Please read the forward below, and please go to You Tube and see Mr. Sitchins videos. In addition, I offer this AGAIN, in case you missed it the first time.
118 v 164 hv
Other 46 Guiliani Spirit Bomb Paradise Eighteen Phoenix The Father Name and Title Other 118 CHRIST The Reptile The Idol Gods Five sons Symbol ABRAHAM MADE HIS COVENANT WITH LUCIFFER IN 2118. THE NEAR EARTH ASTEROID, HATHOR 2340 is dated to come for a second pass on Oct. 21/22 2086. Add the date pf 10/22/2086 together to get 2118. Add the date of 10/21/2086 for 2117. That is the end times asteroid, and it will be intentionally directed to this planet on the X which is the Great Pyramid, as the Capstone. The Venus Transit comes in 2117, and aligns with the same numbers as Isaac's birth year. 2117 minus 2007 = 110. We are in the 110th congress right now. I have said this many times before, and few believed me. :-)
other 164 HV WHICH NUMBER REPRESENTS ROMNEY HV SCORPION Willard Mitt Romney may well be Annunaki. He is Mormon (AKA KINGHTS TEMPLAR-FREE MASON RELIGION) , and they believe their God is Elohim and hails from other planets. They also believe their Jesus comes to Missouri for the second coming, and their Jesus, (the annunaki) will indeed do so, somewhere between 2012 and 2017. 2017 has a 221 alignment, which is the number of Jesus Christ hv. Mitt Romney has five sons. Israel = 64 v Adding 100 on that = 164 HUNDRED = 38 H 74 V = 112 HV (same exact signature as Lucifer) In other words, add Lucifer to any 64 for 164. If I hadn't seen the numbers with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it either.