Occipital bone| Foramen magnum
Basilary part Clivus Pharyngeal tubrcle
Lateral part Occipital condyles Hypoglossal canal Condylar fossa Jugular tubrcle Jagular notch (forms jagular foramen when connected with temporal bone)
Squamos part (squama) External surface External occipital protuberance External occipital crest Inferior/superior/supreme nuchal line
Internal surface Internal occipital protuberance Cristae eminence (note to self – ask what this is) Sulcus for superior saggital sinus Internal occipital crest Sulcus for transverse sinus Fossa for 2 cerebral + 2 cervicle vertebrae
Ethmoid bone Cribiform plate Crista galli Ethmoidal air cells Ethmoid bulla Orbital plate Perpendicular plate Superior nasal concha Middle nasal concha
Sphenoid bone Body Sella turcica Hyposphisial fossa Dorsum Sellae Tuberculum sellae
Carotid sulcus Sphenod lingula Sphenoid rostrum Sphenoid crest
Lesser wings Sphenoid jagum Optic canal Anterior clinoid processes
Greater wings Orbital surface Temporal surface Maxillary surface
Cerebral surface Foramen rotundum Foramen ovale Foramen spinosum
Infra-temporal surface Sphenoid spine Infra-temporal crest Pterygoid process Lateral plate
Medial plate Pterygoid hamulus Pteryhoid notch Pterygoid fossa Scaphoid fossa Superior orbital fissure
Petrose bone Anterior surface Trigeminal impression Groove for greater petrosal nerve Hiatus for greater petrosal nerve Groove for lesser petrosal nerve Arcuate eminence Tegmen tympani Groove for inferior petrosal sinus Inferior acustic meatus
Posterior surface Subarcuate fossa External aperture for vestibular aquaeduct Mastoid process Mastoid notch Groove for occipital artery Stylomastoid foramen Styloid process
Study at home – mandible + frontal bone + cervicle vertabra