Annotated Source List 2019

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Sophia Majid January 22, 2019 Annotated Source List Abraham, J. (2018, April 06). How Are Missiles Able To 'Pursue' Targets When They Make Evasive Turns. Retrieved from ystem-line-of-sight-pursuit-navigation.html Summary: This ​article ​focuses alot on the limitation of Pro-Nav. The LOS system is almost useless when the target is using evasive maneuvers. Most airborne attacks involve militaristic operations are good at manuevering themselves around, espicially dodging LOS missiles. It is really hard for LOS missiles to make tight turns and be exact on where they go. This is why they shouldnt be used on targets thats approaching the reference point directly. One of the limitations of Proportional Navigation is that it is not able to work well with a moving target, a target that is mving at a constant velocity. There are many enhanced versions of proportional navigation that are used in order to get rid of the limitations the basic pro-nav faces. These enhanced versions are called Augumented Proportioanl Navigation. Application to Research: This research talks specifically about different guidance systems and the limitations that come along with them. There is a section all the way at the end of this article that talks about the limitations of proportional navigation, which will be one of the main focuses of my paper. This can be used to talk about what needs to be fixed in certain guidance systems and how do you know which one is the best to use. This will also help me create my hypothesis for the experiment. A computer analysis of proportional navigation. (n.d.). [PDF file] Summary: A missile that follows a premade path half the way to a target and then becomes dynamically unstable is then incapable of remaining upon the path. Such a vehicle, in order to perform properly, must be piloted and capable of responding to control signals.The attitude control system functions to maintain the missile in the desired attitude on the ordered flight path by controlling the missile in pitch, roll, and yaw. The attitude control system operates as an autopilot, damping out fluctuations that tend to deflect the missile from its ordered flight path. The function of the flight path control system is to determine the flight path necessary for target interception and to generate the orders to the attitude control system to maintain that path. The sensing abilities allows the seeker to detect and identify the target and guide the missile to it. The ability to guide a missile to a detected target is the guidance laws. Perhaps the most intuitive and also one of the earliest guidance laws is the pursuit guidance law (which will be used in my research). Pursuit guidance basically states that as long as the missile is pointed at the target at all times, given with enough kinetic energy, the missile will hit the target no matter what.

Application to Research: This source would be a good thing to go back to and help organize my essay. It includes many sources relavent to my topic that I can use. This source is a research paper that has been conducted in the navy. However I am not sure, but I think that this is a students thesis paper. It goes through several different guidance laws that are benefical to my overall topic. Aerospace blockset. (n.d.). Retrieved from Summary: Creating a flight stimulation for any product needs to be set in a certain model. There are several types of models that could be used in order to understand the different dimensions of certain objects. In this article, I found information on Airframe (aerodynamics) / Propulsion models, Motion models (Equations of rigid-body motion), Atmospheric models (air density vs. altitude), Gravity models. Environment (wind) models, and Guidance, Navigation, and Control system models. Each type of model will show different attributes needed in order to create a software stimulation using stimulink. Aerodynamic, Propulsion Models supply aerodynamic coefficients in body, stability, or wind axes, or specify whether forces and moments are calculated in body or wind axes. Motion Models for rigid body motion are a tranformation matrix that project what object in a certain scene, putting twwo images together in one. Atmostpheric models on the other hand are made up of mathematical equations that govern atmospheric motions such as tonadoes and heat exchange. Gravity models, contain mass and distance measurements to mimic gravational intereraction betweeen two things.Enviroment Models, models needs such as air and water for basic sustainity of life. Also, they can correlate with atmospheric models. Lastly, Guidance, Navigation, and Control system models use guidance blocks to calculate distance between two vehicles and other things such as vehicle path, location, and velocity, and the forces on the vehicle. Application to Research: When creating my product, a stimulation of a missle trajectory, I will need to have several different types of models incorporated into the making of my stimulation. These models will help me implement real life data such as distance between two objects, gravitys effects, air resistance, waters effect, natural disasters, on the stimulation. This way I will be able to see the causes and effects on certain things. Applications of generalized zero-effort-miss/zero-effort-velocity feedback guidance algorithm.(n.d.). Retrieved from Summary: Zero effort miss is applied when proportional navigation cares about the pull of gravitation and the effects of air resistance on the missile body. It has autonomous implementation and is put into scenario when dealing with augmented proportional navigation rather than basic proportional navigation. It determines that distance away from the target and the amount of acceleration, or energy, needed in order to get to the final distance. The sero effort miss also calculates if the missile is going away, or going to, the target and if so the displacement between the two. This controls the accuracy during the last phase, terminal.

ero-effort-velocity algorithm can even compete with corresponding open-loop optimal solutions, while its feedback characteristics make it more suitable to deal with uncertainties and perturbations. By employing the zero-effort-miss/zero-effort-velocity algorithm in the highly nonlinear orbital transfer and raising problems and comparing with corresponding open-loop optimal solutions, its simplicity and near-optimality are further verified. Application to Research: This source will be used in the analysis because it is a strong characteristic that can be used to determine the success rate of missile trajectory using proportional navigation. Zero effort miss is a complicated topic that will need defining during the introduction and will later on be applied during the data analysis and conclusion of the paper. There are several types of Zero effort misses, but in the paper, to keep it simplified, it will only use the basic concept of it. Basic principles of homing guidance [PDF file]. Retrived from Summary: Through pages 1 - 7, the concept of mission projection was described. It showed the importance of the three stages of a missile performance: boost, midcourse and terminal. Boost, which is the first stage starts at onboard. The inertial guidance, which helps give a boost to the missile, launching it a specific path to hit a certain guidance, creates the fire at the end of the missile, and pushes it upwards to wherever the signal is telling it to go to. The second stage, midcourse, is when half of the missile falls off and the missile becomes smaller, giving one extra boost before it comes next to the target. During this, the onboard equipment locate the target, which is usually in motion, by radio waves, and then signals the missle to go to that area. At the second stage, the main goal is to be horizontal specifically 180 degrees to the target so the missile can explode, therefore getting rid of the target. Before the goal is reached, in the third stage, the PIP, predicted intercept point, is located. This way, the missile knows where to go, and where it should guide itself. Once found, with a high speed of accuracy, the missle explodes, destroying the target. The missile and the target travel extremely fast. It is important to note that being able to reach the target correctly is unlikely unless there is a high speed of accuracy. Application to Research: The first reading report is broad information to be able to add into the introduction of the research paper. This way, readers are informed about how missile trajectory works, and specific vocabulary that will be used throughout the rest of the paper. Further reports will go deeper in the dynamics and physics behind the projectile motion of the guided or unguided missile, and the importance of a highly accurate guide for missiles in the U.S. army. Create a Simple Model. (n.d.). Retrieved from _doc Summary: This website shows the basics of using Simulink on MATLAB and the different functions that can be used on a simple program. Simulink is developed by MAthworks, which is also the creator of this website. It is a graphical programming environment for modeling, simulating and analyzing multidomain dynamical systems oftern used for engineering puposes.

It runs the reader through an example code on Simulink, and simulates simplified motion of a car. A car is typically in motion while the pedal is pressed. It idles after and comes to a stop. after a brief press of the accelerator pedal. It shows how Simulink helps define a mathematival concept thrugh input and output. It also helps create a plot as the end result, which may be needed in this research. Application to Research: This website applies to my research because its foundation helps create the aactual product of my research. It shows how to use a simple matematical concept and create a line graph out of it, which is the goal of my research. Once I enter the data points from HTML, I can get real data and put it on the HTML website. Chapter 15 guidance and control. (n.d.). Retrieved from Summary: This ​article​ goes through several objectives including the purpose and phases of guidance systems, the understanding of homing guidance, the weapons of homing systems, and the difference between guided and variable paths. The term missile in the post- World War II era has generally been used the same way as guided missile. In the un-guided case, initial conditions (such as train, elevation, powder charge in naval guns) and exterior ballistic effects are parameters that affect the "fall of shot.". Every guidance system has altitude guidance system and a flight path system. The attitude control system functions to maintain the missile in the desired attitude on the ordered flight path by controlling the missile in pitch, roll, and yaw. The attitude control system operates as an autopilot, damping out fluctuations that tend to deflect the missile from its ordered flight path. The function of the flight path control system is to determine the flight path necessary for target interception and to generate the orders to the attitude control system to maintain that path. Application to Research: I can use this source to help talk about the basics of guidance systems, the different types of guidance systems, and how they affect the overall performance. Although this source goes really in depth about each part of the missile and guidance system, I can pull out the basic simple information I need to use to help give my audience a relatable definition they can go back and refer to. Chapter 16 guidance and control (n.d.). Retrieved from Summary: This article goes through the functions, purpose, accelometers, sensors, and different guided flight paths. The operation of a guidance and control system is based on the principle of feedback. The control units make adjustments to the missile control surfaces when a guidance error is there. The control units also adjust the control surfaces to stabilize the missile in roll, pitch, and yaw. Guidance and stabilization corrections are put together, resulting as an error signal to the control system. It is clear that the concept of Guidance and Control involves not only the maintenance of a particular vehicle's path from point A to B in space, but also the proper behavior of the vehicle while following the path. A missile that follows a premade path half the way to a target and then becomes dynamically unstable is then incapable of remaining

upon the path. Such a vehicle, in order to perform properly, must be piloted and capable of responding to control signals. Application to Research: Although this paper is not shaped like a research paper, most of its information is very reliable and organized like a research paper. The researcher can refer back to this website in order to see how to format and if they left anything valuable out. All of these general concepts are supposed to be in the research paper, but a more concise and directly focused on the missile launch the simulation is going to provide. Designing a guidance system. (n.d.). Retrieved from atlab-and-simulink.html Summary: This example shows the model of the missile airframe presented uses advanced control methods applied to missile autopilot design. The model represents a tail controlled missile travelling between Mach 2 and Mach 4, at altitudes ranging between 10,000ft and 60,000ft, and with typical angles of attack ranging between +/-20 degrees.The airframe model has of four principal subsystems, controlled through the acceleration-demand autopilot. The Atmosphere model calculates the change in atmospheric conditions with changing altitude, the Fin Actuator and Sensors models couple the autopilot to the airframe, and the Aerodynamics and Equations of Motion model calculates the magnitude of the forces and moments acting on the missile body, and applies the equations of motion. Application to Research: I will apply this to my research by using the concepts in this model to make a model that can u proportional navigation and calculate the missile trajectory of a missile through the use of simulink. The basic ideas in this source will be used in the research paper to furthter develop and explain how the simulation was created and works. Fundamentals of proportional navigation [PDF file]. Retrieved from Cornell Aeronatical Laboratory, Inc. Summary: In this article, which is tutorial in nature, the basic theory of proportional navigation is presented and clarified. In addition, two variations on this guidance method are treated: one in which the com- manded acceleration is biased by a small value of the measured rotational rate of the line of sight between the interceptor and its target, and one in which the line-of-sight rotational rate is reduced to a prescribed value (dead space) and then maintained at this rate until intercept. The analysis is directed, by example, to the case of the exoatmospheric interception of a satelite; however, the guidance theory presented is also applicable to the intercept of a nonmaneuvering airborne target. The Fin Actuator and Sensors models couple the autopilot to the airframe, and the aerodynamics and equations of motion model calculates the magnitude of the forces and moments acting on the missile body, and integrates the equations of motion. Application to Research: This article will be used to help explain the background behind the non maneuvering target. This article only goes into detail about the missile tragectory of an airborne vechile that

has a target that stays still. In the simulation, there will be three different types of missiles, two will include targets that are in movement and one will include a target that is not. Fundamentals of tactical guidance. (n.d.). [ PowerPoint Slides ] Retrieved from,,SSL GetFileAttachment?id=AAMkADliODM4OWZmLTkyODctNDllYS1hY2QyLTAwWI 3OTZkMTMyNQBGAAAAAAClpHzyFf51RJYomP AU51CBwDdoCGt1vbWRqwl7 CjOkGQAAAAAAEMAADdoCGt1vbWRqwl7CjOkGQAABO7yg8AAABEgAQAM R6pwuk4CVBlHjUdCH6J3o=&X-OWA-CANARY=D_e7DVX4zUSEfEhA3JpvuQrQ 0Jx4LNYIT0DH-R8_nNWBrUpQw2Jk5DY9bxcxn1OHUgIvNHLVR2w. Summary: This powerpoint was made by my mentor for her flight class. It discusses Tactical Guidance and Proportional Navigation. There are three stages of missile guidance, Boost, Midcourse, and Terminal. This research will be focusing on the terminal phase. Boost is basically when the missile is launched from a launch platform, midcourse is when the missile is traveling through air like it is programmed to, and isn't being affected by guidance laws just yet, and most importantly, the terminal phase is when the seeker has detected the target and is calculating where and when the missile has to explode, and how much it has to accelerate in order to have a zero miss. This stage requires his accuracy in order to successfully work. In the middle of Midcourse and Terminal, Handover happens. Handover is when the seeker has found the target and is determining what guidance law it has to follow. At this time, the missile is also communicating with the inboard, to let them know how fast it is aceeletationg, and so they can estimate of the missile is going to successfully make it. When it finds the target, the target may not be stable. For example, if the target was another missile, then the defense missile will change its guidance law throughout time to make sure that it intercept the fast moving target. Application to Research: This powerpoint presentation gives step to step procedures on what the defense missile and target missile are going through. It talks about different factors that affect the outcome of the simulation as well as the different ways and different guidance laws that can be used to successfully solve the experiment. At the bottom there are two very helpful pictures that can be included on powerpoints and the research paper because they do a very good job of explaining the trajectory of the missile and what it is going through in each phase. Guilmartin, J. F., Fought, S. O., & Durant, F. C. (2012, February 03). Rocket and missile system. Retrieved from Summary: The ​article ​helped symbolise certain aspects of missiles. Missiles and Rockets are objects that explode when hitting a goal (target). These propelled missiles run at a forward direction at a very high velocity. Rocket propulsion, which “pushes” the rocket upwards, in the air, is a part of the jet-propulsion family. Other things included in this family are engines that includes turbojet, pulse-jet, and ramjet systems. The rocket engine is different from these because propulsive jet (that is, the fuel and oxidizer) are self-contained within the vehicle. Therefore, the “push” produced is independent of the medium through which the vehicle

travel. This causes the rocket engine to be capable of flight beyond the atmosphere or propulsion underwater. A ballistic missile is propelled by a rocket engine for only the first part of its flight; for the rest of the flight the unpowered missile follows an angled trajectory, while small fixes are being made by its guidance mechanism ( usually radar signals ) . Application to Research: This ​article​ defines parts of the missile and other technology that interferes with missile trajectory. This can be used in the introduction and rationale of the research paper so the readers can be able to refer and understand the parts talked about later in the paper. Not only this, but this article helps me get a better understanding of different parts of the missile and how they might impact the final product, which will be a missile stimulation. History of missile. (n.d.). Retrieved from Summary: This ​article ​explained the history of missiles and where they originated from. Indian warriors used to have missiles called “astras”. Many were made and drawn about in scriptures. The community decided to conceal the scriptures and the astras for the benefit of the community. A few decades later, Tipu Sultan was against the British army, and used thousands of rockets to result in defeat. These missiles were attaches to bamboo and steal spears and loaded with gunpowder. Modern day Germany then created V1 and V2, which were the first successful missiles made. After the World War II era, many countries were involved in innovating this new idea. Today india is one of the few countries who has advanced in ballistic missiles, and developed critical missile systems with new technologies. Application to Research: This article can be used for the rationale and introduction part of the research paper which will allow readers to understand the background of missiles and how they have been innovated for a long period of time from many different countries. In the rationale, this article can give history on the rocket and how it has impacted current news. This article also has detailed pictures which could be part of the research paper or presentation. Those pictures will help bring an understanding on the concept of missile trajectory. HTML element reference. (n.d.). Retrieved from Summary: This website includes several codes that I can use while making the website. It teaches how to create rectangles, buttons and graphs. In my webiste, I will have a rectangle on the top, beggiigning of the page, that has the title of the website on it and the contributers, with a APL logo, then as aa user my scroll down on the website, it will have several graphs of missiles with different targets, and when you hover over a point on the grpah, it shows the use if the missile is at boost, midcourse or terminal. I could use code as above to print out the circles for the dots on the webpage. Application to Research: This website will help me this week create the outline of the webpage that will organize and show the grpahs that I will present. I am not allowed to use the website outside of APL, so for school research, I will be taking screenshots of the grpahs that I have created. This source is

extrmely helpful to learn how to do simple codes on shapes, lines, formatting and several other things. Meaning of shape for a v-t graph. (n.d.). Retrieved from Summary: Velocity vs Time grpahs show two different tyoes of accleration, constant accleration and acclerated acceleration which occurs when the velocity is different over a course of time. The principle is that the slope of the line on a velocity-time graph reveals useful information about the acceleration of the object. If the acceleration is zero, then the slope is zero (i.e., a horizontal line). If the acceleration is positive, then the slope is positive (i.e., an upward sloping line). If the acceleration is negative, then the slope is negative (i.e., a downward sloping line). This very principle can be extended to any conceivable motion. a positive velocity means the object is moving in the positive direction; and a negative velocity means the object is moving in the negative direction. And finally, if a line crosses over the x-axis from the positive region to the negative region of the graph (or vice versa), then the object has changed directions. Application to Research: This article explains how velocity vs time graphs can be interpreted to find relationships between a cars instatentous velocity over time. This source is useful because my data of missile trajectory will be plotted by HTML on a website. By learning how the background behind velocity vs time grpahs, which are often used in physics, I can better analyze my data, and find more information that I did not see before. Missile guidance laws. (n.d.).[ PDF ] Retrieved from Summary: This article goes through the basics of guidance laws. A guidance law is like the brain of a missile. It is a set of procedures the missile follows to reach its end goal. Through the launch the missiles uses a seeker, which detects where the target it. Using waves, the target is continuously stabilized and the guidance law is recalculated. This way, the missile always knows which way to go. The guidance law determines how fast the missile has to accelerate in g’s and the magnitude and distance it can travel. Guidance Laws were first created during World War II in Germany. Line of Sight Guidance Laws, which are the specific ones used in this research, pruisit guidance and proportional navigation.s. The modern guidance laws are derived from optimal control theory, differential games, singular perturbation theory, and reachable set theory. Of these, the proportional navigation (PN) guidance laws form the boundary between the classical and the modern approach. The basic PN law is a classical guidance law whereas many of its variants are recent extensions and should rightfully be treated as modern guidance laws. Application to Research: In my research, the proportional navigation equation will be used in order to calculate the guidance laws. This takes a big part of my research due to the fact that the function behind the equation is important and how it is effect the data. This source would be beneficial to use in the data analysis, methods and introduction of the research paper.

Modern guidance laws lecture 10 [PDF file]. Retrieved from Summary: This article classifys concepts missilesmust have in order to be able to detect where to go ( guided missile ). The guidance law gives the missile its purpose and creates steering guidance commands in the form of acceleration vectors. It is regenerated throughout the flight every couple seconds throught the flight to make sure that it hits the moving target and declares a line of sight to follow. The proportional navigation theory form the boundaries between classical and the modern approach. The basic proportional navigation law is a classical law that has mant variants and recent extentions addrd on in orfer to make it more modern for the missiles we use today. Specifucally, the Line of Sight guidance. In the end of the midcourse phase the missile detects a line of sight to follow to get to the target at a specific time using a certain amount of acceleration. The velocity of the missile should always be perpendicular to the line of sight of the missile. Application to Research: This lecture goes over the histiry and changes of the guidance laws overtime, and contain why the guidance laws are formed the way they are, which can be included in the rational to discuess the importance of its structure which can be used in the introduction. Many equations are in the course notes and show how they are dervived from older equarions. Morris, G. (2010).Guidance of missiles​ ​[Class handout]. Retrieved from CAMS. Summary: The college course notes I was given by my mentor allowed me to learn more vocabulary and concepts of the guidance of missiles. It goes through seeker stabilization, target acquisition, angle tracking, and steering signal generation. It goes more in depth on the relative velocity rather than the acceleration and amount of gs like the other sources. For the second part of the research question, it answers advantages and disadvantages on preset guidance, passive homing, and active homing. Many diagrams are shown which can be included in the final paper. Many real life missile data is included in this as well. As a missile is in its initial phase, it is pre programmed to maneuver safely once released from the launch platform. After a short period time, it reaches the midcourse phase. This phase is when the missile maintains its speed and direction until it is about to reach the final target. When it reaches the final target and is has a line of sight declared, it rapidly starts increasing the amount of gs used for acceleration to hit the target at that time. This is the most crucial phase, the terminal phase. Application to Research: Due to the fact that this source has more terminology than the other ones, it can be used as a foundation that helps me and my audience understand basic concepts without making it to difficult to explain. It includes many realistic and simple diagrams that can be put in the final presentation. It has many operational definitions that can be added to the hypothesis assignment and later be used as a refernece whille reading other, more complicated, sources.

Morris , G. (2010). Chapter 7: Missile guidance laws [Class handout]. Retrieved from CAMS. Summary: This handout focused on missile guidance laws. It classifys certian characteristics missiles need in order to be considered a guided or a unguided missile. The guidance law is the brian of the missile and its purpose is to generate steering guidance commands in the form of magnitude and direction of lateral acceleration. This law is continuously regenerated throught the flight to make sure that it hits the moving target and declares a line of sight to follow. The modern guidnace law is dervied from the optimal control theory, differential games, singular pertubation theory and reachable set theory. The proportional navigation theory form the boundaries between classical and the modern approach. The basic proportional navigation law is a classical law that has mant variants and recent extentions addrd on in orfer to make it more modern for the missiles we use today. Specifucally, the Line of Sight guidance. In the end of the midcourse phase the missile detects a line of sight to follow to get to the target at a specific time using a certain amount of acceleration. The velocity of the missile should always be perpendicular to the line of sight of the missile. Application to Research: These course notes used in the two sources are going to be the main sources used to create the hypothesis assigment. This is because it goes over the histiry and changes of the guidance laws overtime, and contain why the guidance laws are formed the way they are, which can be included in the rational to discuess the importance of its structure. Pin-Jar Yuan and Jeng-Shing Chern. “Ideal proportional navigation” Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics, Vol. 15, No. 5 (1992), pp. 1161-1165. Retrieved from Summary: The purpose of this research paper is to help determine the ideal porportional navigation for a missile hitting several types of targets. The targets can be moving at a constant speed linerally, swerve up and down at difference minimims and maximums exponetially, or be an object not in motion. These are all important factors of the simulation because without these the researcher is not able to know if the guidance law is workable for all different types of simulations, and if there are any adjustments neededing to be made. There has been alot of upcoming research on this topic that the authors talk about in the first paragraph of the introduction. Going through the sources can help find new information for certain sections of the research paper.It is clear that the concept of Guidance and Control involves not only the maintenance of a particular vehicle's path from point A to B in space, but also the proper behavior of the vehicle while following the path. A missile that follows a premade path half the way to a target and then becomes dynamically unstable is then incapable of remaining upon the path. Such a vehicle, in order to perform properly, must be piloted and capable of responding to control signals. The attitude control system operates as an autopilot, damping out fluctuations that tend to deflect the missile from its ordered flight path. The function of the flight path control system is to determine the flight path necessary for target interception and to generate the orders to the attitude control system to maintain that path.

Application to Research: The research paper has a nomenclature and subscript section due to all of the formulas used in this paper. I feel as though this is really useful for the audience so they have some place to refer back too. The title of the paper is “Ideal porportional Navigation” which I may use as well due to the fact that it is more condesed and easier to understand. If I do use this title I will make slight modification to make sure that it perfectly matches what is stated in the paper. This research paper is almost identical to how I have mine planned out. It can help me decide what pieces of information go where, and use its references to future reading reports. Proportional navigation top # 19 facts. (2015, October 29). Retrieved from Summary: Proportional Navigation is also known as PN or Pro-Nav. It is a guidance law used in some type of form or another by most homing air target missiles. It is based on the fact that two vechiles are on a collision course when their direct line of sight does not change direction as the range closes. Pro-Nav dictates that the missile velocity vector should rotate at a rate proportional to the rotation rate of the line of sight, and in the same direction. Where the acceleration is perpendicular to the instatenous line of sight, is the proportionality constant generally having a integer value , is the line of rate, and V is the closing velocity. For example, if the line of sight rotates at north to west, the missile should turn right at a faster factor rate. The applied acceleration does not perserve the missile kinetic energy. Proportional Navigation can also be achieved using a acceleration normal to the instatentous velocity difference: where the rotation vector of the line of sight, and is the target velocity relative to the missile and is the range from missile to target. Application to Research: This ​video ​goes through the basic laws of proportional navigation and what conceptual ideas a derived from them. I can use this in the introduction of my research paper becuase it goes through many of the basics of proportiona navigation and why it is important in the use of defensive and homing missiles. Pure proportional navigation. (n.d.). [PDF file] Retrieved from Summary: The Pure Proportional Navigation (PPN) guidance law generates a guidance command which attempts to make the angular rate of the missile velocity vector equal to the line-of-sight (LOS) angular rate. The reference direction chosen here is not just any arbitrary direction but rather the direction of the target’s velocity which, in turn, is a constant since the target is a non-maneuvering one.The airframe model consists of four different principles. The Atmosphere model calculates the change in atmospheric conditions with changing altitude, the Fin Actuator and Sensors models couple the autopilot to the airframe, and the Aerodynamics and Equations of Motion model calculates the magnitude of the forces and moments acting on the missile body, and integrates the equations of motion.The operation of a guidance and control system is based on the principle of feedback. The control units make adjustments to the missile control surfaces when a guidance error is there. The control units also adjust the control surfaces to stabilize the missile in roll, pitch, and yaw. Guidance and stabilization corrections

are put together, resulting as an error signal to the control system. It is clear that the concept of Guidance and Control involves not only the maintenance of a particular vehicle's path from point A to B in space, but also the proper behavior of the vehicle while following the path. Application to Research: I can use this source to help talk about the basics of guidance systems, the different types of guidance systems, and how they affect the overall performance. Although this source goes really in depth about each part of the missile and guidance system, I can pull out the basic simple information I need to use to help give my audience a relatable definition they can go back and refer to. Retro-proportional-navigation: A new guidance law for interception of high speed targets. (n.d.). Retrieved from Summary: In this paper, a specific type of proportional navigation is studied. It is called retro-proportional-navigation. This law is specifically made for targets that accelerate faster than the interceptors. This paper studies both the difference, similarities and how retro proportional navigation is derived from the basic proportional navigation law. At higher interceptor time periods, Retro Pro Nav needs a smaller acceleration that basic proportional navigation. Also the capture region is bigger than proportional navigation. Application to Research: This can be used in the research to show different options an engineer can use when a limitation in proportional navigation keeps from having a higher success rate. Retro proportional navigation is an augmented guidance law, and the changes made in the equation are to make the missile hit the target better. This can be talked about in the conclusion or analysis of the research paper. Select a web site. (n.d.). Retrieved from Summary: This article is in MathWorks, which is a site known for MATLAB. This article shows how to design guidance systems in MATLAB and stimulink. MATLAB is a coding language used in APL and other places, and Simulink is a form of MATLAB, but instead of code, the computer reads visual representations of code, diagrams. It includes airframe dynamics, a nonlinear representation of the airframe. The forces and moments acting upon the aircraft, or missile, are due to generated coeffcients. Not only this, but the article goes through how to represent the airframe. The airframe model consists of four different principles. The Atmosphere model calculates the change in atmospheric conditions with changing altitude, the Fin Actuator and Sensors models couple the autopilot to the airframe, and the Aerodynamics and Equations of Motion model calculates the magnitude of the forces and moments acting on the missile body, and integrates the equations of motion. Application to Research: This article may not help much with the research paper, besides giving the researcher scientific vocabulary and certain concepts to memorize, but will help to create the simulink code to make simulation of different missiles going on different guidance paths. It includes many

diagrams and examples that the researcher can use as a foundation for the code they are going to make. It is step by step procedures that can be used and plugged into Simulink, if the researcher is stuck on making the simulations. Missiles. (n.d.). Retrieved from Summary: This ​online website​ by Scott Murray shows step to step chapters on how to work D3, which is a specific type of HTML that will be used to create graphs. Through chapter 9= 10, It talks about the SVG primers and how to draw them, basically showing different ways in order to represent data, not only through a scatter plot. It shows how one can increase the size of the point made on the graph to visually show its quantitative measurement compared to other graphs. It continues on about the types of data that can be used in order to create graphs, which in this research will specifically be on velocity vs time graphs. It is has a complete section on creating bar charts and scatter plots, which this program is specifically really at visualizing. It continues to show how an individual can edit the width, length and other characteristic of Scales and Axes, even making them invisible to the audience. At the end, it goes through transitions, and how you can replace your c​ode into becoming more simpler and neater. Before the first half of the tutorial, which this research will be focusing on, Scott Murray provided basic fundamentals of the setup of HTML, adding elements and changing methods to bring in more complicated code. It specified how to bind the different types of data that are used to make graphs. Application to Research: I will use this in my research in order to create the D3 tutorial graphs on the website so I can take screenshots and edit them to attach to my final presentation. The pictures I take of the website I can use but the overall website I am not able to show due to APL restrictions. The explanations here can be used in the Analysis when talking about what the data represents and how was it made to look a certain way. Solomon, K. D., Raj. (n.d.). Performance evaluation of proportional navigation guidance for low-maneuvering targets [PDF]. 2014: International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. Summary: This source is also a research paper that goes through the performance evaluation of porportional navigation. It includes many diagrams of velocity vs time graphs that show the acceleration by the slope and the amount ofdisplaement by the area under the curve. This research paper particularly these graphs which will be created through Simulink and MATLAB to model the same concept. They will show the importance of acceleration and how many g’s are needed in order for the missile to accelerate at the right time duing the terminal phase and hit the target. As long as the missile is in the right parameter and close enough to the target the mission is successful. These grpahs help the researchers and the authors to analyze the accuracy and perscion of the guidance law code used for that specific missile. This way also the researcher and computer scientists can see if the guidance law works on one type of missile or several missiles. Application to Research:

I will be able to apply this to my research by using this research paper as a tool to help evaultate the velocity vs time grpahs that with be created by the simulation and the guidance law code. I will be able to see what important factors are used in order to determine how accurate the guidance law is, and what variable needs to be adjusted to be better. ns are in the course notes and show how they are dervived from older equarions. Szypula. (n.d.). Retrieved from 14 - Guidance and Control Principles.ppt &cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us Summary: This powerpoint presentation reviews the basic concepts of guidance laws and each operational definition. Through the presentation definitions are given and at the end the researcher shows how these different operators work in the guidance law and determine the success rate of a missile trajectory. ​ As a missile is in its initial phase, it is pre programmed to maneuver safely once released from the launch platform. After a short period time, it reaches the midcourse phase. This phase is when the missile maintains its speed and direction until it is about to reach the final target. When it reaches the final target and is has a line of sight declared, it rapidly starts increasing the amount of gs used for acceleration to hit the target at that time. This is the most crucial phase, the terminal phase. Application to Research: I can apply this to my research by adding it on to the introduction of the research paper which will help the audience understand the simple definitions that come into missile trajectory. This also adds on to a past source I have used in the hypothesis assignment, where I can add on to. This source also supports my research question and hypothesis and can be used to figure out a rationale. Thesis organization. (n.d.). Retrieved from ulltext/u2/a556639.pdf Summary: This ​research paper​ is goes through the basics of tactical missiles. s. Tactical missiles are used in scenarios where the ranges concerned are more limited and are usually guided by a seeker sensor. The seekers can be active, passive or even semi-active by using electromagnetic waves for radar senors and lasers. The sensing abilities allows the seeker to detect and identify the target and guide the missile to it. The ability to guide a missile to a detected target is the guidance laws. Perhaps the most intuitive and also one of the earliest guidance laws is the pursuit guidance law (which will be used in my research). Pursuit guidance basically states that as long as the missile is pointed at the target at all times, given with enough kinetic energy, the missile will hit the target no matter what. A simple guidance law implemented, however, does not work so well because the kinetic energy available to two such missiles is limited. This is one of the most eearliest and least advanced guidance law that it not used currently. Application to Research: This source would be a good thing to go back to and help organize my essay. It includes many sources relavent to my topic that I can use. This source is a research paper that has been

conducted in the navy. However I am not sure, but I think that this is a students thesis paper. It goes through several different guidance laws that are benefical to my overall topic.

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