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  • Pages: 6
Trees are the longest living organisms on the planet and one of the earth's greatest natural resources. They keep our air supply clean, reduce noise pollution, improve water quality, help prevent erosion, provide food and building materials, create shade, and help make our landscapes look beautiful. The sentence above describes the role of trees to earth. Without trees we cannot continue our life as human being on earth. The trees around us make a most conducive method to cool the earth. The shade and wind buffering provided by trees reduces annual heating and cooling the earth. This is good fact for us because we can reduce the usage of Chloro Floro Carbon (CFC) in our daily life that can cause the greenhouse effect. As we know, we as human being make a cycle rotation respiration with the trees. Human being absorbs oxygen produced by trees and the trees absorb carbon dioxide made by human. That shows the close relationship between human being and the trees. In addition, trees are used in business. In business, the trees or plants are transforming into the furniture and the furniture product is selling all over the world. Besides, by take the advantage from the trees human can make a lot profit in their life. The trees also contributed in medical. As example, ‘tongkat ali’ or its scientific name Eurycoma longifolia can give man an extraordinary energy ‘kacip fatimah’ or its scientific name Myrsinaceae for woman. In my view, each type of plants plays a scientific role to cure the disease. Let we see the opposite condition that happen to trees. Nowadays, many trees had been cut down because of urbanization factor. In statistic, the percentage of forest in Malaysia decrease from 70% on 1990 to near 58% on 2008. The statistic show the forest that covers our country is destroyed from year to year. The activities made by human contribute the earth to another problem which is greenhouse and global warming respectively. This situation is not good to the world because it will make the world become worst and disaster in the future. To overcome the problem from become worst, I suggest the government should take an action to who in prohibited to the nature. The reforestation is the best way to substitute the cut down trees. As the conclusion, we can conclude that the trees and plants are important to us. So, we as human being should appreciate and takes cares the heritage with love and full of attention.

Petroleum is a mixture of a very large number of different ingredients of mineral from earth ground. The formation of the petroleum need a millions year to form it. This is why the petroleum became the main factors to make money. The petroleum sources give a lot of advantages to human being. As petroleum gives benefits to people, we can say that the petroleum is the heritage from God, Allah the Almighty. As we know, all the vehicles need petroleum to move anywhere. So, the requests of petroleum increase highly and give advantages to the certain country which has oil. Our country, Malaysia is one of the main producers of petroleum. Middle-east Asia like Saudi Arabia and Iraq, have a lot of petroleum. They can make a thousand tans of petroleum a day to supply the petroleum in form of petrol gas to the whole world usage. For me, the production of petroleum cannot stand for a long term or time. In Geography textbook, Form Three in page 163 has gives an important fact that the petroleum can stand or can be used in only 40 years from now. After 40 years, the people around the world cannot use the petroleum because it is finished already. In my opinion, we should find alternative ways to overcome the demand on the petroleum. The alternative ways such as use the oil palm as the substitution for petroleum. Although the alternative ways is not known well by the public, it will help reduce the demand on petroleum. This is a good because we can spend the sample of petroleum in the future. In other views, the usage of petroleum gives some bad effect, especially to environmental surrounding. The burning of petroleum will make carbon dioxide and it is very dangerous to humanity heath and our earth. I suggest the government should control the used of petroleum. There are others method to overcome this problem, such as use hydrogen. From my knowledge, this gas is more safety and cheaper than using petroleum. Soon, the petroleum does never exist anymore, so we must find other energy sources to move our vehicle and the hydrogen gas is most ideal. As conclusion, the usage of petroleum is important in daily life nowadays but we must reduce our demand on petroleum in order to preserve and conserve the earth.

Water is one of important components in daily life. Without water all living things such as human being, animals and plants cannot survive in life for a long time. As the fact from the history, the first generation of human being is abandoned to make their shelter near the sea or river because it is easier for them to get water. Furthermore, Muslims use water as their absolution before they pray to their God, Allah the Almighty. This shows how important the usage of water from the previous time until today and in daily life. But nowadays, the element which is built from two oxygen and hydrogen has encounter problems made by human being. Many sources of water such as river, lakes and sea have been polluted by foreign elements. The foreign elements such as oil, rubbish, and waste product from the factory contribute the pollution problems but the main contributor is the rubbish. The research made by organization central in Canada has proved the quality of water decrease from the day to day. In the research also, the researcher find that the highest percentage that pollute the water is rubbish which is almost 50%. This fact should remind the people in this earth to preserve the water gentler for the usage in the next generation. Second, the demand on water is higher at Africa region. In the Africa region, there is not sufficient amount of water to support all their activities because the temperature at Africa region usually reaches optimum temperature. In Africa region, the demand of water is more important than the demand of oil. The African need the water to solve their problems such as starvation and plantation. The quality in Singapore is quite low if we compare to quality of water in Malaysia. This is the best reason why Singapore has makes an agreement with Malaysia in order to get water. There are many disadvantages if all sources of water is pollute. As example, the ecosystem or habitat of marine will be endangered. Then, the beautiful and breathtaking scenery of marine will be lost as the water quality decrease and polluted. The activities in daily life will faced the problems. In my opinion, the people must find a way to solve this problem before it become worst. As the conclusion, we as the human being should be more appreciate the heritage that God give to us and must preserve and conserve the water in order to supply the quality and sufficient amount of water to our grandchildren in the future.

I always felt fear when heard about shark. In my general knowledge, I know that the sharks are the dangerous marine that can kill people. Because of that reason people around the world will feel uncomforted when hear about the story of shark. In my research in internet, there are about 350 different types of sharks, but researchers think there are other sharks that haven't been discovered yet! This statement had grabs my intention to write about the sharks. As all know the shark is one of the best hunters in the world. A shark's hunger can be satisfied with one good meal. The meal can last a long time because a shark uses little energy to swim. In my view, a good meal is human and that why many people had experience became a shark’s prey. In other option, just as humans rule the land, sharks rule the sea. Many people fear sharks, because they hear stories about sharks killing and eating humans. Actually, most sharks are not dangerous! This can be proved by the decrease in the amount of shark from year to year. I have own opinion why the amount of shark decrease as well as year increase respectively. In fact, many sharks have been caught as the sources of food. This situation is not good to the earth community because it will change the ecosystem that is well arranged. To overcome the problem, I suggest that the people should consider the important of shark in sea and the government must takes responsibilities to the hunters who hunt the shark illegally. Finally, we can conclude shark is not dangerous marine life if we take care it with a right way. The campaign should be prepared to the young generation to open their mind about the importance of shark in this world. Lastly, I think, we should accept shark as our members in this earth.

Turtle is one of animal that faced extinction problem. Turtle is the beautiful creatures made by our God, Allah. But nowadays, there are only seven species of sea turtles in this world such as the green sea turtle, the hawksbill, the leatherback and the olive ridley. Six out of the seven remaining sea turtle species of the world are either endangered and on the verge of extinction or under threat of extinction. Sea turtles have the distinction of being one of the few species on Earth to have witnessed dinosaurs evolving and going extinct. In my opinion, this problem occurs when the people take the turtle’s eggs as their property. I think this is not good attitude because this attitude harms the other species. Furthermore, lighting near beaches seems to confuse hatchlings, luring them onto roads instead of toward the safety of the sea. Even once the hatchlings reach the water, they face many other threats beyond their natural predators like sharks. At one time, millions of green sea turtles swam the world's oceans. During the past century, their numbers have declined and listed as an endangered species in 1978. I feel proud and happy when the government had takes an action to conserve the turtle population. Many programs had been invented to save the turtle. There are many advantages can we get from turtles such as the turtle can act as the attracter for tourist to come to our country. Based on my experience, at Redding Island there is one place where the habitat of turtle. When cross the area, we can see the turtle with its wonderful habits. Lastly, I hope that the effort to save the turtle should be continued in the future for our next generation.

The word Gamat is popular and well-known among Malay people. Gamat is the Malay word for sea cucumber. It is always refers to medicinal remedies derived from several species of the Holothuroidea family. The golden sea cucumber or in its scientific name Stichopus horrens is commonly used. There is variety usage of sea cucumber. Sea cucumber is usually the dried, powdered bodies of sea cucumbers made into a lotion or other topical salve. It is sometimes mixed into clay and applied as a facial mask, or put in tea and consumed for stomach complaints. I believe the Malay users trust that a solution of sea cucumbers can heal cuts, skin eruptions, and ulcers, and claim that it has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Sea cucumbers in the waters of Malaysia have been over-harvested to supply consumers of the folk remedy, and as a result the animal and its products are becoming scarce and the efforts to restock the fishery have not generally been successful. Recently, a sea cucumber aquaculture operation was opened on the shores of several Malaysian islands to increase the sea cucumber supply. As a Malaysian I feel so proud and happy because I have the society that alert and concern to the nature and environment. As prove of nation’s alert is in the picture above which is taken at Redang Island that one of the sea cucumber aquaculture operation. As conclusion, I think we as human being should conserve and concern about the production of sea cucumber in order to make it never last.

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