Ap Statistics Power Point

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  • Words: 647
  • Pages: 18


POP CULTURE FIGURES Zac Efron, Simon Cowell, Michael Phelps, Adriana Lima, Conan O' Brian, Julia Roberts, Alexander Rodriguez, Hugh Jackman, Yao Ming, Tina Fey.


POLITICAL FIGURES Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Antonio Villaraigosa, Sarah Palin, Kim Jong Il, Saddam Hussein, Howard Dean, Rob Blagojevich, Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice.

POPULAR AP Statistics


By Tam Au, Kelly Ho, Aimee Le, Nancy Le, John Nguyen, Tiffany Nguyen, Vinny Quach, Lucia Rafanelli, Jamie Tran,

OBJECTIVE: To find out whether a student's GPA, his/her parent's education level, or his/her political

PROCEDURE HOW: 1) Target students during their English class


2) Interviewer(s) will go into an English class. 3) Using a random number generator, choose assigned number of student. 4) Each student will be pulled out of class and surveyed individually. 5) Answer pre-survey

13 English 4P students and 1 AP Lit student 10 English 3P students and 2 AP Lang/Comp students 12 English 2P students and 4 English 2H students 10 English 1P

BASIC STATISTICS BASIC STATISTICS vn = 57 v8/57 people knew more political figures than pop culture figures v9/57 people knew the same amount of political and pop culture figures v40/57 people knew more pop culture figures than political figures

POP CULTURE FIGURES STATISTICS •mean number of pop culture figures recognized = 3.6491 •sx pop culture=2.0133

•min=0 •q1=2 •med=3 •q3=5 •max=9

POLITICAL FIGURES STATISTICS •mean number of political figures recognized = 2.1754 •sx political = 2.2291

•min=0 •q1=1 •med=2 •q3=3 •max=9

SIGNIFICANCE TEST #1 Requirements:

vThe students interviewed comprise a random sample of LQ students. vEach student’s answers are independent. vA large sample size means the CLT ensures approximate normality.

Ho: µpop=µpolitical;  On

average, LQ students recognized the same number of pop culture and political figures.

Ha: µpop>µpolitical;  On

average, LQ students recognized more pop culture figures than political


  

2-Sample T Test for Means: t=3.7042 p=0.0002 Conclusion: Reject Ho at alpha level 0.01. There is overwhelming evidence that LQ students, on average, recognize more pop culture figures than political figures.

SIGNIFICANCE TEST #2 Requirements:

*All expected counts > 5 *Students interviewed comprised a random sample of LQ students. *Each student’s answers are independent.

Ho: There is no correlation between whether or not an LQ student identifies with a political party and his/her recognition of political figures. Ha: There is a correlation between whether or not an LQ student identifies with a political party and his/her recognition of political figures.


  

Chi-Square Test: X2≈7.4536≈3.1981+1. 2634+2.1634+0.8443 p≈0.0063 df=1 Conclusion: Reject Ho at alpha level 0.01. There is a correlation between whether or not an LQ student identifies with a political party and his/her recognition of

SIGNIFICANCE TEST #3 Requirements:

*All expected counts > 5 *Students interviewed comprised a random sample of LQ students. *Each student’s answers are independent.

Ho: There is no correlation between parent education level and student recognition of political figures. Ha: There is a correlation between parent education level and student recognition of political figures.


Chi-Square Test: X2≈0.0434 p≈0.8349 df=1 Conclusion: Fail to reject Ho at alpha level 0.05. There is not sufficient evidence to suggest a correlation between parent education level and student recognition of political figures.

SIGNIFICANCE TEST #4 Requirements:

*All expected counts > 5 *Students interviewed comprised a random sample of LQ students. *Each student’s answers are independent.

Ho: There is no correlation between GPA and student recognition of political figures. Ha: There is a correlation between GPA and student recognition of political figures.


Chi-Square Test: X2≈0.7038 p≈0.4015 df=1 Conclusion: Fail to reject Ho at alpha level 0.05. There is not sufficient evidence to suggest a correlation between GPA and student

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