Anxiety Disorders

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,256
  • Pages: 6

Nursing Diagnoses:

Vague sense of impending doom

Ineffective individual coping

Subjective response to stress


Is a state of apprehension, uneasiness, uncertainty or tension experienced by an individual in response to an unknown object or situation.

Nursing Management:

Signs and symptoms:


Physical - ↑PR, RR, BP, pupillary dilatation, sweating

Cognitive - Attentive and alert

Emotional - Minimal use of defenses


Administer medications


Minimize environmental stimuli


Panic Disorder Moderate

An individual may suddenly experience frightening and uncomfortable symptoms

Physical - Nausea, Anorexia, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Constipation, Restlessness

May include terror, sense of unreality or fear of loosing control

Cognitive - narrowed perceptual field & selective inattention

Attack: 1 minute and 1 hour

Emotional - use of any defense mechanism available Phobic Disorder


Phobia is an irrational fear of an object, place, activity or situation. Avoidance will allow the individual to be free from anxiety.

Physical - s/sx becomes the flow of attention

Cognitive – perceptual field is greatly narrowed, focus of attention is trivial events


Emotional – defense mechanism operate

Agoraphobia - fear of open places and of being alone in public places.

Social phobia - irrational fear of criticism, humiliation or embarrassment.

Acrophobia - fear of heights

Algophobia - fear of pain

Claustrophobia - fear of enclosed place

Thanatophobia - fear of crowds


Physical – s/sx of exhaustion ignored

Cognitive – personality disorganized

Emotional – defense mechanism fail

Pathophobia - fear of disease

Monophobia - fear of being alone

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) ⊗

Unrealistic, excessive anxiety and is unable to control worry.

Clients may experience: fatigue, irritability, restlessness, muscle tension, sleep disturbance

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ⊗

Is characterized by recurrent obsessions and compulsions that interfere with normal life.

Nursing Interventions ⊗

Calm and nonjudgmental approach to convey acceptance.

Use short and simple sentences or words.

Help the client develop an increase tolerance to anxiety.

Help the client to:

Refers to persistent, painful intrusive thought, emotion or urge that one is unable to suppress or ignore.

develop a problem-solving and coping skills of the client.

develop the ability to remain calm in anxiety-producing situations.

Approach: kind-firmness

Systematic desensitization (phobic disorders)

Clients with ritualistic behavior (obsessive-compulsive disorder) should not be prohibited or reprimanded.

Biofeedback, change of the scenery, therapeutic touch, hypnosis, massage or relaxation exercises.

Administer medications, as ordered.

Obsession ⊗

Compulsion ⊗

Refers to repetitious uncontrollable act and sometimes a purposeful act to prevent a certain mistake in an event or situation.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

⊗ ⊗

Is the delayed reaction of the person who has been involved or exposed to a traumatic events.

Free floating anxiety disorder


Symptoms of this disorder are:

express emotional turmoil or conflict through physical symptoms.

intense psychological distress

usually seek for repeated medical attention.

feeling of detachment or estrangement from others

may exhibit antisocial behavior and may attempt suicide.


decreased concentration

avoidance of thoughts and feelings

recurrent distressing dreams

inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma

Associated with anxiety and depression

Conversion Disorder ⊗

A condition in which an anxiety-provoking impulse is converted unconsciously into functional symptoms.

Conscious counterpart of malingering

Examples: Paralysis, blindness, loss of touch or pain sensation, dyspnea, seizures or convulsions


⊗ ⊗

Types of Personality Disorders: Eccentric Personality Disorder (Type A)

Paranoid (Suspicious and distrustful) 

Persons who display pervasive and long stand suspiciousness

More common in men

Schizoid (Socially distant and detached)

An individual presents an unrealistic or exaggerated physical complaints.

Pattern of detachment from social relationship

The person becomes, preoccupied with the fear of developing or having already a disease or illness in spite of medical reassurance.

Chooses solitary activities

Topics are inanimate objects and ideas

Body Dysmorphic Disorder ⊗

Preoccupation with an imagined defect in his or her appearance.

Slight physical abnormality = excessive concern / anxiety

Schizotypal (Odd and eccentric) 

“mild schizophrenia”

Acute discomfort in close relationships

Cognitive or perceptual distortion

Dissociative Amnesia ⊗

Inability to recall extensive amount of important information

Caused by trauma

Characterized by:


Purposeless wandering

Impairment in ability to perform ADL

Rapid recovery generally occur

Dramatic-Erratic Personality Disorder (Type B) ⊗


Are pervasive and inflexible patterns of functioning that is stable overtime, and leads to distress or impairment.

Antisocial (aggressive and manipulative) 

Pattern of disregard for the violation of the rights of others

Low self-esteem

Borderline (destructive and unstable) 

Characterized by patterns of instability in relationships, self image and mood

Self-mutilating behavior

Affective instability

More common in women

Narcissistic (boastful / superiority complex)

Grandiosity and need for constant admiration


Exploitation of others for fulfillment of own desire

More common among females.

Anxious or Fearful Personality Disorder (Type C)


Avoidant (inferiority complex)

Psychological factors

Social inhibition

Parental factors (domineering parents)

Feelings of inadequacy and sensitivity

Individual factors (conflict about growing up)

Low self-esteem

Sociocultural factors

Social withdrawal in spite of a desire for affection and acceptance

Dependent (submissive) 

Submissive clinging behavior related to excessive need to be cared for by others

Anorexia Nervosa

Lack of self-confidence

Main sign: Morbid fear of gaining weight

Perceive self as helpless and stupid

Other signs:

Obsessive-Compulsive (perfectionist)

Sensitivity to cold temperatures

Preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism, inflexibility, need to be in control


Formal and serious interpersonal relationship

Deliberate self-starvation with weight loss

Judgmental of self and others

Denial of hunger

Obvious thinness but feels fat

Lanugo all over the body

Loss of scalp hair

Passive-Aggressive 

Intentional inefficiency

Passive resistance to demands for adequate performance in both occupational and social functioning

Nursing Diagnosis: •

Ineffective individual coping

Self-esteem disturbance


Depression / distorted body image

Bulimia Nervosa ⊗

Extreme measures to lose weight 

uses diet pills, diuretics or laxatives

purges after eating

extreme exercise

Signs of purging 

swelling of the cheeks or jaw area

cuts and calluses on the back of the hands and knuckles

teeth that look clear

Nursing Diagnosis: ⊗

Body image disturbance

Ineffective individual coping

Nursing Interventions: ⊗

Establish a trusting relationship

Monitor vital signs


Peculiar signs 


loss of interests in activities

Findings: (for both)

Weight loss of 15% or more of original body weight


Social withdrawal and poor family and individual coping

History of high activity and achievement in academics, athletics

Electrolyte imbalance

dietician’s prescription to accomplish realistic weight gain

treatment plan that establishes privileges and restrictions based on compliance

Decrease emphasis on foods, eating, weight loss or gain

Weigh client daily at the same time

Remain with the client after meal and for 1st four hours

Set limit on time allotted for eating

Encourage client to express feelings

Promote feeling of control by 

participation in treatment

independent decision making

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