Antioxidants: Saving The Liver

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  • Pages: 30
ANTIOXIDANTS SAVING THE LIVER Submitted by: Prerna Malhotra 1504446

LIVER • Largest gland of the body • Responsible for drug metabolism and Biotransformation of drugs • Metabolism of drug and other toxic substances involve two types of reactions: Phase 1: detoxification; Phase 2: synthetic reaction • Responsible for metabolism of protein, fat, carbohydrate, • synthesis of plasma protein, amino acids, bile acids, • storage of iron, copper, vitamins and glycogen

Functions of Liver

Free radicals • Highly reactive molecular species with an unpaired electron • Formed as by products of metabolic reaxtions in liver • Radicals react together to form a less reactive molecule • Radical rxns are chain reactions

Free Radical Formation and damage 1. From oxygen obtaining one or more unpaired electron, forming free radical. 2. Then affects cells or lipids around it. 3. In return, those cells or lipids become a free radical which then affect other neighboring cells. 4. This continues until the free radical is stopped.

Causes of free radical formation •

Air pollution,

• Radiation, • Cigarette smoke, • Sunlight, • Environmental chemicals, • Exposure to metals, • Biological materials (including food), • Chemical reactions that take place in our body.

Antioxidant: • An Agent that prevents or inhibits oxidation. • Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damaging effects of oxygen radicals and highly reactive chemicals

Dietary Antioxidants • A substance in foods that signficantly decreases the adverse effects of reactive species, such as reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, on normal physiological functions in humans

Antioxidant protection • Antioxidants, like Vitamin E, donate extra electrons to unpaired electrons to stop free radical damage potential. • As a result, Vitamin E is no longer active. • Although free radical damage can’t be stopped all together, it can be minimized.

Vitamin E • Fat-soluble antioxidant • Absorbed in Small Intestines • Primary defender against effects of free radicals in the body • Protects cell membranes • Stored in liver and fat cells. • Protects components of the cell and their membrane from destruction . • Shown to protect against LDL oxidation, raises HDL, lowers total cholesterol and improves blood preasure

Sources of Vit. E

Vitamin E


• Protects cell membranes • RDA men = 15mg/day • RDA Women = 15 mg/day • Tissues in the cells exposed to the highest amounts of oxygen like mitochondria seem to have the highest amount of Vitamin E

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

• Gives up electrons very easily when they are needed. • Helps to reactivate Vitamin E • Can receive electrons again to become reactive, having the ability to recycle themselves. • Protects oxygen and iron from oxidation.

Vitamin C (cont.)

RDA: Men = 90 mg/day Women = 75 mg/day

• Protects against oxidation stress. • Helps with connective and epithelial tissue maintenance and repair. • Helps protect arteries against oxidative damage. • Water soluble and can flush out of the body readily, about 24-48 hour body retention before excreted.

Vitamin A and B - carotene (precursor) • Beta Carotene is a water soluble precursor to Vitamin A, and is a antioxidant in itself; where Vitamin A has no antioxidant activity. • Found In: Corn, squash and carrots, egg yolk, and other pigmented fruits and vegetables. This is what helps give them their yellow color.

Selenium • An essential trace mineral, • RDA of 70 ug/day. • Found in Glutathion peroxidase - a free radical scavenging enzyme. • Destroys peroxides and thus protects lipid membranes as does Vitamin E.

Phytochemicals • Non-nutrient compounds found in plantderived foods that have biological activity in the body. • Contribute to food taste, aromas, colors and other characteristics. • Act as antioxidants, mimicking hormones, and suppressing the development of diseases. • Work better when combined with other phytochemicals.

Other effects of Phytochemicals • • • • •

May help prevent the introduction of some cancers Block/neutralize enzymes which promote cancer & other diseases May help keep cholesterol in check Decrease blood clot formation May help prevent osteoporosis


Phytochemicals Most Commonly Studied Phytochemicals

There are also hundreds more phytochemicals existing and in need of discovery!


Allium vegetables (garlic, onions, chives, leeks)

Allyl sulfides

Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, turnips, bok choy, kohlrabi)

Indoles/glucosinolates Sulfaforaphane Isothiocyanates/thiocyanates Thiols

Solanaceous vegetables (tomatoes, peppers)


Umbelliferous vegetables (carrots, celery, cilantro, parsley, parsnips)

Carotenoids Phthalides Polyacetylenes

Compositae plants (artichoke)


Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruit) Glucarates

Monoterpenes (limonene) Carotenoids

Other fruits (grapes, berries, cherries, apples, cantaloupe, watermelon, pomegranate)

Ellagic acid Phenols Flavonoids (quercetin)

Beans, grains, seeds (soybeans, oats, barley, brown rice, whole wheat, flax seed) Protease inhibitors

Flavonoids (isoflavones) Phytic acid Saponins

Herbs, spices (ginger, mint, rosemary, thyme, oregano, sage, basil, tumeric, caraway, fennel)

Gingerols Flavonoids Monoterpenes (limonene)

Licorice root Green tea Polyphenols

Glycyrrhizin Catechins

Tomatoes, with their abundant lycopene, may defend against cancer by protecting DNA from oxidative damage

Broccoli sprouts contain an abundance of the cancer-fighting phytochemical sulforaphane

Rich in flavonoids – apples may protect against lung cancer

Garlic, with it’s abundant allicin, may lower blood cholesterol and protect against stomach cancer

Blueberries, a rich source of flavonoids, improves memory in animals

The limonene of citrus fruits may inhibit cancer growth Also High in Vitamin C

The phytochemical resveratrol found in grapes protects against cancer by inhibiting cell growth and against heart disease by limiting clot formation. Isoflavones of soybeans seem to starve cancer cells and inhibit tumor growth; they may also lower blood cholesterol and protect cardiac arteries.

Flavanoids • Referred to as “Super Antioxidants.” • Shown to have: antiviral, antiallergic, antiinflammatory, antithrombogenic and anticarcinogenic effects. • Scavenge for free radicals associated with oxygen and iron; or by inhibiting oxidative enzymes. • Over 4000 flavanoids found, fall in four different groups: flavones, flavanones, catechins, and anthocyanins. • Found in: certain fruits, flowers, roots, stems, tea, wine, grains and vegetables


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