App.form Irfan

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 34
Job application

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Revised September 2006


Staff-in-confidence The British Council is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and the development of positive policies to promote equal opportunity in employment. This form is available in other formats on request; these are large print, Braille and audio disk. This form is in two separate parts: part 1 contains personal information and is a confidential document, which will not be seen by those making a selection decision; part 2 relates specifically to the post(s) you are applying for. Complete the form electronically. Please send the completed form to the address specified in the advertisement.

Part 1 Job(s) applied for


Job title

Job reference number

(Highlight all the positions you wish to be considered for) BCIC Assistant Information Center Officer, Karachi. Project Officer, Lahore


Application reference number (for British Council use only)

Examination Officer


We aim to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the basis of gender including transgender, marital status or civil partnership, sexual identity, religion and belief, political opinion, race, colour, nationality or ethnic origin, work pattern, age, disability or HIV/AIDS status, socio-economic background, spent convictions, trade union activity or membership, on the basis of having or not having dependants, or any other irrelevant grounds. We monitor all stages of our recruitment and selection process to ensure there is no potential for unjustified discrimination on irrelevant grounds. Our monitoring data is externally analysed each year, and recommendations are published and acted upon. We welcome applications from all sections of the community as we believe that a diverse workforce gives added depth to our work. Please answer the questions below, which will not be seen by those involved in making the selection decision and will help us ensure there is no hidden bias within our recruitment process.

Personal information


Family name

Muhammad Irfan Arshad

Date of birth

31st May 1983

Marital status



Married/civil partnered



Widowed, separated, divorced, dissolved





Ethnic origin Please tick the box which most closely describes your ethnic background. This does not necessarily mean the place where you were born.






Other white background (please specify) White and black African

White and black Caribbean Mixed

Other (please specify)

White and Asian

Any other mixed background (please specify)

Asian, Asian British, Asian English, Asian Scottish, Asian Welsh


Black, Black British, Black English, Black Scottish, Black Welsh


Chinese, Chinese British, Chinese English, Chinese Scottish, Chinese Welsh or any other ethnic group



Any other Asian background (please specify) African

Any other black background (please specify) Any other background (please specify)


Religious Belief Please tick the box which most closely describes your religious belief.





Hindu Muslim

Jewish ✘


Other, please describe


No religion


Contact details


Present address

Bajwa Boring House Near Sawera Floor Mills Bypass Road Rahim Yar Khan

Telephone (home)


Telephone (work)



Can we contact you at work?




Fax number




[email protected]

Additional information When are you available to take up the job?

after 30 days

What length of notice must you give?

30 days

Please give details of your current or most recent remuneration package including salary, pension and bonuses. Candidates will be asked for documentary evidence of this if appointed.

Basic Pay:




House Rent:


S.R 30 %


S.A 25 %


Total Gross Salary: Rs. 8215/-

Education/qualifications Please give details of educational and professional qualifications in chronological order. Qualifications and grades



‘B’ Grade

26 June 1997

National Cadet Corps

‘B’ Grade

09 March 1999

F.Sc (Pre-Engineering)

‘D’ Grade

05 January 2000

Diploma in Field Assistant

‘A’ Grade

02 August 2001

Bachelor in Arts

‘A’ Grade

22 August 2002

Spoken English Course

‘A’ Grade

14 June 2004

Computer Beginner Course

‘A’ Grade

30 August 2004

Master’s In English Literature

‘C’ Grade

12 January 2005

MBA (Finance)

‘B’ Grade

31 March 2007

Please give details of any current or planned studies. Course of study and expected qualification


M.A Economics

Result awaiting

Competitive Exam

August 2007


References The British Council requires three references: 1 Your current/most recent employer (or if no employer, your school/university). May we request a reference?

At any time

After offer of employment


Muhammad Akram Khan

Job title/position

Suprintendent o/o District Officer Agriculture (Extension) Rahim yar Khan


Address Please indicate if this is a work reference or an academic reference




Club Road Near DPO Office Rahim Yar Khan

Work reference

Academic reference

2 Previous employer (or if no employer, your school/university). May we request a reference?

At any time

After offer of employment


Zeeshan Ashraf

Job title/position

Auditor MCB Bank




McB Bank Sadiq Bazar Branch Rahim Yar Khan

Please indicate if this is a work reference or an academic reference


Work reference

Academic reference

3 Previous employer (or if not aplicable, a personal referee who knows you well and who is not a relative). May we request a reference?

At any time

After offer of employment


Mr.Saleem Choudhary

Job title/position

Manager Café Zouk Oxford UK





+44 1865 251600

144 Headley Way, Headington Oxford OX3 7SZ UK

Please indicate if this is a work reference or a personal reference

Work reference

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?


Personal reference


If ‘yes’, please give details of the offence and the sentence imposed. Subject to certain exempted occupations, convictions that are ‘spent’ under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 need not be mentioned. Please be aware that declaring a conviction will not automatically disqualify you from being employed by the British Council.


Part 2 Please note, this section of the form will be detached and given to the Recruiting Manager. The Recruiting Manager and the Interviewing Panel will have access only to information contained in this section. Personal Information


Family name

Irfan Arshad




Disability Section One of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a person as having a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-today activities. It is British Council policy to interview all applicants who are disabled and who meet the essential criteria for an advertised job.



Do you have a disabilty?



Whether or not you are disabled, do you need any help or special consideration to enable you to attend/participate fully in the interview and complete associated tests? (If your answer is ‘yes’ we will get in touch with you later to ascertain how best to assist you.)


Yes ✘


Jobs applied for


Job title

Job reference number

BCIC Assistant Information Center Officer, Karachi. Project Officer


Application reference number (for British Council use only)

Examination Officer


If you are applying for teaching posts please complete this section on teaching qualifications (Please tick boxes that apply) TEFL/TESL



Date taken

Certificate ELT Diploma ELT First Degree Masters Degree Other (please specify)


Examining body


Other teaching qualifications



Date taken

CertEd BEd PGCE Other (please specify)




Evidence in support of your application In support of your application, enter in the sections below the following information, exactly as it is listed in the information that has been sent to you: •

behavioural competencies

skills, knowledge and experience

any specialist qualification required for this post. Confine your answer for each competency to a maximum of 200 words.

Evidence in excess of 200 words will not be assessed. Before completing this form you should also read the enclosed guidance on completing the application form. Please do not attach a CV (or any other document) unless it has been requested as part of the recruitment process; they will not be used to make selection decisions. This is to ensure that all candidates are treated consistently.




Customer Service Orientation Level 1

Due to perfect competition we had to provide extended, effective and quick services to the farmers. But we were facing the problems of complex and time consuming information process alongwith communication gap between farmers and our field staff. The formation of “One Window Operation Center” ensued timely services delivery to the farmers. My idea of “One Window Operation Center” was based on the fact that farmers should get theier problems resolved on he single window besides their movement to different departments for fulfilling comlex criteria.. I managed for a team , trained them who gree the farmers politely, listen them patiently , help them to identify their problems by the use of pictures, vedios and their problems are solved on the spot . I also conducted a survey to identify farmers needs to extend our services area.

Keeps customers up to date and informed. Acts promptly to ensure customer problems are resolved. Makes him- or herself available to the customer. Interacts well with all customers. Understands that each customer is different. Delivers what is expected, not what they think the customer wants or needs.

Teamworking Level 1 Willingly co-operates. Is not afraid to seek advice from others. Puts in extra effort when needed to help others. Recognises that the ways of getting things done in different departments, organisations and communities are not the same.

During flood camp, I had to work with a conservative and traditional group where primary emphasis was on verbal behavior and group discussions were confined to here and now. Everyone was buy in individul effort. Any resistantwould put me out of the the team so I agreed with all of them they are oing well. Gradualy with practical examples I convinced them that collaborative work turnover may be enhanced. I brough them to the point that our good intensions must be transformed to the actions. At many time I asked them for help which they ofered. With the help of team leader I manged to divide tasks and helped each other in achieveing the core objective. Surprisingly each of us was excited to perform his duty in supeb way than other. This was a nice experience for me and enhanced my learning of behaviors and feelings of others.

Generic Skills (Please refer to the Generic Skills Dictionary and Guidance available on our website)

Computing Skills – level 1

Communciation Skills – level 1

I was assigned a task to prepare a PC-1 for Wheat production plan. I made alll necessary computations from the sowing to the harvesting stage of the crop. Collected data from different sectors. Arranged them under cost heads and included labour cost to opportunities cost. Final feasibility report was accomplished by a detailed cost estimates in a bief manner. Sources that were available and that are required were separated. Time of the project was also computed. Stages at which diferent requirent were needed were also mentioned alongwith. I had to present sugarcane development programe to the farmers. I collected data and arranged it in a very brief manner. Technical words were transferred into simpest form so that it would be easy for the farmers to understand. Used visual aids to expliain different situations. Involved the farmers in discussion, spoke in local language (Punjabi) and transferred the latest technology in effective manner. All of the farmers were convinced and satisfied.


Marketing & Customer Services – level 1

As a part of my duty I used to act as Settelite manager. I have to deal customers from a wide variety. The only way I used to satisfy them was the essement of their needs. My aim was to know what actually they want and I tried to provide more than what they wanted for. A farmer wanted to have cotton variety with short time of harvesting. I introduced hhim with a variety that is not only shor period but also has resistant against pest and water shortage. I also developed relations with research department to inform them about customers nedds so that they may introduce technology accordingly.After that I visited he same farmer to have view about that variety which brought me to know that the said variety has minor virus attacks about which reaserch department was asked to work.

Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.


Employment Please give details of your employment for the last ten years, or since leaving full-time education if this is sooner, starting with the most recent employment. Account for all your time, including voluntary work or other periods away from work. Please be aware that it will not prejudice your application if you disclose a period of ill health or a period out of formal employment (e.g. time spent at home bringing up children). Dates (month/year) Employer

Dates (month/year) Employer

Dates (month/year) Employer

Dates (month/year) Employer

Dates (month/year) Employer

5 Dec 2007 to Present Cane Advisor ESML

31-12-2003 4 Dec 2007 District Officer Agriculture Extension Rahim Yar Khan 1-2-2006 to 17-3-2006 Fedral Bureu of Statistics

17-42003 to 30-12-2003 Pricipal, NICE Degree College Rahim Yar Khan

2-7-2002 to 18-10-2002 Regional Sales Manager,SYNGENTA


Rahim Yar Khan/Pakistan

Position held

Assistant Admn. Officer


Rahim Yar Khan/Pakistan

Position held

Development Assistant

Location/country Position held


Rahim yar Khan/ Pakistan Enumerator

Rahim yar Khan/ Pakistan

Position held

English Teacher


Rahim yar Khan/ Pakistan

Position held

Settelite Manager

Dates (month/year)



Position held

Dates (month/year)



Position held

Dates (month/year)



Position held

Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.


Declaration I declare that the information I have provided in this application form is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct and complete. Warning: if you include any details that you know to be false or if you withhold relevant information, you may render yourself liable to disqualification from the recruitment exercise or, if appointed, to dismissal. N.B. If you submit your application electronically, typing your name will be taken as being as binding as your signature.

Your signature/name

Muhammad Irfan Arshad



If you are applying for a teaching job, please additionally complete this section. I declare that I have not been convicted, nor had any criminal proceedings against me, nor have I been warned, either orally or in writing, in relation to a sexual offence or child abuse. I declare that there are no such proceedings pending against me at the date of this declaration. I know of no reason why I should be considered unsuitable for work with children, the elderly or disabled, and I have not been dismissed from such a post for malpractice. I agree and hereby consent to the British Council seeking clearance from the police. I understand that the British Council will not carry out these checks unless an offer of employment is made in writing to me. N.B. If you submit your application electronically, typing your name will be taken as being as binding as your signature.

Your signature/name

Muhammad Irfan Arshad



The British Council will use the information you provide in this form to process your application. If your application is successful and you take up employment with the British Council, this form will be kept on your personnel file and some details from it will be held electronically by Human Resources. If your application is unsuccessful, this form will be kept on file for one year after completion of the recruitment exercise. If you do want to see a copy of your information, please send your request to the Data Protection Team, British Council, 10 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BN or send to your local British Council office who will forward it to the Data Protection Team in London.


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