Annual Report 2005 En

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  • Pages: 11
Annual report 2005 Table of content I. Introduction ……............................................................................................................................................ 1 II. Activities............................................................................................................................................................ 2 A. Community services ………….............................................................................................................. 2 1. Day services .................................................................................................................................. 2 2. Residential services....................................................................................................................... 4 3. Respite services.……….............................................................................................................. 5 B. Resource center......................................................................................................................................... 6 C. Advocacy and self-advocacy……........................................................................................................... 6 D. Projects ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 III. “Pentru Voi” – the team……………….................................................................................................. 10 IV. Collaborators, founders, sponsors............................................................................................................. 11 I. Introduction Laila Onu , executive director Our dream of building a new day center, especially designed in order to respond to the needs of persons with severe disabilities, autism and challenging behavior, started to become real in 2005. We succeeded, after two years of hard work, to raise all the money needed for the building. Our project proposal to the EU Phare Access program was approved for financing, too. This means that, by the end of 2006, the dream of the excluded among the excluded – the persons with severe disabilities – will come true. They will benefit of professional services in the new activity center. In order to raise the money, we appealed to the citizens of Timisoara as well – we used a legal regulation, saying that each citizen may redirect 1% of his tax income to a NGO. We raised 66.000.000 ROL due to the campaign we organized based on this legal opportunity. The positive response of the local community towards those less lucky impressed us. We thank all those that proved once again that they care about the way their money is spent, about their community, about the services users of “Pentru Voi” Foundation, who really need the support of the community they live in. The Mayor of Timisoara and the local counselors proved once again that they care by approving a new Cooperation Agreement between the Local Council of Timisoara and Pentru Voi Foundation. This agreement certifies the public-private partnership based on which our services function, who is well known as a model of good practice for Romania. The involvement of the local community – authorities, businessmen, citizens – means more than money. It means acceptance, respect, and solidarity. What Pentru Voi brought new in Romania is the shift of paradigm in the field of intellectual disability – from asylum-like institutions to community based services, from segregation to social inclusion, from a life without perspectives to equal opportunities, from the lack of activities to occupation and employment. We didn’t invent these values, we just proved that they may be successfully implemented in Romania, too. Even here the local community may get involved, people can learn to welcome and treat those with disabilities on an equal basis. In order to increase the number of our friends and to make the local community more sensible towards people with disabilities we suggested an imaginative exercise, through the campaign Take my spot, bare my lot. How would it feel to be a person with developmental disabilities or to have a family member like this? How would your life be, what would be the attitude you would expect from the others?


And if the activities center is a dream coming true, we still can have other dreams: an inclusive society, with equal opportunities for all its members, where the persons with disabilities could live together with their families, could have friends, could work. Dreams without limits...This was the title of the project through which the message of the service users from Pentru Voi reached the heights of Shishapangma summit in Himalaya (over 8000m), thanks to the efforts to three climbers, friends of us. Legal changes, new policies adapted to the EU aquis communitaire, and efficient measures for fighting social exclusion are needed, so that the dreams of Romanian disabled persons have a chance to become real. This is why we cooperated in drafting a new law that promotes social inclusion and equal opportunities. Because employment is one of the biggest challenges of social inclusion, we organized a national conference, having as keynote speakers international experts on supported employment – we tried to identify barriers and to find answers to the challenges raised by this topic. Last but not least, I would like to thank all those who were beside us, those who give us strength to keep on dreaming and to fulfill our dreams and projects, no matter how ambitious they might be. Thanks to all of you, who really care! II. Activities A. Community services: 1. Day services a) Workshops 2005 was, at Pentru Voi, a year of changes and developments – new activities, new investments, new service users and new employees (during 2005 there were 125 service users!). After establishing the packaging workshop at the end of 2004, the packaging activities became one of the most enjoyed in the course of only one year. This kind of work overpasses the borders of the initial workshop, the type and number of products constantly increased. There were days when all the users did packaging activities, in order to accomplish the orders we received – and we couldn’t do otherwise, considering that we are active on the business market now! The productivity increased month after month, and we already have experts in different stages of the working process among our users. In the copy center the printings are the most important. During 2005, with the support of the National Authority for Persons with Handicap, two issues of Pentru Voi magazine were published. The number of users involved in editing the magazine increased. We have also bought a new copy machine and a colour printer. The handicraft workshop produces amulets, bracelets, greeting cards, decorations – these products are sold in our day center, by the occasion of public events we are taking part in or in the stores we are cooperating with. We also continued producing napkins, kitchen gloves, purses and making tailoring repairs for different customers. Maintenance and gardening – the activities in this workshop vary accordingly to the season. From spring until autumn we work intensively in the garden – we had an impressive production of tomatoes and cucumbers in 2005. We have also worked in the green house, where the field was prepared for the spring works with natural manure. During the winter, carpentry and small repairs take most of the time of the users. In 2005 the service users from this workshop, guided by their group leader, played an important 2

role in fitting out the new flat of one of their colleagues, who was ready for making a step forward to independent living. The bakery, after being launched as a bread producer, got specialized in crescent rolls – with chocolate and salty. We signed a cooperation agreement with a school, where we sell daily rolls to the pupils, and we expect, for 2006, a significant increase of sales. During 2005 three service users were employed in the bakery. Important visits of the day center His Excellence Mr. Pieter Jan Wolthers, the Ambassador of Holland in Romania paid, accompanied by his wife and Mr. Marius Popa, the Honorific Consul of Holland, farewell visit at Pentru Voi, by the occasion of the closure of his mandate in Romania. During the 4 years he spent in Romania he became a real friend for us, by advising and encouraging our work and also by promoting the rights of the people with disabilities in Romania. In November 2005 we had the honor to be visited by the new Ambassador of Holland in Romania, His Excellence Mr. Jaap L. Werner, together with His wife. He was very curious about how everything started. He compared the evolution of “Pentru Voi” Foundation with a snow ball, after finding out that everything started from a little group of enthusiastic people and continued with the implication of more and more partners. b) Activity center The service users from the activity groups are more and more involved in real and meaningful work – when they have, on their time table, „working activities”, they get involved in packaging activities. Everybody with his or her own rhythm, with more or less efforts, works and enjoys the results of the work. The yellow group went out to have a pizza – for some of them, it was a premiere, especially because of their challenging behavior. The green group decided to have some cakes and sodas in a sweets shop – all this small events are financially secured with the money the users themselves earn. We are looking forward for the new law that would allow the direct payment of the users working in workshops set up in the day centers. We have improved the structure of the time table of the activities groups – their program is clearer, more detailed and concrete, with activities corresponding to the chronological age of our users. The afternoon activity group was established in 2004 and developed during 2005. We have at present 11 users; they take part, each Monday and Thursday, from 16 until 19, in a program adapted to their needs. The pedagogues work with them on an individual basis, in order to help them to get used with a program, as well as with the colleagues and the pedagogues. That way, once the new activity center opens, the first steps towards their integration will already have been made. As long as the weather allowed it, we sustained the out-door program with the users with challenging behavior. Considering the importance of the individual work, the risk of losing the acquisitions by interrupting this program, and the high probability that the overloaded environment in the day center will affect them in a negative way, we decided to continue this program also after the arrival of the autumn. The only difference is that, during the cold months, the activities take place in one of the group homes that is free in the first part of the day. Two pedagogues join a group of maximum four users. Their program focuses on self-help activities.


During 2005 the Snooezel room was frequently used, mostly by the users with severe disabilities – its aim is to provide relaxing and stimulating activities, in order to bring them a good state of spirit, and to improve communication with them. c) Supported employment As we want to transform the present day center in a employment center, we start to teach our users what real work means. At the end of 2005 we organized study visits in different companies, and we plan to continue this activity in 2006. We organized the center cleaning program. We have split the job of the cleaning person into four parts and we employed four service users instead – they share the tasks and, obviously, the salary. The job coach was, and still is, very important for a proper implementation of the cleaning activities. Its main aim was to support the young women in managing the job’s demands, to make them able to work as independent as possible, to build positive relationships with their colleagues. Our purpose for the next year is to gradually decrease the support of the job coach, to make only shadow supervising, to encourage them to gain confidence and do their job independently. At present 21 service users are legally employed. During 2005, 33 users appealed the supported employment service – 15 were employed or had real work experiences (as an average, one user / month) – 10 of them got a job in private companies, 2 users were accepted for a trial period and 3 were employed in the day center. 55 employers gave a positive reply to our suggestion to employ persons with disabilities. The main activity fields of our service users are: cleaning, toys assemblage, bakery, newspapers distribution, carpentry, textile, clothing, interior design, packaging, maintenance, car washing, textile recycling, and kitchen. In 2005 we attended four job fairs organized by the local labor office – by those occasions five users were employed. They still work, and their working contract is signed for an unlimited period of time. As far as our own “business” is concerned, the products made in our workshops were sold – we cashed 407 EURO. 2. Residential services 2005 brought important changes in the life of the users of the group homes. The most important one was the involvement of four young users in the project One more step, financed by the National Authority for Persons with Handicap. Its objective was to help them making a step forward to the independent living. This influenced not only the life of the four, but the whole group – it became clearer for everybody that each one will have to face an independent existence sooner or later. Pentru Voi is, for most of them, just the one that guides them towards this new way of life. a) DINA Two of the users were included in an independent living project. After postponing the moment of leaving the apartment as much as they could – which is absolutely natural, after 24, respectively 28 years spent as assisted persons – they finally made this step. Considering the new quality standards we had to make some structural changes in rooms (only one person in each room), excepting two young women, who, being good friends, decided to share a room. One of the girls, suffering from a degenerative sickness, moved, with the support of her sister, to Spain, for a long term treatment. Two others had to leave DINU (due to troubles in their behavior) and now they are very well integrated in DINA. The flat was painted, we have now wooden parquet and we have bought new carpets. Increasing the quality of life of our users is, for sure, our main objective, but 2005 was the year when we understood a simple truth: the level of 4

satisfaction about your own life, as well as the level of acceptance towards yourself, are not necessarily the result of a measurable and controlable standard of living. b) DINU Changes in the structure of the group of the users took place in DINU as well: two persons that had been living here since the opening of the group home (2001), made, in the framework of One more step project, the final step towards an independent life. Another young woman, the girlfriend of one of them, joined them: she decided to live with her boyfriend and proved to be a responsible housekeeper, being able to keep her job in the same time. Starting with the beginning of 2005 the ground floor of DINU was dedicated to the respite center. One of the biggest challenges seemed to be the inclusion of the short time users into the group of permanent residents of the house. The experience of this year is more than encouraging. Solidarity and mutual acceptance were the most frequent reactions. A pedagogue, supervising and supporting the daily activities, harmonizing the interactions in the group and implementing the individual plans, is all the time with the users in the house. The long term users kept on working in the bakery and garden, interacting with the people in the village, going to the clubs in Sacalaz or coming to the parties in the day center. c) LAURA A long period of time was needed to reach a final status for Laura – it is a sheltered house with medium level of support. Years of trial and setbacks led to the type of support and occupation we provide at the moment. The three young women living at Laura have a job, but all of them are employed in our day center. Considering their health, they work 2 or 4 hours per day. As a result they are not able to cover the running expenses from their salary, which is why Pentru Voi still supports them financially as well. They do their own housekeeping, manage their own time and their relations with the neighbors. Nevertheless they need support in order to prevent or solve conflicts and to give a meaning to their free time. The apartment was renovated, we have gas now and we have bought a special heating system. 3. Respite services a) Accompaniment We provided family and individual counseling to the service users and their families. We accompanied the users, within the limits of our resources, to doctors’ offices, job fairs, vocational trainings, and schools. b) Support for community living All the users visited a wax figure cabinet, took part in the “1%” campaign – distribution of the leaflets (we raised 66 millions ROL – thank you!), got involved in the volunteers’ week, went out for movies, pizzas, cakes, or just for walking in parks or having a barbeque. In 2005 we organized two summer schools in the mountains, having as general topic Myself, my own best friend. We had monthly parties, two times we organized a carnival. In November and December most of the users worked for preparing the show and the carols for the Christmas party. Friends came to sing carols for us (pupils of a primary school), and we sang as well – we visited the local authorities, the media representatives, and our partners. c) Crisis center The idea of a crisis center emerged out of a severe situation one of the users had to face at home, when both of the parents went into hospital in the same time. As a result, at the ground floor of DINU, we 5

arranged a room for receiving 2 service users for a limited period of time - when a crisis occurs or when the family needs a respite moment. During 2005, 11 persons used the crisis center 29 times. B. Resource center     

13 seminars and trainings for NGOs and public institutions (see Projects) consultancy to 51 NGOs and public institutions Independent life brochure – distributed among the organizations aiming at the social integration of the persons with intellectual disabilities Launching, in August 2005, of the country report „Rights of persons with intellectual disabilities: access to education and employment in Romania”, realized by Open Society Institute Budapest – EUMAP, in cooperation with Pentru Voi Foundation ( for details see: Projects) A specialized article in the magazine o „In the interest of the child” published by the National Authority for Children’s Rights Protection C. Advocacy and self-advocacy

In 2005 Gianina, Ghizela, Florian and Dan attended, as self-advocates, the Mamaia conference “Community living for persons with intellectual disabilities - employment”. Gianina hold a speech, presenting her progress on the open labor market, with the difficulties she had to face and the joys she lived. Ghizela spontaneously interfered in discussions after watching two films presented by the Center for Legal Resources, showing the alarming situation of the children and adults in two centers for persons with intellectual disabilities. In November, Gianina participated in Bucharest in a workshop organized by Inclusion International and Inclusion Europe, where she supported, together with other self-advocates from the whole world, the rights and real interests of the persons with intellectual disabilities. The conclusion of this workshop will be presented in January 2006 in the meeting organized by the UN in New York City, with the purpose of creating a new International Convention on the rights and dignity of the persons with intellectual disabilities. Thanks to the National Authority for Persons with Handicap’s support, we published in 2005 two issues of Pentru Voi magazine, with the involvement of a greater number of users. In connection with the summer schools organized in Gărâna and Râul Alb we organized two trainings for self-advocates. D. Projects a) Capacity building Implementation period: 1 October 2004 – 30 September 2005 Aim: Raising the organizational capacity of Inclusion Romania as a member of Inclusion Europe Results: - We organized 5 trainings and seminars in Timişoara, Bucureşti and Bistriţa, where 155 specialists from the disability field participated. Partners: Inclusion România, Association „Lacrima” from Bistriţa, Romania Financers: Open Society Mental Health Initiative, Budapest and Inclusion Europe


b) Study of Processes and Methods Used to Achieve Improved Life Conditions for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Implementation period: 2004 - 2006 Objectives: Studying: • Which projects resulting in sustainable improvements of life conditions for adults and children with intellectual disabilities can be found in the four countries? • Which are the strategically important agencies - internationally, nationally and locally? • Which methods are most effective in order to initiate and maintain processes of change? Context: The implementation team is coordinating in Romania by conf. dr. Mircea Alexiu, professor of The Faculty of Social Work from Timisoara. The members of the team in Romania are: Aurora Toea, executive director of CRIPS, Radu Sergiu Ruba, president of the National disability council in Romania, Laila Onu, vice-president of Inclusion Romania Results: There were selected three models of good practice: The School “Lacrima” from Bistriţa, The Center Arnsberg from Alba-Iulia and „Pentru Voi” Foundation. Until now, the draft of the study was created, and in 2006 it will be finalized. Partners: Inclusion International, Inclusion Romania Financers: SHIA Sweden c) Parents mobilization action group Implementation period: 1999-2006 Objectives: - Monitoring the implementation of the National Strategy based on the ONU Standards regarding equal chances - Adopting a legislation based on the National Strategy - Promoting deinstitutionalization and the alternative community based services - Supporting the national organization Inclusion Romania Results in 2005: - We organized 4 trainings in order to raise the organizational capacity of the Inclusion Romania members - We contributed to the elaboration of the law proposed by National Authority for Persons with Handicap Partners: Inclusion International, Inclusion Romania Financers: SHIA Sweeden d) Launching the country report regarding the Acces to education and Employment in Romania Implementation period: 30 August 2005 Results: The report is monitoring the opportunities available to Romanians with intellectual disabilities in accessing education and employment. It highlights that, contrary to Romanian legislation, this group is still mostly rejected from schools and jobs throughout the country. The report provides a detailed analysis and a list of concrete recommendations addressed at ensuring the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in Romania. Financers and producers: Open Society Institute EUMAP and Mental Health Initiative Budapest


e) Model Site The goal of the project was to sustain the organizations which aim to raise the quality of life for the persons with intellectual disabilities in Romania, in order to develop new community based services for them Objectives: - To provide assistance and to inform the NGO’s from Romania which work in the intellectual disabilities field - To organize 2 trainings for 10 organizations from Romania, in one year - To support and extend the network of the organizations which work in the disability field in Romania Results: - Organizing 2 trainings in Timisoara  10 – 12 May - „Community based services. Public-private partnership. Organizational Management”. At the training 10 disability organizations participated.  14-16 November - „Independent living and social inclusion”. At this training participated 32 persons from different local and national organizations Financers: Open Society Mental Health Initiative, Budapest f) One more step Implementation period: 25 April - 10 December 2005 Objectives:  Developing a social housing network  Promoting the employment of the persons with intellectual disabilities  Creation and dissemination of a support model  Promoting the self-advocacy Results:  4 users who used to live in group homes live independently at present and take care of themselves.  84 adults with intellectual disabilities participated in a summer school; its topic was Myself, my own best friend  two issues of Pentru Voi magazine were published  two trainings on self-advocacy and self-image  seven users followed vocational trainings, in fields they are able to work and interested in  12 other youngsters with intellectual disabilities got a job  32 professionals in the intellectual disability field participated in a seminar organized by Pentru Voi on Independent living and inclusion Financer: National Authority for Persons with Handicap d) Social housing network for persons with intellectual disabilities A very good answer to the needs of one service user was his transfer into an unprotected apartment, which is in the administration of Pentru Voi. Considering this positive precedent, we took the decision to support other users in assuming an independent living. This demarche took place in 2005, in the context of One more step project (financed by the National Authority for Persons with Handicap) and continues to be one of our priorities. Four users acquired the capacity to be included in a regular community in real terms - thanks to the opportunity to have a full time job and to administrate, for a few months, an independent life. One of them received, for a long term use, a social house in Sacalaz, and two other (a couple) rented an apartment; the fourth lives, for the moment, in a kind of hostel, where he is well integrated. Each of them signed a service provision contract with Pentru Voi Foundation, each has his/her on case manager, and they all have the possibility to approach our organization when they need support.


g) Take my spot, bare my lot Implementation period: October 2005 – January 2006 Aim: To change the attitude and the behaviors of the youngsters, local authorities’ representatives and employers towards the inclusion into the society of the persons with intellectual disabilities. Results: - 80 adults with intellectual disabilities were involved in the project as participants and organizers - 130 persons participated in „Pentru Voi” Gala (business people, bank directors, representatives of local authorities and political parties, the Honorific Consul of the Netherlands, press, service users, etc). - 4 companies that employed disabled persons promised to support us more in the future - 4 public institutions asked for our help in making their information materials accessible to the persons with intellectual disabilities - 3 local radio stations, 3 TV stations, 5 local newspapers promoted the campaign on a permanent basis Partners: Teleuniversitatea TV, TVR Timişoara, Radio 21, Radio Timişoara Financer: Open Society Foundation h) Dreams without limits Implementation period: February 2005 – January 2006 Aim: The goal of the project is to demonstrate, through a complex socio-cultural approach, that the interior and physical limits can be overcome. Context: The project meant, on one side, realizing an alpinism expedition in Himalaya, aiming at climbing Shishapangma Central Summit - 8012m (Romanian premiere) and crossing India and Nepal, and, on the other hand, creating bonds and connections between disabled persons in the world and promote their inclusion. The expedition was an entirely Romanian initiative – its members are Criatian Ţecu, Dragoş Dubină and Cătălin Moraru – which brought together climbing and disability. The project was a success in the field of intellectual disability; it also promoted, in Romania and abroad, the image of the alpinism and of our town, Timisoara At the end of the project a photography exhibition was organized in Timisoara which will be presented during 2006 in some other major towns in the country and in Germany and France. Partner: „Alternative” Club Supporter of the project: Local Council of Timisoara i) The Activity center for adults with severe and multiple intellectual disabilities Implementation period: 1 December 2005 – 30 November 2006 Objectives:  To build a new day center for 40 persons with severe and / or multiple disabilities and / or challenging behavior  To offer opportunities for the inclusion of our service users  To offer family counseling and support for our service users families Results: The only service available for adults with intellectual disabilities in Timisoara is the “Pentru Voi” Center, which is a public-private partnership between the Local Council of Timisoara and “Pentru Voi” Foundation. Through this project, a new center will be constructed to satisfy the special needs of the people with severe and associated disabilities. It will provide 40 places. In the present building of Pentru 9

Voi, it will run the working groups of the center and the service for supported employment, which will have 90 service users. Financers: The European Union, by PHARE - Social Access program, donations from Holland, The City Hall of Timisoara – by the concession of the land where the construction will be built. j) Lobby, advocacy and fund raising campaigns  1% campaign As a result of the 1% campaign we raised, in 2005, 6600 RON (66.000.000 lei). We thank all those who were so kind to redirect 1% of the income tax to Pentru Voi. They brought a smile on the faces of Sandu, Simona, Andrei. This money will be used for the construction of the new day center for persons with severe intellectual disabilities and challenging behavior.  Legislative suggestions in 2005 Thanks to lobbying the Ministry of Work, Social Solidarity and Family, we managed to change line 3 in article 60 of the Government Ordinance 86/2000, saying that „(3) Public institutions in social field established through local councils decisions will be under the administrative and financial responsibility of county councils, if the respective local councils do not decide otherwise, assuming their further financing”. k) Volunteering and internships in Pentru Voi In 2005, 30 volunteers worked in Pentru Voi, mostly in the workshops and activity groups: accompaniment of the users, support in daily activities, music as therapy, paintings. In July, 35 volunteers from The Netherlands came in Timisoara and, for two weeks, they participated in an international volunteering project organized in cooperation with WACR, The Netherlands. The 35 youngsters painted and repaired the houses of two families of Pentru Voi’s services users. The selection of the two houses was done after the evaluation of a group of staff of Pentru Voi and WACR that took place in the autumn of 2004. III. “Pentru Voi” – the team Pentru Voi Foundation

Pentru Voi Day center

President: Laurens Elmendorp Board members: Aad Dijkxhorn Tienke Bouwer Constantin Gheorghe Popa Marius Popa Executive Director: Laila Onu

Director: Laila Onu Board members: Maria Stoianov, Town Hall Constantin Gheorghe Popa Kanyo Cornelia, parent Bica Aurelia, chief accountant

Managerial team members (Pentru Voi Foundation & day center) Laila Onu, director Doina Bica, chief accountant Roxana Damaschin, day center coordinator (September – present) Lorelei Georgescu, multidisciplinary teem coordinator Maria Dragomirescu, residential services coordinator 10

Janoş Maroşan, day center coordinator (he worked at Pentru Voi from 2000 until September 2005) IV. Partners, financers, sponsors Pentru Voi day center with sheltered living is a public-private partnership with the Local Council of Timisoara and it is financed by the Town Hall, Timisoara. Partners  Town Hall of Timisoara  Local Council, Timisoara  National Authority for Persons with Handicap  The Embassy of The Netherlands in Bucharest  Social Work and Child Protection Directorate  Work, Social Solidarity and Family Directorate  Inclusion International  Inclusion Europe  Inclusion Romania  Legal Resources Center


Resources and Information center for Social Professions - CRIPS Areopagus APPEL Local Labour Office – Strategy of Professional Training Business and Professions School Other NGOs in Timisoara, România, central and Eastern Europe Teleuniversitatea Timişoara Mass-media representatives

Financers of Pentru Voi Foundation  European Union, through PHARE program  Open Society Institute Budapest – Mental Health Initiative  National Authority for Persons with Handicap  Open Society Foundation Bucharest  SHIA  Rotary Club Elst Financers of Pentru Voi Day Center  Local Council, Timisoara Sponsors 1. „Jesus, Hope of Romania” Association 2. The Note 3. East Lifewater 4. Vlad Drugstore 5. Caritas Federation of Timişoara’s Diocese 6. Iullius Mall 7. Ascent 8. Nestle România 9. Procter and Gamble 10. RDS&RCS

11. S.C. Antarctica S.A. 12. S.C. Berg banat S.R.L. 13. S.C. Cibus Consilia S.R.L. 14. S.C. Codrina S.R.L. 15. S.C. Consiliul S.R.L. 16. S.C. Distry Family S.R.L. 17. S.C. Fertelis S.R.L. 18. S.C. Fornetti S.A. 19. S.C. Grafoprint S.R.L 20. S.C. Idilla S.R.L.

21. S.C. Marion Impex S.R.L. 22. S.C. Nova Tim S.R.L. 23. S.C. OttimaPan S.R.L 24. S.C. Pif S.R.L. 25. S.C. Prospero.S.R.L. 26. S.C. Waldomar S.R.L 27. Star Foods 28. Ursus Breweries

We thank all our financers and sponsors, donors and partners for being close to Pentru Voi during 2005 and we hope to have them as our friends at least 10 years from now on! 11

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