Ankit Govil Resume

  • November 2019
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DOB: 16/02/1987 | E-mail: [email protected] | Phone: 0120 4128896 Address: E-305; Alaknanda Aptts: Rampuri; P.O. Suryanagar; Ghaziabad; 201011

ED UC ATIONA L QUALI FI CATIONS Co ur se (Str eam )/ Exa minat ion

In stitut io n/Un iv er sity

BBS (Finance)

Shaheed Sukhdev College (University of Delhi)

HSC(U.P. Board) SSC(U.P. Board)

Ye ar of P as sin g

Per fo rma nc e

Still Pursuing

787/1200 [66%] (Till 4th Semester)

Mahanagar Boys’ Inter College, Lucknow.


372/500 [74%]

Mahanagar Boys’ Inter College, Lucknow.


462/600 [77%]





Em erg ing Sal es Cultu re in Bank s and It s Eff ect on Em plo ye e Stre ss (Bus in es s Co mmun ic atio n) - Detailed analysis of the new products being offered by banks in addition to core banking services and the ever increasing stress that employees face to meet their sales targets. Rea so ns for Fail ur e of Arc el or’ s Ant i-take ov er Strate gi es (M er chant bank ing) – Analyzed situations that existed at the time of MittalArcelor deal and the reasons why Arcelor could not thwart the hostile bid by Mittal Steel. Fi nanc ial Cr is is i n t he Inst ituti on s (Int er natio nal F inan ce )– Analyzed the major financial crisis like Overend, Gurney & Co. and impending financial crisis in China. Study of Br anded Di am ond Jewe ll er y Ma rket (Mark etin g Re se ar ch )- Conducted a primary study on the branded Diamond Jewellery Market- the major players and the consumer preferences.


Standard Ch art er ed Bank. (8 Weeks, May - July, 2007)  Learnt to work on the internal database of Standard Chartered Bank and servicing customer queries and grievances.  Attended to walk-in customers regarding account statements, deposits etc.  Attended to back office work like listing non operational accounts and accounts with discrepancies etc and handled customer communication regarding lockers and accounts discrepancies.  Submitted a report on ‘How Expert Advice on Investments Affects the Returns on Portfolios’.


Won first prize in the Debate Competition organized by Information & Broadcasting Ministry, Govt. of India by defeating 56 other school teams from all over U.P. in 2003

Won first prize in Jingling (Ad-Making Competition) in Micfest, organized by Mahanagar Boys’ Inter College under the aegis of Deptt. Of Cultural Affairs, Govt. of U.P. by defeating 22 other teams from reputed schools of India.

Secured 4th position among 58 participants from other schools of U.P. in the Debate Competition organized by State Land Use Board, Deptt. Of Planning, Govt. of U.P. in 2003.

Declared the winner of Best Teachers’ Day Message Contest by ICFAI University.

Declared 2nd runner-up in Spardha ‘07 organized by Carrer launcher among 48 teams.

Awarded the First Position in Working Model Designing Competition in Techkriti ’04, the all India inter-collegiate technology festival organized by IIT, Kanpur for a working Aero Model among 37 teams from other reputed schools and colleges.

Won the first prize in Debate Competition organized by Mahanagar Boys’ Inter College in 2003.

Won the first prize in Inter School Debate Competition on Drug Abuse organized by Mahanagar Boys’ Inter College.

Adjudged first in science exhibition organized in Mahanagar Boys’ Inter College for making a Fire Fighting Robot in 2003.

Received a Special Appreciation from Mahanagar Boys’ Inter College for inspiring leadership, organizing ability, spirit of team work, excellence in public speaking and loyalty towards institution.

POSITIONS OF RESPONSI BILITY • Co re Tea m M em be r (Convergence - 2006, Annual Corporate Seminar, S S College of Business Studies)  Member of HR team  Instrumental in working on background stuff and managing the event. • So ci ety V ic e Pr es id ent (WOW, Debating society, S S College of Business Studies, 2007)  Responsible for managing the society & ensuring participation at other B Schools and Colleges • Pr es id ent C ultu ral Co mmi tte e (Mahanagar Boys’ Inter College, Lucknow)  Organized and managed the annual inter-school fest Micfest, which attracted participation from 23 schools teams from all over India.  Organized the cultural events of the school like Teacher’s Day program, School Annual Day etc.  Performed other duties like selecting teams for participation in inter-school competitions and managing training schedules of school music and dance teams. OTHE R INT ER ESTS & AC TI VITIES  Worked with Edu-Mentor, a coaching institute for BBS Entrance preparation for 8 months from November ’06 to June ’07 on part time basis.  Conducted seminars for Edu-Mentor in various schools and coaching institutes regarding various career options after class 12th.  Counseled students regarding management education at undergraduate level.  Contributed by effecting some strategic tie-ups for the institute with other tuition centers.  Helped the institute achieve the target of 300 students in the very first year of inception.  Taught in the institute as a Maths and Reasoning Faculty Member during May and June ’07.  Interests include reading books, listening to music, gardening and playing basketball. Career Development Centre | Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies | Vivek Vihar Phase II, New Delhi - 110095 Tel: 91 11 22154581 | Fax: 91 11 22160644 | Email: [email protected]

Career Development Centre | Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies | Vivek Vihar Phase II, New Delhi - 110095 Tel: 91 11 22154581 | Fax: 91 11 22160644 | Email: [email protected]

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