By: Amelia Lorensia 2017
1. Anatomi Saluran Pernafasan
1. Anatomi Saluran Pernafasan Structure of the Respiratory System UPPER RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
Sinuses Nose
Nasal cavitiy
Laring Trakea Bronchus RIGHT LUNG
Nose & Nasal Cavities
Nasal cavity is separated into two nasal cavities by a midline partition (nasal septum).
Sinus o o o o
Paired frontal sinuses, ethmoid sinuses, maxillary sinuses, and a partitioned sphenoid sinus
located at the base of the skull drain directly or indirectly into the nasal cavity.
Sinus (Cont’s..)
Paired frontal sinuses, ethmoid sinuses, maxillary sinuses, and a partitioned sphenoid sinus located at the base of the skull drain directly or indirectly into the nasal cavity.
Volume & Kapasitas Paru The air in the lung is divided into four compartments: o Volume tidal air exhaled during quiet breathing o Expiratory reserve volume maximum air exhaled below tidal volume o Inspiratory reserve volume maximal air inhaled above tidal volume o Residual air remaining in the lung after maximal exhalation The sum of all four components is the total lung capacity. Vital capacity ?
Volume Paru
Pemeriksaan Faal Paru SPIROMETRI Spirometri adalah pemeriksaan yang dilakukan untuk mengukur secara obyektif kapasitas/fungsi paru (ventilasi) pada pasien dengan indikasi medis. Alat yang digunakan disebut spirometer.
Obstructive Lung Disease Obstructive lung disease is defined as an inability to get air out of the lung. It is identified on spirometry when FEV1/FVC (force expiratory volume in the first second of expiration/forced vital capacity [total amount of air that can be exhaled during a forced exhalation. Reversible airway obstruction is common in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. An increase in FEV1 of 12% (and >0.2 L in adults)
Restrictive Lung Disease Restrictive lung disease is defined as an inability to get air into the lung and is best defined as a reduction in total lung capacity. It is suspected when FVC is low and FEV1/FVC is normal.
Restrictive lung disease can be produced by a number of defects, such as increased elastic recoil (interstitial lung disease), respiratory muscle weakness (myasthenia gravis), mechanical restrictions (pleural effusion or kyphoscoliosis), and
Arterial Blood Gas (ABG)