Antimicrobial Plant Peptides

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  • Pages: 32

Antimicrobial Peptides A new weapon to fight infections (Recent Advances and Future Prospects)


Why AMP’s….? • Antibiotic resistance has become a global publichealth problem (Giuliani et al., 2007)

• About 70% of bacteria-causing infections are resistant to at least one of the commonly used antibiotics (FDA, 2008)

• There are also multi-resistant microorganisms, some of which are resistant to nearly all approved antibiotics (Finch and Hunter, 2006)


Cont…… • Increased number of patients with impaired wound healing • Development of multidrug-resistant bacteria • ??? • Investigation of alternatives • The antimicrobial activity of naturally occurring host defense peptides and their derivatives (Jacobsen, 2007) 4

Discovery of AMP’s • AMP, with their diversity in structure and chemical nature, are a new alternative to conventional antibiotics • The first antimicrobial peptide, wheat -purothionin, discovered in 1942 by Balls and collaborators (Hammami et al., 2008)

• Isolated from a wide variety of organisms, including animals, bacteria, insects and plants (Marcos et al., 2008)

• Many signal molecules in mammals, including neurotransmittors, hormones and growth factors, are peptides and act in multiple cellular processes (Butenko et al., 2009)


Introduction •

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are cysteine-rich short amino acid sequences (Hammami et al., 2008)

Usually composed of 12–50 amino acids. (Brown and Hancock, 2006)

On the basis of their secondary structure, classified in four major classes: β-sheet, αhelical, Loop, Extended peptides (Giuliani et al., 2007)



Importance • Component of the basic defense line of innate immunity and named defensins

(Sorensen et al., 2008)

• Takes part in the interconnection between innate and adaptive immunity (Eliasson and Egesten, 2008)

• AMP themselves are regulated by cytokines produced by immuno-competent cells (Kolls et al., 2008) 8

Cont…… • Development of pathogen resistance and/or side effects is much lower than chemical antibiotics • Basic element of novel, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral drugs in the therapy of infectious diseases (Sit and Vederas, 2008; Lupetti et al., 2008)

• Parasitic infections (Moreira et al., 2007)

• Treatment of cancer (Suttmann et al., 2008; Ghavami et al., 2008)

• HIV infection (Cole and Cole, 2008) 9

Cont…… • In addition to standard AMP, other proteins with antimicrobial effects are known • Lysozyme was the first protein reported to have antimicrobial activity • Later, the antimicrobial activity of histones was demonstrated • • Granulysin, produced by natural killer cells and CD8 T cells (Nakashima et al., 2008)


Cont…… • Calprotectin bactericidal/permeabilityincreasing protein (Schultz and Weiss, 2007)

• Human lactoferrin (Jenssen, and Hancock, 2008)

• Histidine-rich glycoprotein (Rydengard et al., 2008)


Cont…… • Thionins, found in barley and wheat are toxic to yeasts, gram-negative and grampositive bacteria • Fabatin, a newly identified peptide from fava beans, inhibits E.coli, P.aeruginosa and Enterococcus hirae (Sher, 2009) 12

Antimicrobial peptides with leishmanicidal activity • The leishmanicidal activity of plant peptides – wheat thionins – a barley lipid transfer protein – potato defensins and snakins

tested in vitro against Leishmania donovani • Only thionins and defensins were active against this human pathogen. • Future prospects for their development as new antiparasite agents on human diseases are considered (Berrocal-Lobo et al., 2009) 13

Induction of AMP expression • Proinflammatory cytokines (Kolls et al., 2008; Han, 2008; Lee et al., 2008)

• Certain bacterial strains (Escherichia coli) (Schlee et al., 2007)

• Other exogenous compounds (vitamin D) (Yim et al., 2007)


Mechanism of Action • Recently, the rapid emergence of microbial pathogens that are resistant to currently available antibiotics has triggered considerable interest in the – Isolation – Investigation of the mode of action of antimicrobial peptides (Kim et al., 2009) 15

Cont…… • Peptides which are inhibitory to microorganisms are often – Positively charged – Contain disulfide bonds (Sher, 2009)

• Their mechanism of action may be the – Formation of ion channels in the microbial membrane – Competitive inhibition of adhesion of microbial proteins to host polysaccharide receptors – disruption of bacterial membranes (Dawson and Liu, 2008) 16

Cont…… • Some AMP inhibit DNA synthesis, protein synthesis or both • Histatin targets the mitochondria of fungal pathogens • AMP also affect pathogen metabolism. (Gryllos et al., 2008) 17

Antimicrobial peptides in food industry •

Adding preservative is a common way of preventing or slowing microbial growth

However – –

Shortage of efficient and safe preservatives as a result of appearance of resistant forms of food pathogens in response to massive use of preservatives Minimally processed natural foods are desirable for consumers

As naturally originated compounds, AMPs are advantageous options for use as new preservatives

Among AMPs, the bacteriocin group is the favorite (Rydlo et al., 2006)


Cont…… • Nisin, a bacteriocins, from Lactococcus lactis, considerably inhibits activity of many food pathogens in a broad range of products from dairy products to sea foods (Delves-Broughton, 2005)

Lactoferrin, the natural iron-binding defense protein in milk, has many commercial applications including its usage as a food preservative (Weinberg, 2003)


Cont…… • Many plants and animals have been manipulated with antimicrobial peptide-encoding genes and several pesticides and drugs have been produced based on these peptides • Several cases of successful use of antimicrobial peptides in agriculture and food industry indicate a promising future for extensive application of these peptides (Keykhosrow et al., 2009) • Currently, in the era of antibiotic resistance, AMP is a desired novel tool with proven efficiency and the potential for long term application (Palffy et al., 2009) 20

Conclusion • Every antibiotic has certain life period concerning its effectiveness • AMP plays role in various physiological processes, mostly in innate immunity


Cont…… • Potential agents in the fight against infections and other major diseases, mainly because they are gene encoded and occur naturally in the human body • Beyond direct application of specific AMP as proteins, genes encoding AMP can also be delivered as gene therapy 22

??? • Further work on – Isolation and characterization of active principles – their pharmacodynamic study using latest techniques – Advantages of these molecules in clinical applications – Disadvantages in their low in vivo stability – Controlling high costs of production – strategies for their discovery and optimization 23

PhytAMP • PhytAMP currently contains 271 entries of plant AMPs • AMP may be accessed free of charge at


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