An Integrated Approach To Costs Management

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 840
  • Pages: 48
An Integrated Approach to Costs Management


Increased accuracy and clarity of costs estimates

Increased accuracy and clarity of costs estimates Providing meaningful costs estimates, schedules and bills of costs to the court

Increased accuracy and clarity of costs estimates Providing meaningful costs estimates, schedules and bills of costs to the court Where the actual costs vary from the estimate, allowing litigants, their lawyers and the courts to see clearly where the variations have occurred


Estimates have yet to become authoritative or reliable

Estimates have yet to become authoritative or reliable Difficulty in comparing estimates with actual costs incurred on a like-for-like basis

Estimates have yet to become authoritative or reliable Difficulty in comparing estimates with actual costs incurred on a like-for-like basis Absence of a consistent system of identifying cost categories from estimate to time recording through to assessment

Estimates have yet to become authoritative or reliable Difficulty in comparing estimates with actual costs incurred on a like-for-like basis Absence of a consistent system of identifying cost categories from estimate to time recording through to assessment

Estimates have yet to become authoritative or reliable Difficulty in comparing estimates with actual costs incurred on a like-for-like basis Absence of a consistent system of identifying cost categories from estimate to time recording through to assessment Items grouped by activity (eg drafting, attending, telephoning) rather than by task


By referencing standard tasks:

By referencing standard tasks: – The estimate can be prepared

By referencing standard tasks: – The estimate can be prepared – Time and other costs can be recorded

By referencing standard tasks: – The estimate can be prepared – Time and other costs can be recorded – The claim for costs can be prepared and then assessed

Only with such a standardised set of task descriptions can an effective comparison be made and any proper analysis be taken between:

Only with such a standardised set of task descriptions can an effective comparison be made and any proper analysis be taken between: – The comparative costs (whether estimated or actual) of each party

Only with such a standardised set of task descriptions can an effective comparison be made and any proper analysis be taken between: – The comparative costs (whether estimated or actual) of each party – The estimated and actual costs of a single party

A standardised set of tasks will have to cater for:

A standardised set of tasks will have to cater for: – All parties to the litigation, whether they be claimant, defendant, respondent, interested party or others

A standardised set of tasks will have to cater for: – All parties to the litigation, whether they be claimant, defendant, respondent, interested party or others – All types of litigation

For convenience each task will be ascribed a standard code.

A unified and standardised set of tasks must represent a balance between on the one hand a set of tasks optimised for estimating and on the other hand a set optimised for time recording and assessment of actual cost


Standardised Codes

Preparation of Case Plan & Cost Estimate

Standardised Codes

Preparation of Case Plan & Cost Estimate

Disclosure of Estimates

Standardised Codes

Preparation of Case Plan & Cost Estimate

Disclosure of Estimates

Standardised Codes

Case Management by the Court

Preparation of Case Plan & Cost Estimate

Disclosure of Estimates

Case Management by the Court

Standardised Codes

Time Recording by Fee Earners

Preparation of Case Plan & Cost Estimate

Disclosure of Estimates

Case Management by the Court

Standardised Codes

Time Recording by Fee Earners

Preparation of Case Plan & Cost Estimate

Disclosure of Estimates

Case Management by the Court

Standardised Codes

Time Recording by Fee Earners Review of Costs Sought Against Estimate

Preparation of Case Plan & Cost Estimate

Disclosure of Estimates

Case Management by the Court

Standardised Codes

Time Recording by Fee Earners Review of Costs Sought Against Estimate

Periodic Review of Cumulative Costs

Preparation of Case Plan & Cost Estimate

Disclosure of Estimates

Case Management by the Court

Standardised Codes

Time Recording by Fee Earners End Review

Review of Costs Sought Against Estimate

Periodic Review of Cumulative Costs

Preparation of Case Plan & Cost Estimate

Estimates “Knowledge Bank”

Disclosure of Estimates

Case Management by the Court

Standardised Codes

Time Recording by Fee Earners End Review

Review of Costs Sought Against Estimate

Periodic Review of Cumulative Costs

Standardised Codes and Assumptions

Identify Assumptions

Standardised Codes and Assumptions

Identify Assumptions

Standardised Codes and Assumptions

Identify Assumptions

Standardised Codes and Assumptions

Identify Assumptions

Standardised Codes and Assumptions

Identify Assumptions

Standardised Codes and Assumptions

Identify Assumptions

Prepare Case Plan and Cost Estimate

Standardised Codes and Assumptions

Identify Assumptions

Prepare Case Plan and Cost Estimate

Standardised Codes and Assumptions

Identify Assumptions

Prepare Case Plan and Cost Estimate

Standardised Codes and Assumptions

Submitted to Court and Other Side


Standardised Tasks


Actual Costs

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