Ancient Of Days

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 19
LOST Season 6 Episode #4 ’Ancient of Days’

Sayid becomes unsure if it’s time to end his life or accept the opportunity a resurrected man has given him. Back to the 1800’s, Desmond ’magically’ appears in the Black Rock’s deck and we see the aftermath of his encounter with Richard.

EXT. BLACK ROCK DECK - DAY EXTREME CLOSEUP. An eye open wide. It’s DESMOND’s. REVERSE ANGLE: The blue sky, there’s nothing wrong with it. Desmond quickly sits up when something is pushed against the back of his head. A gun. POSODA (O/S) Don’t move. Desmond turns around, still sitting, to reveal the gun holder to be ABRAHAM POSODA. His clothes? Red bandana, checkered trousers, torso discovered and wearing a sword belt ... with a sword on it. Desmond is in shock, he knows this guy. But as a PIRATE? wtf? DESMOND (muttering) Mr. Posoda ... Posoda has no idea of who this guy is ... or how does he know his name. POSODA Do I know you? HANSO (O/S) Posoda! Who’d ye have here? CAPTAIN MAGNUS HANSO enters the scene, glancing at Posoda and the stranger. POSODA I don’t know, sir. Just found him ... DESMOND (muttering, still in shock) Mr. Posoda ... Hanso and Posoda share confused looks. HANSO How does he know yer name? (to Desmond) How’d ye know my gunner’s name? DESMOND I ...




POSODA (interrupting) Sir, I believe he just heard you calling for me. HANSO (beat, smirk, exchanging looks) Good. (to Desmond) But he’s just "Posoda". No need for a "Mister". POSODA What should we do with him, sir? HANSO (threateningly) We’re going to give him the chance to tell us how he got here. (pulls out gun) And he better be convincing. (to Desmond) So boy, how’d ye get here? DESMOND I ... I don’t know, sir. HANSO (annoyed) Does that make ye a native!? DESMOND (scared) No, no, sir, I just ... was on my boat and I ... HANSO (interrupting) What kind of boat? DESMOND (beat) I don’t know sir, a sailboat. HANSO (sighing, to Posoda) Kill ’im. Posoda sighs, draws his gun and aims at Desmond. Desmond covers his eyes, scared for his life and knowing nothing can stop it.




CORNELIUS (O/S) Sir! HANSO (fiercely) What’d ye want? Hanso, Posoda and Desmond all react by quickly turning to the first mate, CORNELIUS. He stands next to TWO THUGS, each holding a figure with their faces covered by a bag. One of the figures is BLACK and the other is CAUCASIAN. CORNELIUS (CONT’D) We have intruders. Cornelius looks at the thugs and nod, their signal to reveal the intruders’ faces. Desmond smiles in relief but his smile quickly fades away when he realizes someone is not there. The figures are WALT LLOYD and CHARLES WIDMORE. HANSO (fiercely to Desmond) Did they come with ye!? DESMOND Aye sir, they did. HANSO (to Cornelius and the thugs) Just kill ’em! I don’t care how, just get rid of ’em! WIDMORE (interrupting) Captain Hanso. Walt, Desmond and the pirates quickly shift their attention to Widmore. HANSO (holding his gun to Widmore’s chest) I hope whatever ye got to say is worth it. Ye’re telling me how’d ye know my name RIGHT NOW! WIDMORE (cooly nodding) I’d like to discuss it privately. CORNELIUS Whatever you got to say say it now!




HANSO (interrupting) Cornelius, wait. (drawing back his gun, to Widmore) If ye’re not convincing, I’ll find the worst possible death for ye. WALT Charles ... HANSO (knocking Walt out with the butt of his gun) Ye shut it! (beat) Don’t ye know boy, that things of yer colour’s opinions won’t be heard? NOT ON MY BOAT! Tides make the Black Rock shake violently for a few seconds. WIDMORE So? HANSO (to Cornelius) Take the other two to the brig, if they cause any trouble just kill ’em. (to Widmore) We’ll discuss da matter in my quarters. Cornelius silently nods as Widmore raises his head. The thugs go ahead and take Desmond and the unconscious Walt away. Posoda follows them away from the scene. He too wants to find out about these people but he’s sure the Captain won’t tell. CUT TO: INT. TEMPLE ROOM - NIGHT SAYID LIES IN A COMFORTABLE LOOKING WHITE-DRESSED BED, WEARING HIS TRADEMARK BLACK TANK TOP. THE ROOM SEEMS WHITE-THEMED, WITH WHITE WALLS AND CURTAINS. SAYID’S EYES SHOOT OPEN AS HE OBSERVES HIS SURROUNDINGS. EVERYTHING LOOKS BLURRY TO HIM.




A FIGURE nerviously walks around the room, we see him from SAYID’s blurry perspective and can’t recognize him. Before Sayid can speak up for the figure, Sayid hears a door open up and the figure heading outside. ’LOCKE’ (O/S) Any luck? (beat) Jacob knew this was going to happen! He must’ve hidden them. Keep looking for them. We have to find them! (beat) I need to keep my word! If I lose Sayid I lose Shephard and if I lose Shephard I lose the others! If we don’t find anything we’ll only have two options, to make him like me ... like us, or to let him die and take his place. (beat) Guess it’ll have to be the first. I can’t be Sayid and Locke at the same time, they’re not that stupid. The figure enters the room again, now it’s clear to Sayid that it is LOCKE. Wait, what? Wasn’t Locke like dead!?!? He approaches Sayid, noticing he is now awake. ’LOCKE’ (CONT’D) Hello, Sayid. (beat) If you want to live, you’ll come with me. SAYID (muttering) Locke ... CUT TO: L O S T EXT. JUNGLE - NIGHT Nothing. The camera doesn’t see anything except for the jungle, there’s no one in there. Something is moving from the bushes towards the camera ... it’s RICHARD, with his 1800’s clothes. Behind him appears DESMOND, carrying an unconscious WALT. Both Richard and Desmond appear bruised.




RICHARD (cooly) Is he okay? DESMOND He’s been unconscious for far too long. RICHARD Your friend, the older one, should we go back for him? Desmond shakes his head. DESMOND I’d say yes, but it’s too dangerous. There might still be ... pirates in there. RICHARD Then let’s move. DESMOND Are you taking me to Jacob? Richard nods. THE CAMERA PANS TO REVEALS NEXT TO THEM, THE BLACK ROCK’S SHIP WRECK. AS FAR INLAND AS WE’VE SEEN IT DURING "EXODUS" AND "THE BRIG". The camera then pans to Richard and Desmond, both of them walking out of the scene. Following them sneakily, appears CORNELIUS. INT. CAPTAIN’S QUARTERS - NIGHT WIDMORE wakes up, bruises all over his face. He’s inside the Captain’s Quarters, where he was talking to the Captain ... CAPTAIN MAGNUS HANSO, he’s right next to him, unconscious. Widmore quickly grabs the Captain’s gun when the door slams open, EDWARD. Widmore shoots at the crewman but misses, Edward draws his gun and shoots as Widmore hids behind the Captain’s desk, aiming his gun at Captain Hanso. WIDMORE Drop the gun or I kill your captain! EDWARD (O/S) Easy! Easy! I’m dropping it right now ... BANG. We see this from Widmore’s perspective so we don’t know what just happened.




POSODA (O/S) You can reveal yourself. WIDMORE How do I know you killed him?! Widmore observes in horror as Edward’s dead body slides in the floor next to him. POSODA (revealing himself) Come with me. CUT TO: INT. TEMPLE ROOM - NIGHT SAYID abruptly wakes up and gasps for air. He looks around, he’s still in the same room ... and he’s naked. There’s no one around, he makes sure that is the case. He appears to be looking for something or someone in the room. so he gets up to inspect the drawers, finding clothes in one of them and a gun in another one. INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT Sayid wears a WHITE TANK TOP and BLACK TROUSERS. He’s holding the gun he found and walking around a hallway. He opens each door with his gun ready in case he needs it, but the 8 rooms are empty. VOICE (O/S) Sayid. Sayid turns around to find a figure behind him. LOCKE. LOCKE You need to find her. SAYID Find who? LOCKE You know who I’m talking about. Scared, Sayid quickly runs out of the scene. Locke calmly follows him walking. CUT TO:


EXT. STATUE OF TAWERET - NIGHT A crowd of around 40 people is gathered in a circle, leaving only NEHEMIAH and a bruised up JACOB inside. They appear to be in the middle of an argument. The statue is no more, it has been brought down and only its foot stands still. NEHEMIAH You know very well it’s your fault! Everyone does! JACOB Are you implying I caused a tsunami? You know I can’t do that! NEHEMIAH I have no idea of what you can or can’t do, Jacob. I just know that you got my people killed! JACOB Your people? Since when are they your people? NEHEMIAH (drawing a knife) From now on they will be. JACOB We both know you’re not going to kill me, brother. You can’t. NEHEMIAH (annoyed) Choose your sides, people! You can go with Jacob and get yourselves killed or you can come with me! LORIA Is that a threat? NEHEMIAH No, I’m not threatening anyone. I’m just pointing out that Jacob himself is a threat! Choose your sides, NOW! The argument is interrupted when the BLACKSHIRTS hear noises in the jungle. One of them, SAUL, aims his gun at the noises. Out of the jungle pop RICHARD and DESMOND carrying WALT. The blackshirts are relieved and Saul lowers his gun, Richard expects to be greeted by CARYA, but he’s not.




NEHEMIAH (CONT’D) Richard, I’m glad you’re back ... (beat, noticing Desmond) I see you have company, he wouldn’t happen to be one of those nasty pirates, would he? RICHARD He’s not. (beat) Where’s Carya? JACOB (ignoring Richard) Is the boy okay? NEHEMIAH (muttering) Like if you cared. DESMOND (to Jacob) Jacob, do you remember me? Jacob and Nehemiah share looks. NEHEMIAH You brought him here, didn’t you? JACOB I’ve never seen this man before! RICHARD I asked, where is Carya!? NEHEMIAH You lie! (to the crowd) Would you follow the liar who got most of our people killed? DESMOND Jacob, I’m here to save you. RICHARD Nehemiah! Where is Carya!? NEHEMIAH Dead! Carya is dead, you can thank Jacob for that! (to Desmond) Jacob doesn’t need saving, we do.




Richard in horror regarding Carya’s death covers his eyes and sheds a few tears. NEHEMIAH As a sign of good faith, Jacob, I’m not going to kill you. However, you are to leave my people alone! So who’s with me? Saul is the first to walk next to Nehemiah, followed by a couple of blackshirts. Jacob is joined by Desmond, and therefore by Walt too. Loria joins Nehemiah and the blackshirts are evenly split between Jacob and Nehemiah, Nehemiah with perhaps a few more than Jacob. Richard stands in the middle. NEHEMIAH (CONT’D) Come here, Richard. If you come with us I can make you like me, like Jacob. JACOB Don’t listen to him, Richard, he’s trying to tempt you. If you want to join Nehemiah, so be it, I won’t offer anything. RICHARD YOU KILLED CARYA! JACOB Don’t take Nehemiah’s word for gospel, Richard. The tsunami killed Carya, I can only offer my condolences. Nehemiah left you and Silas for dead in the ship. NEHEMIAH I did not. RICHARD (muttering) Yes, you did. Richard finally sides with Jacob. JACOB Now Nehemiah, I’d appreciate it if you left me alone with my people. NEHEMIAH Wish granted. (whispering to Jacob’s ear) (MORE) (CONTINUED)



NEHEMIAH (cont’d) You better watch your back, I swear one day I’m going to find a loophole. JACOB Good luck with that. SMASH TO: EXT. JUNGLE - NIGHT SAYID holds his gun as he cautiously moves through the jungle. He’s followed by LOCKE, who remains cool despite Sayid’s paranoia. LOCKE So, Sayid ... how has life been treating you the past three years? SAYID My wife was killed and I started killing for Ben, how does that sound? LOCKE If your wife is dead, who are we looking for? SAYID You told me to follow you, next thing I know Nadia is standing in front of me. (beat) Then you told me to find her. LOCKE How do you know I meant your wife? SAYID Maybe I’m just trying to have some hope. (beat) Last time I heard, John, you were dead too. LOCKE (smirking) Yet here I am, but I don’t see Nadia around.




SAYID Then who did you want me to find, John? Sayid and Locke hear a woman screaming for help, both of them hurry and run through the jungle, Sayid with his gun ready in case he needs to use it. FEMALE VOICE (O/S) (in arabic) I swear! I swear I have nothing to do! Stop it! Sayid and Locke finally arrive to find AMIRA. Remember her? She’s from episode 3x11 "ENTER 77". In that episode Sayid was captured and tortured by her husband, forcing Sayid to confess having tortured his wife. She’s dead. LOCKE You remember her, don’t you? (beat) The innocent woman you tortured SAYID What happened to her? LOCKE She’s not real, Sayid. This is not happening. (beat) Come on, there’s someone else you need to see. SAYID Who would that be? LOCKE She was a passenger of Ajira Flight 316. I believe you’ve already met her. SAYID (beat) Ilana. LOCKE That’s right, she’s up to no good, Sayid. Some of your friends believe following her is the right thing, they’re wrong.




SAYID So what do I do? LOCKE What I need you to do, Sayid, is to find her, retrieve the gun she’ll try to use on you, convince your friends ... (beat) Then you kill her. SAYID You aren’t going to manipulate me, I’ve spent the last three years being Ben’s puppet, I will not kill anyone for you, especially considering you’re dead! LOCKE Sayid, you know this is more than a simple dream. When you wake up you can ask me how much of this do I remember, I’ll tell you every single detail. SAYID When I wake up you’ll be dead. LOCKE (smiling) I won’t, Sayid. (beat) I’m way past that. CUT TO: INT. STATUE OF TAWERET - NIGHT The inside of JACOB’s home in the statue, we last saw it in last season finale, ’THE INCIDENT’. Now the circumstances are different, RICHARD and DESMOND stand next to the fire. WALT lies in the floor. JACOB What happened to him? DESMOND The ship’s captain knocked him down.




JACOB (examining Walt) What happened after that? DESMOND That was just a few minutes before the tsunami, obviously the impact didn’t help. RICHARD Yet he survived. JACOB Were there any other survivors? RICHARD We only got to see the slaves, most of them survived. JACOB We’ll have to keep them safe from Nehemiah. Jacob puts his hands over Walt’s pale face. We get the same effect as when he did that to Locke in ’THE INCIDENT’. JACOB (CONT’D) He’ll be fine, he’s a very special boy. (beat, to Desmond) So you said you were here to save me. Save me from what? Nehemiah? DESMOND I’m from the future. JACOB I know that. DESMOND In the future, you asked me to come back. Asked me to save you ... JACOB Do you have any idea of what was that about? DESMOND No, I don’t. (beat) But Eloise, I’m not sure if you know her.




JACOB Eloise what? DESMOND Hawking. Eloise Hawking. JACOB Never heard that name before. DESMOND Well, she had some ideas. (beat) I’m supposed to take you to the present, my time. JACOB And how are we going to do that? DESMOND We will have to turn the wheel. Something about setting it off its axis, I’m not sure ... JACOB That would require more people. DESMOND Your people, all of them are outside waiting for you ... JACOB I won’t sacrifice them to you, or to me if you’re telling the truth. DESMOND What do you mean? JACOB The one who turns the wheel will be transported to the exit, then the rest will be moving through time. It’s too dangerous. DESMOND It’s the only way to save you! JACOB I won’t force my people to do something they don’t want to. DESMOND You can ask for volunteers.




JACOB They might feel pressured and just do it for my sake. RICHARD (breaking into the conversation) We could always use the pirates. (beat) They were slavists, who cares about what they want? Suddenly there’s a KNOCK KNOCK. Someone’s knocking on the entrance of the statue. JACOB Come in! It’s a random blackshirt, his name is GILBERT. GILBERT We have visitors. JACOB Nehemiah? Gilbert shakes his head as we ... CUT TO: EXT. STATUE OF TAWERET - NIGHT Jacob exits the statue, followed by Richard and Desmond. Outside they find the blackshirts holding WIDMORE at gunpoint, presumably with his own gun. WIDMORE Are you Jacob? Jacob nods. JACOB And you are ...? WIDMORE My name is Charles Widmore, I came with Mr. Hume there, Desmond. JACOB It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Widmore.




WIDMORE The pleasure is mine. (beat) We found someone on our way here, by the way. DESMOND We? POSODA walks out of the jungle pointing a gun to CORNELIUS’ head. WIDMORE He was following you, Desmond. I would’ve killed him, but we both heard what Eloise said about the wheel. (to Cornelius) And I can assure you, that if you do as we tell you, you will live a lengthy and happy life in Madagascar. CORNELIUS Right, because ye’re from the future. WIDMORE (nodding) That’s right. DESMOND What about Posoda? Did he remember you? WIDMORE No, he was smart enough to help me out by his own will. POSODA You’re taking me to your time. WIDMORE (smirking) That too. EXT. JUNGLE - NIGHT We know this scene, but there’s something different now. SAYID is chasing after SHANNON, this time, however, he’s wearing a white tank top rather than the black one.




SAYID Shannon! Shannon! BANG. Sayid is almost paralyzed, he barely manages to catch Shannon’s body. He looks up to the killer. Ana Lucía? NO. It’s ILANA. Instead of Eko, Bernard and Libby it’s BRAM, HURLEY, MILES, JIN and the three other dudes from Ilana’s group. SHANNON (agonizing) She’s the cause of your suffering, Sayid. SAYID No, no ... SHANNON She is the cause of our suffering. SAYID Shannon, stay with me, no! This is not what happened! Ilana did not kill you! DON’T MESS WITH MY MIND! INT. TEMPLE ROOM - NIGHT SAYID DON’T MESS WITH MY MIND! Sayid finds himself back in the same bed, this being the third time he wakes up there. In front of him stands BEN. BEN Sayid. (beat) Nice to have you back. L O S T

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