l|on Pl.l
134/ JANUARY/2009\
TheRightFlonPI'4,whenthlsmattercameupdurlngourlastmeetingin la. November youwill re(atttiat Oburuandmyselfoptneo at your.esidence, that unless sometiing wasdoneurgentt,the usualpNUrabbte wouldstartshouting at thetopof $eh voices youandRutoto the linking cnsE, Thercis no largerthreatto the credlbitityof our p3ry at this time. I reconfiftned todaythat sofar, D€nnlshasb€enableto klll off at leastetght well- doclmented exposes of theinvolvement of FidetwlthcBHLtd. How€ver, the reportson the grcundhaveconfirmed thaL increasingty, the publicstronglybeli€ves that ODMts at the heartof thts partjcular scandal, Apaftftomthe docketbelngourown,tt definit€ty tooksbadon uswhenpNU voicesareshouting alroutthis€orrupdon at th€topof thei voices,Thetinid t 'hlspe6anrllotd sihn@onou ndeharenotfuenbst ontheq,bltc, Thetjfiing andcontentof Sirma'sdefence,hasnot helpedus, andit ts a goodthingtiat Dennismanaged h get hiscontacts to downplay on clmera slfinaadminlng thatFictet (walching deats withGBH. simaag6intastntght, I unders@d whatlesusfettthatnightwhenJudas kiss€d himatGethsemane) Imhedlate Acdon. fughftHon,you needto convinceH,Eto announce the Gbinet reshuffle urgenty.With Rutoout of AgriculUre, Denniswill be ableto olaceoood wnte-ups ttlatyouwe€ angrywidlRutofor corruption in tie Minbtry-and thatjs whyyourcmoved htmfromthere,If th€ NandtkeeDthe seatvjaanv of the alternates we discussed, thenwecanminimtze the backlash fromRV whichRutoisbound to engine€r, In thefuture,I wlllbefrankthatyoumustatsoensure thatin thesedeats, tnerels no traceto youwhatsoever andwe mustretilnk the ideaof usino CONFIDINTIALPM MEMO PtgeI of2
( o\T rF\t-l \t P\t \lt.1t
Fid€las poinlman.(N4ore so in viewof theTritonsaqa)Thatis whaimade greedy Ruiobecome and recktess, and9o so far overthe quotaswe had .gr€ed,pLrtting everyone at risk.lt woutdhavebeenfar betierto usethe contact frcm.loho andforegosomepercentage. To b unttheedgeof theprobem,your/rust goito the masses andturnonatl Midiwowill ensureihat there is enoughdramaover l4uthaLrra once parliament reconvenes/ and let us atsopraythat soon,the shortrainswill br19sonere ef, Fo-illarey,h-ngeris a temooarysuf"ring.nd onegood neorbrJrsyesterday's hu qer.If nenoriecwerekeener, thisfam.newortd bethedeathandfune|alservice otODN1. YoumLstpersonalize theissueof Maize supplyin thenextfewdays,andwjth somegoodworkrrornD€nnjs, wecanpltthis behind us.
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