An Astute Of An Invisible

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 5
An astute of an Invisible By Aditya Bastola An embryo of Pune’s Red Light Area The growing epidemic of HIV/AIDS and the global concern for prevention of the disease, few women from the ostracised part of the Pune city initated an association of women in sex work, for the women and by the women in the year 1998. Today this association of women in sex work is known by Saheli HIV/AIDS Karyakarta Sangh. The Sangh aims to bring women in sex work together and to solve their problems by taking initiatives to achieve their rights as human beings. Given the fact from the date of establishment, the organisation has undergone various changes. The organisation was established with a good feeling of the women in sex work living in the red light area to protect other women against HIV/AIDS infection, inhuman treatment of the brothel keepers, and to protect their children from being victims of second generation trafficking1. During this process, members of Saheli Sangh had to overcome the heartless treatment from their own community, the brothel keepers did not welcome the members of the Sangh, considering as a threat, that would impede on their business, women living in the brothel would be persuaded and be more knowledgeful to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS, which means going against the will of the customers2, and eventually reduction in 1

Second Generation Trafficking is a term used when a child of a woman in sex work is trafficked for sex work purpose. 2

In terms of condom usage and other roles which they might have to perform to satisfy the customers.

business. Since every woman living in the red light area are at one time trafficked or been deceived with the hope of getting jobs leading to ‘good –life’ in the city which are planted by the media and other sources, but which all too often turn out to be false notions masking a lack of real opportunity. Some of them are sold by their own husband or at the most pushed on their own will due to growing rural hardship as well as of a decline in public-sector employment, both of which have contributed to falling livelihood opportunities amongst lowincome groups.3 As stated above, with growing rural hardships and the withdrawal of state intervention, the economic reform stimulates demand for paid sex, and might at times also bolstered the supply of sex-workers.4 Once the woman brought to the red light area, she lives on shared basis and if trafficked she pays with huge amount of loan to the brothel keeper. When she is purchased from the traffickers to work in a brothel, the price paid effectively becomes her own debt, with earnings shared on a 50/50 basis with the gharwalis (brothel keeper). She also has to pay the rent for her lodging and cover her living expenses, as well as support any children and at times also remit money home to her family. Thus, with the rates paid by customers in some cases as low as Rs 20, a woman may be effectively trapped both in poverty and the sex-


Today there are approximately 5000 women living in the red light area and approximately 3000 – 4000 women operating as non-brothel based women in sex work. 4 or Title: “People Just like You: Don’t Blame it on the Sex Workers”, by Aditya Bastola.

trade for her entire working life.5 While staying in the brothel, the conditions are laid by the brothel keepers and their so-called lovers or also at times by the pimps. These conditions restrict the mobility of the women and if she is the member of the organisation and work for other women in sex work, the conditions compels her to find another accomodation, in this process she once again becomes unhoused. For any Indian living in an area more than 5 – 10 years have the right to vote for that constituency. The women in sex work have been living in that area everknown. Despite of provisions and rights proclaimed under the Constitution of India, they still donot have the right to live. The women in sex work have no right to vote; often their rights are not recognised. Infact, the women are not accepted as legitimate citizens of the nation. The women in sex work do not have any possession of ration card. When approached to the Government Officials, they are firstly stigmatised for being a sex worker, then they are called on appointment basis, which indeed the meeting never occur. Legitimately for the provision of voting rights, a woman has to produce relevant documents supporting the proof of residence. In this case, the house where the woman lives is rented and managed by a brothel keeper. There is no contract which the woman undertakes. This increases her vulnerability towards the extreme extent of poverty; her rights are not recognised and thus become susceptible to the abuse of the local police at the vicinity. Prosecution requires that sex workers testify against traffickers and third parties like pimps and brothel owners. Since the livelihood of 5


these women depend on these third parties, they are extremely unwilling to do so, which makes their prosecution almost impossible.6 As a result huge sum of money is bribed to the local police for continued existence. Like wise under the ITPA (Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act) Amendment Bill, the provision to punish clients visiting brothels under the new Section 5C threatens the very survival of sex workers. Interestingly the Amendment Bill ignores the profound reality to support children and families, the sex workers may be compelled to accept any client who comes their way, notwithstanding health and safety concerns. Furthermore, sex work will be pushed underground, making it difficult for each one of us to access HIV/AIDS prevention services. 7 Collective of Age Reflecting on these issues of livelihood of a woman in sex work, Saheli Sangh consisting of members from the same sex work community in Pune city had the determination of breaking the barrier of silence and providing the woman a space where she could voice her rights against all form of stigmatisation. The members of the Sangh initiated their work with escorting other women for health care to various government clinics and hospitals. The message of HIV/AIDS was spread through doorto-door visit at the brothel level. The informants used various techniques to transmit the knowledge about the care and support of 6

Saheli Sangh, BASELINE Report, UNDP – TAHA (Prevention of Trafficking against young girls and women and HIV/AIDS) Project, November 2006. 7


HIV/AIDS and significantly the right procedures of using the condom. Primarly the Peer Educators or also the members of the Sangh, focus on increasing the negotiation skill of the women in sex work.

Condoms has been introducted to the women in sex work since May 2007. This has enhanced the negotiation skills of the women in sex work and prevented the spread of HIV/AIDS at a nominal level. The line chart presented as Distribution of Female and Male Condoms, reveals over the six months period (April to September 2007) of promoting female condoms at the red light area. The data highlights although male condoms are distributed free of cost there is less demand as compared to Female condoms, which is priced.

Given the fact of most women being in debt trap, they at times feel miserable of falling into the clutches of the brothel keeper, as a result in order to pay off the debt immediately, most women perform roles as per the customer’s preferences of having unprotected sex. Such practices increase the vulnerability of the women for being infected by the epidemic. The reasons for high demand of female Moreover, the other factor to enable the condoms are, the female condoms being negotiation skills of the women in sex work is protective when women have to encounter when they are involved with their non-paying with alcoholic customers, who are often at sexual partner and regular clients and at times uncontrollable stage of wearing condoms and also referred as so-called also due ‘lovers’. Many of the latter to the Distribution of Female and Male Condoms group are in search of not denial of simply sex, but also the so35 seemingly of love and called 30 25 affection, whether due to ‘lovers’ to Male 20 unmarried status, because use male %15 Female 10 they are lonely migrant condoms. 5 labourers, or as a response As a 0 to some family conflict. result, Such regular clients, with the together with non-paying availability Six Months Period sexual partners, often of female constitute the only men condoms, with whom women in sextoday work are able to form meaningful most women who are compelled to perform sex 8 relationships. Today with the efforts of with alcoholic customers and their lovers prefer Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion to use female condoms to protect themselves. Trust (HLFPPT) and Saheli Sangh, Female The female sex workers from the area often perform sex work even during their 8 Taken from or menstruation period. This increases the Title: “People Just infection vulnerability towards various diseases like You: Don’t Blame it on the Sex Workers”, by such as STIs and HIV. Hence with the Aditya Bastola. distribution of female condoms, women from

the red light area report of having high demand for its usage during the menstruation period. Thus, the data generated through the distribution of condoms clearly indicate an increase in the negotiation skills of the women in sex work.

Male members from the mainstream community. The male members seeking medical help at times are also so-called ‘lovers’ of the women in sex work, or are general members who are ignorant about the facilities provided through the government hospitals.

Similarly as a collective Saheli Sangh has not only been able to increase the negotiation skills, but also have an immediate impact in reduction of patients referred for HIV testing. The data from the table Distribution of T.B. and HIV Referrals indicate that in the month of April 2007 there was a higher percentage (55) of women in sex work referred for HIV – VCTC (Voluntary Counselling and Testing Centre) to Government Hospital as compared to the month of September 2007 (0). The reason for lower proportion of HIV referrals states that, due to higher increase in awareness about the usage of condom and especially with the availability of female condoms amongst the women in sex work, its demand and vis-a-vis the usage has increased. This has result for a fall in women reporting the symptoms of HIV to the counsellor appointed at the organisation.

The road not taken

It is interesting to note that there is a steady increase in patients reporting symptoms of Tuberculosis, 12.5 % to 25 %. At the DIC (Drop in Centre), it is mainly observed that the patients often referred for Tuberculosis are

Despite of mere results, today the Sangh as members of ostracised community have been able to lobby with various stereotype individuals for the provision of basic human rights. At present approximately 125 women are provided with ration cards and 50 women have the right to vote. The process to provide other women their basic rights is still in progress at respective government offices. Furthermore, the collective have placed a monitoring mechanism of reporting abuse that occurs at brothels and the police stations. There is Legal Aid Cell established with the assistence of Law Students from various law colleges in Pune City who provide the necessary legal support to the women in sex work especially when they are arrested under false charges. Irrespective of being disenfranchised and dehumanised, the collective of women in sex work have initated with their own financial support a Crèche which provide shelter to the children of women in sex work, and at times a space for the women in need of dwelling and medical care if discriminated at government hospitals. The Crèche of the collective has also

been a rescue ground for many children, and prevention of the second generation trafficking. At present there are 24 children living in the Day and Night Crèche. Given the fact of the economic status and the impoverished conditions of a woman in sex work, she still has a propensity to spend more on her cosmetics due to a believe to attract more clients, and pay off the debts, unfortunately forgetting the high interest rate and the method of calculations, because 95 % of the women in sex work in Pune are illiterate. This often acts as a double sword in the life of a woman in sex work. Understanding these factors, the women’s collective initiated saving groups, today there are 4 such groups who save and borrow money at times of admitting their children at residential homes, meeting the health care needs especially while living as a victim of HIV/AIDS or remit money home to her family. Saving groups having a limited coverage and a lengthy process, the Sangh launched a Cooperative, which was easily accessible to all women in the red light area. At present there are 100 women as members of the cooperative. The Saheli Cooperative has also emerged as a sister organisation of the Sangh. Nevertheless, to provide care and support, the collective have established the only People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) group in Pune City consisting of women in sex work. The urgency was felt when the needs of other PLHA groups differed and discrimination still persisted amongst this network. Though the road may not be taken, envision has taken place.

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