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he tick is tinv, the sizeof a I *"r.meseed.lflwasn't $ lookinginthemirrorlwould $ neverhavefoundit.I'mnot squeamish,apair of tweezersand it'sgone. TXelittle pestprobably crawled into mv sbirt the davbefore,whilrcI waswilking througlr RockCreek Parkin WasrhingtonDC. RockCreek is an urban park,you're more likelY to find a deadbodv there than a Iive animal. But ticks arehardy creatures. I don't givemYParasiteanother thought until aweeklater.The monilng of my mother's wedding,in Chicago,Illinois. I wike up feelinghorrible. The newantihistamine tlnt I'm takingto quell my allergiesto my sister'scats miehtbetoblame. dut in the bathroom mirror I notice somethingstrange.A seriesof concentriccircles,red and inflamed, like a bullseye.And at the centre- the
All classic A walkin the parkgivesEleanorLimprecht in-law assuresme, afteralittle intemet research."You could alsoget f or . m or et hans hebar gained shootingpains,heart palpitations, off.After sendinga digital Photo of placewhereI removedmYtick MY the rashto the Pennsylvania rashwith the Gisterchecksout enthusiasm."Omigod. I betyou have pediatricians,we're off to the ceremony,stopping at a Pharmacyto Lyme disease."After growing uP in pickup the antibioticsandsome the USI've certainlyheardof Lyme ibuprofen so I can makeit through disease.I lcrow it comesfr om deer the wedding.ChampagneProvesto ticks.I don't know it's the most be a more effectivePainkiller. common tick-bome diseasein the "I can't believeit. You're in this NorthemHemisPhere. country for lessthan a month and We call her in-laws,both of them Onthe daYof pediatriciansin PennsylvaniaOver vougeilyme disease. irryriedding," my mother says.(Only the nhone thev askmv sister a l-ewishmother can makeYoufeel quettions aboirt the bite. guilty for contractingLyme disease.) "Sheneedsto getonantibiotics as Mv uncle'sresponseis better. "Want possible, mother-in-law " the as soon sometequila to go with that LYme?" says.Left untreated,LYmedisease I wouldn't mind it, but the tuth is, cah causearthritis, cardiac I've got afever, I'mfeelingwrecked. meningoencephalitis, infl ammation, myhead is throbbing, mYwhole pwchosis and delusionalbehaviour. ' bodyhurts. Mymother'sweddingisanhour
$ii$;;y.3Hi",r' 7 day TaiwanRound lslandTour include: Highlights . Taipei citvtoul Museum Palace National includinq andpagodas . SunMoon temples Lakeandsurroundinq . c o t ; t lc c lr : l i l los l K c r r t i nNqi l t i o nPaal t k
andfacial paralvsis." We'reflying to Seattlethe next daY for the final legof our tiP - aweek driving around the PacificNorthwest in a campervan- just my husband, one-year-oldand me. LuckilY,the symptomsstartto imProve. The only lingering Problem is the rash.It developsa secondary infection, itching sothatl can'tsleep. A pharmacistin Aberdeen, Washington,hasa Iook and hands me someantibiotic cream.After a day or so,the rashbeginsto heal.The trio finishesbeautifrrllvand I clear customson the way bick into SYdneY withoutevenatwitch. Now all I'm left with is a scar shapedlikeabullseye. Asfor the nexttime I act erraticor delusional it's the tick's fault.
f orests roastlngchestnuts, fir of realsnow-dusted trees,mulledwine,fairY lights,sleighridesunder blanketsand(reallYgood) GermanY's carolsingers. markets,which Christmas operatethroughoutAdvent Eve,attract untilChristmas millionsof visitorseach year.Thebestis inthe l6thcenturycity of For Nuremburg. thereis an convenience airPortclose international by.Viennain Austriawithits is baroquearchitecture anotherfairytale f or non'skiers destination andeasytogetto. Colourful marketsabound(headto theWorldHeritage-listed and Palace) Schonbrunn Square Rathausplatz a giantice-skating becomes rink.Seetravelagentsfor f liqht - andaccommodation. HUNTER DEBBIE If youhaveanytravel quesfions, we'dloveto hear fromyou.Writeto usat irf axmedia trave/shd@fa Personal .com.au. cannofbe correspondence enteredinto.OnlYguestions in printwillbe appearing lf yourquestionis answered. you'llwina LonelY published, PlanetquidebooR.
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