (corrupted to “Whisky Jack” by Europeans) the local name for the trickster god Coyote. Willpower: 5 Rage: 3 Gnosis: 8 Power: 40 Size: Small to Medium (0) Charms: Airt Sense, Control Electrical Systems, Disorient, Eyes of the Cat, Gift of the Spriggan (as the Fianna gift), Materialize (Power Cost 27, Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Social 5, Mental 3, Alertness 3, Animal Ken 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Expression 3, Firearms 3, Healing 2, Melee 2, Performance 3, Repair 2, Stealth 2, Occult 4, Survival 4, Health levels [ok (x2) ,-1 (x2), -2 (x2),-5, Incapacitated] Elfin Bow (Treat as a crossbow doing 4 dice of aggravated damage) or Sword or spear for Strength 4 dice aggravated damage., Phantasm (as the Fianna gift), Shapeshift, Woodland Stride.


Ohdowa The ohdowa are small reptilian humanoids similar to the kobolds of Europe. Ohdowas are possessed of huge eyes and ears, are covered with rusty red to black scales, and have long tails. The Indians believe that the ohdowa were the prototypes of humanity, discarded by the Creator long ago because of their extreme ugliness. In shame these small goblins fled underground. There they mine for the metals used by the other faerie races of the desert. Willpower: 4 Rage: 3 Gnosis: 4 Power: 30 Size: Small (0) Charms: Airt Sense, Burrow, Eyes of the Cat, Materialize (Power Cost 20, Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Social 3, Mental 5, Alertness 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Melee 3, Repair 4, Stealth 3, Occult 1, Survival 3, Health levels [ok (x2) ,-1,-1 (x2), -2 (x2), -5, Incapacitated] Club or spear for Strength 4 dice aggravated damage, Reshape Object (as the Fianna gift).

Pa-o-has Pa-o-has are water spirits resembling mermaids that inhabit the valley’s rivers and lakes. These spirits can often be seen swimming around or sitting on the shore while combing their hair. They are famed for using their singing to lure unwary men and children close enough to drown them. Willpower: 6 Rage: 5 Gnosis: 8 Power: 30 Size: Medium (0) Charms: Eyes of the Cat, Materialize (Power Cost 17, Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2, Social 5, Mental 3, Alertness 2, Brawl 2, Expression 3, Healing 2, Performance 5, Occult 2, Survival 2, Health levels [ok (x2) ,-1,-1 (x2), -2 (x2), -5, Incapacitated], Spirit of the Fish (as the Uktena Gift), Song of the Siren (as the Galliard gift).

Thunderbird The thunderbird of the American southwest is an immense eagle-like condor with a 30 foot wingspan. It is sometimes confused with the much larger Wakinyan from a distance but it has feathers and cannot breathe lightning, though its wings can flap with the sound of thunder and create windstorms and tornados. Willpower: 8 Rage: 8 Gnosis: 4 Power: 60 Size: Huge (-1) Charms: Airt Sense, Clap of Thunder (as the Shadow Lord gift), Create Wind, Eyes of the Raptor, Healing, Materialize (Power Cost 43, Strength 10, Dexterity 4, Stamina 9, Social 3, Mental 5, Alertness 5, Brawl 5, Dodge 4, Intimidation 5, Occult 4, Survival 5, Health levels [ok (x3) ,-1 (x2), -2 (x2), -5 (x2), Incapacitated-ed], Claw for 12 dice and bite for 10 dice aggravated damage).

U-nu-pits U-nu-pits are banes, spirits of serpents and disease. Theses demons live in the craggy mountains where they seek to cause illness and injury by tripping (or pushing) people off of cliffs, causing landslides, and placing snakes in their beds. Like many banes they can also posses others. A possessed victim may have the demon driven out by having the exorcist cut the victim with an obsidian knife and rubbing the wound with ash and live coals while a circle of chanters surround the Ritemaster.


Willpower: 7 Rage: 8 Gnosis: 7 Power: 30 Size: Medium (0) Charms: Airt Sense, Blighted Touch, Possession, Materialize (Power Cost 18, Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Social 3, Mental 5, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Melee 2, Stealth 3, Health levels [ok (x2) ,-1 (x2), -2 (x2), -5, Incapacitated] spear for Strength 4 dice aggravated damage), Perfect Poison (5 power to activate, otherwise as the Ratkin gift).

Yan-tups Yan-tups are water spirits similar to naiads and nixies. A nymph of lakes, rivers, and springs Yan-tups are skilled in music and dancing, and are supposed to have healing powers. Like all water nymphs they often seduce men and attempt to carry them off to their underwater realms. In Death Valley’s salt pools however it was believed that these Nymphs were truly evil and became corrupted as their lakes dried up and became encrusted with arsenic laded Epsom salts. These evil spirits sit by the salt pools singing of their loss and waiting to poison some unwary man with a kiss. Willpower: 6 Rage: 5 Gnosis: 7 Power: 20 Size: Medium (0) Charms: Airt Sense, Kiss of Death (the kiss of the nymph causes the victim to in poisoned water: the cost is 2 points per damage caused), Materialize (Power Cost 10, Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Social 5, Mental 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 1, Performance 5, Subterfuge 2, Health levels [ok (x2) ,-1 (x2), -2 (x2), -5, Incapacitated] Claw for 2 dice aggravated damage, Seductive Song (cost 5 power: the victim will fall madly in love with the nymph), Spirit of the Fish.


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