Analysis Of Binding Interactions

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  • Words: 1,233
  • Pages: 24
Analysis of Binding Interactions: Obtaining Meaningful Values with Monte Carlo Simulations Simon Chiang

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Theoretical Studies of Protein-DNA Binding Interactions: Goal of studies:

Measurement of Energetic Parameters

Model Effect of Proteins on gene Expression

“Questionable” Resolution: -Poorly reproducible values -Large standard deviations

“Meaningful” Resolution: -Reproducible values -Small standard deviations


Rational Design

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Monte Carlo Simulations

Resolving Parameters from Data

Fractional Saturation

Results of a single site protein-DNA binding experiment

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -12



Log [Protein]

Single Site Binding Isotherm Thursday, April 16, 2009


Keq ΔG = -RT ln Keq

Parameter to Resolve : ΔGbinding

Fitting Program Detail Fitting Program Evaluate Fit of Data to Curve (Least-Squares)

Calculate Curve Refine Guess Values

1.0 0.8 0.6


0.4 0.2 0.0 -12

-10 Log [X]

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Fit Value ± Uncertainty Fractional Saturation

Fractional Saturation

Model for Data 1.0 0.8 0.6


0.4 0.2 0.0 -12

-10 Log [X]


Notes on fitting 

Fit Value only makes the fit curve optimized to a single, imperfect data set. Data Set 1

ΔGfit1 = -10.2 (kcal/mol)

Different Data Set, Different Curve, Different Fit Value

Data Set 2

Thursday, April 16, 2009

ΔGfit2 = -10.1 (kcal/mol)

x5000  

Fit Program ΔGfit1 ΔGfit2 ΔGfit3 ΔGfit4 ΔGfit5

Number of Occurences

Criteria for a Meaningfully Resolved Parameter

σ Fit ΔG Value

Single Peak, resolution of a single value

Fit Values over many data sets follow a distribution with a single peak in probability Distribution limited near this value (small uncertainty)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Number of Occurences

Ideally Distributions are Gaussian

• •

σσ Fit Value

Fit programs generally report uncertainties in σ Standard deviations are only rigorously accurate for Gaussian Distributions, and can be wildly inaccurate for other distributions.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fit Program


Number of Occurences

Not all parameters follow Gaussian Distributions

Fit Value

No single peak in probability

Perilous to trust the results of a fit program: • No resolution of a single value •Reported σ could be very inaccurate (non-gaussian) Thursday, April 16, 2009

Results of 3 experiments given by dots

Number of Occurences

Triplicate is not enough.

Fit Value

Suggests a gaussian with low σ, resolving a single value 

Repeating an experiment many times is necessary to establish that a parameter is meaningfully resolved (ie reproducible).

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Monte Carlo Simulations:

Repeating experiments computationally

Simulated Data Sets Experimental Data Sets and Model for Data

Number of Occurences

Basic Procedure:

Fit Parameter Value

Parameter Distributions

•Simulated data points are made to resemble and have uncertainties equal in magnitude to the experimental data points Thursday, April 16, 2009

Generating Simulated Data A non-trivial task 

Several methods exist; subtle in approach, sometimes long in statistical acceptance.

A Universal Requirement: Uncertainties on experimental data points must be well-resolved 

Generally requires repeating an experiment several times. Well-resolved uncertainties on the data

Thursday, April 16, 2009

vs σ

Fit Parameter Value

Number of Occurences

Number of Occurences

Utility of Monte Carlo Simulations

Fit Parameter Value

Simulations allow an assessment of the parameter distributions from several rather than thousands of repetitions. Generally ~ few hrs CPU time for 10k data sets

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Overview of my program: •Able to study multi-site, arbitrarily configured systems binding multiple ligands undergoing linked rxns


Binding Simulator Program Binding Curves & Derivatives •

Experiments that monitor Fractional Saturation

Monte Carlo Simulations •Experimental/Computer generated Data

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bacteriophage λ Right Operator (OR) λ repressor dimer cro gene (lytic state) OR1


(Ptashne, Mark A Genetic Switch 1986)

Thursday, April 16, 2009


cI gene (lysogenic state)

OR Statistical Mechanical Model •Complex set of equations: determined by five free energy parameters. (Ackers, G. et al PNAS (1982) 79, 1129-1133) 3 Intrinsic site binding free energies:



Thursday, April 16, 2009


Why not to blindly trust fit programs: A dramatic OR example Fractional Saturation

1.0 0.8 0.6

Site 1 Site 2


Site 3

0.2 0.0








Log [ λ repressor dimer]

Fit Values for two data sets (kcal/mol): Set 1

ΔG1= -12.5 ΔG2= -10.5 ΔG3= -9.4 ΔG12= -2.9 ΔG23= -2.9

Thursday, April 16, 2009

ΔG Set1=2-12.5 ΔG2= -10.5 ΔG3= 0 ΔG12= -2.9 ΔG23= -12.9

Erroneous Conclusions: Resolved Parameters ΔG1, ΔG2*, ΔG12* Unresolved Parameters ΔG3, ΔG23



number of occurences

ΔG1 (σ = 0.1)

• •


number of occurences




ΔG2 (‘σ’= 0.5)



ΔG12 (‘σ’= 0.5)


number of occurences


number of occurences

number of occurences

Monte Carlo Analysis of OR





ΔG3 (‘σ’= 0.5) <σ> = kcal/mol -4



ΔG23 (‘σ’= 0.5)

Fit values, uncertainties only meaningful for ΔG1 ‘standard deviations’ on other parameters are inaccurate

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Resolution problems endemic to cooperative systems Root of poor resolution is a signal to noise issue. Fractional Saturation

1.0 0.8 0.6

Site 1 Site 2


Site 3

0.2 0.0







Log [ λ repressor dimer]


Example: Sites 1 and 2 fully saturated due to cooperativity at concentrations where site 3 begins to fill.  Therefore there is little direct data on ΔG23; the pairwise interaction between just site 2 and site 3.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

OR parameter resolution problem recognized/addressed in the literature 

Published solution uses empirically chosen mutant OR operators that emphasize poorly resolved parameters:




OR-1 -3

Global analysis of wild-type OR and 3 mutant operators required resolution. (Brenowitz, M., et al. PNAS (1986) 83, 8462-8466)

Thursday, April 16, 2009


ΔG1 (σ = 0.1)





ΔG12 (σ = 0.1)



number of occurences


ΔG2 (σ = 0.1)


number of occurences


number of occurences


number of occurences

number of occurences

MC Analysis of published OR resolution technique:




ΔG3 (‘σ’ = 0.2) <σ> = kcal/mol -3.6




ΔG23 (‘σ’ = 0.2)

•Standard deviations for ΔG3, ΔG23 still somewhat inaccurate •Overall resolution is much better (more gaussian, lower σ) Thursday, April 16, 2009

Improved resolution with rational choice of mutants • Study of distributions clarifies how different mutants resolve specific parameters. OR+ OR-2

OR-1 -3

• Global analysis of wild-type OR and 2 mutant operators predicted to improve resolution

Thursday, April 16, 2009



number of occurences

ΔG1 (σ = 0.05)



number of occurences






ΔG12 (σ = 0.1)




ΔG3 (σ = 0.06)

ΔG2 (σ = 0.06) number of occurences


number of occurences

number of occurences

MC Analysis of rationally designed resolution technique:

<σ> = kcal/mol -3.5



ΔG23 (σ = 0.2)


•Rational design results in meaningful fit values and standard deviations for all parameters; resolution in fact improves. Thursday, April 16, 2009

Summary Monte Carlo Simulations examine the resolution of fit parameters without literally repeating experiments thousands of times.  Analysis of distributions can assist in the rational design of experiments. 

In the future my program and the insights obtained from analyzing OR will be applied to study the 4-site PRE system.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Acknowledgements UCHSC Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences 

Dr. David Bain

Bain Laboratory   

Dr. Aaron Heneghan Nancy Berton Michael Miura

Thursday, April 16, 2009

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