April 2008 Newsletter

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Parent Newsletter Where we can work, teach, learn, pray and play in our Christian faith!

Principal Helen Reid Ext. 27001 [email protected] Phone: (519) 675-4435 St. Mary’s Parish Tillsonburg Saturday 7:00 pm Sunday 9:00/11:00 am Phone: (519) 842-3224 Pastor: Fr. Matt George Youth Minister: Colleen Hanley [email protected] .ca

April 2008

Vice-Principals Shirley Gelinas Ext. 27002 Stan Verschoore Ext. 27003

Holy Trinity Catholic Parish Sacred Heart Parish Woodstock Ingersoll Saturday 5:00 pm Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00/9:30/11:30 am Sunday 10:00 am Phone: (519) 539-0876 Phone: (519) 485-1802 Pastors: Fr. Rick Dales/Fr. Augustine Ogundele Pastor: Fr. Terry McNamara Youth Minister: Rita Butler [email protected] [email protected]

Holy Cross Catholic Church, 169 Ingersoll, Rd. Woodstock Saturday 5:00 pm, Sunday 9:00/11:00 am Paster: Fr. Wronski Phone: (519) 539-3475

He is Risen There were two reactions when the disciples visited the tomb Easter morning. Initially there was a feeling of emptiness as the tomb was now empty – their Lord was gone. But the stranger walking with a few disciples on the road to Emmaus moved them to the joy of a deeper understanding – their Lord has risen. I hope that in your journey through Lent to Easter that you discovered the joy in the resurrection and were spiritually renewed. This season is the essence of our faith. The goal of a Catholic school is teach the gospel messages through all the courses. When students “leave” our school upon graduation, we pray that they leave with five accomplishments. We hope that they will: 1. Leave the school a better place for having been part of it 2. Leave smarter 3. Leave healthier 4. Leave with compassion and respect 5. Leave spiritually enriched

Parents have a role in assisting the school to reach these goals for their children. Parent/Teacher Interviews are being held Thursday, April 24th 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Ensure that you take time to visit the teachers and support the learning/teaching partnership. Included with this newsletter is your child’s report card the Director’s Report, a response form for the provincial report card and a verification form for next year’s courses. Review these items carefully with your son or daughter. We are now in Term2 of Semester 2 with only two and half months of the school year remaining. Encourage your son or daughter to continue to do their best and keep the lines of communication open with your child’s teacher. Continue to be involved and supportive. Resolve the little problems early. Thank you for your continued support. Helen, Principal

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St. Mary's Catholic High School Parent Newsletter

OUR COMMUNITY Breakfast Fundraiser!

School Council Members for 2007-2008

School Council will be having a breakfast at Holy Trinity Church Hall on April 20th from 8:30 to 11:OO am. Cost is only $5.00 per person or $20.00 per family. Join us after Mass and support St. Mary’s High School Council.

Up-Coming Events April 24—Parent Teacher interviews April 28 –May 2—Education Week May 2—Semi-Formal May 13—School Mass May 19—Victoria Day May 21-23—Outdoor Ed to Bruce Penninsula May 26-30—Boulder City Climbing June 6—Prom June 11-Farewell School Mass June 12 - Athletic Club Awards June 19-25 - Exams June 25 Graduation June 26 PA Day

Parent Council Meeting Next Parent Council meeting is Wednesday May 14th at 6:30 pm in the Cafetorium. Parent council will be having Mrs. Winter as our guest speaker. Our topic is “Women against Abuse”.

Goodbye….. Farewell Ms. Erin Jankowski, Family Studies accepted a position at St. Pius X School. Good luck in your new adventure. Thank you for your contribution to St. Mary’s. We know that St. Pius will enjoy your gifts. Welcome to New Staff Anabela Shea - Family Studies Tanya DiMarcelli (LTO) for Mary Boughner Michael Dunning (LTO) for Cheryl Mader Patricia Breault (LTO) for Melissa Gilson Brian Sage - Sandra Fell

Cosimo Figliomeni - Chair Margaret Evans - Treasurer Joanne Thomson - Secretary Annette Broschinski -Parent Rep Helen Reid - Principal Cathy Shelton - Teacher Rep. Gosia Chudyk - Student Rep. Jonathan Evely - Student Rep. Barb Chudyk - Parent Rep. John Ekert - Parent Rep Susan McLean - Parent Rep. Janet McManis - Parent Rep. Gene Pasiak - Parent Rep. Marita Veenstra - Parent Rep. Wendy Warcholyk - Parent Rep. Colleen Hanley - Parish Rep. St. Mary’s Church , Tillsonburg Anna Yendle - Parent Rep.

Raffle Tickets A reminder that the School Council has raffle tickets on sale. Prizes are gift certificates for Zehrs and Tim Hortons. School Council will be selling tickets in the forum on parent/teacher interview night . Please purchase your tickets and visit us in the forum. Refreshments will be served April 24th 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Student Activity Fee Distribution 2008/09 Yearbook $20.00 Athletics $13.00 Activities $5.00 Student Planner - $5.00 Student Retreats -$3.00 Student Recognition /Assemblies $3.00 Compassionate Fund - $1.00

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OUR FAITH EXPERIENCES CHAPLAIN’S CORNER The past couple of months have been very full with faith experiences as we journeyed through Lent to this Easter season. We began Lent with an Ash Wednesday liturgy in the forum. Students and staff participated in the liturgy and we had a presentation by the Dominican Republic Experience Group. Students did a commendable job collecting donations for the mission that the group will be visiting. At about the half way point in Lent we had four priests here at school to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation with students. There was a noticeable increase in the number of students who celebrated this beautiful sacrament since the last opportunity during Advent. Students seemed to find it an extremely positive experience. Please continue to encourage your teens to experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation. On Thursday March 20th we gathered in the cafetorium for a Good Friday liturgy. After a brief video, students from Ms. V. Thompson’s Drama class did an excellent job reading the Stations of the Cross. We were blessed to have a youth group from St. Mary’s Parish in Tillsonburg who performed the passion and resurrection of Christ to the song Via Dolorosa. Thank you to Colleen Hanley, St. Mary’s Parish Youth Minister, who coordinated this for our school. Students also raised money for the Down Syndrome Research Institute through a “Toonie for Downs” campaign and selling “Candy Kabobs” during lunches. Thanks to Mr. Loebus who organized this with the assistance of Ms. L. Thompson and students from the Social Justice Club. Fr. Moe Charbonneau visited grade 11 and 12 religion classes to invite students to come and experience a very positive retreat experience by attending the COR retreat the weekend of April 25-27. See below for more information. On Monday April 21st, we have a speaker, Dawn Eden, coming to our school to talk to all students about chastity. This event will create a great opportunity to talk to your son or daughter about this very important topic. Peace, Ann Clarke, Chaplain

PSST! HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Ever wonder about the big (and small) questions of life? Here are your answers! C.O.R. 4 (Christ in Others Retreat) April 25, 26 & 27 for any young person aged 15 to 21. Taking place at Father Langan Parish Centre in Tillsonburg. Come and have some fun. HOW: fill out the registration form found in the forum or at the Chaplain’s office The cost is $50 – guaranteed refund if you do not walk away from this weekend happy! Please contact Fr. Moe Charbonneau at 875-4438 for more info or you can email Colleen at [email protected]

Go ahead, dare to try something new and exciting that will change your life!!

Core Group

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St. Mary's Catholic High School Parent Newsletter

Department Highlights Department of Religious Studies Alleluia!! The Lord has risen!! Our recent celebration of Jesus’ victory over death reminds us of how darkness did not overcome the light. Even though we’ve come through an extremely demanding Winter, the signs of Spring are beginning to show us new life is everywhere! In the Department of Religious Studies, courses move into the second term of the semester. The provincial theme of this year’s Catholic Education Week (April 27th – May 2nd) is “We Are Called”. This theme comes from the famous passage located in the Book of Micah: "We are called to act with justice, to love tenderly, to walk humbly, to give generously and to live peacefully" (Micah 6.8). As Catholic Christians, we recognize the need to live out Micah’s call. In all our courses, Micah’s challenge resonates. Two of our Department members, Ms. Thompson and Mr. Droog, have captured the spirit of Micah’s words in ways outside their respective courses. The former continues to expose students to issues of justice through the social justice club. By print time of this newsletter, Mr. Droog will have spent a week in the Dominican Republic with other staff and students. COR (Christ on Retreat) gives secondary students an opportunity to explore the meaning of Micah’s words. Earlier this month, Fr. Moe Charbonneau visited gr.11 and 12 Religion classes to promote the upcoming retreat in Tillsonburg (April 25th27th). Once again, our grade 9 students will embellish their unit titled “Be Loving” with several presentations in term II. Rita Butler (Holy Trinity Parish) and Ginnie Woodall (Good Beginnings) will present several information sessions on chastity. Karen Gibbons’ “Teen Panel” will also be making the rounds to our grade 9 students in May. The MCT Bursary in Religious Studies and Medicine is a new bursary based out of our department. For students interested in post-secondary studies in the areas of medicine and religious studies, details can be found by visiting

http://www.ldcsb.on.ca/schools/smhs/mctbursary.h tml. As always, you can find out general information about our department when you visit our web page @: http://www.ldcsb.on.ca/schools/smhs/religion.html. Peace in the Risen Lord T. Trewin Head, Department of Religious Studies

Examination Schedule and Procedures School Policy All exams must be written on their scheduled date. Only absence due to illness,accompanied by a medical certificate, or death of an immediate family member,are acceptable reasons for an alteration to this policy. You must contact the Vice-Principal immediately.NO MP3 or IPods allowed in the examination room. Requests to reschedule final examinations due to travel plans or jobs cannot be granted.

Exam Schedule for June 2008 Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

June 19 June 20June 23 June 24 June 25 -

Period 1 courses Period 2 courses Period 3/4 courses Period 5 courses Conflict Day.

Students are to verify time and schedule with their subject teachers. Stan Verschoore, Vice Principal

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Department Highlights Student Success

Brian Martz

St. Mary’s High School staff continues to work very hard in ensuring our students are achieving success in all areas of study. Both staff and students are working very hard as a team to ensure success. In our Save-A-Credit program, students are completing outstanding work from Semester 1. Nine students have successfully completed and obtained a total of ten credits in this program. Eight students are still working towards their credits from first semester. In our Credit Recovery program, students who have been placed in this program under the recommendation of the Credit Recovery team, are working with the classroom teacher as well as a subject specialized teacher, to complete on-line courses in which they did not meet expectations. Six students are enrolled in this program and a currently working to achieve thirteen credits. In our Career Exploration programs, namely Worksplore for those under the age of 16 and Work Links for those 16 years of age and older, students are completing both inschool and work placements to achieve two credits. We thank the following employers who are working with our students to help them learn valuable job skills: Ruffin’s Pet Center, Carriere Trucking, Spalutions, Good Beginnings Day Nursery, Pet Crazy, Foodland, Parkinson Tire, Staples Business Depot and Canadian Tire. Cody

As a final note, our Student Success Team, consisting of Murrarythirteen staff members including the Student Success Teacher, Simmonds principal, chaplaincy leader, Guidance counselors, Learning Services department head, social worker and representatives from many of the other departments, held a meeting Ben Longlade at the beginning of April with a videoconference component. The topic was “Gender Issues at SMHS.” We were able to dialogue with Tamara Nugent, acting Superintendent of Education, while she was at the Catholic Education Centre in London. We look forward to continuing our discussion in May with two researchers from the University of Western Ontario who are currently doing research in the area of gender differences. St. Mary’s is looking forward to working with the Grade 8 Bridging group in both May and June. We will spend a day here at St. Mary’s in May and will travel to Dancing Creek in Vienna in June. With this group, we will strive to help the students build relationships and help to ensure that these students make a smooth transition to secondary school. Shannon Johnston, Student Success Teacher

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Department Highlights The Department of Canadian and World Studies and Social Sciences and Humanities Canadian and World Studies The April midterm report card not only updates parents/guardians on student progress, it also provides an opportunity for students to refocus their efforts. While regular attendance and a consistent work ethic are key starting points, students and parents often have questions or concerns. In such cases, the best first step is for the student to speak with his/her teacher. While teachers often call home to discuss various matters, parents/guardians are always welcome to contact teachers. Promptly discussing concerns when they arise will resolve most issues. As reported in earlier versions of the school newsletter, students participated in Operation Dialogue’s Talk About Canada Quiz. This contest is open to all secondary schools, colleges and universities across the country. St. Mary’s High School placed an impressive eighth nationally! The top ten rankings can be found at http://www.operationdialogue.com/e/tac/s_2008TopSchools.html. Students are also preparing for the 5th annual Model United Nations Assembly on May 8. There is still room for delegates, pages, security and other volunteers. See Mr. Delodder if interested. The Department recently hosted three student teachers. Mr. Lynch's Grade Ten Canadian History students were taught by student teacher Aliica Salyi. Ms. Salyi engaged the students in a comprehensive unit of study on the Canada during the Great Depression. As well, Mrs. Shelton’s Grade Nine Geography students were instructed by Melanie Keefe. Ms. Keefe has led students through an exploration of natural resources and sustainable development. Finally, Mr. Delodder’s Grade 12 History and Politics students were taught by Bryon Campbell. He taught units of study on political media, the Enlightenment and the English Conquest of New France. There have also been numerous field trips completed or planned. A few examples of these trips are outlined below. Mr. Loebus’ Civics students recently went to Ontario’s Legislative Assembly, Queen’s Park. There they met our Member of Parliament, Ernie Hardeman, and watched a session of Question Period. Mr. Delodder’s History Classes went to the University of Western Ontario to attend first and second year classes as well as tour the campus and library. Mrs. Shelton’s Geography students have participated in the Making Art in the Community program at London Museum. Mrs. Shelton’s students will also be doing some tree plant-

ing in conjunction with Oxford Land Stewardship. Social Science and Humanities This Foods program has recently bid farewell to Ms. Erin Jankowski. While her talents and presence will be missed, the department is pleased to welcome Mrs. Anabela Shea and Ms. Tanya Di Marcelli to continue the program’s tradition of excellence. Mrs. Shea's Foods class will be working with the School to Community Pathways Program students to prepare a morning snack for the school. This will happen during the week of April 29 – May 2. This program will allow the students to hone their skills and also help build community spirit within the school. Ms. Martellotti’s and Mr. Larsh’s HHS 4M classes recently attended a field trip to the University of Western Ontario. The students sat in on Sociology lectures and toured the campus and library. Students in these courses are working in undertaking a comparative analysis of selected cultures and the nature of family relationships within those cultures. This department offers a wide range of interesting courses and diverse experiences. Please contact your son/daughter’s teacher or Mr. Delodder, Department Head, for more information. James Delodder Dept. Head Canadain World Studies & Social Science & Humanities

Students in Mrs. Burrell's HWC 3M class recently created some Egyption wall paintings in conjuction with their study of Ancient Greece.

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Department Highlights PHYSICAL & HEALTH EDUCATION NEWS CARDIO EQUIPMENT NEEDED This semester we have been able to purchase a new treadmill thanks to some grant money and some fundraising . We have two pieces of cardio equipment and an elliptical purchased last year. Class sizes warrant a need for more equipment. If anyone is looking to sell or donate any cardio equipment in excellent condition contact Mrs. Standish, PHE/Athletics Dept. Head. Ex. 30598. , "TRY DAY" ACTIVITIES The SMHS Physical and Health Education Department secured The Ontario Trillium Foundation Try Day Grant of $800 (facilitated by OFSSA) to purchase new equipment for our PHE classes. These funds are to encourage high school students to get active, be more physically fit and to have exposure to non-traditional activities. This money has allowed us to purchase OMNIKIN balls of various sizes and other complimentary OMNIKIN equipment. All PE classes have experienced playing a variety of fun low organizational games that optimize maximum participation of students. Many of the games involve teamwork, strategy and cooperation. The best part is that this equipment can be used and games adapted so that any student regardless of skill or ability level, can get involved and play. Our New Recreation and Fitness Leadership Class (PLF4C) The PLF4C class has been extremely busy running an intramural program for the student body to participate during their lunch hours. Intramurals have focused on the game of Dodgeball. Students on 3rd lunch have dodged, ducked, dipped and dived for the last 4 weeks. Participant numbers varied from 35 - 50 each day with lots of fun and laughs . Now those on 4th lunch have the opportunity to get active.

Encourage your child to get involved. Future activities planned by the students in this class are: the Warrior Girls High School Softball Invitational Tournament on May 14th (raindate the 15th) and the Warrior Classic Elementary Coed Soccer Tournament on May 28th (raindate the 29th). This is an excellent course for students who enjoy Sports Management activities and looking to develop their leadership potential. Please support their Cinnabon fundraiser they are running over the next two weeks - To place an order email [email protected]. GoodLife & St. Mary's School Partnership


This partnership is in its 5th successful year. We are grateful to GoodLife Fitness Clubs for allowing us to use their facility for our Grade 11 & 12 PAF (Personal Fitness Activities) courses. Students enrolling in these courses are agreeing to uphold high expectations with regard to conduct and behaviour while representing our high school in our community. As a result of their exemplary behaviour this arrangement has been successful. To date our courses have grown from 1 running per year to 5 courses running in 2007-8. These courses serve to provide an opportunity for students to focus on improving their own personal level of fitness while gaining the skills necessary to pursue fitness as a lifelong habit. Thank you to the SMHS PHE Staff who teach these courses and the GoodLife staff and its members for their assistance and support. OUTDOOR EDUCATION Our department has embraced the goal to develop a program that teaches the youth the wonders of nature and the outdoors. Over the years we have

organized progressive learning opportunities that allow students in to learn and appreciate the beauty of being outside. In grade 9 our students go for a day trip to the Wildwood Conservation Area. They learn how to use a compass and read maps and take part in two orienteering courses. They are introduced to animals indigenous to the area. As well they take part in survival games in the forest. In grade 10 the students visit Rattlesnake Point (Milton, ON) hiking for a day. While on this trip they explore caves, learn about 'no trace' hiking and see the beauty of Crawford Lake located on top of the escarpment. In grade 11, students return to Rattlesnake Point for an overnight hike to Lake Kelso where they set up campsite. Students learn how to select appropriate back packs for extended trips and how to pack these with the supplies. They experience how to set up and take down a campsite, to cook their food with small unit propane stove, start a camp fire, and to clean up so that animals are not attracted to the campsite. Students see outstanding views This is a once-in-a lifetime experience for many students. In grade 12 we have two trips which are three day - two night trips. One is a base camp trip where the students go on day hikes and return to the same camp site. The other is the full backpacking trip which allows the students to pack up their site each day and venture on to a new site. This trip is conducted in the Bruce Pennisula area near Cypress Lake with breath-taking views. Students learn teamwork skills while experiencing a tremendous physical workout. Many students have participated on a number of these outdoor excursions. Graduates have

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St. Mary's Catholic High School Parent Newsletter

Department Highlights returned to visit to share some of their fondest memories and the valuable lessons they learned. They now take their own children on outdoor excursions. Thank you to Mr. Boin (CAPHERD Physical Educator of the Year 2006) for years of teaching many SMHS staff and students firsthand the joy of hiking in the outdoors. Thank you to Mr. Sloan and Mrs. Simpson for the many outdoor education field trips led over the years . These trips take a tremendous amount of time and energy to organize. Mrs. Sandra Standish PHE/Athletics Dept Head

BARGAIN HUNTERS! The 6th Annual Yearbook Silent Auction will once again be taking place the night of Parent Teacher interviews in the forum of St. Mary's High School. Many fabulous items have been donated by local business and can be bid on that night. Great savings to you and your family on restaurants vouchers, movie passes, craft items, gardening supplies, massage and golf gift certificates and many items too numerous to mention. Don't miss this popular event with all proceeds supporting the school yearbook. See you April 24th between 5pm and 8pm. We have three sections of items with one closing every hour so even the early birds have a chance a picking up some incredible bargains Dave Baughman Teacher

Athletics It has been a very busy and successful winter season in sports around St. Mary's as Championships abound. The Sr. Girls Volleyball team returned to OFSAA Provincial championships after a five year absense. The girls captured the TVRAA championships defeating Lord Dorchester. They followed it up with a WOSSAA championship in a thrilling 5- set victory over Madill. The girls run ended with a loss in the OFSAA consolation Final to St. Thomas Aquinas. Well done! In swimming, congratulations to Melissa Snyder who won the WOSSAA 200 m Breast stroke. Melissa represented us at the OFSAA swim meet in Etobicoke on Wed March 6th. This was Melissa's 3rd straight trip to OFSAA. An incredible accomplishment, especially in an individual event. In Curling the curling rink of Rachel Vink, Amanda Brown, Brittany Janssen, Julia Van Bommel went undefeated in TVRAA play before capturing the TVRAA title. They were upset in the WOSSAA championships but not before capturing the GORE Mutual insurance provincial title. Rachel Vinks team competed at the Ontario Winter Games this year. A fantastic showing from an up and coming team. On Friday, March 28th St. Mary's High School welcomed the IFK ORE Swedish Hockey team. In December of 2006 the St. Mary's High School hockey team headed off to the World Jr. Hockey tournament in Leksand, Sweden. While staying in Furudal, we played an exhibition game against and practiced with IFK ORE. St. Mary's lost 6-5 in Sweden. The Swedish team visited Canada, Mary's High School. The students

were buddied up with members of the St. Mary's Warrior Hockey team and visited their period 2 classes. Afterwards, they headed to the gym for a Sweden vs Canada, dodge ball game. A luncheon was hosted in the library, then headed to the Woodstock Community Complex where they were engaged in a rematch hockey game at 1:30 pm. The IFK ORE put on a dazzling display of hockey, defeating our team 9-1. Later that evening, the Swedish team attended the St. Mary's "Pretty in Pink" high school dance fundraiser for Breast Cancer.The day was a fantastic educational exchange for both Swedes and our students. A huge thank you to the dedicated staff and volunteers who coached in the winter season. You truly are what makes St. Mary's Athletics such a successful program. Pat Sloan, Athletics , TVRAA East Hockey Convener

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Department Highlights Canadian and World Studies

STANDUP 2 BULLYING: If you see it, You can stop it Last month The SMHS Safe Schools Committee kicked off our StandUp 2 Bullying initiative by holding an assembly in the gymnasium. The assembly was extremely moving as students read anonymous testimonials of experiences here at St. Mary's High School. Volunteer students danced, sang, ran power points and spoke to their peers. The message: We cannot ignore the fact that bullying happens and we have to do something about it. Our guest speaker was Mr. John Melo. He spoke to us through his grief and tears about his son Joshua. Mr. Melo told us that Joshua took his own life because he was being bullied online and at school by a group of peers and no one did anything about it. Students and staff at St. Mary's High School have been asked to become part of a united Good Samaritan Team (also

known as GST). All were invited to purchase a red t-shirt for $15 to wear on GST Days ($2 goes towards initiatives to continue our fight against Bullying). The first GST day was held Wednesday, April 9th. Students are allowed to wear the shirt with their uniform pants. The colour red represents STOP Bullying to go along with the slogan Standup 2 Bullying: If you see it, You can stop it . This logo is used with permission from the Red Cross. Mr. Melo closed with a strong message for Bystanders to stop being bystanders. He encouraged them to speak out and tell someone who can help. Joshua suffered in silence His dad didn't know he was being bullied. His dad would've liked to have had an opportunity to help his son, but he will never get that chance. Please talk to your child about bullying and how it can greatly impact the lives of others. Students call one another inappropriate names, push each other in the hallways, make snide comments about how someone looks, dresses, walks, etc. and then when called on it they say "I was just joking". Teens need to realize that these behaviours hurt maybe you can't see it on the outside, but it hurts on the inside. Your child never wants to be the reason another child takes his or her own life. Please encourage your child to

stand beside someone in the hallways who is being picked on - there is power in numbers, in standing UNITED. Tell your child that reporting is not “ratting.” It is our goal to give victims the support they need and help change the perpetrators. As Christians we are called to look out for one another and treat one another with respect and dignity. As parents please help us make St. Mary's High School a safe school, a place where each and every student and staff member can come and feel safe to teach and learn in a positive environment. If you would like to purchase a GST T-shirt for you or your child please email Mrs. Standish, Safe Schools Committee Chairperson at [email protected]. Mrs. Sandra Standish PHE/Athletics Dept Head TST YOUTH Basketball SUMMER SPORTS CAMPS TST Youth Sports Camps, run by SMHS Teachers Sandra Standish & Theresa Simpson, is once again running 2 basketball camps this summer at St. Mary's High School. If you have a child in elementary school age 7 -14 who is interested in basketball you may print our registration form from the St. Mary's High School website and send to the address provided. Focus is on developing basketball skills, learning game strategies and having fun. Don't delay - the camp fills up fast!

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St. Mary's Catholic High School Parent Newsletter

Department Highlights “The Hollywood

Nightclub” GRADE 7 & 8 EVENT When: Time: Where:

Friday, May 30th, 2008 5-10 p.m SMHS

On Friday, May 30th the SMHS Grade 11 Entrepreneurial Studies class will be hosting another event for our grade 7 & 8 students. The event theme is "The Hollywood Nightclub" and promises to be fun and exciting with students partaking in a variety of games: guitar hero, dance revolution, karoke. Pizza party (with juice & cookies) and a dance to DJ MUZIK MIX with lights, bubbles, disco ball, fog & games to follow. No high school students will be attending this event, except those running it. All elementary students in grade 7 & 8 from Woodstock feeder schools (Catholic and Public) are permitted to attend by pre-registering for this event. Parents may print off the required forms from our St. Mary's High School website and send to the high school to Mrs. Standish. We will also be travelling to our Catholic elementary schools to make a personal invitation. This successful event is held twice a year and this is our 6th year. It is well-supervised by SMHS staff. The purpose of this event is to allow our future Warriors an opportunity to meet their peers and teachers in advance and to become acquainted with the facility. It helps to alleviate any anxiety before making the big transition to high school. If you have any questions please call Mrs. Sandra Standish at Ext. 30598or email at [email protected]. S. Standish, Entrepreneurial Teacher

English Department With the turning of the semester, many exciting changes have occurred here at St. Mary's High School. The English, French Immersion, and Moderns Department would like to extend a warm welcome to its new department members: Mrs. Christine Todhunter, Ms. Tanya DiMarcelli, Mrs. Patricia Breault, and a warm welcome to student teacher, Vanessa Killeen who will complete her teaching practicum at our school. With the arrival of Spring and with Easter blessings, students of languages and of literature have many travel opportunities, with excursions planned to Stratford Theatre to preview "Hamlet" and "The Taming of the Shrew". As well, students of Media Literacy will venture out to New York City at the end of this month to visit the advertising capital of the world; this three day trip offers a packed itinerary, with visits to Time Square, Rockefeller Plaza, Julliard School of Arts, the Museum of Television and Radio, and to a live taping of "Good Morning America". Ms. Miranda's and Ms. Martin's senior literature and language classes tasted some of this year's maple syrup at Fort Rose Maple Company (Coldstream, Ontario)-a major Ontario producer of maple syrup back in March. As well, for students of French Immersion, it is not too late to sign up for travel to France next March Break; see Ms. Miranda for more information and application procedures. Spots are filling up fast! Also of importance, the English, French Immersion, and Moderns Department is once again holding its ever-so-popular "50" Word Short Story Contest during the last week of April, Catholic Education Week (April 27 - May 3). Listen to inschool announcements for this upcoming writing challenge. Looking forward to your short stories! Marlene Miranda Department Head English, French Immersion, and Modern Languages

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Department Highlights

Swedish Hockey Team Visit’s St. Mary’s High School

Guidance Department Graduation is rapidly approaching. A requirement for earning an OSSD is completing a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement. All potential grads must have their paperwork submitted to Guidance by the end of April. Post secondary institutions are sending out offers of admission, and more will be forthcoming once mid-term marks are submitted to the OUAC. Students are reminded to meet the deadlines for acceptances. OSAP applications can be done on line. These should be forwarded to the Financial Aid Office of the institution where the student has accepted an offer. A graduation and bursary meeting was held on April 7th. Students who wish to be considered for bursaries must submit an application. Applications are due in Guidance by April 28th. Grad fees should also be submitted to Guidance by the end of the month. Dan Hlembizky, Head of Guidance.

Cellphones and/or electronic messaging devices are not allowed in the school building during the instructional day. This is in compliance to LDCS policy on the appropriate use of Electronic Messaging Devices. These must be kept in the locker if brought to school. These devices will be confiscated.

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St. Mary's Catholic High School Parent Newsletter

Department Highlights Summer School 2008 at JPII Summer school has become a very popular program. Students are able to take courses that move them towards graduation and expand the variety of courses they can take within the regular school year. Summer school has now become an important aspect of a student’s diploma planning, especially for students wishing to take rigorous educational pathways. Last year over a thousand students enrolled in summer school. Almost 300 of these students were grade 8 students earning a credit before they entered secondary school the following September. This year summer school will be at John Paul II Catholic Secondary School. Classes run from July 2 to July 29 (20 school days). The number of courses available to grade 9 students has been increased this year due to the popularity of this part of the program. Courses such as Transportation and Physical Education have been added (a current change by the Ministry allows a student to earn two physical education credits in grade 9). Other courses can be viewed at www.cfll.on.ca. Brochures will be available in the schools by April 18, 2008. A new component to summer school this year is the ability of a student to earn a credit through an online course. Students who are unable to travel to John Paul II or unable to attend all of the summer school classes because of other commitments during the month can earn a credit from home. Some examples of online courses offered are: Grade 10 Civics and Career Studies, Grade 11 Accounting, Grade 12 University Physics, and Grade 12 Advanced Functions. Other online courses available can be viewed on the Summer School website. Students attending summer school in the past have found it to be a very worthwhile and rewarding experience. Classes are filled on a first-to-register basis so it is important to register as early as possible in case the course you want gets filled up. See your guidance counsellor for more information and advice.

Model United Nations Club Final preparations are being made for the 5th annual SMHS Model UN Assembly. The assembly is being held on Thursday, May 8. Students interested in current affairs, History, Politics, Law, debating, public speaking, meeting like-minded students and hearing nationally renowned speakers should consider getting involved. This year we have confirmed participation from 120 students representing 5 school boards. Two honoured speakers at this year’s assembly include His Worship Michael Harding, Mayor of Woodstock, and journalist, television and radio personality Michael Coren. The student delegates will be debating resolutions concerning Tibet, degradation of the global environment and Kosovo’s independence. All interested students are encouraged to participate as delegates, pages or security. Please see Mr. Delodder or any member of the UN Club for more details about getting involved. James Delodder, Teacher

St. Mary's Catholic High School Parent Newsletter

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Summer School 2008

London District Catholic

New Credits for Secondary School Students New Credits Grade 9 English ENG1D * Mathematics MPM1D * Geography CGC1P or CGC1D * Introduction to Information Technology in Business BTT1O * Physical Education PAF1OF or PAF1OM * Science SNC1D * Grade 10 English ENG2P or ENG2D Canadian History CHC2P or CHC2D * Career Studies (.5 credit value 55 hours) GLC2O * Civics (.5 credit value 55hours) CHV2O * Introduction to Information Technology in Business BTT2O * Mathematics MFM2P or MPM2D

Grade 11 English English Chemistry Mathematics – Functions Mathematics - Personal Finance Mathematics – Functions & Relations (recommended 70% in MPM2D) Aviation (limited enrolment)


Grade 12 English ENG4U Mathematics - Database Management MDM4U Recreation & Fitness Leadership (limited enrolment) PLF4C Chemistry S CH4U

Reach Ahead Credits. Course codes marked with an * can be taken by Grade 8 students entering Grade 9 in the fall.

Online Courses NEW for 2008 Students can select courses to do at their home. Preference will be given to students not able to attend JP II because of distance or summer job.

On-line – preference will be given to distance students Geography of Canada CGC1P or CGC1D Canadian History CHC2P or CHC2D Career Studies (.5 credit value 55 hours) GLC2O Civics (.5 credit value 55hours) CHV2O Accounting BAF3M Canadian Law CLU3M World History CHY4U Physics SPH4U

Improvement Credits for Secondary School Students Grade 9 Mathematics MFM1P or MPM1D Grade 10 Mathematics MFM2P or MPM2D Grade 11 Mathematics – Personal Finance MBF3C Mathematics – Functions MCF3M Grade 12 English ENG4U

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St. Mary's Catholic High School Parent Newsletter

St. Mary's Catholic High School Parent Newsletter

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Department Highlights Science Department News At the half-way point in our courses- the Science Department is starting to look towards preparations for final exams. Students experiencing problems with concepts should be contacting their teachers and getting that extra help. . We encourage all students to seek help as soon as they feel a lack of understanding. Do not hesitate. A team of students is being prepared to enter the annual Science Olympics. Last year’s squad competed very well, bringing home a number of prizes. This year Coaches are Ms. Hunter, Ms. Csinos and Mrs. McLaughlin. They are hopeful that the success can be replicated. Go Warrior Scientists! Grade 12 biology students are looking forward to studying genetics using the new equipment received through the Teachers Science and Technology Outreach Program (TSTOP). They will also be accessing the Virtual Researchers On-Call (VROC) program. The topic is yet to be decided. The Science Department would also like to say thank you and farewell to our student teachers, Mr. J. Pepper and Miss P. LaPierre .They have been working with associates Miss Hunter and Mr. Mol respectively. The students appreciate the dedication and commitment from the student teachers. Rob Mol, Science Dept. Head

Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. Johnston and Mr. Droog, preparing to leave with the group of students who are visiting a mission in the Domincan Republic

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St. Mary's Catholic High School Parent Newsletter

Teaching Staff Directory (519) 675-4435 Enter Extension Baughman














































































(Social Worker)




ATTENDANCE Please ensure if your child is going to be absent from school, that you call the school follow the prompt commands and leave a message with attendance. If your child is absent without a phone call, and returns to school without a note as well, a detention will be issued for the next day. If your child has to leave anytime during the school day, they must have a note from a parent.


Edwards (D’Hondt)












Gelinas (VP) Shirley



















































































Van Heugten


































Is there a change of address? Please notify the school of your change of address (as soon as you are aware of your moving date) and/or telephone no. as this may affect your son/daughter’s transportation. A reminder that bussing is available to only 1 home address and that it could take up to at least 5 business days for your son/daughter to access a new bus route. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

London District Catholic School Board Mission Statement To Serve the Catholic student in a community that nurtures a living faith and provides a quality Catholic education that enables the individual to become a contributing member of the Church and society.

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