Areas Of Competence List Of Examples

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 3,024
  • Pages: 6
Performance Review Areas of competence: list of examples Practical examples of what competence in the defined areas ‘looks like’.

‘Works accurately/pays attention to detail’ •

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Notes: This list of bullet-point examples for each of the areas of competence is neither definitive nor exhaustive, and should be added to and individualised for each jobholder through performance-review discussions over time. It is provided to give people guidance, and as much clarity as possible, as they discuss each area of performance.

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‘Uses appropriate resources effectively’ •


Key responsibilities (Refer to job description)

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Agreed objectives (Refer to planning meeting form)

Understands the degree of accuracy and detail required Completes work accurately and presents to a required style Work is tidy and professional-looking Numbers add up, data are aligned, information is consistent Grammar, spelling, punctuation are correct Errors are used to help improve standard of work

Knows what resources are available, and how to use them Uses VISTA, databases, email, internet, telephone, Xerox etc. effectively Aware of relevant legal obligations in using resources (i.e. copyright, data protection, software licenses, financial regulations) Keeps up to date with e.g. design templates (on intranet), IT policies Adheres to ‘sharing best practice’ guidelines (on Staff Forum intranet pages) Observes recycling protocols Shares information on best use of resources Suggests ways of improving use of resources

Commercial context

Functional expertise: generic

‘Shows commercial awareness in achieving results; industry/market awareness’

‘Acts with understanding of role and its purpose’

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Shows an understanding of the purpose of the role Keeps focussed on purpose of role Prioritises workload in line with overall purpose Observes and learns from others in same role Shares information about role with others In progressing up the band, provides a resource to others in role

‘Demonstrates mastery of key job skills’ • •

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Understands what the key skills are for the role Works confidently with e.g. office machinery, photocopiers, computers, relevant software, printers, VISTA, email, internet etc. Performs key duties to appropriate standard Undertakes and applies training on the job Competence increases with each step along the Band Level of supervision decreases with each step along the Band

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Aware of the Press's commercial/competitive environment Is ‘customer aware’ at all times and meets customer standards Goes after results with determination Looks to maximise the return on investment Considers financial implications of decisions, for the Group/Dept as well as for the Branch and the Press as a whole Understands the concept of a not-for-profit business

‘Strives for further excellence/continuous improvement in working practices’ • •

Not satisfied with ‘just the minimum’ Actions show commitment to improving on the past Analyses previous mistakes and uses them to improve in future Demonstrates keenness to raise standards of quality

Area of competence: list of examples •

Suggests ideas/supports projects that lead to improvement in systems/procedures Aims to exceed customer expectations (e.g. turnround times)

‘Shows commitment to Press vision/mission/objectives and culture’ •

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Has read and keeps up to date with published statements of Press's vision/mission/objectives Knows where to find information on above Keeps self informed of business strategy, structures, objectives Works in the context of the above, keeping eye on the larger goal and the purpose of the organisation Represents the Press positively

‘Considers impact on customers/authors/learned societies/colleagues/University/community’ • •

Before acting, thinks about impact on above Knows customer requirements and strives to exceed them Alters work strategies as required to maximise positive impact on internal and external customers Serves internal and external customers with equally high standards Suggests ideas/supports projects that 'make a difference' in the wider context

'Takes ownership for solving problems effectively' • • • •

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‘Shows flexibility/adaptability/takes advantages of new ways of doing things/innovates’ •

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Planning/problem-solving/innovating ‘Plans, organises, manages workload and self effectively’ • • •

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Approaches work in an organised, planned way Arrives when expected, begins work promptly Respects colleagues’ personal space and doesn’t interrupt Deals with interruptions effectively Keeps focussed on job in hand Multi-tasks where appropriate to get best use of time Manages own time effectively Deals with paper/email/post/telephone input promptly and calmly Learns from others who are efficient and use time well Clear about first priorities and delivers them first Knows when to say yes and when to say no Consults manager for guidance if genuine clashes arise Keeps accurate diary and plans ahead Plans meetings/presentations well in advance and arrives on time and prepared Reads papers ahead of meetings and makes a useful contribution to the discussion Recognises when stress is having a negative effect and takes appropriate action

Uses ‘problems’ as ‘opportunities’ Does not blame but works on solutions Demonstrates zeal to resolve problems Finds new ways of doing things if the old ones don‘t work Overcomes obstacles by using imagination ‘Brainstorms’ with others in the team to find solutions It’s not ‘somebody else’s problem’ Says ‘I’ll look into this for you and get back to you', not ‘Nobody tells me anything, but I’ll see if I can find out for you.’

Responds positively to changes and challenges and gives things a try Is ready to try new ways of doing things, with a positive attitude Is not stuck in the past but focussed on the future, not reliant on ‘the way things have always been done’ unless they still work Is keen to work with new people/equipment/environments Sees change as opportunity Is keen to explore new avenues/methods/projects Is ready to take risks for the good of the business Is prepared to undertake training to develop further and acquire new skills

‘Uses good judgement and makes sound decisions’ •

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Understands level of authority and uses it appropriately Uses ‘common sense’ Uses knowledge, experience and evidence to take decisions that benefit the business Combines objective and subjective factors in making sound decisions Thinks things through before jumping to conclusions Identifies any inappropriate/unethical procedures or practices

Behaviour/relationships ‘Presents and manages self professionally’ • •

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Looks the part of a Press professional Arrives for work looking clean and tidy, and according to Dress Code (see Staff Handbook on the intranet) Presents a professional image when on business travel/exhibitions Keeps work area safe, clean and tidy Adheres to Housekeeping Policy (on intranet: Groups & Depts/Policies & Info/General Press Policies)

Area of competence: list of examples ‘Develops/maintains professional internal/external relationships’ • • • •

Understands the key relationships in role Uses relationships for the good of the business Demonstrates networking skills Creates an ever-increasing circle of contacts and uses them effectively Balances external/internal demands for the good of the business Keeps relationships on a professional level

‘Shows civility and respect to all’ •

‘Communicates effectively with internal/external audiences’ •

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Understands audiences and tailors communications accordingly Uses appropriate, professional language and tone Knows how to listen, and does it Uses appropriate channels of communication (e.g. face to face vs. telephone/email etc.) Clarifies and confirms to avoid misunderstandings Controls emotions Is clear and concise Adheres to high standards of presentation Understands and uses Press style/logo/templates Actively seeks information and takes responsibility to keep self informed Listens carefully to/reads information communicated Seeks answers to own/colleagues’ questions Participates as giver/receiver of information in monthly Communications Cascade Informs others e.g. following periods of colleagues’ absence

wanted to do something else, but they decided to do x’ – instead says ‘We are now going to do x… so let’s see how it will work’ Cooperates with the Press to enable it to perform any duty or requirement imposed by law Understands and works in accordance with the ‘Working at the Press: Expectations’ as set out on the Staff Handbook (see intranet)

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Is courteous and pleasant, even when busy Uses appropriate language Shows respect for diversity Respects others’ privacy Doesn’t engage in malicious talk Includes others, especially newcomers and visitors Apologises immediately for any lapse

‘Has a can-do attitude and focuses on solutions’ • • • • • • •

Supports colleagues through deadlines/difficulties Exhibits positive approach Overcomes minor setbacks Shows enjoyment at work Gains satisfaction from doing a job well Celebrates own and others’ successes Identifies potential areas of conflict and seeks to resolve them in advance Puts self forward to participate outside role, e.g. on working parties Offers to undertake projects/investigate opportunities without being asked Challenges existing patterns of behaviour and suggests changes Overcomes obstacles to smooth relationships

‘Is a good team member and supports colleagues’ •

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Shows awareness of team members and acts supportively Keeps aware of colleagues and their workloads/successes Steps in when colleagues are ill or on leave Negotiates/influences others to gain cooperation Spends time with team members to build relationships Willing to be a coach/mentor for others Proactively shares information with others Understands what the team enjoys about their work and builds on it Keen to make own team a model of effective working to achieve results

Accepts personal/team/corporate responsibility’ •

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Acknowledges errors of self and/or others and moves on Refuses to engage in a culture of ‘blame’ Faces mistakes straight on, with a determination to improve Once a decision has been made, does not say e.g. ‘I

‘Fulfils general health and safety responsibilities’ •

considers health and safety issues when carrying out day-to-day work activities undertakes training as required and puts it into practice follows health and safety arrangements as defined in policies and guidelines reports hazardous conditions in the workplace or personal medical issues to help prevent accidents or ill health carries out any specifically allocated health and safety responsibilities in a timely fashion

Area of competence: list of examples


‘Inspires and develops people’ •

‘Supports the team/group/department manager in managing the team’

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Keeps up to date on short- and long-term objectives of team Provides support to team to ensure achievement of above Anticipates leader’s need for support and assistance and provides it Keeps an ear to the ground to highlight need for e.g. better internal communications

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‘Sets objectives and manages performance of directline reports’ •

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Makes it very clear to staff what ‘good performance’ means Is explicit about standards of work and behaviour Sets ‘SMART’ objectives for the individuals Sets, implements and reviews business goals for unit, according to agreed agenda, budget and schedule Focuses on the end result Gives clear feedback on what is expected, and takes appropriate action if performance is below expectation Uses performance management techniques confidently Takes responsibility to help every member of the team to reach their full potential within their jobs as soon as possible, i.e. to reach the ‘Accomplished’ (‘consistently competent’) step Understands policies and procedures and implements them professionally (e.g. Disciplinary, absence management, flexible working, Health and Safety) Reviews past performance on an ongoing and ‘needs must’ basis Knows what individual team members are doing and keeps it under review, supporting as necessary Re-prioritises workloads as necessary Ensures that staff use their work time effectively and do not waste time Establishes a culture of efficiency and good timemanagement Agrees sensible working patterns to meet business needs as well as individual preferences Uses ‘people’ systems effectively (e.g. Performance Review) to drive up individual and team contributions Manages and monitors processes to deliver the objectives

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Is available to staff Sets a welcoming climate for people when they need help/seek advice Listens to others Creates a positive climate in which individuals increase their awareness of their own strengths and limitations Treats staff development as a business priority Allows self to take pleasure in developing others Makes sure that development priorities are actively pursued Rewards and recognises success and achievements Understands what motivates the individuals Supports and empowers people Enables personal and professional development in line with business needs Quietly monitors/guides people’s achievements Creatively responds when motivation needs refreshing Offers support when needed, praise when deserved, and constructive criticism when necessary Allows people to express ideas and feelings Centres on ideas and methods, not personalities Is patient and supportive and also extremely firm and clear with people when the need arises Is firm but fair to staff and behaves in a courteous and reasonable way Treats mistakes as opportunities for people to learn

‘Manages changes and drives improvement’ •

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Encourages questioning of status quo and thinking about betters ways of doing things Establishes effective two-way communication channels Manages required change-processes positively and effectively Assesses current needs and anticipates future short- and long-term strategic goals Implements appropriate steps and plans programme(s)/processes to ensure achievement of established goals Is flexible and willing to grow, learn, consider ideas and ways of thinking, and encourages team to do same Is proactive, able to use knowledge and experience to anticipate issues, and proposes/brainstorms new approaches Champions analysis and review of practices Welcomes and undertakes training for selfimprovement

Area of competence: list of examples

Or, for TEAM/GROUP/DEPARTMENT MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS ‘Structures, recruits, builds and maintains the team’ • • •

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Plans and allocates staff resources effectively Gets most out of staffing budgets Builds the unit through recruitment of people who add value and improve performance Assesses required skills accurately Shapes, builds and changes team structures as appropriate Leads the team Generates to others a real sense of being part of a team Demonstrates understanding of the need for teams to be constituted of different personality types in order to succeed Arrives at decisions following genuine consultation when appropriate, and aims at consensus Establishes and maintains genuine esprit de corps Evidence clear that team members listen well and participate Takes a group of people and turns them into a high-performing team

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‘Delegates effectively’ •

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‘Fulfils work area H&S arrangements’ •

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promotes a safety and well-being culture in their area assesses and manages risks within their area according to Press policies and guidelines attends H&S workshops when asked to do so maintains H&S arrangements and records for their area knows when and where to seek in-house advice provides staff with the enablers to carry out their own H&S duties

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Makes it very clear to staff what ‘good performance’ means Is explicit about standards of work and behaviour Sets ‘SMART’ objectives for the individuals Sets, implements and reviews business goals for unit, according to agreed agenda, budget and schedule Focuses on the end result Gives clear feedback on what is expected, and takes appropriate action if performance is below expectation Uses performance management techniques confidently Takes responsibility to help every member of the team to reach their full potential within their jobs as soon as possible, i.e. to reach the ‘Accomplished’ (‘consistently competent’) step

Is prepared to delegate and give responsibility to staff Delegates appropriately Manages at arm’s length when appropriate Follows up and reviews tasks delegated Is clear in assigning delegated tasks Uses delegation to develop staff Understands difference between Directive and Supportive behaviour, and uses both at appropriate times

‘Inspires and develops people’ • •

‘Sets staff and team objectives and manages their performance’

Understands policies and procedures and implements them professionally (e.g. Disciplinary, absence management, flexible working, Health and Safety) Reviews past performance on an ongoing and ‘needs must’ basis Knows what individual team members are doing and keeps it under review, supporting as necessary Re-prioritises workloads as necessary Ensures that staff use their work time effectively and do not waste time Establishes a culture of efficiency and good timemanagement Agrees sensible working patterns to meet business needs as well as individual preferences Uses ‘people’ systems effectively (e.g. Performance Review) to drive up individual and team contributions Manages and monitors processes to deliver the objectives

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Is available to staff Sets a welcoming climate for people when they need help/seek advice Listens to others Creates a positive climate in which individuals increase their awareness of their own strengths and limitations Treats staff development as a business priority Allows self to take pleasure in developing others Makes sure that development priorities are actively pursued Rewards and recognises success and achievements Understands what motivates the individuals Supports and empowers people Enables personal and professional development in line with business needs Quietly monitors/guides people’s achievements Creatively responds when motivation needs refreshing Offers support when needed, praise when deserved, and constructive criticism when necessary Allows people to express ideas and feelings

Area of competence: list of examples • •

Centres on ideas and methods, not personalities Is patient and supportive and also extremely firm and clear with people when the need arises Is firm but fair to staff and behaves in a courteous and reasonable way Treats mistakes as opportunities for people to learn

‘Manages changes and drives improvement’ •

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Encourages questioning of status quo and thinking about betters ways of doing things Establishes effective two-way communication channels Manages required change-processes positively and effectively Assesses current needs and anticipates future short- and long-term strategic goals Implements appropriate steps and plans programme(s)/processes to ensure achievement of established goals Is flexible and willing to grow, learn, consider ideas and ways of thinking, and encourages team to do same Is proactive, able to use knowledge and experience to anticipate issues, and proposes/brainstorms new approaches Champions analysis and review of practices Welcomes and undertakes training for selfimprovement

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