Ana - Finance Final Project

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 11
Finance Final Project: Starbucks vs. Dunkin’ Donuts Starbucks

Dunkin’ Donuts

Stock Price



12 Month Target Price



P/E Ratio






Revenue (millions)



Dividend ($)



Yield (%)




2017: remained flat but dropped slightly mid year 2018: big drop mid-year but grows heavily from mid-end of the year

2017: staying flat with a slight increase towards the end of the year 2018: going completely up and staying there

Growth Percentage



Ana’s Hot Take: Starbucks is basically just a coffee company but they've tried to sell more stuff like food i guess. They produce lots of types of coffees and have cafes all over the world. It’s probably the most well known coffee manufacturer and coffeehouse like ever. I think it's pretty good, I’m an iced coffee person and i like their frappuccinos. Like the java chip frappuccino is amazing! :D I never thought that Dunkin Donuts is a competing public business because it's predominantly donuts not coffee. But their donuts are ok, their coffee is really good though. I like donuts more than coffee though so I’m a little biased to Dunkin Donuts. Dunkin Donuts is the fifth largest food chain in America, but Starbucks is fourth. I have more experience at Starbucks but i'm not a basic gal who only drinks Starbucks, that's weird to me tbh. Like come on there's more coffee places here that could probably be better price and taste wise (sorry not sorry) Based on the stock analysis of these two companies I would say that the latter is going with starbucks. The EPS is higher than Dunkin Donuts, so you would gain more per share overall. The revenue is also significantly higher than DD by 23,398. Even though both of their growth percentages are negative, Starbucks’ growth percentage is higher, which could mean that the growth percentage could go into a positive number sooner than DD. My personal opinion of which to choose would be starbucks. I think that based on the information on the two companies the likelihood of Starbucks being the more successful company is much higher. Starbucks

would be the wiser and safer choice for investing, but based on the price charts DD would be a risky but potentially better investment.

Finance Final Project: Pepsi vs. Coca-Cola Pepsi


Stock Price



12 Month Target Price



P/E Ratio






Revenue (millions)



Dividend ($)



Yield (%)




2017: going completely up with a small downfall towards the end of the year. 2018: goes pretty far down the first half of a year and then is fluctuating but going up overall

2017: started out pretty low but grew and stayed level throughout the year 2018: drops heavily again but works it's way back up and it goes really high up towards the end of the year

Growth Percentage



Ana’s Hot Take: Pepsi is a food snack and beverage company, but are most known for the soda. Pepsi can be found at basically any place you’d get food. It’s top competitor is Coca Cola, which also produces a lot but is most known for its soda. I think that Pepsi is okay, i'm not the largest fan. It tastes pretty good but idk. I like Coca Cola a lot and i think that's a thing within my family. Both companies are most known for their name-brand soda. Coca Cola though, has multiple brands that help the company thrive such as Fanta, Powerade, Dasani, and Minute Maid. Pepsi has also been representing other companies like Fritos, Doritos, Cheetos and Tostitos. These companies compete with each other quite a lot because they release such popular food and beverages. Based on the information given of the two companies it can be easy to determine the better investment. The pepsi company has much higher numbers, I'm assuming because the products they release tend to be in higher demand. The revenue and the EPS are significantly higher numbers than coca cola. The growth percentage is slightly lower though. The price charts show

that Coca Cola is a riskier but possibly a chance of being the better investment because the growth percentage. But my personal recommendation is to invest in Pepsi even though Coke tastes better (sorry not sorry)

Finance Final Project: Ford vs. Honda Ford


Stock Price



12 Month Target Price



P/E Ratio






Revenue (millions)



Dividend ($)



Yield (%)




2017: it was kind of at a low place but stayed level the whole year 2018: it just went straight down. Ford has not been doing too hot in 2018

2017: big pitfall in the middle of the year, but went really up 2018: dang. 2018 was BAD for Honda. It went nothing but down. That probably really sucks for them.

Growth Percentage



Ana’s Hot Take: Honestly i don't know literally anything about cars. I don't know anyone with a Ford but i do know my grandma drives a Honda. Ford is an american business while honda is japanese. I guess if that matters to you then that's good to know. I'm not really a car person so a good explanation of both of these companies would be mildly challenging. Oh my sister has a honda too so i guess i'm a little biased. Cars aren't necessarily my thing. I would recommend either of these as cars themselves if i'm totally honest. (sorry not sorry) Not gonna lie though i think that these companies, even though they’re reliable they aren't the most popular car brands, which could explain the trend on the stock charts. They fluctuate a lot but the numbers show that honda is doing a lot better than Ford in terms of EPS but they’re getting completely destroyed with the revenue numbers. These numbers are so all over the place i think that it would be hard to successfully determine the better option. I would suggest probably going with Honda because the growth percentage is really high compared to Ford’s.

The revenue is much higher for Ford, and i think based on the stock chart you're much more likely to gain from investing into Ford.

Finance Final Project: Home Depot vs. Lowes Home Depot


Stock Price



12 Month Target Price



P/E Ratio






Revenue (millions)



Dividend ($)



Yield (%)




2017: it was a gradually ascending year for Home Depot, not really any drops 2018: still going up, a little downfall towards the end of the year

2017: staying level with a peak at the end of the year 2018: very up and down, they got creamed towards the end of 2018 though which sucks i guess :/

Growth Percentage



Ana’s Hot Take: Home Depot and Lowes are basically the exact same if i'm honest. I have a lot more experience in Home Depot because it’s always been more accessible to me. Home Depot is a store where you get building materials, home appliances, and garden stuff. Probably more than that. Lowe’s is basically the same idea. Growing up i went to home depot all the time with my parents. Home Depot i think is the more well known company between the two, even though that could very well just be my own bias. I’m sure that when you have your own household and appliances either store comes in handy. As of right now in this point of my life I personally just don't see the use for it if i'm totally honest. (sorry not sorry) You can see that based on this table, Home Depot probably is the better investment, with a safer stock chart and a higher EPS and revenue.The thing I noticed though is that the growth rate is lower than Lowe’s, but lowe’s doesn't necessarily beat Home Depot on anything else. So personally, I would go with Home Depot to invest in. It’s the safer choice if you're looking to

make money. But, since the stock prices are close to the same and the growth percentage for Lowe’s is higher you could definitely argue that even though it's riskier, Lowe’s is the better investment. It comes down to whether or not you’d want to play it safe or not. I personally would go with Home Depot, it seems like it would get you a good amount of profit.

Finance Final Project: AT&T vs. Verizon AT&T


Stock Price



12 Month Target Price



P/E Ratio






Revenue (millions)



Dividend ($)



Yield (%)




2017: it's going mainly down which sucks for them, with a major drop but then they finally go back to where they were the last month of the year. 2018: just going down :/

2017: going down basically .but it's actually really up and down, they went way up mid year and went way down and back up at the end of the year 2018:dropped a little but then went up,a lot actually dang

Growth Percentage



Ana’s Hot Take: I'm already pretty biased to AT&T if I'm honest I’ve had it for as long as I’ve had a phone. Verizon is much more popular though i think. They’re both cell phone communications and wireless data companies. That's the best I can explain it. Both companies can give you data plans for your cell phone, internet and tv for your home. Verizon is the top carrier currently though, because it has the most features and is known as the top performing network. AT&T is the third best. The only reason my bias against Verizon exists is because in most schools there are Verizon data blockers, so no one can use their phones if they have a plan set up with Verizon. AT&T offers the same things as Verizon but is just less reliable i guess. in second place is T-Mobile which i’ve heard negative things about actually.

This stock chart shows that the better investment if you’re looking to amount to more profit when you sell is Verizon. AT&T’s revenue is much higher, but everything else is much lower than Verizon. Even the stock chart will tell you that Verizon is more likely to have you gain something from it that AT&T is. Verizon goes mainly just up while AT&T goes pretty down both years.There is a slight concern in the growth rates of both companies. AT&T has a positive, pretty good growth rate while Verizon’s is negative. Overall though, my personal recommendation is to just go with Verizon. There’s no potential gain from going with AT&T, it’s just not worth it and you will get nowhere near the profit you could make if you invested into Verizon.

Finance Final Project: Bank of America vs. Wells Fargo Bank of America

Wells Fargo

Stock Price



12 Month Target Price



P/E Ratio






Revenue (millions)



Dividend ($)



Yield (%)




2017: stayed pretty level but kind of went up towards the end of the year 2018: stayed level again with a drop in the last month

I don't know how to describe it. Both years are so up and down it's crazy. 2017: kind of went up at the end of the year 2018: went down at the end

Growth Percentage



Ana’s Hot Take: These are both banks that could very well be a good choice in keeping your money somewhere safe. In all honesty i don’t like banks very much so it’s hard to hype either of these up. I really like credit unions but they aren’t public corporations. I used to have a debit card with wells fargo, so that’s mainly where my experience with banks lie. my sister does have a Bank of America card, she likes it there more than Wells Fargo. If i had to choose a place to get a credit or debit hard and it had to be a bank i would definitely go with Wells Fargo. The customer service is really good compared to BoA and I always feel so grown up when i go in haha.

Based on this information, you can see that both banks are totally varying on which could potentially be better, making this harder to figure out the more worthwhile of an investment. Wells Fargo has just been all over the place and some numbers are completely different than BoA, some are higher and lower, not one company has really any higher or better things that could point towards a better investment option. My personal opinion would be to go with Bank of America. The growth rate is in the positives, and the revenue is slightly higher. Neither companies are likely to get you a lot of money, but at least Bank of America could get you a small amount of profit, if that’s all you want I guess

Finance Final Project: Target vs. Walmart Target


Stock Price



12 Month Target Price



P/E Ratio






Revenue (millions)



Dividend ($)



Yield (%)




2017: this year wasn't great for target. But don't worry! After a massive drop they went back up 2018: a much better year for target, going up pretty high at the end of the year, but there was sadly a big drop again

2017: going nothing but up basically. Proud of walmart for that. Like they went from 70 to 100 that's cool. 2018: a bit of a drop and stayed down for the first few months, but went back up a little bit

Growth Percentage



Ana’s Hot Take: Both Target and Walmart have a numerous amount of branches, both being supermarkets selling almost anything you can think of. Both stores have clothing lines specifically sold at their respective store, but also sell anything from soup to an engagement ring. I’m a big Target fan. Going to Target is such a fun adventure, except when you have no money but you're really tempted to just buy everything you see. Capitalism am i right? Walmart is okay but I’m not the

largest fan. Do you know just how many nasty things have been found in a Walmart? Too many. Target on the other hand is so fun and exciting. Between the two it's obvious that Target is the latter. Walmart i think is more popular because it tends to be much more convenient for everybody, and the prices are much lower. I LOVE TARGET SO MUCH THOUGH AND NOTHING WILL CHANGE THAT. But yeah Walmart has always been much more popular for a ton of reasons. This information above can tell you the same thing, Walmart is much more worth investing into because everything is just sooo much higher than target. Good for walmart. The revenue is extremely higher than target and the growth percentage is a lot higher too. Walmart is a safe guaranteed investment while Target is a risky investment with the potential for some consequences. My recommendation is to go with Walmart. You're definitely guaranteed a high amount of profit when you sell, and it's been going nothing but up overall.

Finance Final Project: McDonald’s vs. Yum! Brands McDonald’s

Yum! Brands

Stock Price



12 Month Target Price



P/E Ratio






Revenue (millions)



Dividend ($)



Yield (%)




2017: went pretty high up, a solid increase in their stock worth. 2018: stayed pretty level throughout the year, not much change but towards the end of the year it went up.

2017: it started after they got totally obliterated at the end of 2016, but they were going back up at a nice rate. 2018: still going up, a little bit of a fall mid-year but back up again.

Growth Percentage



Ana’s Hot Take: This is a tough one. McDonalds is so good. But Yum Brands has so many good restaurant chains it's very difficult to choose one better option that I like more. Yum Brands has chains like

KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut worldwide. McDonalds is also a worldwide corporation that's known by basically everyone. It’s all fast food so all of it is pretty unhealthy to eat. I really like taco bell above all these restaurants. it’s so good and i can eat basically anything off the menu. it’s so convenient and so delicious how do you not love it?? Mcdonald’s is my childhood though so it really becomes a tough one. the fact someone died from eating it too much is a little scary though. but it’s real tasty every once in a while. The stock information shows that Mcdonald’s, SOMEHOW is doing much better than Yum, which makes no sense because overall Yum has more chains across the world. but people bandwagon into Mcdonald’s i guess. The revenue for mcdonald’s is much higher, a little over 4x higher. The growth percentage is also a little higher than Yum, and the EPS is significantly higher. My personal recommendation is to go with Mcdonald’s. i don't understand how it’s happening but it’s a safer and wiser investment if you’re looking to make a good amount of profit, which basically everybody is. so yeah go with mcdonald’s.

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