Appointment Latter

  • June 2020
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Ref: delDSL/Net.Supp.Exe Date: 10.07.2004 To, MR. AJAY KUMAR GAUR BABA KHATERPAL MEDICOS, NEAR SDM COURT, SANJAY COLONY, RAWATSAR, DISTT. HANUMANGARH (RAJASTHAN) SUB:- LETTER OF APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF NETWORK SUPPORT EXECUTIVE Dear Mr. Gaur, We are pleased to offer your appointment as ‘NETWORK SUPPORT EXECUTIVE’ in our organization effective ‘10th August 2004’on the following terms and conditions: 1. The remuneration payable to you’re at time of joining will be:a) Basic Salary : b) H.R.A. : c) CCA : d) Travel Allowance : e) Medical :

Rs. 2,400.00 p.m. Rs. 720.00 p.m. Rs. 500.00 p.m. Rs. 380.00 p.m. Rs. 450.00 p.m.

The above remuneration would be subject to deduction of tax at source as per the of Income Tax, in force, from time to time.


2. That in the first instance you will be on probation for a period of Six months from the date of your joining, where after the probation period may be extended at the discretion of the management or may be dispensed with earlier. Unless confirmed in writing you will be deemed as probation after the expiry of the abovementioned probation or the extended period of probation 3. Your place of posting will at present be our Network Center situated at Basement-1, Sushant Lok, Sector – 27, Millennium Plaza, Gurgaon -122002. You are liable to be transferred to another branch, post or place or sister concern whether in existence or may come into existence hereinafter either at the place of posting or any other place where the management may establish/open it’s office later on. Upon such transfer the rules and regulations of service applicable to you will be same as contained in this letter. 4. You will work under the supervision of such officers as may decide by the management from time to time. You shall diligently and satisfactorily carry out instructions given to you by your superiors in connection with the work assigned to you to the best of your skill and ability.

Contd……2…….. delDSL Internet Pvt. Ltd., 101 tower-‘D’ Global Business Park, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road, Gurgaon -12202 (INDIA) Tel.: +91 124 2803000, Fax: +91 124 2803001, E-mail: [email protected], Website: Registered Office: K-1, Green Park Main, New Delhi – 110 016

-25. That you will employ yourself efficiently and diligently to the best to your ability and will devote your whole time to the work of the company and will not engage yourself directly or indirectly either honorary or on remuneration any service, trade, business, vocations or occupation (including agency of an insurance company or in Advisory capacity). 6. That if, or any reason beyond the control and power of the management, it is not possible to provide you with the employment for any specified period, you will be deemed to have been laid off, and would be in this respect be governed by the provisions of the industrial Disputes Act, 1947 or any other enactment(s) relating to lay off from the time being in force. 7. For any service or notice or communication of whatever kind, you will informed by post at the address given by you at the time of employment or such address which you may hereinafter to the management. The management may also paste a copy of the letter on the notice board, which shall be considered to be sufficient service on you. It will be your duty to intimate in writing to the management whenever there is any change in you address. 8. Absence for a continued period of 8 days (including absence when leave though applied for but not granted and when over stayed for a period of a period of 8 days would make you to lose your lien on the service and the same shall automatically come to an end without any notice or even intimation. 9. The leave entitlement shall be determined in accordance with leave policy of the company as approved by Management time to time. 10. You will be bound by rules and regulations enforced by the management, from time to time in relation to conduct, discipline, medical leave, holidays or any matter relating to service conditions which will be deemed as rules, regulations and orders in the part of these terms of employment. You will abide by and be governed by the settlements and awards in operation and in existence. 11. That during the tenure of service, you will keep your emoluments secret from other members of this organization and will treat all information contained in all documents and papers other matters relation to the company will not be divulged by you to any other person other than those of the management 12. That all salary increments/promotions and demotions will be depend at the sole discretion of the management depending upon your efficiency, intelligence, regular attendance, sense if discipline, loyalty and good behavior and also subject to the prosperity. Cont……3……..

delDSL Internet Pvt. Ltd., 101 tower-‘D’ Global Business Park, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road, Gurgaon -12202 (INDIA) Tel.: +91 124 2803000, Fax: +91 124 2803001, E-mail: [email protected], Website: Registered Office: K-1, Green Park Main, New Delhi – 110 016

-313. During the probation or extended period of probation you service can be terminated without any notice. After confirmation the Company may terminate your service without assigning any reason by giving you 30 days salary in lieu of notice. In the event of your desiring to leave the services of the Company, whether you are confirmed or probationary you shall give to the Company 3o days salary in lieu of notice. However, the Company may, at its sole discretion relieve you of your duties at any time during your notice period and in that event will be paid your salary upto last working day only. In case you are incapacitated by reason of illness, accident or any other cause and cannot perform you duties, the company may at its option grant leave for reasonable time on full pay or half pay or without pay or terminate your services. Also if your are found suffering from any infectious / contagious disease the company may at its discretion terminate your services. 14. All disputes, controversies or differences which may arise between the Parties hereto in relation to this Agreement or for breach thereof which cannot be settled amicably by the Parties shall be submitted for Arbitration and finally settled under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration Act. 1996. The Venue for arbitration shall be New Delhi and the language shall be English. 15. In case you are charged with any act of misconduct, you may be suspended from service pending enquiry. During suspension period, you will be entitled to 50% of your salary towards suspension allowance subject to your marking of attendance on the working days at any time during working hours. While claming suspension allowance, you will be give any undertaking in writing that you were neither employed nor self employed during such period. 16. You will automatically retire without any notice on your reaching the age of 58. Should you continue in service after attaining the age of retirement, you can be retired thereafter by giving you one month’s notice or salary in lieu thereof. In case the terms and conditions are acceptable to you please sign the duplicate of this letter in token of your having understood the aforesaid and having accepting the said and return the same. Yours faithfully, For and on behalf on the Management

Lalit Chander Mathur Vice-President DECLARTATION:

I have read/understood the above terms and conditions and undertake to abide by the same NAME: Mr. Ajay Kumar Gaur delDSL Internet Pvt. Ltd., 101 tower-‘D’ Global Business Park, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road, Gurgaon -12202 (INDIA) Tel.: +91 124 2803000, Fax: +91 124 2803001, E-mail: [email protected], Website: Registered Office: K-1, Green Park Main, New Delhi – 110 016

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