Artery 070510

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,214
  • Pages: 47
Section 3 The Arteries

The Cardiovascular Circuits 1) The systemic (greater) circulation The direction of blood flow : arterial blood

the left ventricle → the aorta → branches of

venous blood

arteries → the capillaries of whole body →

tributaries of veins → the superior and inferior venae cavae → the right atrium

2) The pulmonary (lesser) circulation The flow of blood of direction: venous blood

the right ventricle → the pulmonary trunk → the branches of the pulmonary arteries → the arterial blood

pulmonary capillaries → the pulmonary veins → the left atrium

1. The arterial anastomoses

arterial arch

vein artery the arterial network the arteriovenous anastomoses

the collateral circulation Trunk of artery Collateral vessels

the collateral circulation

2. The arterial distrbution Parietal branch

Visceral branch

Ⅰ. The Arteries of Pulmonary Circulation The pulmonary trunk The left pulmonary arteries connected to the concavity of the aortic arch by a fibrous cord, the arterial ligament , which is found as the ductus arteriosus in the fetus.

Arterial ligament left pulmonary artery pulmonary trunk

Ⅱ . The Arteries of Systemic Circulation

1)The aorta

ascending aorta

aortic arch

(1)the ascending aorta (2)the aortic arch (3)the descending aorta

descending aorta

(1) the ascending aorta

ascending aorta

aortic arch

right coronary a.

left coronary a.

(2) the aortic arch Three branches From right to left, they are the brachiocephalic trunk, the left common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery.

brachiocephalic trunk left common carotid artery left subclavian artery aortic arch

right common carotid arteries right subclavian artery brachiocephalic trunk

aortic arch

(3) the descending aorta the thoracic aorta the abdominal aorta___ two common iliac arteries aortic arch thoracic aorta abdominal aorta

2) The arteries of head and neck (1)The common carotid arteries the external carotid arteries the internal carotid arteries internal carotid a. external carotid a.

the carotid sinus : The beginning place of the internal carotid artery shows a slightly dilation called the carotid sinus. It acts as a pressure-receptor which is part of . the blood pressure regulating


internal carotid a. external carotid a. carotid sinus

the carotid body : In the fork of the bifurcation of common carotid arteries, lies a small structure termed the carotid body which acts as a chemoreceptor.

The branches of the external carotid artery 1. superior thyroid artery 2. lingual artery 3. facial artery 5. maxillary artery

superficial temporal a. occipital a. internal carotid a. external carotid a.

4. occipital artery 6. superficial temporal artery

maxillary a. facial a. lingual a. superior thyroid a.

The facial artery---- the angular artery The maxillary artery---the middle meningeal artery angular a. middle meningeal a. maxillary a. facial a. lingual a. superior thyroid a.

(2)The subclavian artery vertebral a. internal thoracic a. (musculophrenic a. and superior epigastric a.)

thyrocervical trunk (the inferior thyroid artery)

vertebral a.

thyrocervical trunk

inferior thyroid a. internal thoracic a.

The arteries of thyroid gland • The superior thyroid a. ----arise from the external carotid a. • The inferior thyroid a. ---- arise from the thyrocervical trunk of the subclavian a.

subclavian a.

3) The arteries of upper limb

axillary a.

the subclavian artery the axillary artery the brachial artery. the radial artery

brachial a. ulnar a. radial a.

the ulnar artery

The axillary artery chief branches the thoracoacromial a. the anterior and posterior circumflex humeral a.

the lateral thoracic a. the subscapular a.

(2) The brachial artery the deep brachial artery

axillary a. deep brachial a. brachial a.

(3) The radial artery It is used clinically for taking the pulse.

radial a.

the principal artery of thumb

ulnar a.

(4) The ulnar artery

radial a.

common interossous a. ulnar a.

(5) The superficial palmar arch and deep palmar arch superficial palmar arch formed mainly by the ulnar artery, and is usually completed by superficial palmar branch of the radial artery.

superficial palmar branch

deep palmar branch superficial palmar arch common palmar digital a.

deep palmar arch is formed by the teminal part of the radial artery with deep palmar branch of the ulnar artery. It is about 2 cm proximal to the level of the superficial palmar arch.

deep palmar arch

4) The arteries of thorax (1)The parietal branches The posterior intercostal arteries The subcostal arteries are the last pair of arteries. (2)The visceral branches These are the bronchial, esophageal and pericardial arteries

posterior intercostal arteries

5)The arteries of abdomen The visceral branches • the paired and unpaired two groups • The unpaired arteries :

celiac trunk superior mesenteric a. inferior mesenteric a.

The celiac trunk anastomose

left gastric a.

common hepatic a.

splenic a.

proper hepatic a. gastroduodenal a.

right gastric a. left branch right branch ---cystic a. superior pancreaticoduodenal a.

splenic branches pancreatic branch short gastric a. left gastroepiploic a.

right gastroepiploic a. anastomose

proper hepatic a.

left gastric a.

cystic a. right gastric a. gastroduodenal a.

left gastroepiploic a.

right gastroepiploic a.

splenic a.

common hepatic a.

The branches of the splenic artery

left gastroepiploic a.

splenic a.

pancreatic a.

short gastric a.

The branches of the common hepatic artery proper hepatic a.

cystic a. right ganstric a. gastroduodenal a. superior pancreaticoduodenal a. right gastroepiploic a.

common hepatic a.

The arteries of stomach and their origin 1. left gastric a.------ the celiac trunk 2. right gastric a. ------ the proper hepatic a. 3. left gastroepiploic a. ------ the splenic a. 4. right gastroepiploic a. ------ the gastroduodenal a. 5. short gastric a. ------ the splenic a.

 The superior mesenteric artery

jejunal a.

• the jejunal and ileal a. (12-15) • ileocolic arteries ---appendicular a. • right colic a. • middle colic a. ileocolic a. appendicular a.

ileal a.

The inferior mesenteric artery • the left colic a. • the sigmoid a. • the superior rectal a.

left colic a. inferior mesenteric a. sigmoid a. superior rectal a.

• The paired arteries : The middle suprarenal a. The renal arteries -----the inferior suprarenal a. The testicular arteries (male) or ovarian arteries (female)

inferior phrenic a.

The parietal branches The inferior phrenic artery (superior suprarenal a.)

The lumbar arteries (4 pairs) The median sacral artery lumbar a. median sacral a.

The arteries of suprarenal gland • superior suprarenal a. ----arises from the inferior phrenic a. • middle suprarenal a. ----arises from the abdominal aorta • inferior suprarenal a. ---- arises from the renal a.

6) The arteries of pelvis The internal iliac artery

external iliac a.

• The parietal branches the obturator a. the superior gluteal a. the inferior gluteal a. obturator a.

common iliac a. internal iliac a. superior gluteal a. inferior gluteal a.

•The visceral branches

internal pudendal a.

The umbilical a. The inferior vesical a. The inferior rectal a. The uterine a. (in the famale) The internal pudendal a. superior vesical a. (arise from the patent part of the umbilical a.) inferior vesical

inferior rectal a.

uterine a. round ligament of uterus superior vesical a.

inferior vesical a.

The external iliac artery the inferior epigastric artery

femoral a.

7) The arteries of lower limb The femoral artery

external iliac a. femoral a. deep femoral a.

The popliteal artery

popliteal a. posterior tibial a. anterior tibial a.

The posterior tibial artery

posterior tibial a.

medial plantar a.

peroneal a.

lateral plantar a.

The anterior tibial artery anterior tibial a.

dorsal artery of foot

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