Aqeedah Tahawiyyah Preview

  • July 2020
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ُ  ‫ا َِ َ ُة ا  ِو‬ Al--‘Aqeedah at at--Tahaawiyyah Al (Sneak Preview of Upcoming Publication, InshaAllah) With Footnotes by:

al-‘Allaamah, ash-Shaykh Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-‘Azeez bin Maani’ (rahimahullah) And Side- Notes by: His Eminence, ash-Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baaz (rahimahullah)

Translated by: Aboo ‘Imraan al-Mekseekee (Please make Duaa’a for all of them and everyone responsible for publishing this)


Shaykh Ibn Maani’s (rahimahullah) Introduction All praise is for Allah, and peace & blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, his companions, and those who follow his guidance. These are beneficial footnotes that we wrote based on the noble and Salafi Creed authored by the Imaam, al-‘Allaamah Ahmad bin Muhammad at-Tahaawee-may Allah Most High have mercy upon him-to benefit the students and to enlighten the path of those who seek guidance. And we decided to mention before that some beneficial statements such as the introduction to these footnotes taken from Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah-may Allah have mercy upon him-where he said: “And from the manner observed by the authors concerning the writing of summarized Creeds based on the way of Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah is that they mention what Ahlu-us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah characterized the non-Muslims and the innovators with. They mention the affirmation of the Divine Attributes and that the Quraan is the speech of Allah and is not created. (They mention) that He Most High will be seen in the Hereafter opposing the Jahmiyyah from amongst the Mu’tazilah and others. They mention that Allah is the Creator of the servant’s actions and that He guides all of creation. And that whatever He wills will happen and that what He does not will never be opposing the Qadariyyah from the Mu’tazilah and others. They mention the issues regarding the names, the various rulings, the promise and the threat and that the believer is not taken out of the fold of Islaam solely based on sin. He will not dwell in the hellfire indefinitely in opposition to the Khawaarij and the Mu’tazilah. They believe in what is said concerning Imaan (Islamic Faith) and they affirm the threat made to the people who commit the major sins in general opposition to the Murjiyyah. They mention the leadership of the four caliphs and their moral excellence in opposition to the Shee’ah from amongst the Raafidhah and others.” As for his statement, “They mention the issues regarding the names and the various rulings” then he means by this as he says in another part: “The people disputed regarding the issues concerning the names and the rulings meaning the names of the religion such as Muslim, Mu’min (believer), Kaafir (non-Muslim), Faasiq (disobedient), and in their rulings concerning this life and the hereafter. Thus the Mu’tazilah agreed with the Khawaarij on their ruling concerning the hereafter disregarding the present life, but they did not make their blood permissible to be shed based on their own ruling concerning the hereafter disregarding this life. They did not make their blood and wealth permissible as the Khawaarij did. Regarding the names then they established a position between the two. This is specific to the Mu’tazilah who were alone in saying so along with all of their other statements that others associated them with.”


The Author of this Beneficial Salafi Creed He is the Imaam, al-‘Allaamah Aboo Ja’far Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Sallaamah at-Tahaawee al-Azdee. The illustrious Imaam known throughout the horizons his biography fills the stomachs of documents. He was born in the year 290 A.H. and some say in the year 230 A.H. He learned Fiqh first from his maternal uncle al-Mazanee the companion of Imaam ash-Shaafi’ee based on the school of Fiqh of Imaam ashShaafi’ee. Then he became a Hanafee learning the school of Fiqh of Imaam Aboo Haneefah. He-may Allah have mercy upon him-like all of the Major Imams did not traverse the way of those who blindly followed (their Madhhab) without insight into the depths of the rulings rather the Fundamentals of the Divine Legislation which traversed upon and agreed with the fundamentals of Imam Aboo Haneefah. (Established Fundamentals) in which he had originally built his school of Fiqh upon. Based on this mention is made of what Ibn-ul-Qayyim said of a group from the people of knowledge in his poem an-Nooniyyah: “There is not a guarantee concerning those I previously narrated of from one

Hanbalee (about everything they say). Rather by Allah all of them are the party of Ahmad so his fundamentals and their fundamentals are alike.” He-may Allah have mercy upon him-authored many well known works such as Ma’aanee al-Aathaar and Mushkil-ul-Aathaar as well as others. He died in the year 321 and is ascribed with being from the village of Tahaa in the lower part of Egypt-may Allah Most High have mercy upon him.

Explanations Explanations of this Creed The author of Kashf-uth-Thunnoon mentions a number of explanations of this ‘Aqeedah from them the explanation of al-‘Allaamah, Sadr-ud-Deen ‘Alee bin ‘Alee bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin al-‘Izz alAdhari’ee ad-Dimashqee al-Hanafee who passed away in the year 792 A.H. He was one of the students of al-Haafith Ibn Katheer. And this particular explanation was published by his excellence King ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin ‘Abdur-Rahmaan al-Faysal-may Allah have mercy upon him-who ordered that it be printed. The Muslims have benefited from this blessed and beneficial explanation which indicates the author’s abundant knowledge, the depth of his research, and the goodness of his creed-may Allah have mercy upon him. We decided to add footnotes upon the text of some of the phrases to benefit those seeking benefit and to assist in understanding what is intended from this beneficial text. As well as to verify some of the subject matter which needed to be clarified and explained. And with Allah is all success. Written by Muhammad bin ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Maani’


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{Explanation} Regarding his statement:

ِ ِ ْ ‫ ُ ََ ِء ا‬ ِ ‫َ َ ْ َه‬ َ (…On the school of Fiqh of the monotheistic religion…) You must understand that what the author-may Allah have mercy upon him-mentioned of this Creed is not specific to these aforementioned Imams only. Without a doubt the Creed of Ahl-us-Sunnah walJamaa’ah from the former to the current is one. That is because they adhered to the Book and the Sunnah. Whoever opposed them in their beliefs became an innovating deviant. He was not excused by the Ijtihaad (the Ruling of a scholar based on his knowledge of the Islamic evidences) that he made since the excuse that is acceptable concerning Ijtihaad is in the Furoo’ (the Branches of the Religion) of the Ahkaam (the Islamic Rulings) not in the Usool (the Islamic Principles) of the Deen (the Islamic Religion). So the religious Creed does not consist of a multitude of Madhaahib (Schools of Islamic Opinion in the areas of Fiqh, etc.) rather the correct Madhhab (Islamic Methodology) is that of Ahl-us-Sunnah walJamaa’ah anything else is only falsehood so take note. As for his statement:

َ َ َِ ِ‫َأ‬ (Aboo Haneefah…) He is al-Imaam an-Nu’maan bin Thaabit al-Koofee born in the year 80 A.H. He knew a group of the Companions. Al-Khateeb said, “He saw Anas bin Maalik. He-may Allah have mercy upon him-was a 4

scholar who worshipped and acted upon what he knew while abstaining from the worldly affairs of this life. He was humble and always conscious of Allah. He had a deep sense of humility and always submitted to Allah Most High. He died in the year 150 A.H. which was the same year that al-Imaam ash-Shaafi’eemay Allah have mercy upon him-was born. As for his statement:

 َ ُ !ُ" ِ‫َوَأ‬ (…and Aboo Yusoof…) Aboo Yusoof was an Imaam who had mastered the Islamic sciences and an absolute Mujtahid (one qualified to give legal Islamic rulings). He was Aboo Yusoof Ya’qoob bin Ibraaheem al-Ansaaree al-Bajalee born in the year 113. He took knowledge from al-Imaam Aboo Haneefah and others. Knowledge was taken from him by many, from them al-Imaam Ahmad-may Allah have mercy upon him. The Ruler arRasheed appointed him as a judge and he remained one until he died in the year 183 A.H. When Aboo Yusoof died Haaroon ar-Rasheed decided to make his son Yusoof a judge until Yusoof died. When Aboo Yusoof’s funeral procession went out the people began to say, “Fiqh has died”. “O announcer of death of

Fiqh to its people, if Ya’qoob died do you not know that Fiqh does not die? Rather it is passed down from one chest to the other!” As for his statement:

 ) *ِ َ$ْ +  ‫' ا‬ ِ( َ &َ ْ ‫' ا‬ ِ ْ #ِ  &َ ُ %ِ ‫ ا‬#ِ $ْ  َ ِ‫َوَأ‬ (…and Abee ‘Abdillah Muhammad bin alal-Hasan ashash-Shaybaanee…) He is Muhammad bin al-Hasan bin Farqad ash-Shaybaanee. The Ruler ar-Rasheed appointed him as a judge. When he went out with ar-Rasheed on a journey to Khurasaan he died in ar-Rayy and was buried there. His father was a soldier from the people of Syria. He went out to Waasit where Muhammad was born there in the year 132 A.H. He was raised in Kufa and took knowledge from Aboo Haneefah, Maalik, Aboo Yusoof, and others. He had a gathering in the Mosque of Kufa while he was only twenty years old. Ibraaheem al-Harbee said, “I asked Imam Ahmad, “From where did you receive knowledge of these detailed issues?” and he said, “From the books of Muhammad bin al-Hasan”. He died in ar-Rayy in the year 189 A.H. as-Sam’aanee said, “Muhammad bin al-Hasan and al-Kisaa’ee died on the same day in arRayy.” It was said that ar-Rasheed commented, “al-Fiqh and the Arabic language have been buried in arRayy.” Muhammad bin al-Hasan was the son of the maternal aunt of al-Faraa the well known Imam of anNahw and Arabic-may Allah have mercy upon all of them.

{End of Preview}


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