Anointing Of The Sick

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DEFINITION Also known as “extreme unction”  the Church commends  the faithful who are dangerously ill  to the suffering and glorified Lord  in order that he relieve and save them  conferred by anointing them with oil and pronouncing the words prescribed in the liturgical books. (Canon 998) 

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Biblical text The chief Biblical text concerning the rite is James 5: 14-15: 

"Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven." (RSV)


Foundations in the economy of salvation Illness in human life (CCC 1500 – 1501) The sick person before God (CCC 1502) Christ the physician (CCC 1503 -1505) "Heal the sick . . ." (CCC 1506 – 1510) A sacrament of the sick (CCC 1511 – 1513) 

Illness in human life (CCC 1500 – 1501) Man experiences:

  

Powerlessness Limitations Finitude

It can lead to:

   

Anguish Self-absorption Maturity A search for God and

The sick person before God (CCC 1502) God as the Master of life and death Illness as a way to conversion God initiates the healing as a sign of forgiveness 

Christ the physician (CCC 1503 -1505) Sign that:

 

“God has visited his people” Kingdom of God is close at hand


  

“touches” us in order to heal us Makes the sick’s miseries as his own Took away the “sin of the world” by his passion and death on the cross (redemptive meaning of suffering)

"Heal the sick . . ." (CCC 1506 – 1510) "So they went out and preached that men should repent. And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many that were sick and healed them.” 

(115 Mk 6:12-13)

A sacrament of the sick (CCC 1511 – 1513) Anointing of the sick:

 

Instituted by Christ as a true and proper sacrament of the New Testament Alluded by Mark Recommended and promulgated by James, the apostle and brother of the Lord The Apostolic Constitution Sacram unctionem infirmorum (following upon the Second Vatican Council) established how it shall be observed


Who Receives the Sacrament? A baptized Catholic Reached the age of reason Begun to be in danger from illness or the infirmities of age, or have become sick again or underwent a further crisis  Note: the danger need only have begun to exist and the person does not have to be "in extremis" (in imminent danger of dying) 

Who Receives the Sacrament? Baptized Catholic  Exception:  Unless the provisions of canon 844 and the norms of the local bishop and the bishops conference are met  For Orthodox Christians and other Churches with valid sacraments, canon 844, §3 provides that they:  ask for it on their own  be properly disposed

Who Receives the Sacrament? Other Christians

Canon 844, 4 states that the following conditions must be met:  · danger of death or other grave necessity  · inability to approach a minister of their own community  · ask for it on their own  · manifest Catholic faith in the sacrament  · be properly disposed 

Who Receives the Sacrament? Reached the age of reason

Exceptions: 

 

a child (but still may show enough use of the faculty to understand what is taking place and benefit from the sacrament) a mentally challenged individual Small children - the priest should use the prayers, readings and blessings for sick children as presented in Chapter Two of Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum Those who once had the use of reason, but have subsequently lost their mental faculties due to senility, unconsciousness, mental illness or some other reason

Who Receives the Sacrament? Danger from illness or infirmities of old age

Exclusions: 

those who are simply ill or old, without danger from sickness or infirmity the physically or mentally handicapped without any accompanying danger from sickness or infirmity of age those who are in danger of death but who are not seriously ill (e.g., a soldier going into battle), or for healthy people who are about to die from an extrinsic source (e.g., capital punishment) 

Remedy: the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist as Viaticum

Who Receives the Sacrament? Must be Alive  If there is doubt:  The pastoral practice is to favor the person and anoint them, provided it is not certain that they are dead

Who Receives the Sacrament? Unrepentant

Such a person who showed even an implicit sign of repentance (e.g. "please call the priest"), could be anointed in the state of grave sin, but who had manifested an habitual desire to die a Catholic, could be anointed (even if he became unconscious in the very act of sinning)

WHO ADMINISTERS THIS SACRAMENT? only a priest whom the care of souls has been committed 

Exceptions:  for a reasonable cause any other priest can administer this sacrament with at least the presumed consent of the aforementioned priest  from non-Catholic ministers in whose Churches these sacraments are valid (Canon 844§2 )


HOW IS THIS SACRAMENT CELEBRATED? Within the Eucharist, the memorial of the Lord’s Passover it can be preceded by the Sacrament of Penance and followed by the Eucharist 

HOW IS THIS SACRAMENT CELEBRATED? Principal elements (order):

 

The priests of the Church (in silence) Laying hands on the sick Praying over the sick in the faith of the Church Anointing them with oil blessed by the Bishop (if possible)

HOW IS THIS SACRAMENT CELEBRATED? Who can bless the oil (olea infirmorum)?:  Bishop (when: each Lent)  Those equivalent to a diocesan bishop by law  Any presbyter (in case of necessity and only in the actual celebration of the sacrament) 

HOW IS THIS SACRAMENT CELEBRATED? Words prescribed:  “Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up.” (CCC 1513)


 

A single anointing on the forehead or even on some part of the body while the entire formula is said (Canon 1000) Due to grave reason, a minister may not use his hands (Canon 1000)

HOW IS THIS SACRAMENT CELEBRATED? COMMUNAL CELEBRATION  May be performed according to the prescripts of the diocesan bishop

Effects of the Celebration of this Sacrament

Effects of the Celebration of this A particular gift of the Holy Spirit Union with the passion of Christ An ecclesial grace A preparation for the final journey 

Effects of the Celebration of this A particular gift of the Holy Spirit

The strengthening, peace and courage to endure in the Christian manner the sufferings of illness or old age renews trust and faith in God and strengthens against the temptations of the evil one inspiring the sick person with such confidence in the Divine mercy brings "the restoration of health, if it is conducive to the salvation of his soul".

Effects of the Celebration of this Union with the passion of Christ

The uniting of the sick person to the passion of Christ, for his own good and that of the whole Church he is consecrated to bear fruit by configuration to the Savior's redemptive Passion

Effects of the Celebration of this Sacrament 

The effects of sin as mentioned by the Council of Trent are variously understood as one, or more, or all of the following: 

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 

1. Spiritual debility and depression caused by the consciousness of having sinned 2. The influence of evil habits induced by sin 3. Temporal penalties remaining after the guilt of sin has been forgiven 4. Venial, or even mortal, sins themselves.

Effects of the Celebration of this 

a grave obligation imposed by Divine law of confessing all mortal sins committed after baptism and obtaining absolution from them 

one guilty of mortal sin is bound to receive the Sacrament of Penance before receiving extreme unction in case penance cannot be received, one must prepare himself for anointing by an act of perfect contrition

God sometimes allows us to undergo sickness as a form of discipline and training in righteousness

Effects of the Celebration of this An ecclesial grace

 

"by freely uniting themselves to the passion and death of Christ” "contribute to the good of the People of God“ "assisted by their pastor and the whole ecclesial community” = liturgical and communal celebration

Effects of the Celebration of this A preparation for the final journey

given to those at the point of departing this life = called sacramentum exeuntium (the sacrament of those departing) completes our conformity to the death and Resurrection of Christ completes the holy anointing that marks the whole Christian life  

Baptism - sealed the new life in us Confirmation - strengthened us for the combat of this life

Effects of the Celebration of this primary purpose

to comfort and to strengthen the soul of the sick person to prepare the soul for death, if death is to eventuate

secondary and conditional purpose

the recovery of bodily health by the sick or injured person


Viaticum What is viaticum?

  

food for the journey the passage through death to eternal life celebrates the Paschal Mystery, the mystery of life, death and new life, both for the dying Christian and for the Christian community the proper sacrament for a dying Christian

Viaticum 

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the participation of the community will most likely be limited to a few people The Sacrament of Reconciliation = offered at some time prior to the reception of Viaticum

Viaticum Features of Viaticum:

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the Apostolic Blessing - given by the priest either at the conclusion of the Sacrament of Reconciliation or at the conclusion of the penitential rite the renewal of baptismal promises The Sign of Peace - provides an opportunity for those present to embrace the dying person

Viaticum Who can administer Viaticum?

 

the priest a deacon or a lay pastoral care minister (in the absence of the priest)  Deacon - follows the rite prescribed in the ritual  a layperson - follows the form of the rite from the Ritual for Laypersons

Viaticum Rites and Ceremonies

 

The priest, having placed the pyx in the burse, which should hang on his breast by a cord round his neck goes to the sick person's house reciting on the way the "Miserere" and other psalms and canticles he may know by heart At the door of the sick-room he says: "Pax huic domui“ 

if there be no one to answer, he replies himself: "Et omnibus habitantibus in ea"

Viaticum Rites and Ceremonies

 

enters the room, puts on his stole, takes out the pyx, places it on the table, genuflects, and rises takes the holy water and sprinkles first the sick person in the form of a cross (sometimes even around the room) Ask if the candidate had confession The priest then goes to the table, genuflects, and uncovers the pyx

Viaticum Rites and Ceremonies

the communion-cloth or napkin is adjusted under the chin of the sick person who recites the "Confiteor“ 

if not, it is said in his name by one of the bystanders, or, when there is no one able to do this, by the priest himself

Viaticum Rites and Ceremonies

After the "Confiteor" the priest genuflects, rises, and turns towards the sick person 

taking care, however, not to turn his back to the Blessed Sacrament In this position he says "Misereatur" and "Indulgentiam" using the words: tui, tuis, tuorum, and tibi

Viaticum Rites and Ceremonies

 

Gives the Body of Christ After the Communion the priest purifies the pyx and his fingers in a small glass of water, and the water is given by the priest, or one of the attendants, to the sick person to drink

Viaticum  Rites and Ceremonies *The Priest may omit some of the prayers * If unable to swallow the Host before death - it should not be given * If it be given and death ensue before he can swallow it - it should be removed from his tongue and placed either in a corporal or in some vessel and kept in some secure place and in due time put into the sacrarium


Exorcism  from Late Latin exorcismus, from Greek exorkizein - to abjure  practice of evicting demons or other evil spiritual entities from a person or place which they are believed to have possessed


 Victim speaks or understands unknown languages without ever studying the language being spoken or heard  Victim clearly knows things that are distant or hidden  Victim can predict future events (sometimes through dreams)  Victim has an intense hatred for holy things  Victim shows a physical strength far above his age or normal condition

WHO CAN PERFORM AN EXORCISM?  Canon 1172 (1) one who has obtained special express permission from the local ordinary (2) The local ordinary is to give this permission only to a presbyter who has piety, knowledge, prudence, and integrity of life.

PROCEDURE OF THE EXORCIST  wear an alb and a purple stole right before the part of the prayer that begins "Ecce crucem domine, fúgite partes advérsae  having made the sign of the cross over the victim, place the ends of the stole around this person's neck  place his right hand on the head of his victim

PROCEDURE OF THE EXORCIST  A Bible containing both the Old and New Testaments should be on hand when questioning and commanding the demons to respond *The Rite of Exorcism uses passages from Jn. 1:1-14; Mk. 16:15-18; Lk. 1:1720; Lk. 11:14-22

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