Anatomi Fisiologi Manusia Tengkorak.pptx

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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More details

  • Words: 58
  • Pages: 2
Kelompok 2: 1.Lis Afrianti 2. Annesha Rahmadayanti 3.Dhinda Reya Utamy 4. Silvia Rani Dwi Widyawati Dosen pengampu : Dr. Abdul Rahman, M.Si

Tulang Tengkorak  1 Tulang dahi (os.frontale )  2  

 

tulang ubun-ubun ( os.parientale) 1 tulang kepala belakang (os.occipitale) 2 tulang baji (os.sphenoidale) 2 tulang pelipis (os.temporate) 2 tulang tapis ( os.ethmoidale)

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