Apush Study Guide Chapters 1-4

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Study Guide Chapters 1- 4 •

4 early native group in North America • Paleo- 1st hunting group to come to NA (Nomadic) • Archaic – 8000 BCE Began trading, better spears, axes, agriculture. • Woodland- 1000 BCE, tied to land, less hunting, Belief system, rituals to dead • Mississippian (Cahokian) – attributes from woodland, interaction w/ other tribes, knowledge of growing corn, large caring capacity. • Caring Capacity- how many people a civilization can support. • Conquistadors • Hernando Cortes – Aztecs • Franciso Pizzaro – Incas European Native interaction • Europeans unable to see cultural differences between tribes. • Considered them to be pagans • “blood thirsty savages” ➢ Reasons of Migration to the Americas • Viewed as garden of Eden • Aristocratic impulse  Primogeniture – 1st son gets everything , younger ones envision selves living as English lords, dislike work, royal charter- gave feudal rights • Best Poor Man’s Country  In England high rent & low wages  Promise of cheap land and high wages in America  Redemptioner- German, Swiss immigrants moved as families paid for upon arrival pay back as work, horrible conditions 14 hrs/day, 6 days / week ♦ Right to be whipped, trade contracts, if ran away years added to service ♦ Often not lived through • Involuntary  Kidnapped  His majesty’s 7 years guest – convicts got choice between death or work in new world  Slavery , triangular trade • Religious Haven  Old world did not have religious freedom for all

♦ Calvinism known for belief in predestination, founded by John Calvin ♦ Puritan- wished to purify the Anglican Church ♦ Separatist – wished to separate from Anglican Church ♦ Antinomianism- under no obligation to obey law of ethics or morality if went against religion ♦ Congregationalist – system of church practice where every church congregation is independent (no bishops popes ect.) 

Spanish • Forced to work on Spanish Encomicndas (similar to federal system and Dutch Patroon system ) • Mission system- Spanish system of setting up missionaries to conquer places • 1stfort 1565 St.Augustine, Florida • Pueblo Revolt- 1680 August 15 Pope marched with army named self dictator, destroyed all vestiges of Catholicism ♦ Ruled as harsh dictator, ♦ After death Spanish retook settlement • Had tight control on economy  No foreign ships  No foreigner could sent items to New Spain  To buy from Spain had to go to Spain, prevent other countries from taxing their items.  All trade had to go through one port • Spread catholic religion • Rigid social structure • Bartolome De las Casas believed treatment of the Indians was unjust • New Laws of 1542 created to prevent the exploitation of the Indians by Encomicndas • Forced integration w/ Indians French • Transplanted feudalism, under direct control of king, small trading outpost • Jesuits there to “save soul” • Fur trapping for money  Ate up capital,  Coureurs de Bois – someone involved in the fur trade in New France • Coexist w/ Indians peacefully

• French Haiti much more prosperous then new France English • London Virginia Co. &Plymouth Co.- English joint stock company established by James I w/ purpose of establishing colonial settlements in North America  Walter Raleigh went to new world w/ Virginia stock Co. • “Salutary Neglect” Eng. Gov neglecting colonies, mercantilist laws not enforced ➢ Robert Walpole “let them grow up” • Many groups came from Eng. To NW seeking religious toleration • 1st colony Roanoke • Separated selves from Indians, other relation w/ Indians poor  Pequot War 1636- power struggle between Natives and Colonist, Dutch trader John Stone killed by Natives Dutch no longer trade w/ natives. English uses murder as advantage for trading contract, made natives agree to turn in the killers. Pequot raided settlement near Hartford, 1637 massacred Pequot, ended by treaty of Hartford, removed power of Pequot.  King Philip’s War • High Anglican Church- the party within the church that wished to retain many catholic practices & ceremonies that puritans wish to rid off • Chesapeake  Hide from Spanish • James town- 1st permanent Eng. settlement ➢ John Smith – major role in establishing Jamestown ➢ John Rolfe – “saved” Jamestown, created successful cultivation of tobacco • Mass. Bay Colony/ New England Colonies – 1630 Puritans came seeking religious freedom  Close knit towns ➢ Anne Hutchinson- unauthorized Puritan minister, held bible meetings, bold theologies, Gov felt threatened by her, banned her ➢ Roger Williams – believed in separation of church and state, co – founder of RI  John Winthrop “City on a hill”  NO sep. of church and state ♦ Could not vote if not church member  Backsliders – moral laps in religion  1650 Economic prosperity more important than church

Half way covenant – belief in public conversion (to become member of church) no longer needed ➢ Conn. Colony 1636 rev. Thomas hooker ➢ New Hamp. 1679 major fishing jobs ➢ Seeds of colonial unity 1634 4 colonies banned together against natives, dutch, and French • Unsuccessful • Weak ➢ Dominion of NE- James I forces unification of mass. Conn. Maine and NH • Disliked b/c not their idea ➢ New York & New Jersey 1620 Peter Minuet (Dutch) New Netherlands- port, New Amsterdam-creates trade on Hudson river • Failed to attract enough settlers ➢ 1667 Duke of York takes over • Eng. Gained key harbor point • Control atlantic • 1702 Jersey becomes separate royal colony from New York • Penn. Founded by William Penn, haven for Quakers, Pacifists • Town Meeting 1st step toward democracy in Amer. • Harvard & William and Mary- founded as preacher schools • James Oglethorpe – Founder of Georgia as debtors have, hoped to resettle eng. Poor in NW  Also used as buffer between Carolinas and Spanish Florida • South Carolina – major rice exports  1710 majority of laborers= black slaves Rebellions • Bacons Rebellion – 1676  Political Corruption  Gov. Berkeley VS. Nathaniel Bacon  Bacon felt back country settlers not well protected from Natives  Berkeley did not want to attack natives and ruin trade relations  Bacon attacks Indian tribes  Leads revolt against Berkeley, burned town  Jan. 1677 troops arrive  Bacon dies, rebellion dies, 20 leaders hung • Stono Rebellions  Slave rebellion  Sept. 9 1739 South Carolina 

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 Planed at stono river to flee to Spanish Florida  March started w/ 20 gathered 80 slaves as marched  Burned 7 plantations, killed 20 whites, 44 slaves killed  Created fear of future rebellions • Paxton Boys  Felt were not well protected from Natives  Scotch- Irish settlers  Attacked peaceful group of natives  Ordered to be arrested  March on Philly, peace negotiated by Franklin • Maryland  Refuge for Catholics  Founded by Lord Baltimore  Freedom of worship ♦ Protestants began to outnumber Catholics  Toleration Act 1649 – religious toleration for all Christians • Slavery vital labor force ➢ Little effort to convert to Christianity • Belief Christians could not enslave Christians • Old lights VS. New light – split religion into old lights who did not change and new light those who did Family: • Early Colonies fathers enforced rules ➢ Puritan colonies even life or death situations ➢ Looser in the south • NE: grown sons live w/ parents b/c smaller fertile land and fathers lived longer ➢ Father – social aspect ex: vote ➢ Women- supervised kids, supplemented income, ran business, organized church functions • American Women VS. Euro Women: • Amer. ➢ Higher legal status ➢ Divorce easier ➢ Widows get more ➢ Still considered inferior to men Southern Economy relied on slaves and cash crops Northern Economy seafaring, factories, and vessel building House of Burgess – 1st elected house in NW, Virginia 1619 • Resembled parliament • Property required to vote • Women, slaves, and indentured servants could not vote

➢ The Great Awakening  Jonathon Edwards “sinners in the hands of an angry god” 1741 • 1720s “fire and brimstone” speeches, diff. from traditionalist ➢ Science  Lack of contributions  w/ exception of Franklin ➢ Law  Did not specialize type AKA they did every thing  NW could not support training ➢ Medicine  Imbalance 4 humors • Bloom, collar, bile, phlegm  Harsh remedies, bloodletting, purging  Mid-wives very popular  Cotton Matter learned treatment of small pox through black slave ➢ Education  Elementary school, mostly boys by mid- 18th century at least 1 in every colony  Petty School 1674 • Every town w/ 50 fam. + had to have petty school • W/ 100 + town needs high school • Created body of literate people ➢ Arts  Little creative writing  Newspaper/ pamphlets/almanacs • “poor Richard almanac” Franklin

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