Ancient Egypt Study Guide-answers

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  • November 2019
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Ancient Egypt Study Guide--ANSWERS Exam: November 25th, 2008 Name: ___________________________________________ The following information will be covered on the Exam: Nile River Importance of Nile River: without the Nile, Egypt would not have existed. Giver of Life: provides fertile soil for growing crops, method of transportation. Taker of Life: overflows too much-drowns people and destroys crops. If it overflows too little, crops don’t get enough water and die. What direction the Nile River flows and explain how: Nile flows north. The land in the south is higher than the land in the north. What the “black land” is: the land along the banks of the Nile. Very fertile soil. Where all the farming is done. What the “Red land” is: desert. No crops can grow here. Pyramids What Pyramids were used for: tombs, protect the mummy of the pharaoh Giza: Necropolis, contains the great pyramid and the sphinx Definition of Necropolis: ancient burial ground Sphinx nickname: guardian of the giza complex Sphinx: body of a lion and Head of a man Main material to make the pyramids: limestone Were all the pyramid workers slaves? No. most of the workers were free men who were paid.

How many sides do the pyramids have? 4

Miscellaneous What is the process called in which the dead is wrapped in cloth? mummification What were the kings of Egypt called? pharaoh What is the name of the river in Egypt? Nile What continent is Egypt Located on? Africa Into what Sea does the Nile River end? Mediterranean Sea What material did the Egyptians use to make things such as paper, mats, sandals, rope, etc.? Papyrus What was the name of the Ancient Egyptian writing system? Hieroglyphics What is the Valley of the Kings? Where many pharaohs are buried. Name Two Pharaohs. Were the ancient Egyptians polytheistic or monotheistic? Polytheisticbelieved in many gods. What made ancient Egypt prosper and grow? Nile River What important farming technique did the ancient Egyptians use? irrigation Daily Life What did life in ancient Egypt center around? (3 things) -religion, family, pharaoh

What were the duties of the home for the Women? (3 things) -cook, clean, raise the children What effect does a heavy tax have on peasants? -hard to make money What was the main diet of the peasants? -wheat and vegetables What type of bricks were homes made out of? -mixture of mud and straw and sun-dried Why were the doors of the houses 4 feet off the ground? -to prevent water from the Nile floods from coming in to the house Why did Egyptians sleep on the roof? -cooler temperatures Why was it possible to build homes as large as you wanted? -easy to get materials What was the main piece of clothing for Egyptians? -Tunic: a long t-shirt What was their main footwear? -sandals What type of clothes did workers wear? -Loin cloth What type of clothes did wealthy people wear? -robes What was the main type of make-up that the ancient Egyptians wore? (hint: they put this on their eyes. Remember the video of my daughters?) -green eye-shadow and black eye-liner Why would women wear a cone of fat on their head? -to smell good.

Mummification What is the definition of mummification? Preserving the body to prevent it from rotting Why did the Ancient Egyptians mummify? (3 reason. Describe all three) Reason #1: Physical body needed to be preserved for after life. Reason #2: Ensure a safe passage to afterlife. Reason #3: Spirit needed to be able to recognize the pharaoh in the afterlife. List the 7 steps of Mummification. Briefly describe each step. 1. announcement of death 2. Embalming the body 3. Removal of the brain 4. Removal of the Internal organs 5. Drying out process 6. Wrapping the body 7. Final Procession What were the four organs that were removed from the body? -liver, stomach, lungs, intestines What were the jars called that the organs were placed in? -canopic jars What type of salt was the body packed in? -natron salt

What did the family and friends of the dead person pay people to do? -pay people to cry What was Ritual #1: Opening of the Mouth Why was ritual #1 important: allow the mummy to be able to see, hear, eat and move in the afterlife. What was Ritual #2: Weighing of the Heart Why was ritual #2 important: determines the fate of the mummy. YouTube Presents: Mummies Revealed Video What does the pyramid protect? -Mummy of the pharaoh What did the priest wear during mummification? -Jackal headed mask Who is the god of mummification? -anubis What happened to the “slitter” after he cut open the stomach? -pelted with stones What would the magic amulets do? -protect the mummy Be Prepared to write an essay about ONE of the following: Nile River Mummification Daily Life Pyramids of Egypt

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