An Introduction To Dot Net Framework

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  • Words: 1,171
  • Pages: 29
.F N E ramew ork T AN


Presented By Shyam Srinivas K



 Introduction to .NET  Web Services  The .NET Framework  Common Language Runtime  Windows Forms  Web Forms  ADO.NET  Languages

Introduction o .NET


What is .NET ?

 A vision of how information technology will evolve  A platform that supports the vision  A business model of software as a service

Introduction o .NET


A Vision  Web sites will be joined by Web services  New smart devices will join the PC  User interfaces will become more adaptable and customizable  Enabled by Web standards

Introduction o .NET


Introduction o .NET


A PLATFORM - The .NET Framework - Visual Studio.NET - .NET Enterprise Servers Database, Messaging, Integration, Commerce, Proxy, Security, Mobility, Orchestration, Content Management - .NET Building Block Services Passport .NET My Services (“Hailstorm”) - Goal: make it incredibly easy to build powerful Web

Introduction o .NET


Features of .NET

 Support for 27 programming languages  Introduction of C# - combination of JAVA and C++  Departure from Intel-based code to CLR – Common Language Runtime  Core products – C#, CLR, WinForm, ASP.NET, ADO.NET  .NET makes extensive use of XML and SOAP  SOAP – can be used as substitute for EAI or middleware  Integrate front & back office, in addition to Web Services  Comparable to Sun’s J2EE

Introduction o .NET


Key Benefits of .NET Ease of Use Object-oriented model - Everything is an object Namespace and Framework structure - Easier to comprehend and use - Naming scheme of namespaces reflects the underlying functionality

Freedom to Choose The language that meets your needs The development tool that is best for you The “features and functionality” to “plug in to”

Introduction o .NET


Key Benefits of .NET (contd.)  Stability Say “goodbye” to memory leaks Garbage collection manages memory Assembly eliminates DLL compatibility issues Deliverables are restricted to an assembly

 Security Restricting or containing the illegal memory reference Comprehensive security model Assembly specific System wide Code inspection through MSIL

Introduction o .NET


Key Benefits of .NET (contd.)  Deployment and Management Deployment: Code is “Assembled” and Run “Securely” Maintenance: Version Maintenance Simplified

 Unified Experience Integrate disparate services into a new, unified solution

 Web Services  The Web the Way You Want It Anywhere Anytime On any device

Introduction o .NET


Who uses this Technology ?  Any company with a presence on the Internet or who uses the Internet as a means for data exchange  On-line retailers, development of wireless apps for non-PC devices  CSFB, Marks & Spencer, EDS, Trans World Entertainment.



 .NET is built on the idea of Web Services  It uses Framework classes, such as System.Web.Services System.Web.Services.Description System.Web.Services.Discovery

 It enables communication through open standards XML - Service description expressed with WSDL SOAP - Basic wire format - Universal Description Discovery Integration (UDDI)



The .NET ework


 A set of technologies for developing and using components to create:  Web Forms  Web Services  Windows Applications

 Supports the software lifecycle  Development

 Debugging  Deployment  Maintenance

The .NET ework


The .NET Framework and Visual Studio.NET

The .NET Fram e w o r k.NET Framework Classes System.Web

Services Description Discovery Protocols

UI HtmlControls

Caching Configuration

Security SessionState







System.Drawing Drawing2D Imaging


System.Data OLEDB Design


Printing Text



System Collections Configuration Diagnostics Globalization

IO Net Reflection Resources

Security ServiceProcess Text Threading

Runtime InteropServices Remoting Serialization

Common Language Runtime GOALS  Development services

- Deep cross-language interoperability - Increased productivity

 Deployment services - Simple, reliable deployment - Fewer versioning problems

 Run-time services - Performance - Scalability

- Availability

- Reliability

- Safety

- Security

Common Language Runtime COMPLILATION

Source Code

C++, C#, VB or any .NET language


Compiler csc.exe or vbc.exe


Common Language Runtime Assemblie  Assembly s

- Logical unit of deployment - Contains Manifest, Metadata, MSIL and resources

 Manifest - Metadata about the components in an assembly (version, types, dependencies, etc.)  Type Metadata - Completely describes all types defined in an assembly: properties, methods, arguments, return values, attributes, base classes, …  Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL, IL) - All languages compile to IL (managed code) - IL is always compiled to native code before being executed  Resources - E.g. .bmp, .jpg

Common Language Runtime Source code


Native code










Common Language Runtime JIT Compiler

Managed Code CLR Services

Managed CLR Code

Managed Code

Operating System Services

Unmanaged Code

Common Language Runtime Multiple Language Support  Common Type System (CTS) - A superset of the data types used by most modern programming languages

 Common Language Specification (CLS) - A subset of CTS that allows code written in different languages to interoperate

 What languages? - Microsoft: C++, Visual Basic, C#, JScript - Third-Party: Cobol, Eiffel, Smalltalk, Scheme, Oberon, Haskell, Java, Python, Perl, …

Common Language Runtime Application s  An application consists of one or more assemblies  How does one assembly bind to another? - Based upon metadata and policy Local (preferred) Assembly Global Cache

 Multiple versions of an assembly may exist on the same machine - Easier software deployment, updates and removal - Multiple versions of an assembly can even be used by the

Common Language Runtime Security  Evidence-based security (authentication)  Based on user identity and code identity  Configurable policies  Imperative and declarative interfaces

Windows rms 

  

Framework for building rich clients Built upon .NET Framework, languages Rapid Application Development (RAD) Visual inheritance Anchoring and docking Rich set of controls

Fo 


Easily hooked into Web Services

ActiveX support

Licensing support

Printing support

Advanced graphics

Extensible controls



 Allows separation of UI and business logic  Uses .NET languages

- Not just scripting

 Easy to use components  XCOPY/FTP deployment  Simple configuration (XML-based)  Caching (pages, fragments, custom)  Scalable session state management  Tracing support  ASP.NET is extensible - No ISAPI / ASP dichotomy  Automatic process rollover  Forms-based authentication

ADO.NET  Similar to ADO, but better factored  Language-neutral data access  Supports two styles of data access - Disconnected - Forward-only, read-only access

 Supports data binding  DataSet: a collection of tables  Can view and process data relationally (tables) or

Langua ges C#  New language created for .NET  Safe, productive evolution of C++  Key concepts: -

Component-oriented Everything is an object Robust and durable code Preserving your investment

 Submitted to ECMA for standardization  Uses .NET Framework classes

Langua ges Visual Basic . NET Modernizes and simplifies Visual Basic - Inheritance - Threading - Exception handling

Support for late binding Uses .NET Framework classes

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