Annex B - Self Assessment Form Sept7[1]

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Annex B

CANDIDATE’S SELF ASSESSMENT APPLICATION FOR TRI-CLUSTER COORDINATOR TRAINING WORKSHOP Name…Dr BEN ABDALLAH Kamel…. Date…27 September 2008. A) FUNCTIONAL Competencies Please rate (between 0-4) the level of your knowledge and experience of the following functional competencies, both within an emergency situation and/or a development setting. 0 = No knowledge and experience, less than 1 year of work experience 1= Limited knowledge and experience, ~ 1-2 years of relevant work experience 2= Intermediate knowledge and experience, ~ 3- 5 years relevant work experience 3= Significant knowledge and experience, ~6-9 years of relevant work experience 4= Expert: 10 + years of relevant work experience Management Related Competencies (use ratings above) 1.Team Leader 2. Project Manager 3. Senior Programme Coordinator 4. Senior Technical Advisor 5. Sector/Cluster Coordinator Task Related Competencies 6. Needs Assessor 7. Monitoring and Impact Evaluator 8. Trainer 9. Report or Proposal Writer 10. Emergency Preparedness Planner

Emergency Setting 0 0 0 0 0

Development Setting 4 4 4 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

4 4 4 2 2

Technical Subject Area (Use Ratings Above) 11. Co-ordination of sectoral actors 12. Representation to government authorities/donors 13. CERF/Flash/CAP proposal and appeal writing 14. Facilitation skills 15. Media spokesperson 16. Information management systems 17. Strategic vision and global thinking 18. Reporting under tight deadlines 19. Knowledge of humanitarian reform principles, IHL, the reform pillars and updates, etc 20. Knowledge of cluster approach guidelines, including TOR, and how to apply them 21. Understanding of partner organizations (their mandates, limits, capacities) and awareness of how to integrate them into a cluster response. 22. Ability to avoid and/or mitigate conflicts and misunderstandings amongst partners, as well as with the cluster lead. Tri-Cluster Self Assessment

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Rate 2 4 2 4 0 4 4 4 0 0 2 2

(adapted from the WASH Cluster Self-Assessment), Sept 7, 2008

Availability What is the minimum amount of time needed for you to be ready to be deployed 48 fours as Cluster Coordinator if called on? Has your employer agreed to you being deployed at short notice (possibly 48 to 72 hours) as Cluster Coordinator? *Submit Completed Annex D What is the maximum period you can be deployed as Cluster Coordinator? 3 months Are there any health considerations that would prevent you from being deployed No as a Cluster Coordinator? If yes, provide details Training Courses attended relevant to Cluster Co-ordination Training organization



No one

Any other information regarding your general competencies you would like to note: NB: as the knowledge levels in a specific area are linked to years of practice and since I did not perform more then 3 months emergency interventions’ coordination (during Afghani war), I rated all items in emergency settings “0”

Tri-Cluster Self Assessment

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(adapted from the WASH Cluster Self-Assessment), Sept 7, 2008

B) TECHNICAL Competencies Please rate (between 0-4) the level of your knowledge and experience technical competencies, both within an emergency situation and/or a development setting. It is necessary only to complete the section relevant to your sector. Please do not double-count experiences – try and detail out whether emergency or development. 0 = No knowledge and experience, less than 1 year of work experience 1= Limited knowledge and experience, ~ 1-2 years of relevant work experience 2= Intermediate knowledge and experience, ~ 3- 5 years relevant work experience 3= Significant knowledge and experience, ~6-9 years of relevant work experience 4= Expert: 10 + years of relevant work experience

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (please rate as per above)

Technical Subject Area W1 Camp/Rural water supply (sourcing, treatment, supply, etc.) W2 Camp/Rural sanitation (latrines, solid waste etc.) W3 Camp/Rural Hygiene promotion / Community participation W4 Urban managed water W5 Urban managed sewerage W6 Urban managed solid waste W7 Other 1 (Specify) W8 Other 2 (Specify)

Emergency Setting 0

Development Setting 2

0 0 0 0 0

2 2 0 0 0

Emergency Setting 0

Development Setting 2

0 0

4 2





Nutrition (please rate as per above)

Technical Subject Area N1 Camp/Rural setting - basic knowledge of rapid assessment of Nutritional Status N2 Nutrition information and Surveillance system N3 Treatment/feeding practices of moderate and severe malnutrition (targeted and blanket feeding, inpatient and community based management, addressing MN deficiencies) N4 Basic knowledge nutritional needs in general population, pregnancy and lactation, infant and young children (supplementary feeding, micronutrient supplementation, promotion of IYCF - breast feeding and access to safe complementary feeding and caring practices) N5 Transition from emergency to development oriented interventions.

Tri-Cluster Self Assessment

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(adapted from the WASH Cluster Self-Assessment), Sept 7, 2008

□ Health

Technical Subject Area H1 Rapid Assessment skills and experience H2 MMR surveillance systems H3 Knowledge of basic health needs amongst a population in the relevant setting (e.g. emergency vs development) H4 Transition from emergency to development oriented interventions

Tri-Cluster Self Assessment

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Emergency Setting 0 0 0

Development Setting 4 4 4



(adapted from the WASH Cluster Self-Assessment), Sept 7, 2008

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