ANAL ABSCESS 1. CHIEF COMPLAINT •Anal abscess 2. HPI 3. ROS 4. SYMPTOMS •Pain in the anal area or buttocks •Fever •A lump in the anal area •Painful bowel movements •Lower abdominal pain •Fatigue •Swelling in the anal area or buttocks •Night sweats 5. HISTORY •FAMILY HISTORY o Diabetes •SOCIAL HISTORY •PASTMEDICAL HISTORY •SURGICAL HISTORY •CHRONIC CONDITIONS o Diabetes o HIV o Crohn disease 6. ALLERGIES 7. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 8. SPECIFIC DATA LIKE GRADING ETC 9. TESTS TO BE ORDERED •Blood tests •Urinalysis •X-ray •CT scan •MRI
•Ultrasound •Anoscopy 10.ASSESSMENT /PLAN •Surgical drainage of the abscess 11.EDUCATION •Take sitz bath •Keep the anal area clean and dry 12.MEDICATION •Acetaminophen •Aspirin •Ciprofloxacin •Metronidazole •Norfloxin 13. FOLLOW-UP