Argument Essays

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,053
  • Pages: 14
An argument essay takes a stand on a controversial issue and proves its point (claim) with logic, reason, explanation, and evidence.

Claim - the main point of the argument. Another name for the claim would be the thesis. It is what your stance on the argument is. It tells the reader what they should think or do in response to a controversy. Examples: Alcohol should be illegal. The driving age should be raised. We should not have gone to war with Vietnam. Our next president should be Mr. Stallings. Wendy’s Frosty is better than Chick Fil-A’s Ice Dream.

Support—the data, evidence, facts, reasons, or explanation that back-up your claim. Example Claim: Alcohol should be illegal. Support: Alcohol is responsible for 2.5 million deaths in America every year (CDC). Compare this to 565,000 who die of cancer (CDC).

Warrant—The reason why your support backs up your claim. It provides a bridge between your support and claim. Example Claim: Alcohol should be illegal. Support: Alcohol is responsible for 2.5 million deaths in America every year (CDC). Compare this to 565,000 who die of cancer (CDC). Warrant: If alcohol were illegal, millions of lives would be saved each year.

Rebuttal--where the author addresses the reader's opposing viewpoints (counter-arguments). The rebuttal can also be a place where the author concedes any weaknesses in his own argument or strengths in opposing arguments, but then carefully explains why they don’t contradict his claim.

Example Claim: Alcohol should be illegal. Rebuttal: Some people may argue that Americans should have the right to choose what they put into their body. This is generally true, but when millions of our citizens are dying and the result is broken families and millions of dollars in health care expenses, a line is crossed and our rights as citizens should be superseded by our responsibility to each other.

How to organize an argument essay: 1. The introductory paragraph (introduction) presents the controversy to the reader. 2. The introduction ends with your claim (thesis statement). 3. Your first body paragraphs provide support and warrant. 4. Your final body paragraph gives a rebuttal to counter-arguments. 5. The conclusion reinforces your claim and leaves the reader with something to help convince them that you are right.

Superman. Batman. Spider-Man. The Incredible Hulk. For years, kids have been debating which superhero is the best. Who could beat whom in a straight-up fight? Who has the best costume? The mightiest superpowers? And who is the most powerful overall? The answer to this question for many superhero fans is clear, though it may surprise you. The mightiest superhero is the Green Lantern.

The Green Lantern’s super power is quite simple: he can do anything. That’s right, by virtue of his power ring, he can do anything that is the color green. You think the Hulk is powerful? With his ring, the Green Lantern can make a Hulk. The signature power of the Green Lantern is the ability to conjure "constructs:" solid green objects that he can control telekinetically. If the Fantastic Four came up with a super ion cannon to shoot the Green Lantern, the Green Lantern could easily create a larger one with his power ring and destroy the smaller one. With the power to make virtually anything, Green Lantern wields a might unparalleled in any superhero universe.

Green Lantern’s power ring also gives him the ability to shield himself in an impenetrable fortress of green. If Thor wanted to strike the Green Lantern with Mjolnir, all the Green Lantern would have to do is protect himself within his ring’s forcefield. Then, if he wished, he could make a bigger Mjolnir and use it to strike Thor. While it is true that the power ring is useless against anything yellow, the ring also gives the Green Lantern the power to fly and traverse space. So if Thor got a yellow Mjolnir somehow, the Green Lantern could easily escape. No other superhero has this power to protect himself from danger.

Some people might argue that Superman is stronger than the Green Lantern since he is essentially invincible. This is not entirely true, however. Superman is susceptible to kryptonite, an alien green mineral, which the Green Lantern has shown he can create with his power ring. Even against a team of superheroes, like the Avengers or the Justice League, the Green Lantern would likely prevail: as a result of his being a part of the Green Lantern Corps, he could summon a legion of heroes, all just as powerful as him, at a moment’s notice to fight them. No other hero has that ability.

When kids argue about which superhero is the mightiest, the name Green Lantern is often forgotten, but this is a grievous error. His power ring, fueled by his astonishing courage, makes him the mightiest. He has shown himself to be able to overcome any obstacle. Stronger than Superman, mightier than Thor, more invincible than Iron Man, and certainly more amazing than SpiderMan, it is clear that the Green Lantern possesses powers that set him apart from the rest of these superheroes.

Possible Topics: (May choose the “pro” or “con” side) Cell phones are/n’t physically safe Junk food should/n’t be banned in schools Social media is good/is bad Human activity is/n’t causing climate change A wall on the Southern border is/n’t a good idea The U.S. should/n’t keep Daylight Savings Time Criminals who have completed their sentences should/n’t be allowed to vote School should/n’t be year round The US should/n’t ban the death penalty Violent video games should/n’t be banned Corporal punishment should/n’t be banned Alcohol should/n’t be illegal for people over 21 Students should/n’t be required to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance The President has/n’t done a good job Schools should/n’t give homework P.E. should/n’t be mandatory Students should/n’t be allowed to have cell phones in school Too much screen time is/n’t bad for students Animal testing should/n’t be illegal We should/n’t ban plastic straws Fast food is very bad/Fast food is not as bad as people think


Five paragraphs: 1. Introduction (background with claim as the last sentence) 2. Main support / warrant 3. Another piece of support / warrant 4. Counter-arguments and rebuttals 5. Conclusion


400 words minimum Fully develop all paragraphs Double-space Heading on left Title centered 10-12 point font 2 copies

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