Aperture Consulting Final Report

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A New IT System for Smart Investme nts

March 6

2 008

This report is to inform Smart Investments of the findings of Aperture Consulting on their research into the implementation of a new IT system. This is to be comprised of a new network infrastructure, new hardware for representatives, a standardized software suite, and a fresh design for the corporate website.

A Modest Proposal From Aperture Consulting

A New IT System for Smart Investments

Executive Summary Aperture Consulting has composed a comprehensive proposal that offers a packaged business solution to optimize Smart Investment’s technical assets.

Current System Smart Investment’s (SI) current Information Technology (IT) system is reaching the end of its lifespan, and in order to maintain today’s standards of productivity, SI has solicited bids from several consulting companies to research and deploy upgrades to their network, hardware, and software. A new website has been requested as well, as the current one is drawing insufficient traffic.

Proposed System Aperture Consulting has come up with several IT solutions to meet SI’s goals and expand their business. Network Each of Smart Investment’s buildings will have an identical network infrastructure; this will reduce complexity and therefore save time and money. The buildings will be connected via leased T3 lines from Shaw Cable. All employees will have hardwired and wireless access to the Virtual Private Network (VPN) with a weekly randomly generated access keys for increased security. Authorized users will gain access through a hard lined firewall. The network will have an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) backup system to ensure data will not be lost during power failures. Hardware Aperture’s consultants have done intense research in order to bring SI’s laptop and server specifications to industry standard. Aperture Consulting has recommended the Dell Vostro to upgrade representative laptops. Each office will have a customized Dell PowerEdge 6800 to store client information. SI’s headquarters will have an additional Dell PowerEdge 6800 to provide a consolidated location for all client data. The processor, memory, and hard disk space have been researched to bring the best results.

Aperture Consulting Software A standardized software set will replace the varied programs that representatives currently use. This will provide a faster way for employees to access data required for any given task, as well as making it easier to transfer clients between representatives. The software programs that have been chosen for the standardized software suite are Stator Stock Tracking for stock tracking, CanTAX for tax preparation, and Cheshire Wealth Manager for financial planning. Website The corporate website is being redesigned to draw in a wider clientele, through more attractive styling, and web marketing techniques such as online advertising. The website will be hosted by Servage, who can store the website on multiple servers. This solution will be much less expensive than hosting it in house.

Cost-benefit Analysis Aperture Consulting has found that the initial cost for implementing the system will come out to $3,263,497. This includes the hardware, software, website, network and development costs. Once the implementation is completed, the systems must be maintained. The ongoing operating costs have been calculated to be $210,097 a year. The ROI for the year after implementation has been calculated to be at approximately 121%, during the following years the ROI will increase significantly. Aperture has found that the current implementation plan will benefit SI without fail, and the numbers show this to be true.

Implementation Implementation will start June 1st, 2008 and all systems will be fully operational by August 1st, 2008. Each month will be considered a phase where specific tasks will be accomplished. The first phase will start at the Burnaby head office, the second phase will take place in Red Deer and the third phase will finish in Saskatoon. Two branches will always be fully operational at all times. Aperture consultants will train employees on site throughout the transition. The hardware will be purchased and all of SI’s employees will be briefed before the first phase.

Alternative System Conclusion Through the successful implementation of each of these areas, SI will have a modernized system that will allow them to increase employee productivity, and more efficiently store and access client information. These together will decrease costs spent maintaining the system, and increase profits for the company.

A New IT System for Smart Investments

Table of Contents Executive Summary................................................................................................. ...2 Current System.......................................................................................................2 Proposed System............................................................................................. ........2 Network.......................................................................................................... ......2 Hardware.......................................................................................................... ....2 Software................................................................................................ ...............2 Website..................................................................................... ...........................2 Cost-benefit Analysis..................................................................................... ..........2 Implementation...................................................................................... .................3 Alternative System.................................................................................. ................3 Conclusion..................................................................................................... ..........3 About Aperture Consulting.........................................................................................7 History............................................................................................................ .........7 Company Goals............................................................................... ........................7 Services............................................................................................................. ......7 Introduction............................................................................................. ...................8 Background..................................................................................... ........................8 Organization................................................................................................ ............8 Current System......................................................................................................... ..9 Network........................................................................................................ ...........9 Hardware........................................................................................................ .........9 Software.............................................................................................. ....................9 Website................................................................................. ................................10 The Network........................................................................................ .....................11 Network Goal.................................................................................................... .....11 Problems with the Current Network.......................................................................11 Security................................................................................................. .............11 Redundancy.......................................................................................................12 Wireless Performance................................................................................. ........12 Scalability...................................................................................................... .....12 Proposed Solution............................................................................................. .....12 Security................................................................................................. .............12 Redundancy.......................................................................................................12

Aperture Consulting Wireless Performance................................................................................. ........13 Scalability...................................................................................................... .....13 Hardware.................................................................................................... ..............15 Laptop System...................................................................................................15 Server System........................................................................................... .........16 Data Server System...........................................................................................18 Financial Software....................................................................................................20 Goals for the New Suite................................................................................ .........20 Proposed Solution............................................................................................. .....20 Financial Planning Software................................................................................20 Tax Preparation Software................................................................................. ...20 Stock Tracking Software.....................................................................................20 The Corporate Website.............................................................................................21 Proposed Solution............................................................................................. .....21 Website Analysis and Goals...................................................................................21 Online Marketing............................................................................. ......................21 Google AdWords................................................................................... ..............21 Open Directory Project.......................................................................................22 PRWeb............................................................................................... .................22 Website Design.................................................................................................... ..22 Web Hosting...................................................................................... ....................22 About Servage.................................................................................................. ..22 Servage Hosting Plan.........................................................................................23 Alternative System.............................................................................. .....................24 Web Hosting...................................................................................... ....................24 Hardware...................................................................................................... .........24 High End.......................................................................................................... ...24 Reasons for Rejection............................................................................. ............24 Low End.......................................................................................................... ....24 Comparison........................................................................................ ................25 Software............................................................................................ ....................25 The Network.......................................................................................... ................25 Low End Network................................................................................................ 25 Cost/Benefit Analysis.................................................................................... ............26 Initial Cost of the Proposed System.......................................................................26 Hardware Cost................................................................................................ ....26

A New IT System for Smart Investments Software Cost.................................................................................... ....................26 Network Cost.............................................................................................. ...........26 Website Cost.........................................................................................................27 Development Cost......................................................................................... .....27 Ongoing Cost.................................................................................................... ..28 Return on Investment (ROI)...................................................................................28 Tangible/Intangible Benefits..................................................................................28 Implementation.................................................................................... .................29 Risk Assessment.................................................................................................. ..29 Phase One – June 1st to June 30th...........................................................................29 Phase Two – July 1st to July 31th..............................................................................29 Phase Three – Aug 1st to Aug 31th..........................................................................30 Post Implementation.............................................................................................30 Technical Support................................................................................... ...............30 Website Services................................................................................... ................30 Conclusion and Recommendations...........................................................................31 Conclusion................................................................................................... ..........31 Recommendations........................................................................................... ......31 Glossary................................................................................ ...................................32 Appendix A - Hardware.................................................................................. ...........34 Appendix B – Implementation Details.......................................................................36

Aperture Consulting

About Aperture Consulting Aperture Consulting is an IT consulting firm that provides industry standard system design and implementation for accelerating businesses. The company is made up of a small team of IT professionals who are dedicated to achieving client goals by adapting to their needs. Aperture Consulting customizes solutions for each client, while taking a systematic approach to standardization and best practices toward IT development.

History Aperture Consulting is a privately owned company that was formedin 2003. Since then, the company has established a proven track record through successfully designing and integrating systems for over a dozen companies. Some of Aperture’s satisfied clients include ABC Manufacturing and PCB Inc. Aperture Consulting focuses on creating solutions for small to medium sized companies. The company’s staff is made up of BCIT graduates from a variety of IT diploma programs. With a combined total of over 20 years in the IT industry, Aperture Consulting is ready to address both business and IT needs.

Company Goals Developing IT solutions is what drives consultants at Aperture Consulting, while developing business relationships that last. Aperture Consulting guarantees that the customized solution will deliver: •

Technology and infrastructure to maximize business potential

Cost-effective products and services based on specific needs

Superior training and mentoring with new system components.

Rigorous system design, smooth implementation, and better Return on Investment, are always promised at Aperture Consulting.

Services Aperture consultants specialize in many different technology fields which allow clients to receive a flexible and thoroughly designed system. The company’s handson experience and expertise includes: • • • •

Corporate level networking systems Database administration Web design and internet marketing Training and mentoring.

Clients hold the utmost confidence in the skills of Aperture Consulting, knowing that they are held in the best interest and their company’s future is supported.

A New IT System for Smart Investments

Introduction Aperture Consulting has written this report as part of a bid to build a new IT system for Smart Investments (SI).

Background In order to maintain current standards of productivity, Susan Woo, President of SI, contacted Aperture Consulting on February 1, 2008, to research and propose a new system based on SI’s requirements. The proposed system would cover four main areas: network infrastructure, computer hardware, financial software, and a website. Each required component should be reasonably priced and able to sustain SI’s IT needsfor the foreseeable future. The information gathered in this report was acquired through the research of our analysts at Aperture Consulting. Prices and information have been retrieved from vendor websites, discussions with vendor representatives, and interviews with SI staff have provided insight as to which products are right for SI. The conclusions drawn have come from past experiences that Aperture Consulting has had implementing similar solutions, though care has been taken to ensure that a given solution will meet SI’s particular needs.

Organization These are the four major topics of the proposed system, with a brief description of each: Topic Network Infrastructure

Computer Hardware

Financial Software

Corporate Website

Description A VPN is necessary for remote access to the corporate network and lines are required to link the different offices, to provide enough bandwidth to support SI’s expanding technology needs. Laptops and file servers for each office along with a data centre server for the head office are needed to consolidate SI’s client assets. New financial software is needed for SI’s representatives to plan and track investments. A new website will be designed and marketed to increase the number of visitors. Table 1 - Report Organization

Aperture Consulting The topics discussed after the proposed system include: implementation and risk analysis, cost-benefit analysis, alternative system, and finally, conclusion. Technical terms will be seen throughout the report. All terms will be shown in bold and defined in Appendix A: Glossary Terms.

A New IT System for Smart Investments

Current System Smart Investments is one of the fastest growing investment firms in the lower mainland. Currently, they have approximately 1500 representatives located throughout western Canada with the headquarters located in Burnaby, B.C. SI is currently located in Burnaby, Red Deer, and Saskatoon and is looking to possibly expand to other branches. With its existing IT system, SI is operating daily tasks at a functional level; their infrastructure is performing optimally for the current number of employees and customers. In order to sustain client and employee growth, SI will need to upgrade several components of their IT system. Aperture Consulting has gathered an analysis of specific requirements that need to be upgraded in order for a successful implementation of the proposed system.

Network Currently, Smart investments is using outdated technology in their network infrastructure. Public T3 cable lines are being used to support each branch at a maximum mean rate of 15 Mbit/s over each line. A 100 Mbit/s gateway router is being used with 100mbit core switches() and 10 Mbit/s workgroup switches. Aperture Consulting found very few wireless access points, no power backup and only a software-controlled firewall(). In addition to this, the current system does not have a mountable rack system.

Hardware The laptops the SI representatives currently have are beginning to under performand are gradually wearing out from age. With the rapid expansion of software and hardware technologies, it is imperative that SI keeps up with the ever changing technology. Aperture has also proposed the addition of new servers in order to accommodate the sudden and continued rise of customers, and representatives accessing the database. The current laptop specs are displayed in Table 3.1 in the appendix.

Software As it stands right now, each representative at Smart Investments is free to choose whatever software they wish to perform their jobs. This works well for each individual employee, but will lead to problems if SI wants to implement a centralized backup plan such as the one described earlier in this report. As well, if a representative leaves the company, or goes on extended leave, his replacement will have to find some way to carry the existing files onto his personal system. If the two representatives are using incompatible programs, the

Aperture Consulting replacement will be faced with either buying an expensive individual license, or rebuilding the client’s portfolio from scratch.

Website Smart Investment’s website is currently not optimized for popular search engines such as Google. According to Alexa.org, www.smartinvestments.com is only receiving approximately 40,000 visitors a month (Alexa, 2008). This number is below the average for businesses and can be improved significantly. Web presence is one of the key factors in expanding business and Aperture Consulting is personally going to design the website, becoming more dynamic and ready for increased traffic. Besides optimizing website design and content, there are many steps that can be taken to advertise a site on the internet. This will not only increase the overall number of visits but focus on targeting a customer base searching for SI’s services and products.

A New IT System for Smart Investments

The Network Network Goal Aperture Consulting has created a vision of the perfect network for Smart Investments. After implementation, the expected result is an infrastructure which: • • • • • •

Easily supports all 1500 representatives Keeps all Corporate and Client documents secure Handles disasters without loss of data Provides wireless access for all employees Offers scalable and upgradeable hardware Requires little supervision

Figure 1 - Diagram of the Proposed Network

Problems with the Current Network Aperture Consulting analysis shows there are many problems with the current network. Below they are broken down into several categories: Security The most important issue found is security, currently there is no hardware firewall in place for the corporate VPN, which affords many vulnerabilities. It would be relatively easy to break into the existing network and steal confidential information.

Aperture Consulting Redundancy This is a major flaw, if any part of the network were to fail there would be many repercussions including interruptions of connection, bandwidth restrictions and loss of work. These symptoms cause tension with employees and clients, less efficiency when completing work and possible legal issues when losing information. All of these problems equate to the loss of revenue for Smart Investments Wireless Performance Aperture Consulting has found one wireless access point on each floor, each of which has inadequate range and low bandwidth (Wireless Access Points). Smart Investments should not depend on wireless alone but the current network does not afford the ability for each employee to use it at their convenience Scalability The current network is built on old technology, which is difficult to upgrade and change. This means the more Smart Investments expands the more expensive it is to make space for the new infrastructure. The new technology uses racks which make it far easier to add routers, switches and servers to the system.

Proposed Solution Now that the problems have been explained, how will they be solved? Aperture Consulting has a systematic and efficient way of addressing each problem to the current network. Security The software firewall will be replaced with a hardwired unit from Cisco; this piece of hardware will monitor each incoming connection trying to enter the corporate VPN. Each employee will be required to login with a temporary 12-character license generated weekly by the System Administrator. Once access has been granted to the system all data goes through 256 bit AES encryption() which is the ultimate in modern security. The internal network will also require the same generated login key and is given the same data encryption; only authorized wired and wireless computers will be able to access the VPN (Virtual Encylopedia)

Figure 2 - Cisco Watchguard Firebox X500

A New IT System for Smart Investments Redundancy If the system fails, there is currently no backup plan to keep the data secure and the network operational. Aperture Consulting will address this first by having wireless available to all employees, which runs on a separate switching system; if the hardwired system fails the wireless will automatically carry the bandwidth. In addition to this a UPS Power system will be installed to supply temporary power due to outages, this will automatically start as soon as power loss is detected allowing employees to save any data they are currently working on.

Figure 3 - Tripp Lite SmartOnLine UPS System

Wireless Performance To address the shortage and poor performance of the current wireless infrastructure the current system will be torn out and replaced. Brand new cabling and wireless transmitters will be installed on each corner of all four floors; they will be powered by a state of the art wireless router to provide fast and secure data transmission.

Figure 4 - Cisco Aironet Wireless Access Point

Scalability All hardware installed by Aperture Consulting will be mounted in modular rack enclosure with empty bays for future expansion; this makes it extremely easy to accommodate a growing business. In addition to this if any hardware fails you can simply remove them from the rack and install a new one in a matter of minutes.

Aperture Consulting

Figure 5 - Tripp Lite SmartRack Rack Enclosure

A New IT System for Smart Investments

Hardware Covered in this section are: • • •

laptop system Server System Data Center Server

Laptop System Table 3.2 in the appendix outlines the proposed laptop system specs. This system was decided on after long considerations and after comparing many models, and the Dell Vostro series of laptop computers was found to be the most cost effective while maintaining all features needed.

Figure 6 - Dell Vostro Laptop

Processor (CPU) The system proposed contains the Intel Core 2 Duo T5250 processor, while this may seem like it has a lower rated processor speed, the new core 2 duo technology has allowed efficiency to almost quadruple. The dual core technology allows users to multitask like never before. This will allow the laptops to pull up a lot of windows with no speed loss. This is essential when dealing with families and when representatives need to pull up various records. Memory (RAM) This system includes 1 gigabyte of ddr2 ram which is the current standard right now. This will allow the system to handle many programs in one instance and works hand in hand with the CPU in order to increase the multi-tasking capabilities. Take note that this amount of RAM is upgradeable if userswant to be able to handle more applications that the machine currently can. Hard Drive The laptop chosen has been upgraded to a large amount of space and userswill be able to store current customer’s information on this hard drive.

Aperture Consulting Operating System The operating system included in this system is Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition which is the business edition of the newest Microsoft OS. It features protection against hardware failures, windows fax and scan, easy remote access, and better data protection. The only version that contains these is the Ultimate version which is much more expensive and contains features not necessary for representatives. Network Adaptor The laptop contains a 10/100 connection and integrated 802.11 b/g for wireless connection in and out of the workplace. Connect to any wireless connection and do work from anywhere, this way if users need to send files to a customer or retrieve files from the main database. Extra Options These options are made available for free and will only make things easier and users can choose to include/exclude specific options. The 8 in 1 card reader gives the ability to read various portable formats such as SD, MMC, etc. The Bluetooth allows users to connect devices such as wireless mice, keyboards, headsets, etc. Category Processor (CPU)

Description Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T5250, 1.5GHz

Memory (RAM)

1GB DDR2 PC6400 (2x512 MB)

Hard Drive

Western Digital SATA 120GB 5400RPM

CD/DVD Drive

LG 24/10/8/24X Combo CD-RW+DVD

Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows Vista Business OEM English


10/100 Mbps LAN built-in Integrated 802.11b/g

Extra Options

Built-in 8-in-1 card reader Bluetooth V2.0+EDR (Optional) 6-cell Li-Ion battery (49 WHrs)


$549.99 Table 3.2

A New IT System for Smart Investments Server System This is the system that will be housed at each of the three buildings. The server system specifications can be found in Table 3.3 of the appendix.

Figure 7 - A Server

Processor (CPU) For the proposed server system we decided to go with the Xeon line of processors offered by Intel. We chose this CPU to ensure that it can handle any amount of traffic. We made sure this issue was addressed first and decided that the stability of the system was the most important to the users. Memory (RAM) This may seem like a small amount of RAM when considering a company of this size, but the way we have set up the servers and the data center server it allows traffic to be adjusted accordingly. Most of the traffic will be from the representatives accessing the main database as it is the one user connects to when theyare outside the company intranet. Hard Drive We have gone with the minimum amount of storage space because we came to the conclusion that the company can upgrade easily, it would only need to be upgraded when space becomes limited. Once this happens the desired amount can be added. We have also set up the data center so it is able to store data from the servers at the three locations. This way we can erase older records to clear up space for newer ones, as the data will be stored at the Burnaby Data center server. Network The laptop contains a 10/100 connection and integrated 802.11 b/g for wireless connection in and out of the workplace. Connect to any wireless connection and do work from anywhere, this way if representatives need to send files to a customer or retrieve files from the main database.

Aperture Consulting

Category Processor (CPU) Memory (RAM)

Description Intel® Xeon 7110M Processor 2.6GHz/800Mhz/4mb Cache 8GB, DDR2, 400MHZ (8X1GB), Single Ranked DIMMs

Hard Drive

1TB 15K RPM 80-pin SCSI U320 (upgradeable)


Dual Onboard NICs

Extra Options

3Yr Parts + Onsite Labour (Next Business Day)



Data Server System Careful consideration was taken when choosing a CPU for the data center server, it needed to be able to handle many users accessing it at a single instance and it needed to have enough storage space for the files that were transferred from each building server. These specs are detailed in table 3.4 of the appendix Processor (CPU) The Xeon 7130 processor is capable of handling many users at one time, allowing them lag free access to the database. This was a necessary requirement because if representatives are with a client they may need to get the information to them fast, without any slowdowns or wait times. Memory (RAM) With the expected jump in traffic coming to this server, Aperture decided to stay true to thelag free requirement and added 32 GBs of RAM in order to fully support every user with optimal speed. This allows users to effectively obtain information without experiencing any lag. Hard Drive The initial storage amount that was decided on is 5TB, which should be more than enough for some time. This is likely to fill up quickly once everything has been implemented, the good thing is that upgrading is terribly easy and can be adapted to very quickly.

A New IT System for Smart Investments

Category Processor (CPU) Memory (RAM)

Description Intel Xeon 7130M Processor 3.6GHz/1666Mhz/16mb Cache 32GB, DDR2, 400MHZ (16X2 GB), Single Ranked DIMMs

Hard Drive



Dual Onboard NICs

Extra Options

3Yr Parts + Onsite Labour (Next Business Day)



Aperture Consulting

Financial Software Goals for the New Suite Aperture’s goal is to create a standardized suite of software for SI that can work with the representatives to handle everything that a client can ask for. By doing this, file security can be increased, both by encryption on the laptop and backing up client information securely in a centralized server.

Proposed Solution As requested by SI, the software that has been chosen falls into three categories: • • •

Financial Planning Tax Preparation Stock Tracking

Each section will be explored in further detail below, outlining the software chosen. Financial Planning Software The financial planning software that Aperture has chosen is Cheshire Wealth Manager from Cheshire Software, Inc. This software was chosen for its powerful, flexible features that will allow representatives to quickly and easily manage all of a client’s finances. As mentioned on Cheshire Software’s website, these features include: • • • •

Monte Carlo probability analyses The ability to use historical data as far back as 1920. The ability to change a client’s portfolio over time. The ability to preview the effects on your client’s finances the sale of major assets will cause.

Tax Preparation Software Aperture Consulting has chosen CanTAX T1 Plus with E-File for the tax prep part of the software suite. T1 Plus can only create fifty T1s a year, but since tax preparation is not a focus for SI, and their reps spend most of the time on the road, T1 Plus is the perfect license. E-File means that the representative can file a tax return from wherever he is, without worrying about handing paper copies in to a tax center. Stock Tracking Software Stator Professional is Aperture’s pick for the stock tracking item in the suite. The professional edition has enough features that SI’s representatives will be able to use it to meet any client’s investing goals, be they bonds, futures, or foreign currency exchanges.

A New IT System for Smart Investments

Aperture Consulting

The Corporate Website The internet has changed the way people do business and has evolved into a marketing phenomenon for companies. The number of possible components and creative solutions to consider when creating a website is almost endless. Much more than just a business card, a company website becomes the front door to many potential customers, so it must portray the right impression. It only has a few seconds to be conspicuous; displaying business products or services in an accessible, clear format while providing a concrete company image.

Proposed Solution Aperture Consulting will design and implement a new website for Smart Investments. Aperture Consulting has developed website solutions with past clients that have enriched business cultures. Every website is created to inspire others and allow companies to distinguish themselves on the internet. Along with marketing techniques, the new site will be visited more often and the number of potential customers will increase.

Website Analysis and Goals Aperture Consulting is focused on creating a new, original, high-quality website that align with SI’s company objectives. These three components will be focused on throughout the development of the website: • • •

Online Marketing ➢ Expanding internet presence. Website Design ➢ Creating a fresh new image. Web Hosting ➢ Anticipating increased website traffic and content.

Each of these topics will be discussed in greater detail.

Online Marketing Traditional marketing methods outside of the internet are still recommended but more businesses are learning to use the internet as an invaluable marketing resource. It is important to take advantage of the many tools and services provided that will be able to expand reputation and customer base. Google AdWords Advertising services such as Google AdWords provide an extra advantage for a site to be discovered through the Google search engine. The service advertises specific

A New IT System for Smart Investments sites by analyzing keywords that users input into the search engine and then display a non-intrusive text ad linking to those sites (Google, 2008). A daily, flexible, budget can be set and Google AdWords will only charge a fee to companies using the service if someone clicks on their ad (Google, 2008). Open Directory Project There are hundreds of online directories that a website can be submitted to, so it can be stored on databases and potentially looked up on search engines. The Open Directory Project (ODP) is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the web (ODP, 2008). By submitting a site to ODP, it will be exposed to dozens of search engines and hundreds of directories that use the ODP (ODP, 2008). PRWeb PRWeb is a leader in online news and press release distribution, which has been used by more than 40,000 organizations of all sizes to increase the visibility of their news, improve their search engine rankings and drive traffic to their Web site (PRWeb, 2008). For a fraction of the cost of traditional press releases or internet advertising, a company can send their news release through PRWeb (PRWeb, 2008).

Website Design Aperture Consulting will create a new website in order to maximize the potential connection with target customers. The design will capture the viewer’s attention with a clean interface and allow visitors to be able to browse the site effectively. Aperture Consulting will illustrate your business culture, clearly displaying SI’s products and services. While applying best practices with current web and industry standards, the website will also be accessible to all web browsers.

Web Hosting Aperture Consulting is looking to expand SI’s presence on the internet. With the anticipated growth of internet traffic, a new web hosting service will be necessary in order to sustain the expansion of the new website. With the abundance of web hosting services, which provide the infrastructure to sustain this expansion, Aperture Consulting believes it is the best option for your new website. Aperture Consulting keeps up with the latest in web hosting solutions and have found that the best suited web hosting service for SI is Servage. Aperture Consulting has recommended Servage to other clients as well and has found their service to be very successful. About Servage Servage is a Canadian web hosting company that was established in 1998 (Servage, 2008). They have won some of the most prestigious awards since then, by editors from high-profile outlets and their readers (Servage, 2008). Recent customer surveys that measure their achievements show an overall result of 96% customer satisfaction (Servage, 2008). Servage currently hosts over 160,000 websites at their

Aperture Consulting privately owned datacenter with 24/7 support and an average response time of 20 minutes (Servage, 2008). Servage’s local and distributed load balancing and mirroring solutions protect customer web servers from network, hardware, operating system, and web server application service failures ensuring optimum uptime (Servage, 2008). Servage’s Super-Node structure means that your webpage is not located on a single server, but instead on multiple servers in a cluster. When a user accesses their site he/she is instantly taken to the fastest server in the cluster (Servage, 2008). Servage Hosting Plan Servage offers a single plan to all of its customers, and it is one of the best packaged hosting solutions on the internet. The following are just some of the features that will provide SI with the flexibility it needs to augment its presence on the internet. • • • • •

510 GB of Web Space 5010 GB of Data Transfer Linux operated servers mySQL Databases Unlimited Email Accounts

(Servage, 2008) The web server will be optimized for performance and reliability. The additional web space and increased data transfer will allow the new website’s content to grow while allowing increased traffic. While other features such as server security, domain privacy, and unlimited email accounts are vital for growing businesses. This popular package will sustain website and reputation growth for several years.

A New IT System for Smart Investments

Alternative System Aperture Consulting has selected the following system to contrast the current proposal. This will provide alternatives should any part of the system not meet Smart Investments requirements.

Web Hosting The alternative to third-party web hosting would be to manage a web server. While this is what larger corporations do, this is not the most cost-effective approach. Acquiring a web server does have its advantages such as additional control, but sophisticated internet tools allow you to manage your content just as effectively. iWeb Technologies 5 GB Webspace Unlimited Data Transfer 100 Email Accounts

WebServe 1 GB Webspace 50 GB Monthly Data Transfer 50 Email Accounts

Servage 510 GB Webspace 5010 GB Monthly Data Transfer Unlimited Email Accounts

$7.77 a month (iWeb, 2008)

$6.99 a month

$8.10 a month

(WebServe, 2008)

(Servage, 2008)

Table x – Web Host Competitors Table X shows other popular Canadian web hosts. The monthly price with Servage may not be the lowest compared to other competitors but Servage offers much more flexibility in terms of web space, data transfer, and email accounts. All of which are the most essential components for a successful website and business.

Hardware The alternate systems are detailed in table 3.5, and 3.6 of the appendix. High End Reasons for Rejection This is a top of the line laptop system and will definitely be able to handle any amount of applications thrown at it. The major drawback is the price which will set SI back a lot if a system such as this was considered. It comes with everything necessary and a lot of unnecessary components such as the dual SLI video cards. Low End Reasons for Rejection This low end system is as cost effective as can get with minimal downgrades to hardware specs. This has somewhat slower processor which will be less effective in the long run, and while being cheaper than the proposed laptop it would probably need to upgrade it a few years from purchase.

Aperture Consulting Comparison Utilizing the benchmarks at Personal Computer World (Test Bed Results Comprehensive benchmark listing, 2008) we have compared these systems using the PCMark05 software, which sets the systems against processor and memory heavy tests. This allows Aperture to compare the laptop systems with each other and observe which is performs best in a specific situation. When each computer was put to the test it was found that the X7900 CPU performed the best, and the T5250 performed at a desired speed, and the TL-56 was found to benchmark the lowest.

Software The Network Low End Network The alternative network consists of Nortel products which are cheaper than their Cisco counterparts. There will also be fewer switches but with more ports. In addition a T1 leased line from Shaw could be used instead of a T3 and Wireless access points could be restricted to one per floor and a smaller wireless router would be used. Reasons for Rejection This system was proposed to mitigate frontloading of costs, it was rejected however due to the poor scalability and potential long term costs. Having larger switches with more ports saves money but when they fail larger areas are affected. Ultimately the T3 line was chosen in favour of the T1 to allow for company growth as bandwidth needs may increase. Four wireless access points were chosen per floor instead of one because they are relatively inexpensive for the added boost in service. Figure 8 below has a bandwidth comparison.

Figure 8 - Bandwidth Comparison

A New IT System for Smart Investments

Cost/Benefit Analysis The cost-benefit analysis is an important step when deciding whether or not a system is worth investing in. This section will detail the costs and benefits of the proposed system.

Initial Cost of the Proposed System The total initial cost of the proposed system is approximately $3,263,497. This can be broken down into hardware, software, website and development costs. In addition to these costs, after the initial system is implemented, an annual ongoing cost will be needed to maintain and support the system. Hardware Cost The total cost of hardware in the proposed system is $867,237.00. The cost breakdown is shown in the following table: Hardware Components

Unit Price



Laptop System Server System Data Center Server

$549.99 $6,649 $22,332

1500 3 1

$824,958.00 $19,947.00 $22,332.00

Total Price:


Software Cost The total cost of the software in the system is $1,642,500. The software needed to be purchased is shown in the following table: Software CanTAX

Unit Price $250.00

Unit 1500

Total $375,000.00

Cheshire Wealth Manager








Total Price:


Network Cost The total cost of the networking totals to approximately $543,760, this cost includes the three buildings the components will be installed in. The network components needed to be purchased are shown in the following table:

Aperture Consulting

Network Infrastructure Cisco Modular Access Router Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Controller Cisco 48 Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch Cisco Catalyst Express 24 Port Switch Cisco Aironet Wireless Access Point Tripp Lite SmartRack Rack Enclosure Tripp Lite SmartOnLine UPS System Belkin 1,001 ft. 1000Base-T Cable Watchguard Firebox X500 Firewall

Unit Price






























Total Price:


Website Cost The total cost of for the website is $647; the website hosting by Servage totals to $97.50 for a year, and the web site design and implementation will come at a fixed rate of $550.

Development Cost The total cost for developing the system is $240,000; the cost break down is shown in the following table: Development Cost




System Programmers x2




A New IT System for Smart Investments Network Analysts x 2




Network Technicians x 10 Database Analysts x 2







Total Price:


Ongoing Cost The ongoing cost of maintaining the system per year is approximately $210,097. Included in these costs is $10,000 for the salary for a part-time web developer, $97 for the web hosting, and $125,000 – $375,000 for the yearly CanTAX license.

Return on Investment (ROI) ROI = (7,234,000 - 3,263,497)/ 3,263,497 = 121% Basing figures on a previous implementation, Aperture researchers have estimated the ROI (Return on Investment, 2008) from the investment. We have estimated a 121% return on investment which shouldn’t be a problem for other finances. After the first year there will be a significant rise in the ROI, as the maintenance costs will lower each year adding a little more to SI’s yearly income. When calculating the ROI, the benefit of the investment is determined by a simple formula. This formula is comprised of the gain from the investment minus the cost of the investment divided by the cost of the investment. It is a good method of measurement because if the ROI is a negative value or there are other proposals with higher ROIs then the investment should not be considered.

Tangible/Intangible Benefits Through migrating the current system in place to the one described in this report, Smart Investments will notice dramatic increases in performance. Hardware efficiency will be quadrupled with the new laptops. Newer hardware will mean increasing productivity for representatives through the ability to use the more powerful programs from the software suite. Through the ability to remotely access the corporate network, SI will be able to reach customers farther than the areas close to the office.

Aperture Consulting

Implementation Implementation will start June 1st, 2008 and all systems will be fully operational by August 1st, 2008. Each of the three months will be considered a phase where specific tasks will be accomplished. The first phase will start at the Burnaby head office, the second phase will take place in Red Deer and the third phase will finish in Saskatoon so two branches will always be fully operational at all times. Aperture Consultants will train employees on site throughout the transition. All the hardware will be purchased and all the employees will be briefed and ready for Day one of the first phase. See Appendix A for a detailed breakdown of the dates.

Risk Assessment There is always risk when changing systems, especially those that have such a large and complex scope. Based on the previous history and experience of Aperture Consulting all scenarios are considered. In order for the transition to go smoothly and for maximum potential to be achieved, all employees must be fully briefed of the situation and full access should be provided to all areas of each location. This will help maximize efficiency and lower the possibility of problems occurring.

Phase One – June 1st to June 30th The first phase will begin at the Burnaby Head Office because the Data Warehouseis there and needs to be operational first. Aperture Consultants will arrive on site and begin replacing the old network piece by piece to avoid interruption as much as possible. The web site will begin the design phase, all data will be backed up and software will begin installation on all laptops.

Phase Two – July 1st to July 31st When this phase begins the website will have been finished and deployed, All data from head office will have finished being backed up and all laptops will be full of new software and deployed in Burnaby. Technicians will begin installing the network infrastructure in Red Deer shortly after. This will be followed by Data backup and software installation on laptops in an identical fashion to Burnaby.

A New IT System for Smart Investments

Phase Three – Aug 1st to Aug 31st Phase three will begin by deploying laptops with installed software to all Red Deer employees and the network infrastructure will begin installation in Saskatoon. Employees will be trained on site as previously done in the first two phases. Come the end of month three all the Infrastructure will be finished, the networks will be completely connected and tested and finally all data will be backed up and saved.

Post Implementation When all the phases are completed and installation is complete, Aperture Consulting will not leave you fend for yourself, Full tech support is included in the contract.

Technical Support Fully trained consultants are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to answer questions regarding any aspect of the hardware or software implemented in the system. If a problem occurs with the system a technician can be sent on-site to take care of the problem within one business day.

Website Services The demands of the website will change with time and therefore Aperture Consulting will regularly check in on the site and make suggestions. If the website requires an update there will be consultants available to make the necessary changes.

Aperture Consulting

Conclusion and Recommendations Conclusion Through the successful implementation of the proposed system, Smart Investments will have the means to expand their business and clientele. Aperture Consulting will initiate the solution upon a signed approval, and will offer post implementation support. Smart investments can expect to see the following improvements: • • • • • •

More secure network Higher capacity for growth Larger client base Increased revenue Improved internet exposure Decreased system downtime

In order for Smart Investments to remain a leading company in their field, they must adapt to the current technological advancements. The systems proposed will help Smart Investments conduct business in an effective and efficient manner. There will also be a large amount of room in the infrastructure to support the new growth brought on by the new improvements.

Recommendations 1. Supervisors set up a corporate retreat with management in order to boost morale and create excitement for the new system. 2. Human resources notify employees of schedule and interruptions. 3. Human resources notify clients of new benefits and website. 4. Begin implementation plan.

A New IT System for Smart Investments

Glossary Encryption: The process of converting information into a form that nobody but the people that hold a specific key can understand. The opposite of this is decryption, which is where the key is used to convert the unintelligible form into a form that is human readable. Centralized Server: A centralized server is a computer in a single location that acts as a server for several locations. E-File: E-File is an option for submitting tax forms to Revenue Canada online, rather than in paper. Processor (CPU): Central Processing Unit: The key component of a computer system, which contains the circuitry necessary to interpret and execute program instructions. Memory (RAM): Computer memory available to the user for creating, loading, or running programs and for the temporary storage and manipulation of data, in which time of access to each item is independent of the storage sequence. Hard Drive (HDD): The bulk of the memory of a personal computer is magnetically stored on hard disks that constitute the hard drive. Information in the hard drive is durable, in that it remains magnetically stored when the computer is turned off. Operating System (OS): The collection of software that directs a computer's operations, controlling and scheduling the execution of other programs, and managing storage, input/output, and communication resources. Cache: A small fast memory holding recently accessed data, designed to speed up subsequent access to the same data. Most often applied to processor-memory access but also used for a local copy of data accessible over a network etc. Network Interface Card (NIC): An adapter circuit board installed in a computer to provide a physical connection to a network. Terabyte (TB): A unit of computer memory or data storage capacity equal to 1,024 gigabytes Gigabyte (GB): A measure of storage capacity equal to 1 billion (109) bytes. Database: A comprehensive collection of related data organized for convenient access, generally in a computer.

Aperture Consulting Dual In-line Memory Module (DIMMS): Small circuit boards carrying memory integrated circuits, with signal and power pins on both sides of the board Return on Investment (ROI): A performance measurement used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiency of a number of different investments SLI: A brand name for a multi-GPU solution developed by NVIDIA for linking two or more video cards together to produce a single output.

A New IT System for Smart Investments

Appendix A - Hardware Category Processor (CPU) Memory (RAM)

Description Intel Pentium 4, 2x256 MB Cache, 1.60GHz, 533MHz FSB 512 MB 333MHz (2x256 MB)

Hard Drives

Samsung 15GB IDE 5400RPM 512KB NCQ 9.5MS

Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows 98 OEM English Table A1 – Current Laptops

Category Processor (CPU) Memory (RAM) Hard Drive CD/DVD Drive Operating Systems Network

Description Intel Core 2 Extreme X7900 (2.8GHz/800Mhz FSB, 4MB Cache) 4GB Shared Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 667MHz 64GB Solid State Drive plus 200GB SATA HD (7200RPM w/ FFS) Blu-ray / DVD / CD Burner Microsoft Windows Vista® Ultimate Edition Intel PRO/Wireless 4965a/g/n Mini Card 10/100 Mbps LAN built-in Integrated 802.11b/g


$6,764 Table A2 – High End Laptop

Aperture Consulting

Category Processor (CPU) Memory (RAM)

Description AMD Turion 64x2 Dual-Core Mobile Technology TL-56 (1.80GHz 512K) 512MB Shared Single Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 533MHZ, 1 Dimm

Hard Drive

80GB 5400RPM

CD/DVD Drive

24X CD Burner/DVD Combo Drive with Cyberlink Power DVD Microsoft Windows Vista Business OEM English

Operating Systems Network Price

Dell Wireless 1395 802.11g Wi-Fi Mini Card $399 Table A3 – Low end Laptop

A New IT System for Smart Investments

Appendix B – Implementation Details

P has e One


T hre e

T as k 1


Start Date

Durati on

Purchase hardware and lease T3 line

June 1, 2008

1 Day


Install Network in Burnaby Head Office


Design and launch website


Backup data at Burnaby Head Office

30 Days 25 Days 7 Days

5 6

Software installed in laptops at Burnaby Head Office Distribute laptops to Burnaby Head Office


Network installed at Red Deer location

8 9

Software installed in laptops at Red Deer location Backup data at Red Deer location


Distribute laptops to Red Deer location

June 1, 2008 June 1, 2008 June 7, 2008 June 7, 2008 July 1, 2008 July 1, 2008 July 7, 2008 July 7, 2008 Aug 1, 2008


Install Network in Saskatoon location


Backup data at Saskatoon location

30 Days 7 Days


Software installed in laptops at Saskatoon location

Aug 1, 2008 Aug 7, 2008 Aug 7, 2008


Distribute laptops to Saskatoon location

Aug 31, 2008

1 Day

20 Days 1 Day 30 Days 20 Days 7 Days 1 Day

20 days

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