April 2009 - High Res

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Newsletter • April 2009 Member Interview Lauren Higgins

Age: 29 Profession: Marketing Assistant • How did you find out about CrossFit? From Kurt Fuller, a good friend of my boyfriend. He recommended coming to TitanFit to try it out and I’ve been coming since November of 2008. • How have CrossFit workouts changed you? My perspective on fitness, as well as my physical appearance has changed significantly. I have made tremendous strides regarding strength, endurance, and my clothes fit better! • What do you like about the workouts compared to other programs? It doesn’t take a great deal of time to complete challenging workouts, I never have the same day twice so I never get bored and I can see and feel my improvements more all the time. • What do you like least? Because it is so intense, it can be very overwhelming and sometimes make you want to throw up-but in a good way! • Some people say they want to ‘get in shape’ before starting CrossFit. What are your thoughts on those sentiments? I think that is an excuse in a long line of workout excuses that people come up with to delay starting a new routine. Yes, it is extremely challenging but

it’s also scaled so even if you are new, you can start with no problem. Anything worthwhile is going to be tough so you might as well get started and stop waiting. If I could do it, anyone can! • As a woman, did you have any preconceived notions about CrossFit? Definitely! I was one of the few female members at first, and often times when I would workout I would be the only girl there. I thought that maybe it was more for fitness gurus, namely guys, but that really isn’t true once you get into it. There are more women joining all the time, and everyone is very supportive especially when you are a beginner so those initial worries subsided. • Were you intimidated to try this program? I was extremely intimidated, to say the least. I have never been in very good shape or athletic whatsoever, and my first workout at CrossFit was a team workout that was so intimidating - to the point that I was not going to come back. However, I am so glad I listened to Herb and Carol and the more seasoned Crossfitters because you truly do have to

give it a chance before you can make an informed decision. If you stick with it and just keep coming, you will be so glad you didn’t give up.

was that person who constantly looked for reasons not to go workout because I hated it so much and always felt like a failure. I started to give up on ever getting into shape because I thought maybe it just was not for me. However, it is the best thing I have ever done for myself, and I have never felt such a sense of accomplishment. The support at TitanFit is unwavering and the results are consistently rewarding. This is the hardest I have ever worked at anything (probably ever!) but the payoff is substantial. Again, nothing truly worthwhile ever comes easy and CrossFit is no exception.

• What would you say to someone who is thinking of starting CrossFit workouts? Do not delay because it will be the best thing you ever did for yourself. • Any last words? CrossFit, and the people at TitanFit, have truly changed my perspective on fitness and health. I

Obesity can be as bad as smoking By Thomas homas H. Maugh II, The L.A. Times Gross obesity can take 10 years off your life, as much as heavy smoking and even being moderately overweight can take two to three years off, according to British researchers. A team headed by Dr. Richard Peto, one of the world’s leading experts on the health effects of smoking, and Dr. Gary Whitlock, both of the University of Oxford, analyzed 57 studies conducted in the United States and Europe involving 894,576 people, 61% of them male. During the course of the study, about 100,000 of the participants died. The team correlated deaths to the body mass index or BMI, a commonly used measure of obesity that relates a person’s weight to their height. A BMI of 25 or lower is considered normal, a BMI of 30 to 35 is considered moderately obese and a BMI higher than 40 is considered grossly obese. For a man or woman who is 5 feet 10 inches tall, a weight of 175 pounds gives a BMI of 25, a weight of 210 pounds gives a BMI of 30, and a weight of 280 pounds gives a BMI of 40. The team reported today in the online version of the medical journal Lancet that every five-unit increase in BMI is associated with a risk of about one-third that of lifelong smoking. That is, people with a BMI over 30 have about one-third the added risk associated with smoking and are likely to have their lives shortened by two to three years. Those with

BMIs over 35 have two-thirds the increased risk of smokers and are likely to lose five to seven years of life. And those with a BMI over 40 have the same increased risk as smokers and will likely lose eight to 10 years of life. “Excess weight shortens human lifespan,” Whitlock said in a statement. “If you are becoming overweight or obese, avoiding further weight gain could well add years to your life.” Moreover, Peto added, prevention is better than a cure. “In adult life, it may be easier to avoid substantial weight gain than to lose weight once it has been gained,” he said. And “changing your diet but keeping on smoking is not the way to increase lifespan. For smokers, the key thing is that stopping smoking works.” The research, which was funded by Britain’s Medical Research Council, the British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research UK, among others, was published in the March 28 edition of the journal.



Newsletter April 2009

Member’s Corner Kelin Mark

Age: 37 Profession: Teacher I have been a member of TitanFit since June 2008. After a crushing defeat to a bunch of eighth graders in our annual teachers versus students basketball game, I swore to never let that happen again. My training began at a local gym, with a traditional ESPN/Bench press routine. I soon realized at age 37, although this workout was very relaxing, it was very ineffective. My TitanFit experience has been great. I workout with a great group of people, I am proud to be the wall ball freak of the club and I have never puked in a trash can or anywhere else. I love the variety of the workouts in TitanFit and the coaches who are there to motivate and challenge you. Thus far my results have been: More energy to keep up with my two-year-old son, my wife can only beat me by 50 meters now in a 400 meter race, I have put off golf for a few more years and continue to play and compete in basketball without a medic nearby, and finally, I have not felt this great in over five years and look forward to my annual physical.

five national championships and Purdue has none. Now they were ‘voted’ national champs in the 50’s with John Wooden but I was voted Most Likely to be a Chippendale... look how that turned out. My point is, congrats Purdue you made the tourney and you have nothing to show for it. Until Purdue wins at least ONE national championship I will NEVER acknowledge their success. Sure Purdue has won Big Ten championships, but in my eyes would you rather win the Powerball or a $20 scratch off? So to all those who enjoyed watching IU lose 17 times during the Big Ten season, just remember no matter what you do in this state, until you have FIVE hanging from the rafters in your gym, you will always be PU to IU. My recommendations for the Spring: • Go to Maxine’s Chicken and Waffles and order the Barbecue Turkey Sandwich....the best $5 meal you will ever have. • Spend time with your family without the TV • Ask Herb for some running in your workout. He has plenty of suggestions and it pays off. • Do something nice for someone unrepentantly. Gas cards are a great gift. • Take a bath instead of a shower at least once a week. It relaxes you tremendously.

I have been in a week long conversation with a buddy of mine on why I refused to cheer for Purdue during the recent NCAA tourney. He does not understand despite IU’s horrible season, I cannot bring myself to compliment Purdue for their success. Here is my explanation to him. Indiana has

Want to annoy your spouse, girlfriend, or boyfriend? Try these muscle jokes: • Hey you got any tape? ... because I am ripped! • I almost got arrested today ... for carrying these guns! • I need to find a vet ... cause these pythons are sick! • Do you want to buy a ticket? ... to the gun show!



Newsletter April 2009

CrossFit and the Outside World Need a reason to train or looking for something different? different I plan to enter the Tri Indy this summer. They offer the following age groups (both male and female): 14-17, 18-20, 21-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-59, 70+ and Clydesdale (male 200 lbs+) and Athena (female 165 lbs+). This event has the opportunity to validate my TitanFit training. While others will undoubtedly spend hours doing sports-specific training for each event (I plan to enter only the duathlon, which is a 2 mile run, 20K bike and 5K run), I will stick to my TitanFit training. I hope I can still ride a bike. Here is a link to the Tri’s website to get more detail about this event. http://www.tuxbro.com/ Tri%20Indy%20Info.htm About This Event Last year almost 1,000 people participated in the inaugural Tri Indy event - the event was spectacular! Utilizing the picturesque canal of Downtown Indianapolis and the streets traversing the city’s cultural and historic landmarks, Tri Indy will once again offer participants a challenging and memorable course. Tri Indy will consist of an Olympic Distance (1500 meter swim, 40K bike and 10K run), a Sprint Distance (500 meter swim, 20K bike, 5K run), and a Short Distance Duathlon (2 mile run, 20K bike and 5K run). There is also a relay division for the Olympic distance triathlon (2 or 3 person).

is a relay format (one person swims, one person bikes, one person runs). Categories are All Female, All Male or Co-ed. Team division is for Olympic Distance Triathlon only. Pre-Race Instructions Pre-race instructions will be posted at www.tuxbro. com approximately 10 days before the event. These instructions will give you details on the event to make your Tri Indy experience more enjoyable! If you do not have internet access, you may request that a paper copy be sent to you.

Time Schedule The Olympic Distance will begin at 7:30AM. Faster swimmers will go first. The Sprint Distance will go after all Olympic distance swimmers have finished (approximately 8:30AM). A full start schedule will be posted on the website so you can see your start time. The Duathlon will start at about 8 AM.

Packet Pick Up Packet pick up and late registration will take place on Saturday, August 15 from 1PM to 7PM at the National Institute for Fitness and Sport (250 S. University Blvd) on the IUPUI Campus. You may park for FREE in the NIFS lot directly adjacent to the building. If you cannot make it to this location you can pick up your packet on event morning at the race site from 6AM to 7:30AM.

TEAM Information Join the fun and get a team together. You may enter either a 2 or 3 person team. The team division



Newsletter April 2009

TitanFit Open House Did you miss m ss the Open House? We held an Open House for the new facility on Valenintine’s Day this past February. The Open House was a great success. We enjoyed talking and sharing fitness with you. Dr. Rick and I thank all of our family and friends (old and new) that joined us. We hope you had a good time. Those that were not able to join us, we missed you. Thank you to our Coaches and members for all of your efforts and help. We would have not been able to pull it off without you. Thank you for answering questions and encouraging people. For many, the Open House was an opportunity to view fitness through a different prism – a view into how fun working out can be.

Knowing us, we are likely to have an Open House/BBQ this summer. Continue to workout, have fun and continue reading the site for further details. Again, thank you all very much.

TitanFit - Now also for kids! Did you know that TitanFit Titan has a kid’s class? TitanFit Kids is held every Tuesday from 4-5 PM and every other Saturday from 9-10 AM for kids in 1st-8th grades. The best part of the program is that the classes are FREE! Get the kids off the couch and give them a lifetime of fitness.

Member Accomplishments 1000+ Pull-ups in 30 days During the month of March 2009, Jerry Berg did 1,033 pull-ups! That’s 30+ pull-ups a day. Knowing that he did not work out each day, it is really more like 50 pull-ups a day! Strong work to say the least. Pat him on the back the next time you see him. Not too hard, however. I bet he’s a little sore.



Newsletter April 2009


TitanFit’s Summer Hours Effective Sunday, May 3, 2009, TitanFit’s hours will be: Monday-Friday: 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM - Noon Sunday: CLOSED Normal Sunday hours resume November 1, 2009

Please stay tuned to the site for any changes in the schedule.



Newsletter April 2009

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