Ap Literature Boot Camp Form

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 479
  • Pages: 2
AP Literature

Group Members:

Mrs. Maurno


Short Story Boot Camp

Overview: Over the next four weeks, we will be doing an extensive study of short stories with the end of identifying elements of style, literary elements specific to fiction, figures of speech, and form. In addition, we will be writing group essays to highlight critical interpretations of the stories, using information gleaned from identifying the aforementioned items. We will be reading approximately four to five short stories and writing at least as many essays. Although class time will be allotted for group work, discussion, and formulation of the essays, pre-reading, annotating, and filling out the short story study guides will mostly need to take place at home. At the end of the boot camp, you will have several small essay grades and one large essay grade based on the revision of an essay of your choice. Our study will be intense, and all the information acquired will embark the class on a journey toward the mastery of identifying the targeted elements AND relating them effectively to the work, resulting in a text-supported literary analysis. Opportunities for comparing the stories, reading supplementary poetry, and producing creative pieces also form part of the boot camp. Directions: •

Read and annotate the assigned short story of the evening. Be sure to complete you assigned portion of the short story study guide.

Find any quotes that are meaningful to you that may be used to develop a literary analysis.

In class, you will meet in groups to share insight and information about the short story.

Groups will be asked to participate in discussions and/or make oral presentations about the targeted story.

Group members will choose a focus for an essay about the short story based on group discussions, the short story study guide, and meaningful quotes identified by the students.

On Day Three or Four, depending on the length and complexity of the story, students will write a collaborative essay based on the group’s chosen topic, theme, literary device, etc.

Before completing the first essay, the focus and thesis should be approved by the teacher.

The essay will be completed in one class period, and one student in the group (this responsibility will rotate) should type the essay and have it turned in the next day by the 3:15 deadline.

The teacher will provide a grade and suggestions for revisions. Only one out of the four essays produced need to be revised; however, the essay chosen for revision will carry the most point value.

In addition to short story boot camp, we will still be incorporating SAT practice and journal work the first few minutes of class most days.

At the end of the boot camp period, we will have a party to celebrate the end of this grueling, but rewarding experience!

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