Annual Report 13th 2001

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  • Pages: 23


2 Significant Issues and Trends. The Western Australian aquaculture industry is soon to become a major contributor to rural and regional areas within the State. ACWA has been recognized as a major influence to ensure that the Government’s investment in aquaculture development is realized in the best possible timeframe. ACWA has continued its role in promoting the industry and future investments. This is in light of public and regional community concerns with aquaculture development and its possible environmental impact. Such issues have encouraged ACWA to evaluate environmental agreements with State and Federal agencies in order to cooperatively develop the industry based on ecologically sustainable practices. It is hoped that the funding application to environment Australia will be known by July 2001. This is a $290,000 initiative with $92,000 in cash being provided by EA and the balance by ACWA in years two and three. The fishing and aquaculture industries are facing significant issues in the area of environmental management within their management plans from external sources such as changes to the Federal Government environmental legislation. Access security impacted by the introduction of marine protected areas, native title claims and coastal developments require an industry coordinated approach to maximize outcomes and develop community acceptance for continued industry access to aquaculture sites. Resource sharing between users groups has been identified by industry as a major issue for consideration and resolution over the next five years. Food standards and emergency recall procedures continue to be developed by the industry. Finance and legislative changes for taxation and industrial relations issues will require an industry wide approach to ensure compatibility with the industry practices. ACWA continues to drive a formal and constructive relationship between industry and the State Government and Federal Governments. Production of the Groundwater Atlas is nearly completed and ready for launch at the organizations AGM.


OUTPUT 1. GENERAL OPERATIONS Output Description: To operate an organisation that is cost effective and provides a professional level of services to the members of ACWA in line with industry policies and objectives. Output Measures • Administer the finances of ACWA through a Finance sub-committee that meets monthly. • Office management, budgets and finance for ACWA. • Service ACWA Board of Directors, sub-committees and any other major industry meetings. • Dissemination of information via the industry magazine ACWA NEWS. • Access funding to ensure ACWA is only just financial to meet its commitments to industry. ACWA is currently operating on a budget of approximately $138,000. Approximately 62% comes from the DBIF and the balance from industry. • A financially viable industry organisation. • Dissemination of information back to industry. • Improvement in the image of the aquaculture industry. • Reduction in the risk of importation of diseases. Major Achievements 2000/01 • Effectively financed and managed the organization. • Produced quarterly publication of industry newsletter. This magazine provides information transfer. • Representation on appropriate committees, both State and Federal (Australian Shellfish Sanitation Advisory Committee (ASSAC), Fish Import, Chemical Registration, Advisory Committee, Dampier/ Cape Preston Marine Reserve Advisory Committee, National Aquaculture Council, Fish Health Management Committee, National Aquaculture Action Agenda). • Provide information on import risk assessment in regard to the importation of prawns, aquaculture feeds, ornamentals, freshwater crayfish, etc. • Resolve issues imposed by the European Union on the shellfish industry. • Develop new industry networks: Aridland Aquaculture Association, Ornamentals Fish Producers Association. • Progress theft of stock issues • Resolve abalone aquaculture guidelines. • Assist with national aquaculture training conference. • Facilitate FRDC projects in aquaculture: Sponges, soft corals: International Association of Astacology conference: National Mussel Initiative. • Resolve issues relating to chemical registration. • Maintain registration of esfenvalarate on behalf of industry. • Facilitate workshops on marketing issues concerning aquaculturists. • Assist with the second Mussel Festival. • Resolve issues relating to spraydrift and aquaculture. • Completed the Animal Welfare Guidelines as they relate to aquaculture. • Continue to administer the WA Shellfish Quality Assurance Programme on behalf of the industry in Cockburn Sound

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Assist FWA promote the Broome Aquaculture Park. Represent industry in resolving fish health issues such as zoning, surveillance and monitoring, diagnostic priorities. Attempt to resolve issues with DOLA relating to EOI Policy. Finalise policy. Pursue assistance from environment Australia on implementation of Environmental Management Systems. Develop a website for the organization with associated sites for industry associations. Develop an insurance package for the industry. Hold an investment seminar for industry developers and financiers. Progress the development of a groundwater atlas for those wishing to develop aquaculture inland. Organise the annual FRDC abalone subprogramme annual workshop. Organise the annual yabby workshop at Narrogin to transfer research outcomes and prioritise new projects. Provide industry input to the locust spraying programme and advise industry and government on its options. Develop levy options paper with FWA to fund ACWA. This includes business rules. Completed FRDC audit on projects with a successful outcome. Develop AQUAPAK insurance policy.

Major Initiatives 2001/02 • Produce quarterly publication of industry newsletter. • Develop levy options paper with FWA to fund ACWA. This includes business rules. • Resolution of resource access issues, including tenure arrangements. • Continue to develop AQUAPAK insurance policy. • Work in partnership with Government on industry issues, e.g. legislation, regulations, license fees, terms of tenure and translocation policy, and issues involving theft of stock and trespass. • Provide licensing advice to industry. Notify industry of applications. • Submissions to agencies on matters affecting industry (marine parks, capital works programmes). • Resolve payment options for site rehabilitation. • Finalise EU issues regarding shellfish exports. • Attend to fish health zoning. • Address relating to chemical registration. • Assist with the third Mussel Festival. • Resolve issues relating to spraydrift and aquaculture. Develop a code of practice between stakeholders. • Continue to administer the WA Shellfish Quality Assurance Programme on behalf of the industry in Cockburn Sound • Continue to develop a website for the organization with sites for industry associations. • Organise an investment seminar for industry developers and financiers. • Organise a conference for those interested in developing aquaculture projects. • Complete the development of a groundwater atlas for those wishing to develop aquaculture inland. • Complete the initial development of the aquaculture portal. • Organise the annual FRDC abalone subprogramme annual workshop.

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Representation on appropriate committees, both State and Federal (Australian Shellfish Sanitation Advisory Committee (ASSAC), Fish Import, Chemical Registration, Advisory Committee, Dampier/ Cape Preston Marine Reserve Advisory Committee, National Aquaculture Council, Fish Health Management Committee, National Aquaculture Action Agenda).

OUTPUT 2: GOVERNMENT CONSULTATION AND ORGANISATION Output Description • Community awareness on industry’s commitment to aquaculture and the environment. • ACWA developing website with the prospect of an aquaculture portal for the State. • Improved community awareness in regard to the consequences of the theft of aquaculture stock. • ACWA has been requested to comment on all translocation applications that are made to FWA. • Licence applicants that have a better understanding that is required from them in applying for a licence and general requirements of various agencies in regard to their respective legislation. • Provide input to the Integrated Fisheries Management Review process. Output Measure • Less costs imposed upon industry. • Aquaculture Licence Applications. All applications are sent to ACWA for comment as part of the consultation process. ACWA has been requested by the Minister for Fisheries to ensure that those persons or companies affected by licence applications are notified in order to assist in the consultation process. • Dissemination of applications to industry. Collate responses and submit comments to the FWA. • Circulation of applications to the ACWA Executive. Collate comments and respond to the FWA. • Consultation with industry. • All statements of decision in regard to licence applications and translocation are referred back to ACWA for review. • Legislative amendments to FRMA: ACWA has been advised that some time in the near future it will be requested to recommend proposed changes to the current legislation. • Ministerial Guidelines on Aquaculture Leases: These guidelines are being developed in conjunction with industry. • Guidelines for farmers to assess the minimum performance of their operations. • Administer industry promotion through the ACWA industry profile sub-committee. • Provide information to community groups throughout the State. • Ensure ACWA can be contacted through the public services. • Advertise the availability of ACWA NEWS to the general public. • Utilise the media services. • Promote the industry throughout all levels of the education system. • Respond to community inquiries on a day-to-day basis. Major Achievements 2000/01 • Visit regions and discuss issues affecting industry. • Provide an effective newsletter - ACWA NEWS. • Ensure appropriate education packages in regard to the industry are available to the community. • Represent industry at the national level on various organisations.

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Better informed community on aquaculture issues. Provide input to the Gene Technology Legislation. Provide input to the Barramundi translocation guidelines.

The ADC has approved funding for ACWA to that involve a range of projects. Major Initiatives 2001/02 • Continue to develop promotion opportunities including, displays, Web Site, • Produce an industry literature promotional package for the general public. • Resolve issues relating to theft of stock. Clarify legislation for industry. • Finalise aquaculture lease conditions.

OUTPUT 3: AQUACULTURE MANAGEMENT AND COST RECOVERY. Output Description • Co-ordination of industry across all cost recovery processes such as the WA Shellfish quality Assurance Programme(WASQAP), National residue Survey(NRS), and chemical registration). • Support industry in the adoption of self-management through the appropriate mechanisms e.g. MACs. • Liaise with Government agencies on appropriate fees for licencing and other services over the long term particularly as they relate to the funder, purchasor, provider model. Output Measure • ACWA has provided the administrative support for the national residue survey programme to the industry. • Compliance with State and national requirements with food standards. • Development of environmental management systems within selected industries. • Compliance to the dive code. Major Achievements 2000/01 • An improved quality assurance programme within industry. Compliance to the national NRS programme. • Provide excellent services to industry organizations in the form of executive support. Major Initiatives 2001/02 • Equitable arrangements across the industry regarding aquaculture leases. • Explore the opportunity to rise a levy across industry to support R&D, IT requirements, funding of ACWA. • Contribute to the national fish health management committee to determine industry’s role in the surveillance and monitoring programme. Also to watch the application of zoning and its implications to industry development. • Establish a workable process for participation in the national residue programme now that levies have been terminated. • Review and disseminate the dive code. • Road Test the AQUAPAK insurance package.

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Development of environmental management systems within selected industries.

OUTPUT 4: RESOURCE SHARING Output Description • To maintain a legislative environment for ongoing access to resources for aquaculture. The scope of resource sharing to include; tenure, native title, planning, access to broodstock and funding for aquaculture development in Western Australia. • Address issues relating to aquaculture planning, particularly in reference to management plans. • Ensure aquaculture is an equitable user of the marine and terrestrial resources. Output Measures • Liaise with all relevant groups concerning legislation and policy issues. • Participate in all forums where aquaculture is affected by resource sharing and equity issues. • Maintain representation on the WAFIC Resource Access sub-committee. • Review of aquaculture legislation within the competition policy framework as it relates to aquaculture. • Aquaculture to be identified as a legitimate user of marine reserves. • Clear processes identified to industry in regard to licencing, tenure and general activities within marine reserves. • Assist in the development of a marine planning process that takes into consideration the needs of the aquaculture industry. • An improved process for licence applicants to resolve native title issues. • Long term access to broodstock for a sustainable aquaculture industry. • Improved awareness of the community of the impact of chemical spraying on aquaculture facilities. • Appropriate recognition of aquaculture within marine park management plans as a rightful user. • Develop guidelines for aquaculturists in relation to native title procedures. Major Achievements 2000/01 • The Executive Director participated on the Jurien Marine Reserve Advisory Committee(JMRAC) and the Dampier Marine Reserve Advisory Committee. • ACWA has progressed the Lease Guidelines with the FWA. • Progress the Policy Guidelines on the industry’s access to broodstock. • Resolved issues concerning the Expression Of Interest Process adopted by the Government and in particular Department of Land Administration. • Attended charter boat meetings in Broome. Major Initiatives 2001/02 • The Executive director will participate on the Dampier Archipelago/ Preston Point Marine Reserve Advisory Committee • Resolve the Lease Guidelines for industry. • Complete document in conjunction with WAFIC on how aquaculturists can progress through the native title issues. • Attend Esperance conference on marine coastal planning and deliver a paper on behalf of the aquaculture industry.

8 OUTPUT 5: NETWORKING Output Description To assist regional and industry groups to formalise Associations to represent their interests. Output Measures • Access resources to conduct networking activities. • Assist groups through the incorporation process and inform them of the • fundamentals in establishing and running their organisation. • Attend national industry meetings when appropriate. • Provide executive support to industry associations on a fee for service basis. • Conduct appropriate workshops/seminars/conferences as requested by industry. • Represent particular state based industry groups at national meetings (e.g. National Freshwater Crayfish). • A better networked national industry addressing the most relevant issues. • An organisation that will improve its service to the industry. • A properly focussed industry support service sector. • A supported web site with hits on the appropriate sectors. • Survey industry opinion on their needs and how ACWA can meet them. Major Achievements 2000/01 • Represents the Western Australian aquaculture industry on this national peak industry body. • Production of a national industry yearbook. • ACWA has agreed to S Bennison continuing to provide the service of independent chairperson to the Yabby Producers Association and also to provide executive support to the association. • Attended the Aridland Aquaculture Association meeting in Leonora. • Form the Ornamental Fish Producers Association. • Attend Western Inland Fisheries workshop in Northam. • Complete industry survey and present outcomes to AGM. • Attend workshop of Western Inland Fisheries. • Upgrade ACWA NEWS and ensure its relevance to the client base. • Obtained FRDC and ADF funding to hold International Association of Astacology meeting in Perth. Silver Perch Association • Continue to provide executive support. • Hold a workshop to explore options for forming a cooperative. AMWING Pearl Producers Association. • Two day workshop held during the year with international guests in collaboration with FWA. • Assistance provided with the FWA to ensure the ongoing registration of Pinctada albina and Pteria penguin for export. • ACWA continues to provide executive support to this recently formed organisation. WA Abalone Aquaculture Association: • Provide executive support to the association. • FRDC Aquaculture sub-programme: Provide the link between the subprogramme and industry. • Review research and set new priorities through an annual workshop. • Organise the annual FRDC abalone subprogramme annual workshop.

9 Yabby Producers Association • Facilitate industry input to the locust spraying programme. • Continue to provide executive support. • Organise industry workshop to present R&D and prioritise new directions. WA Mussel Producer’s Association • ACWA provided the Executive support for the association. Major activities included the access to new licenced areas at Southern Flats. • ACWA continued to administer the WA Shellfish Quality Assurance Programme on behalf of the farmers in Cockburn and Warnbro Sound. National Aquaculture Council Participate in this forum to drive national issues. Major Initiatives 2001/02 • Establish an ornamental fish association. • Establish an effective web site to service the various industry sectors. • Implement the industry communication strategy. • Attend the various industry association meetings. OUTPUT 6: QUALITY ASSURANCE Output Description • To ensure the industry establishes and maintains best practices wherever possible. • Improved quality within the aquaculture industry. • Improved marketing opportunities for the shellfish industry. A QA programme that is realistically affordable and relevant. Output Measures • Liaise with the relevant agencies and the media in regard to quality assurance on behalf of industry organisations. • Assist industry in accessing financial support to develop codes of practice/ethics. • Participate in appropriate working groups to formulate codes of practice, quality assurance and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Programmes. • Through cross membership of the Seafood Training Australia management committee and involvement in the work of Seafood Training Australia strong links have been developed which will enable the development of a cohesive consistent set of competency standards in relation to food safety and food quality in the seafood industry. • Improved marketing opportunities for the shellfish industry. AQA programme that is realistically affordable and relevant. • Assist WASQMI to organise industry workshops. • Actively participate as an organisation in SQMI activities. • Provide representatives on SQMI. • Include regular features by SQMI in ACWA NEWS. • Develop an emergency response plan with industry and authorities. • Improved quality within the aquaculture industry Major Achievements 2000/01

10 Food Safety Emergency Management Planning continues to be an on-going activity for ACWA WA Seafood Quality Management Initiative Assist WASQMI to organise industry workshops. Actively participate as an organisation in SQMI activities. Registration of Chemicals in Aquaculture S Bennison was a member of the national taskforce that has been progressing the registration of chemicals in aquaculture. ACWA applied to the National registration Authority for a Minor Use Permit on behalf of industry for the pesticide Esfenvalerate to be used in the yabby industry for the control of Thelohania. This is maintained by ACWA. Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Advisory Committee(ASQAAC) S Bennison is the Western Australian representative on the ASQAA Committee and attends two national meetings per annum. This group has been critical to the export requirements of the industry. Continue to administer the WA Shellfish Quality Assurance Programme within ACWA on behalf of WAMPA. Considerable time was spent resolving the issue of the arsenic spill in Cockburn Sound. This created havoc in the mussel industry and required extensive liaison with the media, analytical laboratories, government agencies. ACWA continually liaises with ASIC and others on national initiatives concerning food quality. This mainly relates to the activities of Seafood Services Australia (SSA). Produced, promoted and sold copies of the Yabby Code of Practice Major Initiatives 2001/02 Food Regulation Review • Develop food safety plans relevant to industry sectors as required by the New Food Regulations developed by ANZFA. Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Advisory Committee(ASQAAC) • S Bennison is the Western Australian representative on the ASQAA Committee and attends two national meetings per annum. This group has been critical to the export requirements of the industry. • Develop an environmental code of practice for the mussel industry. • Provide executive support to the WA Mussel Producers Association • Develop a framework on a national basis that addresses the registration of chemicals in aquaculture. OUTPUT 7: EDUCATION & TRAINING Education and Training Program Output Description Provide industry with assistance to identify essential training requirements within the aquaculture industry, including components of operational and risk management, the recognition of opportunities and risks and the development of strategies to address such issues through skills, knowledge and training. Output Measure National Seafood Industry Training Package:

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Liaise with/visit a minimum of six regional TAFE Colleges to review the content and delivery aspects of the package. • Consult with at least ten regional-based stakeholders in training to clarify and discuss qualifications, creation of career paths and promotional aspects related to the package. Develop all recommendations for presentation by the Industry Training Advisory Body (ITAB) to Seafood Training Australia’s formal review of the training package. Achieved; to continue in 01/02 Industry Training Plan (ITP): • Conduct a minimum of six forums with industry/stakeholders in training to gain inputs for the ITP. • Conduct at least six forums with Registered Industry Training Organisations to collect information for the ITP. • Interview at least twelve trainees to solicit their recommendations on training delivery aspects for the ITP. For validation purposes gain the Aquaculture Council of WA’s endorsement of the ITP. (Achieved.) Revision of the National Standard for Commercial Vessels (NSCV) • Consistent with budgetary limitations, conduct two national level public comment workshops to draft comments on sections of the NSCV. Achieved, finalisation to be completed in 01/02. National and State ITAB’s • Maintain WA representation at all national ITAB meetings and provide relevant information to the State ITAB. • Attend at least two ITAB liaison meetings each year. Be represented at least two meetings of the WAFIC Education and Training/OH&S Sub Committee. Achieved. Gain representation from all States/Territory at each of the above workshops. Major Achievements in 2000-2001 • • • • • • • •

Actively participated in the implementation and promotion of the National Seafood Industry Training Package with industry, New Apprenticeship Centres, Registered Training Providers, schools and other stakeholders in training. Submitted an up-graded Industry Training Plan 2002-2004 on 30 April 2001. Coordinated, on behalf of the Australian Seafood Industry Council (ASIC), State and Territory responses to NMSC’s initiatives to introduce a National Maritime Safety Strategy. Continued to represent WA interests on training matters at National/State levels. In conjunction with Fisheries WA’s Seafood Quality Management Initiative, conducted joint regional workshops throughout WA on training implications arising from pending Australia/New Zealand Food Safety Authority regulations affecting food safety. Involvement in the development of an improved communications policy between the National Marine Safety Council and its constituents. Conducted an ‘Implementation Kit’ workshop with Industry Training Advisory Body members and other stakeholders to introduce the National Seafood Industry Training Package in WA. Provided input into the Review of Traineeships policy, impediments to Traineeships and takeup of Traineeships in WA instigated by the WA Department of Training and Employment.

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Participated in the development of Strategic Leadership competencies for the National Seafood Industry Training Package.

Major Initiatives for 2001/2002 1.

a. Implementation and formal review of the National Seafood Industry Training Package due for completion by December 2002. b. Promotion and Liaison for National Seafood Industry Training Package Promotion and liaison activities associated with the clarification of content, qualification structure, assessment and other issues arising from the training package with Registered Training Organisations and WA secondary schools having students studying marine/aquatic sciences and seamanship skills. This phase of implementing the training package should be completed by no later than December 2002. It will then be subject to normal maintenance and developmental updating. 2. Contribute to annual Aquaculture Industry Training Plan Provision of strategic advice to the WA Department of Training & Employment through the WA Primary Industry Training Council (WAPITC) regarding industry’s current and future education and training needs on a region by region basis (i.e. what the TAFE Colleges are offering now and what they should be offering in times ahead for our industry) This extent of this activity is subject to a current review and restructuring of Industry Training Advisory Bodies and Industry Training Councils within the WA Department of Training.


Port Briefings Project A ‘Human Capital Development’ workshop/seminar project proposal submitted to the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) to present a series of (five) port briefings to up-grade aquaculturalists’ knowledge and awareness of contemporary issues, including: • Resource sharing and access; • Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD); • Regional and specific Management Advisory Committees • Value adding and marketing for the WA seafood industry; • Risk management and the NSCV; • Seafood quality assurance and Australian/New Zealand Food Standards and Regulations; • WA Occupational Health and Safety Codes of Practice; • Managing small businesses enterprise.

OUTPUT 8: MARKETING Output Description • Ensure the aquaculture industry is best served by the availability of relevant marketing intelligence and the application of dynamic marketing strategies. • Greater recognition of Western Australian Aquaculture product within the Australian and International forum. • To improve the industry’s awareness of quality issues as they relate to food products. Output Measures • Assist industry to access market intelligence service providers. • Assist industry accessing funding programmes to benchmark best practices in marketing on a global basis.

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Assist industry to access resources to attend international trade shows and develop marketing strategies. Assist industry develop Total Quality Management in all aspects of marketing practices. Co-ordinate industry participation in the Export Market Development Grant Scheme and similar programmes. Assist industry develop exhibition and general promotional material for Western Australian aquaculture products. Assist industry develop the necessary export marketing skills to ensure they are world competitive. Assistance with the development of marketing strategies. Assist industry participating in international and domestic trade shows, exhibitions, product promotions and displays. Creating new markets and points of difference in regard to Western Australian cultured products. Developing marketing networks for industry. Participation in the SQMI. Organise workshops to address industry issues. Provide options on mechanisms to resolve issues.

Major Achievements for 2000/01 • Assist industry develop codes of practice in all aspects of marketing, including HACCP Plans. Mussel industry has participated. • The Minister for Fisheries has created a quality initiative that requires ACWA representation. • Facilitate a workshop on marketing issues within the aquaculture industry. • Direct inquiries to industry representatives. • Address health zoning issues. • Address issues relating to environmental trade barriers. • Address issues raised by the EU and AQIS in regard to the shellfish exports to the EU. • Resolve issues of animal welfare by completing a code of practice in animal welfare. Major Initiatives 2001/02 • Continue to develop the ACWA web site that assists industry with issues concerning Ecommerce. • Make better use of the Trade and Market and Development Initiative. • Host a USA delegation on dumping freshwater crayfish.

OUTPUT 9: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Output Description • Assist industry to access the most appropriate and best practices in regard to national and international practices. • Promote relevant research and development in the aquaculture industry. • Industry driven research. • Improved productivity and market opportunities. • Transfer of research information to industry.


Output Measures • Provide feedback to the FRDC on projects concerning aquaculture. • ACWA Board of Directors to review application to FRDC. • Publish relevant R&D information in ACWA NEWS. • Assist industry in accessing appropriate R&D data bases. • Liaise with funding organisations to ensure that R&D Programmes are properly identified and funded. • Review R&D applications where appropriate, on a state and national basis. • Organise workshops on behalf of industry groups ensuring the R&D needs of industry are addressed provide an opportunity for research providers to present their findings. • Improved research capabilities in WA. • Improved productivity and market opportunities. • Transfer of research information to industry. • Occupancy of aquaculture parks. • Attendance at industry workshops to ensure transfer of research results. Major Achievements • Resolution of issues concerning translocation of stock. • A national policy framework on the issue of transgenics in aquaculture. • Attended industry workshops(national mussel, silver perch) etc to develop R&D strategies. • Cooperative Research Centre For Aquaculture; Contribute to the application for a finfish CRC. • Assisted with numerous ADF Applications • A workshop for the Yabby Producers Association of WA was held in February. The workshop enabled researchers to present results. • FRDC Applications: ACWA has reviewed a number of FRDC applications. The success rate of applications in the round this year has been very good even with projects that received a low priority from the FRAB. Major Initiatives 2000/2001 Groundwater Study ACWA is progressing the mapping of groundwater resources with the FWA for their future use in aquaculture. This is being done through an application to the ADC for funds to: • Collate existing data concerning groundwater availability and quality that may be suitable for aquaculture. • The provision of a data base on which to plan further aquaculture investigations and conduct research and development activities. • The identification of sites where groundwater parameters is conducive to aquaculture species survival. Assist in promoting the Broome Aquaculture Park. OUTPUT 10: ENVIRONMENT

15 Output Description • As far as possible, ensure industry develops aquaculture on an environmentally sustainable basis. • ACWA is responsible for the development of disease emergency response plans for the various industry sectors. • A better informed industry and community in regard to the effects of aquaculture on the environment. • Ensuring industry is aware of its environmental obligations. • Public awareness of industry’s responsible attitude to the environment. • Assist industry to develop environmental monitoring programmes and related codes of practice. • Liaise with Government agencies on the environmental sustainability of aquaculture, the ESD process and development of indicators. • Implement the environmental management framework being developed by NAC. • Ensure a fair and equitable arrangement for industry in regard to the financial maintenance of environmental quality assurance programmes. • Develop public information brochures showcasing the environmentally sustainable aquaculture industry. • Pursue opportunities offered by Environment Australia’s(EA) Eco-Efficiency pogramme. The details of this application are available from ACWA to members. Output Measures • Assist industry to develop environmental monitoring programmes and related codes of practice. • Liaise with Government agencies on the environmental sustainability of aquaculture. • Implement the environmental management framework being developed by the National Aquaculture Council(NAC). • Ensure a fair and equitable arrangement for industry in regard to the financial maintenance of environmental quality assurance programmes. • Develop public information brochures showcasing the environmentally aquaculture industry. • A better informed community in regard to the effects of aquaculture on the environment. • Disease Emergency Response Planning Major Achievements 2000/01 • ACWA has been closely observing the outcomes of the Review of Agricultural Chemical Spraying Legislation. ACWA has provided comments on the review documentation and will continue to play an active role given the potential impact of on-farm spraying on aquaculture facilities. • ACWA assisted the Great Southern Aquaculture Association in its successful ADF and FRDC funding application to evaluate the impact of longline mussel culture over seagrass in King George Sound, Albany. • Apply to Environment Australia to develop environment management systems in aquaculture. Major Initiatives 2000/2001 • Explore opportunities for WA based industries to participate in ESD case studies. • Explore opportunities for the industry concerning an Eco-Efficiency agreement with Environment Australia. • Develop environmental information for the communities and industry at large and post on web site.

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Resolve issues facing chemical registration. This being achieved through an FRDC initiative. Provide extension of the outcomes of research in environmental projects relating to aquaculture throughout Australia. Hold meetings and resolve issues of spraydrift. Develop a code of practice. This code will be put on the ACWA website.

OUTPUT 11: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Output Descriptions • Assist the various industry sectors in developing the appropriate occupational health and safety codes. • Ensure the aquaculture industry addresses the essential legislative requirements of occupational health and safety. Out put Measures • Promote the adoption of Occupational Health and Safety Codes by industry • Aquaculture Industry Diving Code • Diver Training • Attend industry meetings to provide information on the Occupational Safety and Health Act , its application to industry and the importance of developing industry safety codes. • Yabby Code of Practice safety and health guidelines • Gradual development of Aquaculture Industry Safety and Health Code • Industry sector specific sections contained within the Occupational Health and Safety Code. • Industry awareness information through attendance at meetings and site visits. • Development and implementation of industry training and awareness sessions • Provide articles for newsletters and industry forums. Major Achievements 2000/01 • Completion of the dive codes applying to various industry sectors. • Contribution to the Australian Standards SF 17 Committee for the review and development of Standards relating to Occupational Diving as the Australian Seafood Industry Council representative. • Progress the OHS code for aquaculture. Major Initiatives 2001/02 • Completion of Aquaculture Industry Safety and Health Code • Identify and where necessary initiate research into occupational health and safety issues OUTPUT 12: EMPLOYMENT AND WORK EXPERIENCE Output Description Ensure a viable industry offering employment opportunities in rural and regional areas of the State. Where possible assist industry with accessing a qualified workforce that will enhance the production of aquaculture Output Measure ACWA engaging work experience people on specific projects.


Major Achievements 2000/01 • Provided a number of students with meaningful projects for work experience. • Direct inquiries for employment to appropriate industry sectors. Major Initiatives 2001/02 Establish the ACWA web site to cater for inquiries and provide links to appropriate sites for those seeking employment and work experience. OUTPUT 123: PROMOTION Out put Description 1. Raise community awareness of aquaculture 2. Increase public understanding that aquaculture is a good industry 3. Increase support for the aquaculture industry generally and more specifically from Government agencies and politicians, other industry groups and in particular the commercial and recreational fishing industries, potential investors, conservation groups, community authorities, etc 4. Provide informed information to both public and commercial sectors on the issues concerning the industry and the reality of the industry’s operations Output Measures ƒ Increased and informed public awareness of what the aquaculture industry does. ƒ Increased awareness from the community and interest groups on the benefits of aquaculture and the issues which affect it. ƒ Increased and better informed understanding from the community and interest groups on the effect aquaculture has on generic issues such as environment, employment and training, socioeconomies, food supply, trade potential etc. ƒ Improved acceptance of the status of the industry as a worthwhile investment opportunity in Western Australia. Increased participation by industry stakeholders to the development of aquaculture in the State. ƒ Closer collaboration between ACWA, species groups, Government agencies and other authorities. ƒ Identification of information gaps where further data is required. Major Achievements 2000/01 ACWA News Under the direction of the ACWA Promotions Committee, ACWA News editors and JPS Consulting, ACWA News was redesigned and upgraded to include a full colour cover, more photographs and an updated layout. This served as the impetus to increase its circulation and provided an ideal tool to better inform the stakeholders of the activities being undertaken through the Promotion Strategy. Additionally, a promotional flier which was produced to increase the subscription to ACWA News. ACWA has contracted Countryman to publish the magazine. This will be done on a trial basis starting with the July 2001 issue. PR Coordinator Activities completed by the PR coordinator during 2000/01. Further activities will be completed by ACWA in the next financial year on a project by project basis.

18 Mass Media Campaign To date, the mass media campaign has achieved significant media coverage for the WA aquaculture industry as well as the research and initiatives undertaken by Government agencies and research organisations. Television A significant increase in the number of news and feature stories have been achieved during the promotion campaign. The food show Western Delights was definitely a success story in this regard. Radio Promotion continues in this area. Newspapers / Magazines WA and national coverage has been achieved both in metropolitan and country newspapers and magazines. Regular stories on aquaculture initiatives have highlighted the benefits this industry brings to WA. ACWA Website The new ACWA website continues to be developed. ACWA is awaiting the outcome from Department of Commerce and Trade on its funding application. Money still exists in the promotion initiative. Product Promotions Few promotional events involving products were completed. Industry did participate in Boston and provided product. It is hoped to participate in television cooking shows during the year of 2001/02 Investment Seminar This was very successful based on feedback from participants. It is intended to make this an annual event. Major Initiatives 2001/02 Generic Brochures These have yet to be finalised, but will form the basis for the generic presentation kit to be used by industry spokespersons when delivering presentations to the general community about the WA aquaculture industry. A final list of information to be included in this material is to be prepared. Schools Info Brochures Again, these have yet to be finalised, but will form the basis for the generic presentation kit to be used by industry spokespersons when delivering presentations to the schools about the WA aquaculture industry. ACWA Promotion Committee members were asked to review the information available from FWA to determine what gaps if any exist and therefore provide an outline of what should be included and perhaps attached to the information from FWA. Aquaculture Communication Strategy This will provide the basis of the development of a Promotional Calendar for WA Aquaculture, outlining seasonality of specific species and promotional events and activities for which the industry

19 should consider its involvement. Below are some of the specific events at which ACWA communicated the aquaculture message to its target groups. It will also define how the right messages will target the most appropriate audience. Business & Investment Seminar ACWA held a seminar in October that was very successful in promoting the industry although it does not seem to have translated into projects being funded by financial institutions. A Stragey is being developed for the industry on how to turn this around. ACWA NEWS Future development of this magazine will depend on support from advertisers and subscribers. This magazine has been very successful and every effort will be made to ensure its continued success. It is a drain on the resources of ACWA. Must increase circulation. Parliamentary Aquaculture Week It is hoped to feature aquaculture products in a display in Parliament House during the second week of March 2002. This will include supplying aquaculture produce to the dining room for lunches during the week. The objective is to promote the aquaculture industry and various products. A cocktail party will be hosted by the Minister for Fisheries. Esperance Conference ACWA will sponsor a booth at the Coastal Conference in Esperance. The objective is to promote the industry to local community groups and to Government representatives. It is important to educate these groups about the benefits of aquaculture to rural and regional WA and dispel concerns about pollution and compatibility with other activities. Website ACWA is establishing a State portal for aquaculture. All members of ACWA are asked to participate. They will be offered a site for their organization and be able to put together any material they wish. The annual fee will be in the order of $250 for the first year. ACWA will carry the majority of costs at around $800 pa. It is looking at sharing the cost amongst its members and getting various forms of income through advertising and sponsorship. ACWA NEWS Many of the issues are across various sectors. The magazine has been the industry’s vehicle to transfer information. It is important that members support the magazine through advertising, increasing subscription or just providing articles. Mussel Festival This will be expanded into a general aquaculture festival with participants from all sectors. Industry must take advantage of this venue and promote the industry.

20 TABLE 1: Industry Projects to be Conducted in 2001/02 These projects will have to be financed from external sources on a grant basis and are therefore not included in the annual operating(recurrent) budgets.

PROJECT Eco-Efficiency

BUDGET ($) 100,000

Groundwater Study


Industry Promotion




To conduct the Eco-Efficiency programme with EA and pursue various initiatives. To complete the groundwater resources atlas for WA. This will involve contracting the services of a person to assist in improving the image of aquaculture in the State.

This is project to be run over three years.

This project continues from the previous year.

Industry Promotion Initiatives to be Completed in 2001/02 EVENT



Investment Seminar


Parliamentary Promotion Mussel Festival


Bring together financial institutions and proponents of projects Inform politicians on the aquaculture industry. Facilitate participation with WAMPA

Media Watch



Continue to access articles.


Provide copies of ACWA NEWS Mussel industry to fund and ADF application. Part of industry promotion package


Aquaculture Council of Western Australia Aquaculture Development Council: This is a ministerial advisory committee, appointed by the Minister to advise on matters relating to aquaculture (Section 37 of the FRMA). ADF Aquaculture Development Fund ANZECC Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council AQIS Australian Quarantine Inspection Service ASQAP Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Programme ASP Amnesiac Shellfish Poisoning ASSAC Australian Shellfish Sanitation Advisory Committee ASSCP Australian Shellfish Sanitation Control Program BRS Bureau of Resource Sciences CALM Conservation and Land Management

21 COP Code of Practice CRC Cooperative Research Centre for Aquaculture DBIF Development and Better Interest Fund DEP Department of Environmental Protection DOF Department of Fisheries DOLA Department of Land Administration DOT Department of Transport EEC European Economic Community, also European Union EIS Environmental Impact Study/Statement/Survey EMS Environmental Management Systems EPA Environmental Protection Authority EPBC Environmental Protection, Biodiversity and Conservation Act ESD Ecological Sustainable Development FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations FHMC Fish Health Management Committee FPA Fremantle Port Authority FRDC Fisheries Research and Development Corporation GMO Genetically Modified Organism HDWA Health Department of Western Australia HPLC High Power Liquid Chromatography JMRAC Jurien Marine Reserve Advisory Committee KGT Kwinana Grain Terminal NAC National Aquaculture Council NATA National Association of Testing Authorities NRS National Residue Survey PSP Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning QAP Quality Assurance Program RFAC Recreational Fishing Advisory Council SECC Seafood Export Consultative Committee USFDA United States Food and Drug Administration WAAAA Western Australian Abalone Aquaculture Association WAFIC Western Australian Fishing Industry Council WAMPA Western Australian Mussel Producers Association WASQAP Western Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program WAWA Waterways Authority of Western Australia WRC Water and Rivers Commission YPA Yabby Producers Association

22 Financial information provided to Department of Fisheries as part of ACWA’s reporting requirements. Appropriation and Forward Estimates 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 Actuals Budget Forward Forward Forward Forward Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Capital Total Capital Services Recurrent Amount required to fund outputs Total



148 168

141 145

150 150

155 155

165 165

170 170

Output/Appropriation Summary 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 Actual Budget Budget Forward Forward Forward Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 RECURRENT Outputs Corporate Services Total Net Cost of Outputs

148 148

141 141

150 150

155 155

165 165

170 170







less adjustments for cash balances Opening Balance Closing Balance

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

Recurrent Fund Appropriations







20 168


Less Adjustments for non-cash items Depreciation long service leave (LSL) Total non-cash items Total Cash Costs of Outputs

add Capital Appropriations Asset Replacement Capital Fund Appropriation Total Fund Appropriation








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