Archons In Gnostic Literature

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  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 24
Name Aachiaram Aarmouriam Abalphe Abel Abel Abel Baruch Abenlenarchei Abitrion Abrana Abrasax Abrasax Abrasax Abrisene Achamoth Achcha Achiel Adaban Adam Adam of the Light Adaman Adamas Adonaios Adonaiou Sabaoth Adonin Adonios Aesthesis-Ouch-Epi-Ptoe Afterbirth Agromauna Aileou Ainios Ainon Akioreim Akiressina Akramas Akramas All-Begetter Alphleges Alphleges Amen Amethes Amiorps Amoias Anaro Anesimalar Antitheus Aol Aphredon Aphredon Aphredon

Ar/Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ae Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae N Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae Ae Ar Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ar Ae Ar Ar Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae

Qualities Composition Ruling Angel of Active Body Female Demon of End Times

Marrow R. Underarm L. Toes Active Minister of Eleleth

Lower Sophia Uvula R. Knee Neck

Emissary of Light Eye of Light/First Man Sabaoth Monkey Kingship Seven Senses/Mother of Passions Chaotic Fire Heart Guardian of Wicked Region Second Aeon Nose Guardians of Elect Guardian of Immortal Soul Love Sophia

Teeth Fourth Aeon Ruling Angel of Active Body Guardian of Wicked Region Material Soul Spleen R. Knee Active


Aphredon Aphredon-Pexos Aphropias Apophantes Arabeei Arachethopi Aramen Aramen Ararim Arbao Arch-Begetter Archendekta Archentechtha Archir-Adonin Areche Ariael Ariom Armedon Armedon Armedon Armoupieel Armozel Armozel Aroer Arouph Arsenogenia Asaklas Asineus Asineus Asmenedas Asphixix Assembly Astaphaios Astaphaios Astaphaios Asterechme Astrophs Athoth Athoth Athoth Athuro Atoimenpsephei Audael Authrounios Autoer Autogenes Balbel Balemos Banen Banen-Ephroum

Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ar Ae Ae Ar Ar Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ar Ar Ae Ar Ae Ae Ar Ar Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ar

Virgin Light Penis R. Ribs

L. Shoulder Joint L. Hand Active Pistis Sophia Senses R. Toes Active Belly Demiurge Glorifier

First Aeon First Light First Aeon R. Shin Bone Active Belly Active Name of Barbelo L. Kidney

Ruling Angel of Active Body R. Ribs Active third son Sophia Hyena R. Eye R. Breast Reaper Sheep Wet Breath Assistant

L. Fingers Assistant Servant of Luminaries Lips

Bano Baoum Barbar Barbelo Barbelo Barias Bariel Barpharahnges Barroph Basiliademe Bastan Bathinoth Bedouk Begetter Begotten, Perfect Mind Belias Belias Beloved Beluai Beritheus Beritheus Biblo Bineborin Bissoum Bitter Weeping Bitterness Blaomen Blessed Blessedness Boabel Bodily Impulse Cain Cain Chaaman Charaner Charcha Charcharb Chelkea Chelkeak Cherubim Chloerga Chnoumeninorin Choux Christos Autogenes Chthaon Conception Confronter Curse Darkness Daveithai

Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae Ar Ar Ae Ar Ae Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar Ae Ar Ae Ae Ar Ar Ae

Lungs R. Shoulder Joint R. Breast Active

R. Hip Enthroner Purifier L. Breast Tonsils R. Foot Active Genitals Active Buttocks All-Begettress Sophia All-wise Begettress Sophia Hades Male offspring of Life L. Hand

Kidneys Arteries L. Ear Male offspring of Death Female offspring of Death Fear Male offspring of Life Female offspring of Life R. Toes Riaramnacho Sun Sun Vertebrae L. Knee Active L. Leg Active R. Thigh Active Garment of Two Forms in Silence Garment from Astonishment Chariot of Sabaoth Demon Teacher of End Times Bones R. Leg Active Self-generated L. Thigh Active Second Light Female offspring of Death Third Light

Daveithai Daveithe-LaraneusEpiphanios-Eideos Davithe Dearcho Deiphaneus Deiphaneus Deitharbathas Derdekeas Diolimodraza Domedon Doxomedon Dositheos Doxogenia Doxokratia Doxomedon Doxophania Eidomenes Eilo Eirechthon Elainos Elaios Eleleth Eleleth Eleleth Eleleth-Kodere-EpiphaniosAllogenios Elemaon Elemaoni Elien Elilioupheus Elilioupheus Eloai Eloaiou Eloim Elorchaios Emenun Emmacha Seth Emouniar Entholleia Ephememphi Ephesech Epinoia Epiphaneus Epiphaneus Erigenaor Erignaor Erimacho Eriphanios Eros Esephech


Third Aeon

Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ar Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae

Third Aeon as Third Light Four Lights Throat

Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ar Ar Ae Ar Ae Ae Ar Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae N Ae

Fourth Aeon as Fourth Light

Receptions Son of Light, Anasses Duses, Logos Head Active

Name of Barbelo Name of Barbelo Name of Barbelo Assistant Testicles Assistant Mountain Jealousy Fourth Light Four Lights Fourth Aeon


second son Donkey Water and Earth Name of Great Light Region L. Leg

Flesh Pleasure Child of the Child

Dry Himireris

Eteraphaope-Abron Eternal Life Eukrebos Eurios Eurumeneus Evanthen Eye of Heaven Faith First-Begetter

Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae

First-begotten Son of God Foreknowledge Forethought Form Gabriel Galila Gamaliel Gamaliel Gamaliel Gamaliel Geradamas Gesole Gladness Gorma-Kaiochlabar Grace Harmas Harmas Harmedon Harmozel Harmozel-OrneosEuthrounios Harmupiael

Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ar Ae Ar Ar Ae Ae Ae Ar

Heli Heli Machar Machar Seth Ae Heurumaious Ae He-Who-Is-Ineffable Ae Hylic Sophia Ar Hymen Ar Hypneus Ae Ibikan Ar Idea Ae Imae Ar Indestructibility Ae Invisible Spirit Ae Iolaos Ae Iouel Ae Ipouspoboba Ar Isaouel Ae Israel Ae James Ae

Head Pentad of Barbelo Judge Myriads Guardians of the Glory L. Underarm Female offspring of Life First Begettress Sophia First-begotten Sophia, Mother of the Universe, Love Pentad of Barbelo Pentad of Barbelo First Light Minister of Oroiael

Minister of Harmozel Guardian of Immortal Soul Stomach Female offspring of Life R. Thigh First Light Eye of Envy Eye of Fire Four Lights First Aeon as First Light

Great Power Noon

Chaotic Fire Sunset Molars Third Light L. Breast Active Pentad of Barbelo

Name of Barbelo Veins Great Leaders Great Leaders

Jealousy Jesus Christ Joyous Kalila-Oumbir Kalyptos Kalyptos Kamaliel Kamaliel Kandephoros Keilar Knyx Koade Kriman Krys Labernioum Lalamenus Lalameus Lalameus lalameus Lamentation Lampno Leekaphar Life Light Lithargoel Loel Logos Loia Loios Love Love Lust Majesty Marephounth Meirothea Melceir-Adonein Melchizedek Mellephaneus Mellephaneus Memory Meniggesstroeth Metanoia Miamai Michael Michanor Michar Michar Michar Michar Micheu

Ar Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ar Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ar Ar Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae Ar

Male offspring of Death Male offspring of Life

Servant of Luminaries

Judge R. Shin Bone R. Shoulder Joint Active Nails R. Hand Root

Assistant Male offspring of Death R. Fingers Active L. Fingers Active

Name of Christ Guardian of Immortal Soul Name of Barbelo Third Aeon Female offspring of Life Third Light Female offspring of Death L. Foot Active Title of Barbelo High-Priest Third Aeon Second Light Brain Toenails Ruling Angel of Active Body Entrance into Eternal Life over baptism/living water Spring of Truth Baptiser Baptiser over baptism/living water

Micheus Micheus Micheus Mirocheirothetou Mirothea Mirotheos Mirothoe Mixanther Mnesinous Mnesinous Mnesinous Mnesinous Mniarcon Moluchtha Moluchthas Mousanios Nature Nebrith Nebruel Nenentophni Nephredon Nibareus Noetheus Noetheus Noethus Nous Nousanios Nouthan Odeor Olsen Olses Onorthochrasaei Optaon Optaon Oraiael-AphreudasosArmedos-Arros Oraios Oriel Orimenios Orimenious Ormaoth Ormos Oroiael Oroiael Oroorrothos Osei, elect of the Light Oudidi Oummaa Ouriel Pain

Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae

Spring of Truth Baptiser Baptiser God of the Benificent Worlds Mother Title of Father Great Power Entrance into Eternal Life over baptism/living water Spring of Truth Baptiser Guardian of Immortal Soul R. Elbow

Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar

Second Aeon as Second Light Wealth Second Light

Wind, serpent, unicorn, wings Fourth Aeon L. Thigh Grief

Mind First Aeon Enthroner L. Shoulder Joint Active Guardians of the Glory Sunrise Matter

R. Leg Four Lights Second Aeon Cold R. Hand Active Imagination Ruling Angel of Active Body Female offspring of Death

Pandia Pangenia Peace Peace Perception Perfection Phaionios Phaleris Phalses Phariel Phersalo Phikna Phiouthrom Phloxopha Phnene Phnouth Phorbea Phthave Pisandriaptes Pistis Pistis Sophia

Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae

Plesithea Poimael Power Pronoia Pronoia Sambathas Prophania Protia Protophanes Protophanes-Harmedon Pserem Quarrelness Rebouel Rejoicing Richram Roeror Sabalo Sabaoth Sabaoth Sabbede Sabenai Sablo Sakla Saklas Salamex Samael Samblo Samblo Samlo

Ae Ae Ar Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ar Ar Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae Ar Ar Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae

Name of Barbelo Name of Barbelo Female offspring of Life Fourth Light Second Light Fourth Light Second Aeon Myriads Myriads Glorifier L. Toes R. Foot Heat L. Knee L. Hip Demon Teacher of End Times Navel Chest Active Faith Wisdom Mother of Angels, Mother of the Lights, Virgin with Four Breasts Incorruptable Man Chaotic Fire Week Name of Barbelo

R. Kidney Female offspring of Death Female Female offspring of Life Ruling Angel of Active Body Sinews Womb Active Deity Dragon Fire-Face Enthroner

Demiurge Demiurge Servant of Luminaries Inheritor Minister of Davithe

Saphaia Saphaina Saphasatoel Sappho Sauel Savior, Begetter of All Things Seisauel Seldao Seldao Self-Begotten Self-Father Man Self-Grown, Self-Constructed Father Self-Perfected Begetter Semen Senaon Senaon Senaphim Sephneus Seraphim Sesengenpharanges Seth Setheus Shadowless Lights Sighing Sighing Silence Siou Smoun Soch Soldas Solmis Sophia Sophia Sophia, All-Begettress, Faith Sorma Sostrapal Spark the Unquenchable Stetheus Strempsouchos Strempsouchos Strophaias Suffering Sumphthar Synogchouta Taphreo Tears Tebar

Ae Ae Ar Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar

Cloud of those Seperated from Chaotic Fire Ruling Angel of Active Body Guider of Clouds

Mountain Sealer All-Mother Sophia God of gods, King of kings

Abdomen Angelic Host of Sabaoth Baptism of Living, Purifiers Son of Adamas

Male offspring of Death Female offspring of Death

Dark Flame Fourth Light

Genitals Liver Cloud of Light Guardians of the Glory Guardians of Elect Guardian of Immortal Soul Blessed Glance, Spirit Male offspring of Death Judge L. Ribs Active Spine Male offspring of Death R. Shoulder

Telmael Telmachael Eli Eli Machar Machar Seth Thalanatheus Thanatos Thaspomocha Theopemptos Theopemtos Thopithro Thouro Toechtha Trachoun Treneu Triple-Powered One Trustworthy Truth Truth Truth Truth Tupelon Unbegotten Unbegrudging Understanding Unenvious Unity and Rest Verton Water Wrath Wrath Yabel Yakouib Yaldabaoth Yammeax Yao Yao Yao Yave Yeronumos Yesseus Mazareus Yessedekeus Yesseus Mazareus Yessedekeus Yetheus Yobel Yobel Yoel Yoko Youel Yubel Zabedo Zoe

Ae Ae Ar Ar Ae Ae Ar Ae Ar Ar Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar

Incorruptible Child


Jesus Christ, Living Water

Ae Ae Ar Ar Ae Ar Ae Ar Ar Ae

Immortal Spirit

Death L. Eye Guardians of the Glory Great Leaders Intestines Guider of Clouds L. Shin Bone Active L. Foot R. Fingers Male offspring of Life Male offspring of Life Female offspring of Life Pentad of Barbelo First Light L. Shin Bone All-wise Sophia Male offspring of Life Third Light Male offspring of Life L. Shoulder Active Male offspring of Death Female offspring of Death R. Shoulder Active Demiurge Neck Active first son Lordship Seven-Headed Serpent Fire and Wind R. Ear


L. Ribs Life




2nd Qualities

3rd Qualities

4th Qualities


Eternal Life Scorpio

Leo Monday Wednesday


Book SJn SJn 2Seth SJn GEgy Melch SJn SJn SJn Apoc Ad GEgy Zost SJn Apoc Jm1 SJn SJn SJn UntBruce Eug OW GEgy GEgy SJn SJn OW SJn 2Seth SJn 2Seth TriProt GEgy SJn GEgy GEgy Zost Eug AL Zost SJn TriProt SJn 2Seth SJn SJn 3Seth SJn AL 3Seth Zost


Saturday Thursday


Aries Saturday


UntBruce UntBruce Zost Zost SJn SJn AL Zost SJn SJn Eug SJn SJn GEgy SJn OW TriProt AL 3Seth TriProt SJn SJn TriProt SJn SJn UntBruce SJn AL 3Seth SJn SJn Eug OW OW SJn SJn SJn SJn SJn GEgy SJn SJn Zost Zost AL AL SJn Zost TriProt SJn



SJn SJn SJn AL SJn SJn TriProt Zost SJn SJn SJn SJn SJn Eug Eug SJn GEgy OW SJn AL Zost SJn SJn SJn OW OW SJn OW OW SJn SJn SJn GEgy SJn SJn SJn SJn 2Seth 2Seth OW 2Seth SJn SJn SJn SJn SJn Eug OW 2Seth SJn

TriProt Zost GEgy SJn 3Seth Zost SJn 2Seth SJn GEgy 3Seth UntBruce UntBruce Melch UntBruce Zost SJn Zost GEgy OW SJn GEgy TriProt



Foreknowledge Bear-Faced, Unrighteous Son of Saklas

Zost 3Seth AL TriProt AL Zost OW SJn SJn 2Seth SJn 3Seth 3Seth SJn SJn Zost SJn AL Zost AL Zost SJn AL OW GEgy

SJn SJn Zost Zost Zost SJn 2Seth OW Eug




Eug SJn SJn SJn GEgy GEgy Apoc Ad GEgy Melch Zost 3Seth SJn OW SJn SJn SJn GEgy Zost GEgy Zost GEgy GEgy GEgy Eug GEgy 2Seth GEgy SJn SJn SJn SJn AL Zost UntBruce SJn GEgy OW GEgy



OW OW OW SJn AL Zost TriProt Zost 3Seth Zost SJn SJn SJn SJn SJn Zost AL AL Zost OW SJn SJn Eug 2Seth AP12 Zost GEgy UntBruce TriProt OW SJn OW 2Seth SJn TriProt SJn Melch AL TriProt SJn SJn GEgy SJn SJn GEgy Apoc Ad GEgy TriProt Zost Apoc Ad

GEgy TriProt Zost Melch Zost 3Seth GEgy GEgy Apoc Ad GEgy TriProt Zost SJn 2Seth 2Seth TriProt 2Seth SJn GEgy SJn Zost 3Seth AL AL Zost SJn TriProt TriProt SJn Zost GEgy SJn AL 3Seth


Zost OW SJn Zost AL SJn Zost GEgy TriProt SJn 2Seth SJn SJn SJn OW

UntBruce UntBruce OW SJn SJn SJn TriProt Zost Zost TriProt Apoc Ad SJn SJn SJn SJn SJn 2Seth SJn SJn 2Seth OW


Tuesday Tuesday Sunday


Kingdom Understanding

GEgy GEgy 2Seth OW OW Zost UntBruce Zost AL SJn OW 2Seth OW SJn SJn SJn OW SJn SJn TriProt Apoc Ad GEgy OW AL OW TriProt Zost GEgy

2Seth 2Seth SJn Zost Apoc Ad Eug Zost GEgy Zost Eug Eug Eug Eug AL AL 3Seth SJn 3Seth OW GEgy GEgy UntBruce Eug OW OW Eug Zost AL 2Seth 2Seth AL SJn 2Seth Eug SJn SJn 2Seth Zost GEgy Zost 2Seth OW Zost SJn SJn OW SJn


Monday Wednesday

Lordship Cat-Faced, Righteous Son of Saklas

GEgy 3Seth OW SJn Zost GEgy SJn Zost SJn SJn SJn AL OW OW OW SJn SJn SJn Eug OW SJn OW Eug SJn 2Seth OW OW SJn SJn OW SJn OW OW SJn SJn SJn GEgy


Zost AL SJn GEgy GEgy SJn AL GEgy SJn OW


zza zza zza Yesseus Mazareus Yessedekeus Zoxathazo a oo ee ooo eee oooo ee oooooo ooooo oooooo uuuuuu oooooooooooo ooo Zozazoth

Sound of Power Closing Formula

Allogenes Apoc Adam

Hermetic Names of Power


a o ee o eee ooo iii oooo ooooo ooooo uuuuuu oo ooooooooo ooooooooo oo Hidden Name of Mind iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE oooooooooooooooooooooo uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hidden, Invisible Mystery ien ien ea ea ea ien ien ea ea ea ien ien ea ea ea Formula of Creation IE ieus EO ou EO Oua! Really, truly, O Yesseus Mazareus Yessedekeus, O living water, O child of the child, O glorious name! Really truly, aiOn o On (or: O existing aeon), iiii EEEE eeee oooo uuuu OOOO aaaa{a}. Really, truly, Ei aaaa OOOO, O existing one who sees the aeons! Really, truly, aee EEE iiii uuuuuu OOOOOOOO, who is eternally eternal! Really, truly, iEa aiO, in the heart, who exists, u aei eis aei, ei o ei, ei os ei (or: (Son) forever, You are what you are, You are who you are)! Prayer of Thanksgiving


GEgyp GEgyp


This great name of yours is upon me, O self-begotten Perfect one, who is not outside me. I see you, O you who are visible to everyone. For who will be able to comprehend you in another tongue? Now that I have known you, I have mixed myself with the immutable. I have armed myself with an armor of light; I have become light! For the Mother was at that place because of the splendid beauty of grace. Therefore, I have stretched out my hands while they were folded. I was shaped in the circle of the riches of the light which is in my bosom, which gives shape to the many begotten ones in the light into which no complaint reaches. I shall declare your glory truly, for I have comprehended you, sou iEs ide aeiO aeie ois, O aeon, aeon, O God of silence! I honor you completely. You are my place of rest, O Son Es Es o e, the formless one who exists in the formless ones, who exists raising up the man in whom you will purify me into your life, according to your imperishable name. Therefore, the incense of life is in me. I mixed it with water after the model of all archons, in order that I may live with you in the peace of the saints, you who exist really truly forever.

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