Anti-civilisation Wales

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 540
  • Pages: 2
A Diversity of Plebs' College Cities spawn the moral degeneration that is destroying Welsh Society. Cities have been the enemies of Wales throughout recorded history. Cities produce, and give power to, paranoid megalomaniacs. The drive to decentralisation and the devolution of power is the strongest factor in the Welsh identity. Welsh children are indoctrinated by the schools to believe that the corrupt depraved degeneracies of the cities are good. The Schools try to alienate the children from Wales, from the soul of their Nation, so do not be surprised when the schools are burnt by the children. Every Welsh person has a duty to destroy the enemies of Wales.. the Cities. Limit the size of the towns to forty thousand. Revive the true anti-city Wales. If you burnt your school for that reason, then stay in Wales to make it Welsh, but if you are a moral degenerate vandal spawned by the city, now that you are aware of the nature of things, return to the city and destroy that. Go through the City to higher things. The decent honest life beyond the filth degeneration and criminality of Civilisation. As Edward Carpenter wrote in 1889 "We find ourselves today in the midst of a somewhat peculiar state of society, which we call Civilisation, but which even to the most optimistic among us does not seem altogether desirable. Some of us, indeed, are inclined to think that it is a kind of disease which the various races of man have to pass through- as children pass through the whooping cough; but if it is a disease, there is this serious consideration to be made, that while History tells us of many nations that have been attacked by it, of the many that have succumbed to it, and some that are still in the throes of it, we know of no single case in which a nation has fairly recovered from and passed through it to a normal and healthy condition. In other words the development of human society has never yet (that we know of) passed beyond a certain definite and apparently final stage in the process we call Civilisation; at that stage it has always succumbed or been arrested." Edward was English, so could hardly know the fundamental philosophy that made Wales- a philosophy that could only be evolved by a nation that had passed through the infection of Civilisation, identified the nature of the disease and adopted social structures and attitudes to prevent its recurrence. Unfortunately there are now plenty of Grammar school indoctrinated people who parade to glorify the Cities, they are traitors to their welsh heritage. The Cities build the structures that thieve welsh assets from the welsh people, our coal, water, are looted, now they plan to thieve our undersea oil and gas.

They thieve the peace of our country to profit their tourism, and engineer the economy to drive welsh people to become their servants. They make the slavery of money. They introduce foreign Capital, stifling the development of home grown initiatives that would create real wealth for the Welsh Nation. If the true values that make wales welsh are to survive then there is urgent need for very radical action. Ilyan. 1st May 1995.

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