Animal Experimentation Bleich

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 183
  • Pages: 1
Remah YD 24:8 shach , removal of wool and feathers prior to slaughtering Remah even haezer 5:14 anything necessary to effect a cure … but nevertheless people refrain from doing so because it constitutes cruelty. See biur hagra Ramban avodah zara 13b , Rabenu nessim [BM 32b, Nemukei yosef] scholars do not have to help unload animals Terumas hadeshen, pesakim u-Ketavim, no 105, says that this permissibility is based of the biblical dispensation granting humans the right use animals for their needs. Chasam sofer Bava Metzia 32b, quotes bereishis 1:28 Genesis 9:1-2 Pri migadim, OC, mishbetos zahav 468:2, breaking bone in birds’ wings so they cant fly. Issur vihetter haruch 59:36 says tosafos means if its efficacious for some matter. , of even non threatening maladies. Banyan zion 108, only for medical reasons and not for profit. Is rema’s intention. Bava metrzia 85a calf and rabbi yehudah anasi Sereide aiah III no 7 not like chelkas yakov I no 30, sec 6 [pg 231] Ziz Eliezer, Xiv, NO 68 Shevus yakov III, no 71 Marchei lev no 110 necessity dictates. Conclusion page 235-236

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