Apr 1-4

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Teacher: 3rd Grade Weekly Math Objectives:

Subject(s): Math; Science, Health

Week Of: April 1– 4, 2019

3.MD.2 Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l). Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-step word problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units, e.g., by using drawings (such as a beaker with a measurement scale) to represent the problem. • Identify items that can be measured in liquid volume units. • Understand the relative size of 1 liter. • Use unit size to estimate liquid volume (capacity). • Solve one-step word problems involving liquid volume (capacity). CASE Review: Comprehensive 3.OA.8 Solving two-step word problems 3.MD.1 Telling Time/Elapsed Time 3.NF.2a Fractions on a number line 3.NF.3b Equivalent Fractions 3.MD.8 Find Area/Perimeter with a missing side length

Activities: CCP: Lesson 25 (Volume/Mass) & CASE Review

CCP: Lesson 25 (Volume/Mass) & CASE Review

Lesson 22: Ready Workbook Liquid Volume

Review/Re-teaching: TTW review lesson vocabulary and using CUBES to decompose and solve word problems. Introduce: TTW give students the Lesson 25 Volume/Mass handout from the Common Core Progress Math textbook. TTW & TSW read through pgs. 226227 together. TTW remind students that volume is the amount of liquid a container can hold and mass is the amount of matter in an object. TTW & TSW discuss using the benchmarks to determine volume/mass. TTW display pg. 228 on the smartboard. TTW & TSW work through the examples, using the steps to develop and solve equations. TTW & TSW work through #’s 1-7, on pg. 229, together on the board. TTW call on volunteers to come to the board to explain answers. TTW encourage

Review/Re-teaching: TTW review mass/volume benchmarks. Introduce: TTW give students the Mass/Volume Interactive Notebook handout. TTW & TSW define and identify the benchmarks for each unit of measurement. Upon completion, TTW & TSW use the Lesson 25 Volume/Mass handout from the Common Core Progress Math textbook. TTW refer students to pgs. 230-231. TSW work with a partner to complete the questions. (If time permits, TTW call on students to explain their answers to the class, if not, TTW briefly review answers on the board). Classwork: TSW complete the Units of Measurement Word Problems WS independently. CASE Review: TTW & TSW review CASE items from Final BM Action Plan.

Review/Re-teaching: TTW review using CUBES to solve word problems. Introduce: TTW have students pull out their Ready Workbook. TTW & TSW turn to pgs. 247248. TTW & TSW work through each of the problems. TTW have students model CUBES to ensure student understanding of key word and their applications. (go to classwork) TTW & TSW turn to pgs. 257-258. TTW & TSW work through the problems together on the board using CUBES to identify the steps to solve. (go to classwork) Classwork: TSW complete pgs. 249-250 & 259-260 with a partner. Remediation: TTW & TSW review CASE items from Final BM Action Plan.

I-Ready Math & CASE Review

CCP: Lesson 25 (Volume/Mass) & CASE Review

Review/Re-teaching: None Introduce: No New Skill Classwork: TSW complete their 45 minutes of I-Ready Math. Remediation: TTW & TSW review CASE items from Final BM Action Plan.

Review/Re-teaching: TTW review benchmarks for volume and mass. Introduce: No New Skill Classwork: TSW complete pgs. 232-233 independently. Remediation: TSW complete progress monitoring for 3.MD.1 & 3.MD.8.

students to refer the benchmarks when explaining their reasoning. Classwork: TSW complete the Estimating Mass/Volume WS independently. CASE Review: TTW & TSW review CASE items from Final BM Action Plan.

Math Assessments: Teacher Observation

Teacher Observation

Comprehensive CASE Benchmark

Comprehensive CASE Benchmark

Lesson 22 Quiz

Science Objective(s): Weekly Skills: 4f: Describe the different components of the solar system (sun, planets, moon, asteroids, comets) TTW and TSW discuss what TTW and TSW discuss what TTW and TSW discuss what information they know about information they know about information they know about Mercury. Watch a video on Venus. TSW complete the cold Earth. Watch a video on Mars Mercury. TSW complete the read, “Venus.” TSW complete the cold read, cold read, “Mercury.” “Earth.”

TTW and TSW discuss what information they know about Mars. TSW complete the cold read, “Mars.”

Health Objective(s): 45 min./week Competency 5: Demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health. (N, PH, H, S, SA) NHES 5 TTW & TSW discuss good and bad decision making. TSW provide examples of good decision and bad decisions. TTW write students responses on the board. (20 min)

TSW choose a decision from the board to write about. TSW plan their writing. (15 min)

Differentiated Instruction: Final BM Action Plan: Center One (Teacher): 3.MD.8 Practice WS Center Two (Teacher 2): 3.MD.8 Task Cards Center Three (Chromebooks): www.freckle.com Telling Time/Elapsed Time Practice

Targeted Students

TSW write an essay about the decision that they chose. (10 min)

Pre-test & Post-test Data:

Notes & Feedback:

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