An Interactive Triangle Kalamaria Report3rdmeetinghellas

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Office of School Professional Orientation of 1st General Lyceum of Kalamaria

Education and culture Lifelong Learning Programme GRUNDTVIG

An Interactive Triangle (Parents, Students, Teachers) Learning by doing The first day (Thursday 27/11/2008), in the morning we visited the Mayor’s Office and we had a discussion with the Mayor of Kalamaria about our Project. Afterwards, we had the first project meeting at the coordinator’s Office and we discussed about the process of the project. The Office of School Professional Orientation has been established for the first time with the law 2525/97 on the Education. 200 Offices are organized and staffed in entire Greece, in the schools of the Departments of Secondary Education. In 2003 270 new Offices were established and staffed in the schools of the Departments of Secondary Education. In 2005 100 new offices were also established. THEY ARE STAFFED From teachers specialised in the Counselling and Professional Orientation. THEY ALLOCATE Informative material about the education, the training and the job market in printed and electronic form. THEY ARE CONNECTED •  With the Ministry of Education •  With the data base of National Centre of Information •  With the Pedagogic Institute •  With the internet •  With the Advisory and Orientation Centers THEY ARE ADDRESSED •  To all students •  To candidates for the HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS, POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES, Greek Open University , but also to any other institution of training •  To parents •  To professors who apply the School Professional Orientation in their schools. •  To all young people THEY OFFER •  Advisory support in the students so that they take the better decisions on their future. •  Information with regard to the study, the professions and the job market. •  Support to professors that apply the School Professional Orientation in their schools. •  We offer support, precious help, reliable and valid information to students who are complicated to decide for the studies that they will follow. •  To young people who need information in questions of studies, training and job market •  To stressed parents about the studies and the professional future of their children. •  To professors who need help in order to be more effective in the application of the School Professional Orientation. THEY ORGANISE •  Informative meetings for parents and students on issues with regard to the studies and professions. •  Training seminars and meetings for the professors that apply the School Professional Orientation in their schools. •  Seminars for the teachers who elaborate Projects about the Career Education and Equality Subjects. THEY COLLABORATE •  With Local Municipality and Prefecture

•  With social, educational and professional institutions of region. •  With the National Centre of Information, the Ministry of Education and the Pedagogic Institute. •  With the Centre of Research about Equality Subjects. In the evening we visited the 13th and the 5th Evening Vocational Lyceums. The Vocational Lyceums offer general education and also vocational training. The graduates of Vocational Lyceums will have the possibility of access not only in the Technological Education Institutes, but also in the universities. The Vocational Lyceums will be distinguished in daily and “evening” Schools. The study in daily Schools will last three years and in “evening” four years. The graduates of High school (Gymnasium) will be registered in Class A’ without examinations. The curriculum of Class A’ aims at the rendering of general education and basic techno-professional knowledge. The students apart from the courses of general education will select a circle of courses of allied professional sectors. The sectors will be determined by the Pedagogical Institute. The graduates of Class Β΄ have the possibility to be registered to Class B’ of General Lyceum, reverse can also the graduates of Class B’ of General Lyceum. The students of Class C’ attend courses of general education, which will be the same with that they are taught in the General Lyceums and they are examined in National Level examinations. Thus, the students of Vocational Lyceums have the possibility to be admitted in universities and Technological Education Institutes. Otherwise they will receive a licence to practice their profession or will continue in the Vocational Training Institutes. The second day (Friday 28/11/2008) we visited the Office of Students’ and Parents’ Counseling and Psychological Support of the Municipality of Kalamaria and we discussed with the psychologists about the approaches they use with children and parents. After we had a project meeting and every partner presented all the activities done till the previous meeting in Agri. We had a debate on our particular and common activities according to the plan, the outputs of the project and we discussed about the outputs in respect of the project activities, we worked together in the framework of our common aims and we talked about the questionnaire and compared each partner’s results. In the evening we continued the project meeting and Mr. Apellis Ioannidis presented our common web site and we discussed about next meeting and the activities to be continued. The third day (Saturday 29/11/2008) we had a guided sightseeing of Thessalonica the capital of Macedonia and second largest city of Greece. It was first established in 316 B.C. by Kassandros and named after his wife, Thessaloniki, half sister of Alexander the Great. The city has a big history and many monuments such as Byzantine churches, museums, the upper city with the walls, the White Tower and all the monuments from ancient and Byzantine period. Thessalonica was the second most important city of the Byzantine Empire, next to Constantinople, and is full of beautiful examples of Byzantine art and architecture. Today Thessalonica is a modern city with old houses and neoclassical buildings. The fourth day was Sunday 30/11/2008 and we continued the sightseeing in Kalamaria. The fifth day (Monday 1/12/2008) we had a conducted tour at 1st General Lyceum of Kalamaria and after we had a workshop based on the two seminars titled “A short seminar of human relationships” and “Self fulfilling Prophecy” led by the Counsellor of the Office Mrs Efi Saripoulou. After the workshop the Czech group attended an English Language lesson led by Mrs Tzeni Abadzi. Afterwards we had the feedback and evaluation of the meeting. At night we had a farewell dinner.

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