And The Wind Took

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,063
  • Pages: 5
And the wind took Perhaps this is not important, but on May 23, 2003 was the worst day of my life, one day he would remember and we still remember. The sun has just come like any other day, but differently, that day that would pass, let the brilliance of sunrise brighter as a last hope on a battlefield. The light from the sun touched my face, around 7:00 o’clock, when these come on the open window, because I have forgotten to close it after a busy night. The day before, my boss invited me to a party to promote his company, a flat that night where people go snob in the room with their glasses of champagne always full, probably because they never drinked not ever a single drop, just being praised by all who pass by them, with the same conversation: "My god, you are so beautiful tonight" "Thank you" "I love your jewelry, where you bought them, oh how highlights your beauty" the same boring talk, to those nothing inviting old men and lady, for them to be a little less sad, for their monotonous lives to manage a business of "generating money" and always finish the night taking their expensive whisky to forget all problems to finally have a horrible night's sleep, whatever what is important is that my boss asked and I was afraid of losing my job for a trainee I didn’t have any choice so I accepted, finished the paperwork that the boss had left, I was hoping to get home as faster as possible. Out of office, I took the elevator, he passed by the doorman who greeted me and I just greeted back of respect, but I hated that guy cause one time he called me on my office telephone to go down stairs to pick up some package for me, but when I get there he ask apology, and sad that he made a mistake, the package was not for me. Out where I was nearest to the bus stop, who was crowded, I caught a bus to finally reach go home. Even having a miserable job, I couldn’t complain about it, thanks to that job because with him I got a lot of money which one made possible, I single guy without a child, build a house where nothing was cheap, that made impressed every one who enters, because of the size and beauty. Inside my house, in that day, more or less at 6 o’clock I only had time to take a shower

and wear some clean clothes, to go running catch ride with a friend to go to the "party". On the way, I was talking with my friend, because he always wants to know why I don’t have a car, because I can buy one, and I always say: "I do not want to help with the global warming" and he always says: "Then buy a electric car" and keep talking this until we got on the big mansion where was going to happen the "party". The festival was basically a boredom as I said before, people were being snobbish snobbish and so on ... but it was more tiring than I thought, that after a time I stared to get bored and ask to the waiter my sixteenth glass of champagne, things became confused and some nonsense things was said by my side to those men and women, and the last thing I remember was my Boss calling my friend and telling him to take me home, there was around 11:00 o’clock, when I get home I lay down on my bed without think what I’ve done, waiting to I better day for tomorrow. And here I am waking and rising and looking at the schedule, trying to remember what to do in this new day, the first thing I remember is that, this day was the last time for many things that I kept all the year for this day, raised I went to the kitchen sit and eat while reviewing what to do, when I look at the schedule that I often supplemented by my mania to get organized on time, which to me meant not only a method of counting past actions, but for me time was a manipulation to the future to create a future ignoring the past, to finally move the tings around me, thus returning the counting of my time in my agenda. Once I see in her writed: "7:50a.m - pay the bills of the water and light of the month" trying to save the time, I pay those accounts quickly by computer and saved at least half an hour which could be useful in some near future, being more or less 7:35 a.m, leaves home to continue my journey to solve all my "problems", I caught the bus and arrived at my job only at 8:03 a.m when the porter came just noticed something strange, he had a malicious giggle at my back, climbed by traditional lift, entered my office and looked up at my desk, a cold wind came by my belly, I saw all my things together in two boxes and a yellow card in a paper written in red:

"OUT!!! YOU HAD BEEN FIRED" At the time I was stunned frizzed, pale probably I felt like everything that was mine, that I had created was led by a shadowy and cold wind that passed by me and taken everything, and the wind took it. That feeling lasted a few minutes, as a heat rose and made hot my blood generating a great and deep anger over the boss, ran to his room and opened the door looking in the eyes of that man who provided for me that anger, shouted the first thing that came my head. "Why?" Showing the paper, while I felt embarrassed for having spoken such stupidness. I stopped and I was looking at his face that was almost said to me"how you do not know," he finally told it: "Close the door and sit" I Obey and sit and he started to explain to myself the situation, what for me it was almost obvious at the moment, he said that I was too drunk at the beginning of the party and I ruin all the chances of business and so I ruined the whole party, if it was not the face a calm of my boss I could probably kill my boss, but as he was with a smile as if he likes my suffering for having lost my job, then I just punched him and contains up to see if he was alive I looked at the clock and it showed 8:31 remembered more for a compromise on my agenda, reminding me: "8:43 - Paying debt with loan shark" I was never proud of my love of play in casinos, but I felt much more powerful while I control with all that money in the form of colored plastic coins. With that mania I created a considerable debt, because I started to take money from the moneylenders to sustain my houseain always ask for money to loan shark not spend the money that I had worked hard to achieve, it sounds stupid, but at the time when I was addicted, it seemed for me. Returning to 8:32, ignored my exit and went running for everything and all ignoring them, walking quickly and only thinking in the near future if I did not pay the bail bondsman, I thought at the hospital with pelomenso 7 bullets in my chest bleeding , Was when the reality hit me and I saw in front of the "point of the moneylender" a bar a little deteriorated because of the time, with the personality of a bar gang, worthy of one of the films of Copola, passed by the doorman and went, once I met the

moneylender both divia, I sat straight and was wondering what was the amount of my debt, he got a small block in the pocket of his jacket with a pen tip of penalty bathed in gold and wrote an amount of at least one dozen zeros, looked the amount and I realized that I only my house could pay it, then told him to go to the bathroom, but leaves without running it understood, I felt a little hungry after all the stress that I had spent I found a small restaurant with tables waves which was difficult at that time, I sat and tried to relax with the food that was requested, with food that began to remind me of my childhood. "A little boy ran without stopping, among several sheep where a smile on his face that expressed a incontida happiness, something that every child should feel or have a sense of freedom where any problem could reach it, even the colors seem more colorful " While I was thinking about it appeared a dog, a Labrador and cleaned white new well, which was strange for a dog in the street, the call and asked if he'll join me in the end of my lunch. As he seemed to have no owner and took the host to my house, where the fed with the food of dog that for some reason you know, I had purchased. At home only has time to feed the animal and the hosts it, looking back the clock that marked the twenty to three, and twenty minutes was the key for me to reach the hospital in time. A month ago my mother decided a walk with my dad just to enjoy the evening that that day was clear and warm, perfect for a walk, but that same night a crazy drinking and decided to get a car at entailed he hit my parents while they went by, my mother was pushed and achieved a broken leg and come in a state of deep coma, it had hit his head on the pavement, but my dad was not so lucky, the car was so fast that the torso was pulled from the legs causing him an almost instant death. Now visit my mother every day at the same time (Three of the evening), which always makes me cry, seeing my mother with her beauty is deteriorating little by little, I felt a little tired so lying down in my chair next to the bed of my mother and slept. I looked through the window woke up and realized that it was already dark and the moon was even born, I looked at the clock and I was 08h27minPM saw agreed by m fine and irritating noise, repetitive and when I looked back to reality for the heart monitor saw a straight line that when I returned to knowingly gave me a desperation, my mother died. I tried everything to reanimates - there, until

I called the nurse when she arrived but the only thing she could do was get the body to the morgue where they could be removed the next day, and even she has died it helped me because the costs the hospital were killing me. Still half shaken started to walk out of the hospital thinking that the day had passed and all the disaster and its consequences, I thought loudly: The day could not have been worse I lost my job, my mother died, my house will probably be withdrawn by the moneylender, but I still had a hope that both the dog was making me remember the good times of my life, it does not seem much but being happy all the events could be forgotten. The thought has been given too fast, soon realized that the police were chasing me for my arrest for manslaughter, questioned for a while until the cops pushed me and I tried to resist the arrestment, that I had then killed the image of the bleeding boss in the offices floor, I thought there was not killed, but the facts show that shot, now I am in a prison cell for more or less around 11:30 a.m. looking at the position of the moon, ending a day hell where he led sell ice cream everything from me and left me alone and confused in the world without material possessions and not material goods.

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