Article Analysis And Altbach Summary

  • July 2020
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Article Analysis and Altbach Summary Citation: Griffiths, C., Lloyd, M.G., (2008). A Review of the Methods of Delivering HE Programmes in an FE College and an Evaluation of the Impact This Will Have on Learning Outcomes and Student Progression. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 32(1):15-27. What is the research question the author is investigating? What types of support needs to be provided to non-traditional college students in FEIs (Further Education Institutions) located in Great Britain as they take Higher Education (HE) courses. What do you know about the authors? “Mary Golding Lloyd and Colin Griffiths are joint course directors of HE programmes in health, social and childcare “ (Griffiths, 2008). Methodology and Specific Techniques: Mixtures of quantitative and qualitative models of research were incorporated in this study. Qualitative models of research were the predominant approaches used by the authors of this article on the later part of the test. Qualitative techniques such as focus groups and interviews were used to ward off the questions other scholars have regarding the effectiveness of attitude-related questionnaires. Griffiths and Lloyd discussed how and why they selected the sample group tested. Admittedly, the authors noted that the sample group may appear to be a “convenience sample”, but there is still valuable feedback gathered from these discussions and research. Griffiths and Lloyd selected participants over a 7 yr. span and who had completed courses successfully or who were currently enrolled in courses. Methodologies Appropriateness: Call me bias, but I believe that research should possess both qualitative and quantitative components. Understandably there are incidents that call for a specific type of research methodology, but as a whole, I believe that incorporating both techniques will give more credibility and substance to a study. Even research solely related to numbers should possess a certain percentage of qualitative research; it is the nature of the higher-education beast to use qualitative

approaches. Aren’t when in the business of people and not money after all? Major Findings: The authors found that quantitative approaches utilized in this study produced minimal results. Where as, qualitative approaches produced results pertaining to participants positively indicating the helpfulness of technology, clear expectations and deadlines, What are the questions leftover? The article is lacking appendices of questions that were asked, if any, of participants. Where does the research fit in: -Bray Thomas Cube: -Rodman Matrix- Need help understanding this model! -The “Trends” Altbach et al outlined Altbach mentions the global trend of massification of HIED. The background information provided in this article provides support to this prediction. Altbach also discusses the topic of access and how there is a trend of pushing access to those who have been otherwise neglected in previous years. Was article what I expected? The title of the article was not deceiving. The article itself reflected the, “Methods of Delivering HE Programmes in an FE College and an Evaluation of the Impact This Will Have on Learning Outcomes and Student Progression.” It was clear, concise, and thorough! Most interesting idea encountered? The fact that non-traditional students appreciated the online/electronic resources available to them! I am usually opposed to distance learning, and online supplements, but these were helpful to these particular students. Overall evaluation of this article? I thought that the article ok. It is normally not my area of interest. The purpose of the article was to look into the best practices of assisting non-traditional students as they participate in FEIs and I believe it was done very well.

Altbach Summary Do you agree with Dr. Altbach? Thank-You Dr. Altbach!!  Since when was the “one-size fits all” approach the best for anything, especially HIED. Complexity is infused in the veins of this global community particularly HIED. Each country is wonderfully unique! Political structures, dominate languages and beliefs, traditions, etc. vary drastically from one geographical location to the next. As Dr. Altbach explained, briefly used the United State’s military occupancy in Iraq as an example. How effective and beneficial would it be for US presence to be in foreign countries? I believe that creating universal and cross-country standards can be beneficial in some respects, but it can be far more detrimental and limiting in many other. For example, it is beneficial to have US accredited HIED Institutions. This US presence in other countries allows US students and professionals to study in a foreign country. a disservice to have US Accreditors comply to the . US Accreditation agencies should work with varying countries to help them establish the system. As a whole, it is a disservice to education as the diversity of HIED institution types diminishes. Dr. Altbach echoed this in his article. This article is somewhat relevant to the NEASC accreditation of AUBG. Dr. Altbach mentions the need and importance of American accreditation for “American” institutions that have physical presence in foreign countries; which is the type of institution AUBG is currently. Just as long as NEASC accreditation doesn’t extend outside of the “American” foreign universities and colleges, I believe it is ok to have AUBG be accredited by NEASC.

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