Annual Report 2009

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Annual Report 2009

JCR Annual Report 2009




the year’s achievements


Academic Discipline


Academic Feedback Sessions


Access Scheme


Alternative Choir


Arts Funding


Arts Festival


Facilities in JCR


Financial Matters


Formal Ha" Changes


Governing Documents (Constitution and Standing Orders)


Green Initiatives


Gym Membership


International Storage


IT Issues


Library Issues


Rent Negotiations for Academic Year 09/10


Rent Reductions


Rent-A-Bicycle Scheme


Sports Initiatives


JCR Annual Report 2009


Website Revamp


Welfare Issues


Women’s Week


financial report




Sources of Income


Conclusions and Recommendations


jcr committee 2008/09

JCR Annual Report 2009



FOREWORD Day in and day out, the JCR Committee has continued to fight to advance the JCR’s welfare, needs, rights and development. The results of these efforts have been in both tangible and intangible forms, and have varied in degree. They have been made possible by a confluence of factors, including the gumption, drive and intelligence of all those who made it possible. We were elected into office with huge shoes to fill and high expectations to meet. JCR members remain the best judge of our success. I hope you will find that your vote for us was a worthwhile one, and that your JCR has continued to build on its many strengths to deliver meaningful and lasting results. Besides matters documented in this report, we continued to work hard elsewhere. You were represented by all three votes at every single session of OUSU Council, and at every Governing Body meeting this year. I am especially encouraged by individual JCR members have reached out to actively participate in campaigns, societies and activities at the University level. This JCR is a vibrant one that we should be very proud of. The JCR Committee deserves enormous credit for what they have achieved. In particular I wish to thank Jess, who has been a stalwart partner, a most forgiving critic, and a source of comfort during the most impossible of days. Working with the college staff has proven to be an enriching experience - I am grateful for their tolerance, cooperation and support throughout the journey. It must also be said with immense gratitude that senior members of the college, including members of the Governing Body, have been instrumental towards our success. While we celebrate these achievements, I am nevertheless mindful of what more could have been done. The Living Wage Campaign, our Fairtrade endeavour, a review of the housing ballot system, and development of the Green & Gold Society to name a few; the list is extensive. Listening to hustings for next year’s committee was a timely and poignant reminder that the road ahead remains long. But alas, time is finite, and we must all move on. This journey has been a pleasure and an honour in equal measure. I have enjoyed navigating its potholes, blind corners, uphill terrain, and steep turns. I am grateful for the opportunity to have served this office, and I wish all JCR members the best of summers ahead of them.

Sanjay Nanwani JCR President 08/09

JCR Annual Report 2009


T HE YEAR’S ACHIEVEMENTS Academic Discipline We reviewed the College’s Academic Discipline procedures together with the Tutor for Undergraduates and agreed on a set of rules and procedures that would make the disciplinary system far more transparent and fair for all students. These were eventually approved by the Governing Body in early Michaelmas.

Academic Feedback Sessions We implemented Academic Feedback Sessions for 5 subjects (Biology, Philosophy, Politics, Music, Law) for all first-year students of those subjects on a trial basis, and only with the consent of their respective tutors. This was done in response to poor rates of academic feedback currently submitted through conventional means. Participating tutors warmly welcomed the feedback and found the JCR’s initiative to be a professional and helpful exercise.

Access Scheme In our bid to attract and encourage more students from disadvantaged backgrounds to apply to Oxford in general and St Peter’s in particular, the JCR pioneered a new Access Scheme based on advice from and partnerships with the University, OUSU and the College. The scheme is still in its fledging stages but has mobilised a groundswell of support from within the JCR to further our access efforts in their respective home cities. A cohesive strategy has been assembled, and resources are being put together to further the initiative.

Alternative Choir This year we created the new St Peter’s Alternative Choir in direct response to and in competition with the Teddy Hall Alternative Choir. It has proven to be a popular initiative, drawing especially on the talents of first-year students. The AC started rehearsals in early Hilary and are hoping to organised their first charity concert in late Trinity. It is overseen by Catherine Brinkworth, Caroline Gibbs, Tom Stevenson and James Marchant, and has the financial backing of both the JCR and the College.

Alternative Prospectus We wrote the first ever St Peter’s Alternative Prospectus in an interactive and dynamic format on our website. Its aim is to reach out to prospective applicants interested in discovering an informal and accurate account of life at St Peter’s from a student perspective. It features a photo slideshow, a video, student accounts and a quiz, and has already won praise from pro-

JCR Annual Report 2009


spective applicants. The AP was chiefly put together by Jessica Davies and Fiona Cheung, with the help of many JCR members including Rachel Chew, Matthew Judge, Georgina Newman, and Zoe Savory.

Arts Funding We successfully lobbied for the JCR to be allocated approximately £1,000 from the College’s Artistic Purposes Fund, overseen by Dr Kevil Hilliard. These were used to fund Misc (our termly arts magazine) and events such as visits to local museums and art galleries, a live drawing session, and the St Peter’s Arts Festival 2009 in Trinity term.

Arts Festival In third week of Trinity, we held our annual Arts Festival, coordinated by Jonah Lipton (Arts Officer). It proved to be an eventful and memorable week with activities ranging from an open mic night to a reggae night to a salsa learning session and even an artification of the JCR. All of this culminated with a poetry reading by internationally renowned prize-winning poet Ruth Padel, who was a candidate for this year’s Chair of the Oxford Professor of Poetry. Events were generally very well-attended and helped raise the profile of artistic talents of the college.

Charity Framework We revamped the way in which charitable donations from the JCR were made with the introduction of an opt-out charity donation of £3.00 made through battels for all JCR members. Separately, a framework and set of guidelines were instituted to govern our charitable donations to ensure that these were done in the most transparent and just manner. A whole range of charity-related initiatives, from a comedy night to a naked calendar, were organised. Our adopted charity for the year was AfriKids (chosen after a cross-JCR vote). In total the JCR donated more than £3,000 to charity this year.

Decanal Relations Throughout the year we maintained a constructive and healthy relationship with all members of the decanal team, whose support we remain most grateful for. We extended invitations for the Junior Dean and Assistant Junior Dean to join us every Wednesday for Welfare Teas, and successfully asked for the introduction of a termly Dean’s Drinks (hosted jointly by the Dean and Tutor for Welfare) to further improve relations between students and the decanal team (and encourage higher attendance at Formal Halls).

JCR Annual Report 2009


Facilities in JCR Over the course of the year we purchased new umbrellas for smokers to use in windy or rainy conditions, newspaper racks for the JCR, a table tennis table, and two leather sofas - all in a bid to further enhance the comfort of the JCR and the welfare of all members.

Financial Matters It was a priority of this Committee to ensure fiscal discipline and sound financial management. To that end we secured more funds from external sponsors and the College on an ad-hoc basis (totalling more than £10,000). We also embarked on a major review of the College’s funding of the JCR, which resulted in a radical overhaul of the funding system that will see the JCR receive approximately double the amount we currently receive from college annually (about £18,000). All outstanding debts were paid for (after intense negotiations!) and the JCR now sits in a very healthy financial position. From the next academic year onwards, it is likely that the Freshers Week charge and Punt Charge will be abolished together.

Formal Hall Changes We put forward a strong case before the Governing Body to subsidise Formal Hall prices from £10.00 per head to £5.00 head, which the GB eventually adopted. This was accompanied by a cut in frequency from thrice weekly to twice weekly - on Tuesdays and Thursdays - so that more savings could be made. The timing of informal hall on Sundays was adjusted so that members of the Choir could continue to dine in Hall after the Sunday chapel service.

Governing Documents (Constitution and Standing Orders) We conducted the most comprehensive review of our governing documents in recent history (lasting six months), which after much deliberation resulted in the passing of a new Constitution and Standing Orders to modernise our regulations and procedures in line with current realities and necessities. These were passed by the Governing Body in Hilary term, with further refinements being made throughout the year.

Green Initiatives This year a large emphasis was placed on the JCR becoming greener than ever before, and committed to sustainable living and the responsible management of climate change. We instituted fortnightly ERFs (Exchange Recycling for Food) in the JCR, organised recycling collections for the College Annexes (while lobbying the City Council to provide recycling collection services there), successfully campaigned for fortnightly vegetarian-only Formal Halls on Thursdays of even weeks, and successfully campaigned for the placement of recycling boxes in laun-

JCR Annual Report 2009


dry rooms and the Staircases. We have purchased reusable bags for sale to JCR members, and are considering banking with the Coop instead of NatWest.

Gym Membership The closure of the college gym for Health & Safety reasons prompted us to consider alternatives to ensure students would still receive the holistic education they deserve. After much discussion, the College agreed to give 5% of donations collected at the Telethon (held in October 2008) to the JCR in recognition of our efforts and contributions. This amount was used to fund free Pulse gym membership for all students (graduates and undergraduates) at the University’s Iffley Sports Centre in a deal directly arranged between the JCR and the sports authorities. This arrangement will now be permanently institutionalised given the financial restructuring of the JCR.

International Storage The JCR strongly opposed a sudden imposition of an arbitrary charge by the college for storage of items by international students during the vacation. The charge was eventually abolished, and a commitment was secured by the college for the JCR to be consulted before decisions of such significance are taken in the future.

IT Issues The JCR successfully campaigned for an affordable colour printing service to be made available for students, and for new computers to be installed in the Law Library for the benefit of Law students studying there who often had to struggle with inadequate facilities.

Library Issues In addition to the above success with new computers in the Law Library, the JCR campaigned for and secured a commitment from the college for the main college library to make a significant investment in rebalancing the Main and Upper Library windows (at a cost of about £20,000) to better regulate temperatures there. JCR members also now have access to the water supply in the Lower Library basement, and multi-plug sockets have been made available for easier use of laptops, with the view of eventually installing additional electrical sockets. A preliminary plan to replace the desktops in the Upper Library with the use of laptops is also in place.

Rent Negotiations for Academic Year 09/10 In Trinity we held a round of negotiations with the college at which we secured an average rent increase of 4.25%. More important, the college agreed to almost double its hardship grant fund

JCR Annual Report 2009


to more than £35,000, upgrade Staircase III this summer at a cost of more than £650,000 with no additional rent increase for the next academic year, and a 25% increase in the vacation grant fund to be primarily made available to finalists.

Rent Reductions The JCR successfully campaigned for rent reductions for all Staircase III residents in Hilary given the inconvenience caused by ongoing construction work (amounting to more than £250 per student) and for those with accommodation on the main college site but with no contract over the vacations (amounting to £60 per student).

Rent-A-Bicycle Scheme One of our more radical and brave ideas this year, we instituted a Rent-A-Bicycle Scheme where JCR members could borrow one of three bicycles (and accompanying locks, helmets, lights and mud guards) for free from the JCR for a limited period. It has a loyal following and has proven to be a popular and convenient service for all students (plus it’s allowed students to have a few more minutes of shuteye each morning!).

Sports Initiatives We elected our first ever Male Sports Personality of the Year (Paul Walker) and Female Sports Personality of the Year (Emily Clarke), and the Sports Officer (Laura Sweet) organised a succesful Annual Sports Day at University Parks in Trinity. Our sports teams, especially our Boat Club, performed outstandingly and kept the flag flying high for the College, and we ensured that our sporting successes were regularly conveyed to the College Alumni through the Development Office.

Website Revamp Over the summer we put together a new JCR website and content management system with the help of sponsors - all at a total cost of just £30.00. The overhaul was designed to make the website more informative, useful and accessible to all students through the exploitation of the latest technologies. It now features, amongst other things, all the Hall menus, General Meetings agenda and minutes, our new Welfare Guide, the JCR Termcard, and even a Housing Bank and E-Bookshop.

Welfare Issues We published the first ever JCR Welfare Guide - a one-stop resource on our website for all students with information ranging from a list of welfare contacts to information on counselling services, sexual health and cycling safety. This was produced with the support of the College

JCR Annual Report 2009


welfare team. In Trinity we also began providing a larger range of welfare supplies, including higher quality condoms. We now also offer free Fairtrade coffee, tea, and hot chocolate in the JCR Kitchen.

Women’s Week To mark the 30th anniversary of women being admitted into St Peter’s for the first time, the JCR organised Women’s Week in Hilary. These featured events ranging from the traditional Ladies Night in the Bar to public speaking and confidence workshops run in conjunction with the Oxford University Student Union. The week culminated in the St Peter’s Birthday Bop to mark the 80th year since the establishment of the College in 1929.

JCR Annual Report 2009



Introduction The JCR is in good financial health across our three accounts. Whilst embarking on a series of new initiatives and tackling some older problems, we will end the academic year with more money in the accounts than when we began. Along with the increase in the block grant and the successful appeals for sponsorship this leaves the JCR in a stable financial position.

Sources of Income The two major sources of income for the JCR are the block grant and the subscription fee. Raising the latter has had the effect, which can be seen in the graph below, of dramatically improving the state of the JCR finances. The drawback of this is that it comes at an increased cost to the JCR which is spread evenly across all of the members. There are equality and procedural implications for this. The increase in the block grant will allow us to alleviate the burden on our members whilst maintaining the level of services we have been able to provide this session and reduce the need to attract sponsorship money. Increased stability will be a beneficial corollary of this; attracting external sources of funding in the current economic climate has proven difficult, holding the potential to force curtailment and cut-backs in certain service areas were it not for the increase in the subscription fee. As the subscription fee and the block grant are both administered by the Bursary, the College has access to the total sums attributed to each over the course of the year. JCR members should note that the subsciption fee is worth around £1,800 per term. In total, our income for the year from College has been £11,804.52. 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 4 1


10 16 22 28 34 40 46 52 58 64 70 76 82 88 94 100 106 112 118 124 130 136 142 148 154 160 166 172 178 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97 103 109 115 121 127 133 139 145 151 157 163 169 175

JCR Annual Report 2009


Each of the data points on the x-axis represents one day over the period 2 December until 29 May 2009. We can see spikes where money has been paid in by college and periods of inactivity over the vacations. There has been a general upward trend. The range is £15345.97. Of the money currently in the JCR main account, £2,311 is ring-fenced as charity money (£1,902 is from charity donations through battels and £409 was raised through charity events held this year, which will go to AfriKids).

Termly Budget The typical budget for a term is as follows: Income £3,031.12 £320



College Contribution Est Games Machines JCR subs

Expenditure £1,240 £103 £360 £500

£120 £800


Sky Insurance (when paid, divided by three terms) Newspapers (@ £40 per week, 9 weeks) Welfare budget (£1,500 divided by three terms) Entz budget (£30 per bop) OUSU (Fees divided by three terms)

This doesn't account for a great deal of incidental expenditure which accumulates over the term due to motions being passed. One notable exclusion is the upkeep of the table tennis table, and in the last term motions have been brought to spend money on new sofas, newspapers racks and other improvements to the JCR. A number of Green initiatives, too, are now in operation and require funding which isn't shown in a typical terms expenditure. They are administered on an ad hoc basis. It is also important to note that Sky TV is subscribed to from an account separate to the JCR main account. This account is with the Co-Op rather than Nat West.

Innovations There are some important ways the JCR is managed financially which differ from previous years. The most central of these is that Charities money will now be administered from a separate account and will be distributed from there. This money does not, therefore, come from JCR coffers and avoids the controversy of money raised to improve the environment of the entire JCR being diverted towards specific individuals.

JCR Annual Report 2009


Conclusions and Recommendations As of the end of May the JCR had money to its name in excess of £24,550.11. This does not include money ring-fenced for charity. Of this around £12,209.10 was in the main Nat West account and more than £12,341.01 was in the Co-Op account used for Sky TV. Given fiscal responsibility and continuing management I see there is no reason for concern regarding JCR finances. We have no outstanding debts (these having been paid at the start of the academic year, and totalling more than £6,000). Improvements to the services provided to JCR members would be feasible given the circumstances, but it is not for the Treasurer to anticipate the agenda of the Executive.

JCR Annual Report 2009


JCR COMMIT TEE 2008/09 President

Sanjay Nanwani

Vice President

Jessica Davies


Fiona Cheung


David Watson

Academic Affairs Officer

Caroline Dobbin

Arts Officer

Jonah Lipton

Bar Manager

Samuel Moreton

Bar Treasurer

Thomas Langridge

Charities Officer

Jack Turner

Entz Officer

Timothy Trueman

Environment & Ethics Officer

Jake Colman

Female Welfare Officer

Gillian Given

First Year Entz Officer

Joanna Wilkin

First Year Entz Officer

Alexander Yudin

First Year Rep

Emily Clarke

Food, Housing & Amenities Officer

Alastair Walsh

IT Officer

Alex Hern


Thomas Glynne-Jones (till Hilary)

Male Welfare Officer

Alexander Murray

Overseas Rep

Alexander Zouev


Tendai Sibanda

Sports Officer

Laura Sweet

Third Year Rep

Becky Donaldson

JCR Annual Report 2009


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