Analysis Of The Response Of An Individual

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 3
Mathematical model of a person’s behaviour A human always was curious to try and understand the behaviour of others. Though there are innumerable theories regarding human behaviour, most of them do not have a mathematical model and a set of numbers to analyse and understand behavior. Can the behaviour of a human be quantified? This is the first question that may arise in one’s mind. There is reason to believe that the behaviour of a person can be expressed in terms of an equation. Well then what is the equation? What are the variables? What is the equation equal to? Let us begin from the last. If at all there is an equation what is the equation equal to? What does that equation give? A human behaviour equation gives a constant. This constant can be called equanimity,equijustice, being fair etc. That is a human tries to always be constant in his approach and be fair to all. This is something which he cannot get rid of . This is inherent in him. Though one may say such and such person is partial towards person A and not person B. This statement though may be true but in reality that person is having some other thing in his mind which makes him feel justified and fair in being partial towards person A. This is a great truth which shall be used in making the equation. Actually there are two components to the constant. Constant1 and constant 2. i.e to say an individual is being equanimous and also is fair. So constant1 may be equanimity and constant2 may be fair. Also it has to be noted that neither of these can be zero. So constant=constant1 x constant2. Let us denote the variables as factor1, factor2, factor3, factor4 etc.. factor1 may be willingness over assigning a job. Factor2 may be discipline. Factor3 may be creativity. Well then what is the equation ? The equation is factor1 x factor2 x factor3 x factor4 = constant. In other words, Factor1(for person A) x factor2(for person A) x factor3( for person A) x factor4(for person A) = Factor1(for person B) x factor2(for person B) x factor3( for person B) x factor4(for person B). It will be tough for a normal person to think beyond two things. So let us make the equation, factor1(person A) x factor2(person A) = factor1(person B) x factor2(person B). Now the question arises whether the factors can be multiplied. We have in management terms like man-days which multiplies number of men and number of days. In our day to day life we multiply number of rooms with number of houses. So multiplication of the


factors is permissible from mathematical point of view. And the formula claims that their products lead to a constant. How to use the equation ? 1).You are person A. 2).You want to analyse person main. 3).Person A wants to compare with person B. 4). Person main is being fair. 5). So, the formula states that Factor1(person A) x factor2(person A) = Factor1(person B) x factor2(person B) Example 1). Person main thinks that creativity and discipline are important. His frame of mind is such that he is fair. 2) Person A (you) analyses person main. 3). Person A gives himself 6 points for creativity and 2 points for discipline. 4). Person A thinks Person B is less creative than himself(person A) and gives him 3 points for creativity. 5). Person A wonders why person main is supportive of person B despite the fact that Person B is less creative. 6) He uses the equation creativity x discipline = constant. 7). He puts the values in the equation. i.e. 6 x 2 = 3 x discipline(person B) Discipline(person B) gives 4. 8) person A realises that discipline of person B is high. Therefore person main is supportive of person B also.


Real life applications When you need to understand a person, you must understand that the person is fair. Then you identify two traits in yourself. You could think of cleanliness, punctuality, approach to work, initiative etc. Then try to figure out how much do you think the person you are trying to analyse will give you marks for the two traits. Then think about a third person who also interacts with the person you are trying to analyse. How much marks do you think will the third person get for one of the traits. Apply the equation and you will understand why does the person you are trying to analyse behaves the way he does. Conclusion This equation has always worked for me. I have begun to understand people and come to know what exactly is their priority. This equation has given me a lot of insight into understanding people. All with the beauty of numbers.


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