Anti Obesity Day Book

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 4,971
  • Pages: 30




Who we are and what we do


Get started on healthy habits


Foods to eat, food to avoid


Healthy Cooking


How to order when eating out


Food Myths


Water Retention


Activity Patterns


Easy ways to boost your activity level


Tips to control your food intake


Slimming Services at VLCC


Cosmetology in relation to obesity


Introduction Did you know that nearly three fourths of the UAE’s population is battling with obesity – which has been termed as a silent killer by the World Health Organisation (WHO)? Did you know that nine out of 10 cases of obesity develop into diabetic cases? Did you know that obesity is clearly becoming an epidemic which needs urgent attention? Some of the health problems associated with obesity include Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, stroke, back and joint pain, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, gallstones, fatty liver, infertility, breathlessness, depression, snoring, difficulty in sleeping and excessive sweating. Not many are aware that obesity not only affects the adults but also children, who incidentally are even more vulnerable, primarily because of the likelihood of growing up to become obese adults. Studies indicate that obesity is more likely to persist when its onset is in late childhood or adolescence and where children have obese parents. Problems associated with excess weight in children and adolescence includes heat intolerance, breathlessness on exertion, tiredness, and flat feet. Seven years ago VLCC took the first step to put up a united fight against the scourge of obesity. There was no distinct movement to address the issue or day to commemorate the struggle against obesity. With the active involvement of the medical fraternity, VLCC designated November 26 as the ‘Anti Obesity Day –which it observes every year in India and the UAE. The Group drives a mission led awareness campaign to promote its Anti Obesity mantra. The underlying message is that an individual can chose to say no to the scourge by instilling discipline into one’s lifestyle – and enjoy its benefits. The campaign educates the general public on developing healthy habits for an active lifestyle through dietary recommendations, activities and simple lifestyle tips. VLCC leads the effort with a series of initiatives that include public service message using health camps, workshops, mass counseling, mass media, talk shows, interviews, special literature etc to take the message across the public. The Anti Obesity Day campaign runs throughout the month of November every year.

Who we are and what we do

With more than 120 centres and over a million customers, VLCC has achieved an iconic status, and is easily the biggest and the most recognised wellness brand to have emerged out of the Indian subcontinent. In essence, a Slimming, Skin and Hair Services brand, VLCC has built its reputation on, and is widely known for, its highly effective scientific weight-loss solutions and the therapeutic approach of its beauty services. However, the company’s interests, services and offerings span a lot more across the health and beauty segments. VLCC also manages a chain of education and training centres the VLCC Institute of Beauty, Health & Management. VLCC Institutes, as they are called, provide technical training not only to students wishing to take up beauty and nutrition as a career but also impart training to professionals in the related fields wishing to upgrade their skills. In addition, VLCC has its own exclusive line of over 100 herbal/ayurvedic skin-care, hair-care and body-care products as well as a range of functional foods like fortified honey and isabgol, a dietary fibre supplement. Having achieved leadership status in India, with more than 120 VLCC slimming, beauty and fitness centres in 62 cities, 15 VLCC institues in 12 cities and a nationwide retail distribution network for its VLCC personal care range of herbal/ayurvedic cosmetics, the brand is now fast establishing its presence in international markets. In 2005 VLCC opened its first centre in the Middle East, in Dubai and hasn’t looked back since. The company currently operates seven centres across the UAE (five in Dubai and one each in Sharjah and Abu Dhabi). With more centres to open in the near future and plans to expand to Muscat, Bahrain, Kuwait and UK, VLCC is going global.

Get started on healthy tips

Think positive. Believe that you will lose weight. Think about yourself, your physical and mental well-being. Imagine a slimmer, fitter you; it always works. Take some pictures of yourself and put them up around the house. Put one on the refrigerator door, it will serve as a constant reminder and will strengthen your resolution to lose weight. Looking at the picture every once in a while during the course of your programme will inspire you to continue. Close your eyes and imagine yourself, the way you want to look. Do this as often as possible, self-visualisation is a very powerful tool. Give it a try, everything is worth a try. Imagine yourself getting around without getting out of breath, no more pulled muscles, no more indigestion, people smiling at you, the way you look, as you walk by. Treat yourself every once in a while. Put a little money away every time you resist a food craving and then go and splurge on something that will make you feel special, like a new outfit or make-up. Remember, you are losing weight for more than just your appearance. You are losing it for the experiences that will come after you have achieved your goal. Always stay focused on why you are doing it. The beauty of the whole experience is that you will never know how good it feels until you get there.

Foods to eat, foods to avoid

Fats, Oil and Sweets, Red Meat & Refined Carbohydrates • Use sparingly • Restrict adding fats to foods while cooking or at the table like butter, margarine, gravy, salad dressing, spread • Avoid foods that are high in sugar like candy, jelly, honey, sweet deserts and soft drinks • Avoid the use of pork, mutton and other organ meat • Foods like refined wheat flour, white bread and polished rice, which are highly refined and low in vitamins & minerals, should be used less frequently • Cut down on convenience foods like biscuits, pastries and cakes, as they are rich in invisible fat and refined carbohydrates Whole Cereals, Wholemeal Bread, Brown Rice • To get the fibre you need, choose servings made from whole grains, e.g. wholemeal flour, wholemeal bread, porridge, wheat flakes, oat meal, brown rice etc. • Supplement wheat flour with black bengal flour/soya flour/ bran to incorporate fibre • Do not sieve flour Milk, Yoghurt, Cheese • Choose skimmed milk and non-fat yoghurt • 75–100 g of cottage cheese/200 g of yoghurt supply the same amount of calcium as 1 cup of milk • Read labels while purchasing packaged milk products Meat, Poultry, Fish & Nuts • Choose lean meat (poultry without skin) and fish • Prepare meat dishes the low-fat way, i.e. boil, roast or grill instead of frying • Use egg-white instead of whole egg • Nuts are high in fat, so eat them in moderation

Whole Pulses/Sprouts • Whole pulses, sprouts provide adequate quantity of fibre, minerals and vitamins. These also provide protein and can be used in place of meat for vegetarians • Choose soya products such as soya cottage cheese, soya milk and soya yoghurt Fruits • Choose fresh fruits, instead of canned or frozen ones in heavy syrups and sweetened fruit juices • Eat whole fruits often – they are higher in fibre content than fruit juices • Punches, ales and most fruit drinks contain only a little juice and lots of added sugar, may be avoided Vegetables • Different types of vegetables provide different nutrients • Seasonal vegetables have a highest nutrient content. Use raw vegetables as salads • Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables. They are specially good sources of vitamins and minerals • Cook vegetables lightly by steaming or stir-frying  Restrict on the fat you add to vegetables at the table or during cooking

Gear-up for a neutral eating habit • Avoid acid forming foods • Certain foods like sausages, nuts, macaroni and even chicken and spaghetti are acidic in nature • Take alkaline foods • Foods of the alkaline range are primarily plant derived. The most effective are spinach, molasses, celery, carrots and dried beans • To put your body in the neutral state, increase your fruits and vegetable intake • Raisins, when soaked in water at night and consumed in the morning, are an excellent way to combat acidity

Eat right

• Never skip a meal. You will tend to overeat at the next meal. Instead, have smaller, more frequent meals at regular intervals • Always have breakfast, as it is the most important meal of the day. It is that time of the day when your nutrient requirements are the highest and a proper breakfast will energise you throughout the day • Don’t fall asleep soon after dinner, as sleep slows down the body’s metabolism and you tend to burn fewer calories and accumulate fat. Instead, have a light and early dinner and give yourself a 2 to 3 hour gap before going to bed

Add fibre to your diet • Include a lot of fruits and fresh vegetables in your diet; these not only detoxify the body but are good for the skin too • Substitute fruit juice with actual fruit, for fibre in your diet • Never overcook vegetables. They are healthiest when eaten raw • The skin of fruits and vegetables, like apples and cucumber, are good for you. Remember to wash them before consumption • Choose whole grain cereals, wholemeal bread, whole pulses and brown rice instead of highly refined alternatives

Healthy Cooking

• Avoid frying foods; instead grill, steam, or boil food to minimise fat content • Wash vegetables before chopping them to prevent loss of water soluble nutrients like Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Thiamin and Niacin • Avoid use of baking soda while cooking pulses and vegetables as soda inhibits the absorption of calcium and vitamins • Avoid repeated washing of rice and pulses, as valuable nutrients are lost in the process • Preserve vitamins in food by cooking whole vegetables in their skin • Substitute cream with skimmed yoghurt, as it contains less fat • Seasonal vegetables and fruits have the highest nutrient content so include them in your diet as often as possible • Use non-stick cookware and minimise the oil content in your food

How to order when eating out

• Eat something healthy before going out, so you will not be tempted to eat more when at the restaurant • Read the menu carefully to judge which are the least fatty foods • Choose clear soups instead of creamy ones. Clear soups are just as nutritious and filling but don’t contain as much fat • Green salads and veggies with low fat dressings are deliciously refreshing and contain lesser fat. Lemon juice, salt pepper and vinegar are great low-fat dressings. Avoid potato and macaroni salads, as they are high in calories • Choose grilled, steamed or poached foods over those with rich, creamy gravy/sauces • Choose ‘tandoori roti’, ‘romali roti’, ‘missi roti’ or wholemeal Arabic bread (Brown Khubus) over breads with high butter content • Grilled items like tandoori chicken, baked fish, tofu with tomato sauce and paneer ‘tikka’ make great entrees • Specify that you would prefer as little use of butter and oil in your dishes • Try to resist ordering dessert, but if you must, then choose fresh fruit or frozen yoghurt • While travelling for business or pleasure, pre-plan meals and snacks to reduce stress and to keep your energy high. Take along mineral water, iced tea, vegetable juice and some low fat snacks like wholemeal sandwiches, salad and fresh fruits

Food Myths

Myth 1: Juices help reduce weight and cut calorie intake. Fact:

J uices are concentrated sources of energy and have added sugar content. Eating whole fruit would be more beneficial for your health.

Myth 2: Refined oils are 99% fat free. Fact:

 ll refined oils are 99% fat free, irrespective of A their composition and trade name. 1 teaspoon of refined oil gives 45 Cal.

Myth 3: Honey is good for weight loss.


 oney consists of 75% sugar (glucose & fructose) H and 25% water. It increases the blood sugar and provides 3 Cal per gram of honey.

Myth 4: Refined oil is preferable to ghee or butter. Fact:

The ideal combination of oil should be as follows: PUFA:MUFA:SFA = 1:1:1 PUFA (sunflower oil/safflower oil) MUFA (olive oil/mustard oil/groundnut oil) SFA (ghee/butter)

Myth 5: Toasted bread has less calories than the normal bread. Fact:

 oasting bread only converts starch into dextrins. T The caloric count however remains the same, i.e., 1 slice of bread = 70 Cal.

Myth 6: Healthy food means bland food. Fact: This is not true. Traditional spices provide the necessary taste and flavour to the food. At the same time, they are rich in micronutrients, antioxidants and fibre. There is no reason to avoid spices, unless they are not tolerated. The only restrictive feature of a healthy diet is its low salt and fat content. Myth 7: Fat content of milk may be reduced by adding water. Fact:

If water is added, all other nutrients in milk also get diluted. Skimming is the best way to remove fat from the milk. Other nutrients are retained in skimmed milk.

Myth 8: Low calorie foods can be eaten in unlimited amounts. Fact:

 ven low calorie foods have calories which add up E and must be burned off regardless of what kind of food we eat. Balance is the key to success.

Myth 9: Buttermilk has carbohydrates only. Fact:

 uttermilk is a very good source of B proteins and calcium.

Water helps keep fat away Water is the key part of any weight-loss programme. You should drink at least 10-12 glasses of water everyday. It is essential for you as it helps to reduce fat but is good for your overall health The benefits of water are manifold: • It helps suppress your appetite • It reduces build up of sodium in your body • It reduces fluid retention. It is when your body does not get enough water that it starts retaining fluids • It reduces fat deposits • It helps maintain proper muscle tone • It helps your body get rid of waste and toxins • It relieves constipation Among other fluids, fresh lime water should be preferred. Fresh lime soda (without sugar), buttermilk, coconut water, vegetable juice and clear soups are also recommended for a healthy body. Start your meals with one of the above or just a glass of plain water.

Water Retention

Water retention happens when excess water gets stored in the tissue spaces between cells. It is caused due to the following factors: (a)

 alt intake – restrict consumption of Sodium in S your diet. Foods high in Sodium will cause water retention.


Hormonal imbalance.


 re menstrual retention – Pre menstrual retention P of water can be minimised by drinking plenty of water, maintaining an active programme and restricting your salt intake.

Foods with high sodium content You should avoid the following items if on a low Sodium diet: • Salt • Baking Powder • Bicarbonate of Soda • Mono-Sodium Glutamate (Ajinomoto) • Cheese • Bacon, ham, sausages, dried fish • Meat and yeast extracts like marmite • Salted chips, nuts, popcorn, biscuits, poppadums • Salted pickles, chutneys • Commercial salad dressing and sauces, pudding mixes • Soft drinks containing Sodium Benzoate • Soup cubes • Proprietary drinks containing chocolate

Activity Patterns

Reduced energy expenditure in adults has been shown to correlate with subsequent weight gain. Dietary modification, when coupled with increased physical activity, is better in reducing body weight. The energy utilisation for certain activities are listed below: 1. Jogging or running for 1 hour (13 mph) – 300 Kcal 2. Cycling for 1 hour (14 mph) – 200 Kcal 3. Tennis (game for 1 hour) – 110 Kcal 4. Walking for 1 hour (3.5 mph) – 50 Kcal Besides calorie expenditure, physical activity contributes to the total health status of the individual. It helps diabetics by improving the insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. It results in lowering the blood pressure for hypertensives and helps in increasing the cardio-respiratory fitness. The crucial technique of managing obesity is to alter eating behaviour permanently and making activity patterns a part of your lifestyle.

Walk daily, be fit for life • Whatever your age, whatever your level of fitness, walking is the simplest and most effective form of activity for losing weight • While walking, you should wear loose clothes and well fitting canvas shoes • Start at a slow pace and be careful to build up your speed and distance gradually • Walk briskly with rhythmic movement of your arms and feet. Walk fast enough to become a little breathless and slightly tired but never leave yourself gasping for air or completely exhausted. You should be comfortable enough to carry on a conversation while walking • Regular walks will surely improve your heartbeat, endurance and all-round level of fitness • Walking builds long lean muscles, which helps in burning calories all the time, day and night, even while you are asleep • Preferably walk on an empty stomach or 2-3 hours after the last meal

Easy ways to boost your activity level

• Walk as much as possible throughout the day, use your car as less as possible • Always take the stairs instead of the elevator • When parking your vehicle, park it as far as possible from where you want to go • Hide all your remote controls, operate everything manually • Whenever possible, stand instead of sitting. If you are desk bound at work, stand up when you are on the phone; walk over to give messages to colleagues rather than using e-mail or phone. During breaks at work, walk the stairs, around the building or down the halls • While doing household chores, exaggerate your movements and make them big • Plant a garden, take up gardening as a hobby • Spend quality time outdoors with your children or grandchildren • Take up an outdoor game or any other activity you might enjoy • Try to work out as much as possible, but at your own pace. Reward yourself, not by getting yourself a snack, but maybe by buying a new wardrobe for your trimmer body

Tips to control your food intake

• Keep a daily record of your food intake in the diet diary • Do not shop when you are hungry. Buy only non-fattening food. Read label carefully before buying • Always eat in one room, at the same place and avoid pairing your eating with other activities like watching TV, cooking or reading • Always keep at hand low-calorie foods to use as snacks, like fruits and raw vegetables • If you feel like nibbling on something nibble on pieces of chopped apple, cucumber, celery or you can have “saunf” (ani seed) or “ilayachi” (cardamom) • Make small portions of foods appear larger by using a small plate or by spreading the food • Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly. This helps to eat less food but absorbs more vitamins and minerals • Store food wisely. Keep high-calorie items in places which are hard to reach, like high shelves • Don’t think just because you are eating low fat/low calorie food, you can eat all you want. The calories still add up and must be burned off. Balance is the key to success

Slimming Services at VLCC To tackle the growing epidemic of obesity - often called a silent killer - VLCC has revolutionised weight loss and weight management solutions. Its unique holistic approach works without any appetite suppressants, medication, crash diets, food supplements or invasive surgeries. At VLCC every weight-loss plan is customised. Every client is given a tailor made programme, keeping in mind cultural eating patterns and individual lifestyles. Medical history, Body Mass Index (BMI) and Body Composition Analysis (BCA) are also key factors that are considered. Accordingly, a safe modification in food intake and lifestyle is advised and a passive and physical activity regimen is worked out, while intensive counselling continues at every stage. In addition, every weight-loss programme is supplemented with essential body firming, toning and detoxifying therapies to help keep the skin firm and toned throughout the weight-loss process. Extensive research has proven that VLCC’s programmes have higher than average success rate when it comes to weight-loss and its management, and are highly effective in providing solutions to obesity-related ailments and diseases in men and women of all ages.

Weight loss A weight-loss package is recommended to overweight/obese clients to achieve the desirable/ideal body weight. This results in overall health improvement and a better quality of life.

Cellulite control therapies / tucks These help to tone up the muscles during weight loss. Anti-cellulite oils, gels, creams and packs are used for giving manual massages on specific pressure points which aid in strengthening the connective tissue, eliminating toxins and shaping the adipose tissue. As the body detoxifies and metabolic processes are revived, the skin gets a smooth and even appearance. These therapies are carried out either on the entire body or on specific problematic areas like abdomen, hip, thighs, arms and back. These simultaneous body treatments strengthen, tone and build up the muscles, depletes fat deposits, improves cardio vascular performance and strengthens the immune system.

Body firming During weight loss, subcutaneous fat trapped between the skin and the muscles is lost, creating a gap in between. This makes the skin appear loose and has to be tightened to give it a younger look. This is done with specialised appliances, which help in firming and tightening the skin and improving the Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR), thereby promoting health.

Lipofit programme This advanced programme adopts a unique and highly effective combination of weight-loss techniques. It is of special utility for clients with less time and also beneficial for those who may have been trying to lose weight on their own and want to join the VLCC programme after their weight has reached a plateau stage.

Termoslim therapy This therapy involves a combination of appliance, product and massage therapy to help lose weight or tone up troublesome areas such as arms, thighs, buttocks or abdomen. Commonly called Spot Reduction, this therapy is great for those who have excessive fat deposit in only certain areas.

Gel therapy A gel with anti-cellulite properties is used as an alternative body sculpting means to shape up the body and reduce excess fat in targeted areas. This improves the Waist-Hip Ratio, helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases as well as insulin resistance and consequently optimises health.

Ultraslim / Ultratrim This advanced Slimming package uses ultrasonic induction of Lipolytic cream for better weight loss and improvement of Waist-Hip Ratio thus augmenting health while enhancing appearance.

Head to toe firming This advanced treatment is specially designed to provide the body with complete toning and firming to help prevent the skin from sagging and restore firmness, from the face to the lower limbs. It is beneficial for those who may have lost weight in an unscientific manner or have age-related sagging skin.

Age defying with body firming This is a package of a preventive and restorative Age Defying Treatment for the face with a toning and firming treatment for the body. This unique face treatment uses advanced dermatological products and antioxidant vitamins that work in synergy to promote cellular renewal, redefine the skin’s texture and restore health to environmentally damaged skin. It is especially beneficial for fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin.

Fusion therapy This advanced body treatment has been developed by combining the principles of relaxation and stretching massages, facilitating general body relaxation and improving flexibility. The dual benefits of this massage also aids in regulating sleep patterns and promotes overall well being.

Neuro-muscular therapy Besides facilitating general body relaxation and improving flexibility, this specialised Neuromuscular Therapy works on the principle of applying static pressure by hand on specific myofascial points to relieve pain. This technique works on the soft tissue of the body (muscles, tendons and connective tissue) to balance the central nervous system. Injury, trauma, postural distortion or stress cause nerves to speed up their transmission, inhibiting equilibrium and making the body vulnerable to pain and dysfunction. Therefore beneficial to stabilise with low levels of neurological activity to maintain normal function and promote health.

Specialized weight loss programme for medical conditions Obesity or even being overweight results in postural distortion and stress leading to pain and trauma in various areas of the body. Commonly associated medical problems include pain in the neck, upper and lower back, Tennis elbow and osteoarthritic pain. Electric nerve stimulation through advanced appliances helps to reduce the pain, especially when preceded by induction of ultrasound gel and traces of a muscular relaxant ointment (eg. Volini). This enables you to relax and perform specialised physical activity patterns resulting in additional weight loss with improvement in pain and subsequent good health. Following specialized programmes have been developed to tackle the common medical conditions associated with obesity or being overweight: Shoulder Pain/Frozen Shoulder Lower Back Pain Tennis Elbow/Golfer’s Elbow Tense Neck Muscles and Upper Back Pain Treatment for Arthritic Patients

Counselling Intensive counselling for lifestyle and behavioural modification along with healthy food habits and physical activity is given to clients on every visit. The visits to the centres are twice or thrice a week. Even family members are involved in counselling sessions. Mothers of adolescents are called for direct interaction and given appropriate guidance on parental attitude, purchase and presentation of food, parental modelling of eating and support for active leisure pursuits. Even group counselling sessions are arranged for specific groups where they get an opportunity to share their problems and exchange ideas to tackle them, with the experts. Spouses are also involved in counselling of adult married clients and it has been observed that if the recommended changes are supported by the client’s spouse there is better adherence to the programme. The types of counselling given, include: a) Diet: Intensive diet counselling b) Physiotherapy: Intensive counselling and induction of activity patterns c) Combined: Combined counselling by a team of professionals – doctor, dietician and physiotherapist

Weight maintenance packages for existing clients On completion of the slimming programme, a diet and maintenance chart is given to our clients for maintaining their weight lost with VLCC to ensure that clients with associated medical problems can continue their treatment without any hesitation. Our qualified Doctors, Nutritionists and Physiotherapists analyse the condition together. The impact of drugs is assessed and accordingly the client is guided to visit the family physician, if modulation in dosage is required.

Weight maintenance packages for new clients These packages include a weekly session at VLCC and help in maintaining the desirable body weight along with toning and firming.

Cosmetology in relation to obesity

Cosmetology at VLCC Beauty is often said to be skin deep, but for the obese, the problem becomes deeper. While each person has some additional cosmetic requirements like skin care and hair treatments, the obese have specific problems. If you are over-weight or underweight, your body organs cannot work properly. You may also develop different hair and skin problems like pigmentation, acne, double chin, over dry or oily skin, hair fall, dandruff or open pores, brittle nails, stretch marks or the appearance of “orangepeel” dimples (cellulite) on the body. Keeping this in mind, we have introduced specialised treatments for these beauty problems. Anti–acne treatment (for acne, acne modules, oily skin and enlarged pores) It is germicidal and exfoliating treatment for controlling acne and skin infections. It reduces excessive oil secretion and works towards equalising the pH levels. Blemishes and scars also fade away with this treatment. Pigmentation or skin lightening/fairness treatment It works wonders in reducing age spots and also lightens or evens out the skintone. This revolutionary skin lightening treatment improves pigmentation through non-toxic biological extracts and offers very good results in treatment of hyper-pigmentation, chloasma, dark circles, acne scars and patchy skin. Anti-ageing facial treatment (for lifting and toning of skin) These skin rejuvenation treatments help in skin renewal process, it also can reduce your fine lines and wrinkles, tightening and restores skin back to its smooth, youthful appearance.

Hair treatment The Amino-protein hair treatment will not only prevent hair fall but also nourishes the hair and makes it more manageable and lustrous. The anti-dandruff line is a treatment for chronic or acute dandruff and scalp infection. Face firming treatment This line of treatment is meant for flabby skin, double chin and saggy/ plump cheeks. It works at all levels of skin to give a stimulating, revitalising and a tonned effect, improving the skin elasticity and suppleness. It also helps in firming and contouring by working on collagen fibres. Hair removal treatment (for unwanted hair) VLCC has introduced an advanced hair removal system which is completely painless and leaves no scars. Hair extension Using state-of-the-art technology, our unique patented system of hair extension fuses strands of real hair with existing hair. The effect is 100% natural. Cosmetic laser treatment Used for the induction of serum into the deeper tissue and also for skin detoxification. It removes dirt and grime, while helping in skin toning and removing fat tissues from the face. This treatment is carried out under the supervision of cosmetologists and dermatologists.

800-VLCC (800-8522) e-mail: [email protected]

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